If gravitational interaction is similar to quantum entanglement. The model of that effect is simple. The black hole (or other dominating) gravitational center sends gravitational waves to the recessive target. And then those gravitational waves are syncronizing the recessive gravitational field forming quantum entaglement-type interaction.
Then that gravitational version of the quantum entanglement starts to pull the object that energy level is higher to the gravitational center. At first, this model seems not working because the black hole should be at a lower gravitational energy level than the particle that orbits it. But then we can think that the gravitation is similar to the weak nuclear force.
The W and Z-boson interaction is that another of those bosons is pushing and another is pulling protons and neutrons together. So if we think that gravitons are Z and W gravitons or particle pairs we can model gravitational interaction. At the first pulling, gravitons are making that interaction. Then the energy level in those objects increases.
And the lower energy level in the black hole starts to pull the recessive object in it. Or in some other models, the gravitation pulls plasma behind the recessive object into it. And that thing causes the situation that the plasma flow can pull an object into a black hole.
But then we can think about the quantum gravitational fields around particles that form the material. There is the possibility that the quantum gravitational fields that surround all particles are forming quantum tornados between them and dominating the gravitational field. In that model, the quantum vacuum-, or a quantum low-pressure form a situation that moves- or sucks all particles to the gravitational center.
Fast-rotating black holes act like pumps. They are pulling objects inside them but mainly from their equators. The poles of black holes are pushing radiation away from black holes. The thing is that. The black hole is like a thermal pump that conducts energy into the middle of it. And then there is the gravitational maser effect that transmits information away from the black hole from its poles.
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