Dwarf planet Quaoar is the gravitational center in its environment. The gravitational effect of that dwarf planet is minimal. But gravitation always acts the same way. So the same effect that forms a ring-system around giant planets forms the ring around dwarf planet Quaoar.
The formation of the ring system depends on the Roche limit, the strength of gravitation, and the distance from the sun. Also, the gravitational effect of other planets and dwarf planets affects those rings. The requirement for forming the ring system is the solar wind's strength compared to the planet's or gravitational center's gravitation field's strength.
The reason why Earth has no ring is that solar wind just blows those particles away. The reason why Quaoar has rings is that solar wind in that distance is so weak. Those particles will anchor around Quaoar. There is a possibility that almost all objects in the Kuiper belt have ring systems.
The thing, that makes those ring systems interesting is that astronomers can use them to observe suddenly impacting energy waves. Those energy waves impact with those rings that are orbiting weak gravitational centers. And those energy impulses affect of trajectories of those rings. Professor Heikki Salo from the University of Oulu played a key role in that research. So congrats to Oulu.
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