Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Neutron lasers and neutrino beams are the next-generation tools.

Neutron lasers are neutron clouds that are trapped in magnetic tanks. And the main problem with that system is how to get neutrons. The powerful magnetic field can trap neutrons from nuclear reactors. Neutrons are polar particles so the magnetic system can pull them backward slowing their speed. And then the magnetic field can lock neutrons in a magnetic chamber or tank. 

Those systems have based on the idea that when neutrons are stressed with the energy they send neutron radiation. Those neutrons will capture from nuclear reactors. Then in the middle of the tank is the group of neutrons that are put in line. Then the energy will pump to those hovering neutrons. The neutron cloud that surrounds those entangled neutrons will pump energy to them. And they send neutron radiation in both directions.

Below: A diagram of the neutron laser.  

3         VV

1 (***********)

2 >>>>>>>>>

1 (**********)

3       AA

The diagram of the neutron laser is 

1) Neutron cloud

2) Linear positioned neutrons 

3) Outcoming energy 

The outcoming energy stress neutron cloud surrounds linear neutrons. And the beam is forming in that part of the system. Maybe a magnetic field can use to trap those neutrons in the laser system. If that is possible. The neutron laser can be a reality. And neutron-lasers can use as a model for neutrino lasers. 

Image 2) The system used to create the most powerful neutrino beam. " The design of the experiment is elegant — produce neutrinos and measure them at Fermilab, send them straight through 1,300 kilometers of earth, then measure them again in giant liquid-argon detectors at Sanford Lab. Credit: Fermilab". (Phys.org/How do you make the world's most powerful neutrino beam?) In image 2 you can see how difficult is to create a neutrino beam. And that means capturing those particles is even more difficult. 

Neutrino beam can use to research protons.

New sensors in Fermilab were used to test the ability to create a neutrino-particle beam. If that particle beam or "neutrino-ion cannon" is possible to create. That thing allows observing things like the proton's internal structures. The name of that test system is MINERvA. And it's the beginning of the next-generation detectors that can scan subatomic particles' internal structure. 

Neutrinos are ghost particles with very weak interaction. That means they can travel through entire planets without touching anything. And that makes it very hard to detect them. Because neutrinos are particles, they can use to send similar radiation to neutrons. But neutrino radiation is a very short wave. There is a possibility that some kind of magnetic field can trap neutrinos in the chamber. And then powerful radiation will aim at that neutrino cloud. 

When radiation stimulation ends. Neutrinos are sent similar radiation with neutrons. Neutrino beams can use to detect the internal structures of protons. Or they can use "super X-ray" systems that can see many things that are impossible to see another way. Another version is to use neutrinos like ion cannons use ions. But the problem is that neutrinos are not following magnetic fields with very high accuracy. 

Capturing neutrinos in a chamber is not a very easy mission. But if that is possible. It can create a new type of instrument that can observe the internal structures of protons. 






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