Monday, February 6, 2023

The new artificial plume robot can act as the ultimate observation tool.

The new light-driven robot looks like a plume. Its controllers control that machine by using light. The robot itself looks like a plume. That makes it very interesting. The artificial plume can land on the human body and observe things like neural electric signals. That new nano- or miniature robot can operate along with quadcopters that are transmitting signals to it. 

The light gives power to that robot, but the same light can use to give commands to that robot's tiny computers. And that means they can slip into houses and other things. Those tiny robots can interact with larger quadcopters. And they can be the ultimate couple in the recon missions. 

Miniature robots are always very interesting tools. And there are many problems with those systems. But those systems have a big opportunity in observation, recon, and all kinds of things. 

The first one is how to make microchips that are agile enough. Those miniature robots can collect samples from liquids like oils. They can check if the person is alive. And they can also operate as recon and intelligence missions. If those systems have seismic sensors they can listen to the surface oscillation and send that data to the headquarters which can be on another side of the Earth. 

The large group of miniature robots can also use to fix holes in the ship's hull or even in flying aircraft. The miniature robots will cover the hole and act as the support structure for repairing compression. And that kind of thing can make many things safer in the future. The field of miniature robots is unlimited. The imagination limits the use of those systems. 

They can observe chemicals or animals in nature. The miniature robots can make recon and intelligence missions. They can place themselves in the clothes and slip into the targeted building.  Those robots can slip into the computers and then send all data from those systems to their operators. The miniature robots can also use to give things like botulinum injections to targeted people. And that kinds of things are making them extremely dangerous. 

Miniaturized robots are the next-generation tools for many things like sensing air pollution, and searching for fire in buildings. Observe rooms and tack unauthorized people. Or they can simply observe air quality in tomorrow's buildings.

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