Saturday, April 30, 2022

Can a hypothetical tachyon be the thing that forms photons?


Byt the way, this image above this text could introduce the situation that the hypothetical tachyon particle drops from the fourth dimension to our third dimension. That ring could be the shock wave that the tachyon forms when its speed decreases under the speed of light. Then that particle forms the Higgs boson and the power field that is like the lens.

That lens focuses on the radiation that comes from the higher dimension to one point. And the question is could that thing in the focus be the photon. So that means the photon's form can be like the parallel bites of wave movement or superstrings. That could explain why the photon has no mass. The energy or information travels from photons so fast that this thing cannot interact. 

The particles that are in the highest possible energy level in the third dimension can make quantum entanglement with the particles that are at the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. And we can think that the hypothetical tachyon is on the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. The reason why we cannot see tachyon is simple. When that particle drops from the fourth dimension it transforms into some other particles like the Higgs boson. And there is the possibility. 

That photon is the particle that is released when the tachyon impacts with the third dimension. So tachyon exists only in the fourth dimension. And the reason for that is that the hypothetical particle has so high an energy level that the third dimension cannot close it inside it. When tachyon drops out from the fourth dimension. Its existence as tachyon ends. The existence of a tachyon requires so high energy level that this particle jumps to the fourth dimension. 

The key element of that theory is that the fourth dimension is the energy level. So when the hypothetical tachyon drops to the third dimension it loses its energy forming the shock wave. When we are saying that the particle drops from the fourth dimension we can say that it loses so much energy that the fourth dimension cannot keep it inside. 

So tachyon drops to the third dimension. In that process, it loses energy so fast that the shock wave is forming. The energy flows from higher energy points to lower energy areas. The thing that can make the tachyon drop to the third dimension is that it makes quantum entanglement with the particle that is in the third dimension. 

And that thing means that the particle in the third dimension pulls that tachyon from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. When that thing happens the particle releases its energy in the form of wave movement. That wave movement can be the thing that focuses photons in our spacetime.

The new experiments can prove a new theory. That information is the fifth state of matter.

Is information like the rubber band ring around the photon? In that model, the information is like a ring around a photon. That explains why a photon that has no mass can cheer energy. So the information would be like the ring around the photon. And that thing causes an idea that information itself has mass. So the shape of the information could be like a ring-shaped superstring. 

Could information be the fifth state of matter? The fact is that the information can have mass. And that thing makes it the state of the matter. So if that thing is real it would fundamental physics and everything that we know. And the question is what is information? We know that photons have no mass. Are connected with information. But when we are shooting photons at the object that increases the mass of that object. The massless particle cannot increase the mass of the matter. 

If information is the state of matter, we could someday create the information engine. The idea of the information engine is that it uses pure information or a hypothetical ring-shaped structure that surrounds photons for thrust. The thing is engine could win even a photonic rocket in speed if information can be separated from photons. And that thing requires that the ring exists and information is the state of matter. 

The idea is similar to hypothetical gamma-ray rockets that use gamma rays for thrust. The idea of the gamma-ray engine is that the gamma-ray that has an extremely short wavelength will be driven through the superpositioned and entangled particles. 

The system should work like the quantum-size waltzing machine that pushes that gamma-ray straight from. If that thing is possible the straight gamma-ray would impact through atoms. And because the diameter of that straight wave movement is so small that allows the straight wave movement can reach extremely high speed. And it could travel even faster than photons. 

We know that photons have different states of energy. But the problem is why that energy doesn't affect the mass of the photon? If we want to describe information as the fifth element we must describe its shape. The thing that can explain this thing is the idea that information is like the ring around a photon. 

That means the information is like some kind of rubber band ring around that photon. And that could explain why the photon doesn't have mass but can transport energy. 

Or the photon might hover inside the quantum field that pushes it above or away from other particles. There is the possibility that energy travels through that quantum field and forms the pushing effect on the other side from the energy stress. So energy travels across the quantum bubble of the photon. 

And then that energy wave creates impact waves that travel to another particle. That are pushing photons away from other objects. When the power of those impact waves increases they are transferring their energy to other particles. 

The thing that makes people think that some kind of ring around the photon is transmitting information is the photovoltaic phenomenon. If the particle has no mass it cannot push electrons away from their trajectory. So is information the quantum field or quantum ring around the photon? There is the possibility that information is a 2D structure that orbits the photon.


Image 1)

The "Starship" space shuttle is one of the most capable space systems in the world.

The "Starship" is the next-generation shuttle. And it can operate almost everywhere because of its VTOL system. The state-of-art computers with advanced artificial intelligence make that kind of shuttle suitable for manned and unmanned missions. 

The high-power computers are making those shuttles very independently operating. Those systems can lift off and land "Starship" automatically. And the "Starship" makes its mission without land crew assistance. So it can capture and return broken satellites. 

The highly advanced AI makes it possible that "Starship" needs only the mission profile. And then the remote controller- or crew member pushes the button. The AI will drive that spacecraft to the point where its goal is. 

That large-scale space shuttle can operate as a space transportation system, and it can carry astronauts to space. It can deliver satellites and other things to the orbiter. The large-size spacecraft can also control the swarms of orbital repairing robots. 

In that case, the man-looking robots that are making repairings for satellites and manned space stations can borrow the computing capacity of the spacecraft. Those repairing robots are acting as a swarm and form the neural network but the large spacecraft can also assist those systems. 

The repairing robot or "EVA" (Enhanced Vehicle Application)-unit might look like a flashlight that has hands. The system operates with rocket engines. And basically, those systems are using similar neural network-based computing that is used in robot swarms. Some of those units are looking like astronauts. They have space suits for protecting their electronics against the solar wind. 

But the "Starship" can use also as a large-scale automatized or manned laboratory. The system would operate under remote control. And that allows making tests also by using poisonous bacteria. The craft can bring those cell cultures back to Earth. Also, those large-scale systems can operate even for years in space. That system can send to the asteroid belt and take samples from there. 

Also, the "Starship" type large-scale space system can have many other missions. They can use to return broken satellites to Earth. And that can keep the orbiting trajectory clean. But also the military personnel can use that kind of craft for returning their spy and other classified satellites to Earth. That denies the hostile operators to get the classified information from those wrecks. Also, the researchers can search for the reasons, why those satellites are broken. So in the laboratory, the crew can search if some spy satellites broke because of ASAT (Anti-satellite) weapon. 

The most dangerous ideas about that kind of large-size spacecraft are weapon applications. Space shuttles are easy to weaponize. And they can use against satellites. Or space shuttles can be dangerous to any target on Earth. 

The spacecraft can drop bombs from the orbiter. Those bombs can be conventional smart weapons that are equipped with the capsule. That allows them to travel through the atmosphere. Or it can deliver robot swarms to the atmosphere. 

There is an interesting theory. That some UFOs are quadcopters that are equipped with stealth shields. Or maybe those shields are making it possible that those quadcopters can shoot to the operational area by using rockets or satellites. 

That spacecraft can shoot those quadcopters into the atmosphere by using pressurized air or rocket boosters. Those quadcopters can cover by the heat shield. And that heat shield can also be made by using stealth technology. 

If those drones are armed, that means they are the most dangerous weapons in the world. They can be used against individual persons. Those quadcopters are excellent assassination tools. 

And that means in the wrong hands. The "Starship" type concepts are extremely dangerous tools. The advancing computer and communication technology make also this kind of negative vision possible. The satellite-controlled drones are dangerous weapons that operators can control even from the other side of the world. And those drones can equip with pistols or rifles which makes them capable weapons in the wrong hands.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Writing about the UFOs, and their shape.

We all read about the UFOs and their shape. The shape of the system means something. And when we are thinking that there are two main different types of UFOs: the saucer and cylinder. So is the cylinder-shaped thing like a cluster unit that delivers the saucer-shaped sub-crafts to the area. 

That thing could carry the saucers inside it. And then deliver them to the operational area. The cylinder-shaped object looks like a rocket, and it can deliver those saucers from it. The engine of that system can be modular. The saucers could have the tunnel through them. And that tunnel acts as the ion motor. The images in this text are taken from the Net, and I don't know are they real. 

We might think that the cylinder-shaped UFO is the carrier device for the smaller, saucer-shaped UFOs. There is a wild theory that the cylinder-shaped UFO is the Tipler cylinder. In that system, the fast-rotating plasma will make the time dilation. There is the possibility that all UFOs have a mast. And maybe that mast is created to connect those saucer-shaped crafts to one piece. 

Then those smaller saucer-shaped systems are forming the large-size entirety. In theories or theoretical models, there is a channel through those saucers. In that channel is the particle accelerator that pulls ions into it. If those saucers are connected to series nothing limits the length of that ion acceleration channel. 

And then, those saucer-shaped UFOs will be put to series in the cylinder. When those systems are needed the cylinder will release those saucers. The modular structure where small units are forming bigger entirety is making it possible that the long-term missions will be successful. If one part of the entirety is destroyed. Others will continue their work. 

Where are UFOs coming from? Nobody knows. But they are inspired by one of the most interesting versions of the space shuttles ever created. That innovative and futuristic system is the saucer-shaped craft that uses fusion power. That system was a little bit too complicated for the 1970s technology. But it's a good example of innovative solutions that can be true someday. 

In some theoretical models, there are saucer-shaped probes that can research the solar system. The idea is simple. There is a "Tokamak" type fusion reactor at the outer edge of that shuttle. Then there is the laser that is used to aim the radiation in a certain direction. The laser-ray is like the clock hand that is disturbing the energy symmetry of the plasma flow in Tokamak. 

When an incoming laser ray hits to plasma ring it creates a high-energy point in that plasma wheel. That means the radiation that travels outside will turn stronger at that point. And the laser ray can aim very fast. That thing allows the craft could change its course very fast. The problem was that the fusion reactor was not working.

Is technological singularity the next step for humanity?

The allegory of the cave is one of the most well-known philosophical examples. The idea is that. If people see only the cave's wall the cave is their entire world. All information that people in the cave get delivered by some other people. That means the goodwill of those people determines what kind of information those people in that cave get. 

So we can say that Plato's Allegory of the cave is the first case of synthetic reality. What differentiates the people in Plato's cave from the people who are serving in the underground nuclear weapon facilities? The fact is that those people who are serving in those underground facilities get also information that other people want to share with them. In the modern nuclear center, high-tech screens have replaced the shadows on the walls. But the set is the same as that cave about 500 B.C. The screen just transmits information to people who are fully isolated. 

Allegory of the cave (Wikipedia)

Internet is the next-generation Plato's cave. If somebody wants that tool would use to deliver filtered and corrupted information. The case that some person would sit in a place where are no windows entire life? The only way how to get information would be a computer. That case would be like Plato's cave allegory. 

The information that this hypothetical person gets. Could be fully controlled. Like the shadows on a cave's walls, the internet would deliver information that might be true or false. The information that this person gets would be true or it could be grotesque. 

 What if we would stay in one building and one room our entire life? What if our only contact with the outer world would be the internet? When we are thinking about theories like synthetic reality, which claims the entire universe is a simulation, we might ask why that thing is done? 

If we would close people in the closed bunker and use the simulated, and synthetic reality. We might claim that those people are Adam and Eve. And the person who created the enhanced or virtual reality is God. In that case, the idea of the simulated or synthetic reality is to train those persons for their ultimate mission. 

The technological singularity is based on implanted neural circuits. Those microchips make the nervous system interact with the internet. And that means the person would not even know what is reality. And what is virtual reality? When we think about movies like "Matrix" where people die in real life, when they die in the virtual life is possible by using the existing technology. The requirement for that kind of thing is that a small explosive device is implanted inside the player's body. 

And when the character that this person controls dies the explosive destroys also the physical player. Or the player sits on an electric chair. And when the player's avatar dies. That activates those electric chairs. When we are thinking of the case that the person is connected to the internet all the life. That person would not even know what real reality looks like. There is one very interesting and the most extreme theory about existence. 

That theory is called the "Simulated universe theory". We know that there is a 50% possibility that this theory is true. But then the thing that fights against that theory is the motive. Why somebody would make that kind of virtual place called the universe? The origin of that theory is in Plato's cave.

The people who would see only the cave. Where they are. Believe, that the shadows of the wall are true. Their entire world would be in that cave. And then the persons who would live in that cave for their entire life would believe that the cave is their entire world. There are many versions of that allegory. And in the modern version, there are people inside the nuclear shelter, deep underground. Those people have not seen the world at all without technical filters.

The internet delivers all information that those people get. That means those people can believe that they are on another planet. All things that they see happen on the screens. 

But we know that reality is reality. 

The idea of the simulated reality is taken from the nuclear command centers. Those extreme underground facilities communicate with surface systems by using extremely secured communication lines. There is introduced an idea that what if somebody will claim that outside is the nuclear war. Then the system shows that personnel the fake film about the launch of the nuclear weapons. 

And then they would get faked information about the highly polluted Earth. The persons who are in that center would get the faked information about the destruction of the civilization. So would they come to the surface for checking that thing? There is an urban legend that some of those facilities tried to launch. And then the entrance of that center was buried. That means that there are people in the underground facility who believe that they are the only people on Earth.

 There are many versions of that urban legend. Some people are born in those underground facilities. And whose only contact with the surface is the internet. Those tales are inspired the philosophical discussions about the people who see only things that other people want to show them. There are many tales and versions of Plato's cave.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Why are the hypothetical graviton particles so hard to detect?

Image 1) Elementary particles with hypothetical graviton. 

When we want to detect elementary particles we must remember that the elementary particles are so small. And some of them are so short-living that we don't have time to detect them. The particle itself doesn't vanish anywhere. It just turns to wave movement. If we are thinking that elementary particle has a form as wave movement and particle we must say that if we want to observe particles we want to observe those wave bites and especially their ball-looking forms.

 In the case of many massive high-energy particles, we cannot see those particles. We can see wave movement that those particles send. And when we are trying to think why we cannot see graviton we can start our chain of thoughts from another particle that is hard to detect. The name of that particle is Higgs boson. 

Higgs boson is a so-called scalar boson. The spin of the scalar boson equals zero. And that thing causes that it will not send wave movement. Or wave movement is so weak that it's hard to detect. If we want to compare that only known scalar boson with a cannonball that travels through the air. We can see that we are seeing only the quantum low-pressure area behind that boson. 

The reason why Higgs boson's spin equals zero is simple. In the case where the object's speed or energy level is extremely high. The Doppler effect pushes the quantum field to that particle. That thing acts like a pressure wave and the pressure of that quantum field is stopping the spin. 

But also that impacting quantum field will glide over the Higgs boson. That thing causes the effect where the outcoming Doppler-field impacts with Higgs boson's quantum field. And that impact wave denies that the radiation or wave movement that comes from the Higgs boson cannot come through that impact point. So the quantum field acts as the form of the stealth aircraft and makes the wave movement glide over the Higgs boson. 

Also, that impacting quantum field causes that there are no sideways coming wave movement that outside observer can detect. When we are thinking possibility that the pressure of a high-moving particle's quantum field can press them smooth. And turn their spin equal to zero we can think that the Higgs boson is rather the state of particle that some independent particle. But its behavior changes so much that we can say that it is an independent particle. 

There is the possibility that the Higgs boson spins so fast that it turns smooth. And smooth particles cannot send wave movement through the universe. That's why I believe that the black holes have no hair. And what is the hair of particle? The hair of the particle is the bites of waves or superstrings that are forming them. When the spin of particle turs fast enough or its gravitation field is strong enough. That pulls those hairs against the core of the particle. 

Image 2 introduces the impacting radiation when it impacts the black hole. But it could also introduce the behavior of the quantum field of the Higgs boson. The quantum fields or wave movement slide over that quantum field like they are acting in stealth aircraft. The name "Scalar boson" means that there is a possibility to turn all particles into scalar bosons simply by increasing their speed to a certain level. That thing makes those particles smooth. When we are thinking of wave-particle duality the particle is like a yarn ball. There are small hairs on that structure. 

And those structures or "hair" make normal particles rotate or spin because the wave movement touches those particles. But if the particle is smooth the outcoming wave movement cannot affect it. Or otherwise, we can think that the particle is rotating or spinning so fast. That the spin press those hairs against its core. If there is no hair that particle cannot send the radiation. The hair or the particle pushes the quantum fields and sends the wave movement moving through the space. If the particle is smooth or the quantum field denies that the other quantum fields cannot interact with the particle. That means there is no visible wave movement. 

But then let's go to think about the graviton. There is the possibility that the hypothetical transporter particle of gravitation is tensor. Or rather saying it's a tensor boson. In mathematics, tensor connects linear space, scalar descriptions, and certain geometric amounts. 

So we can think that the scalar boson closes all other bosons inside it. Or it involves all other bosons. And then we can continue this thinking that the tensor boson closes also the scalar boson inside it. That means it's so common but sends so weak radiation that it's hard to detect. The idea is that the tensor boson is in the middle of all other bosons. And that thing rolls the superstrings around it to yarn balls called particles. 

So when we are transforming that term to graviton it's hard to detect because it's inside all other bosons. The idea is that the graviton is like a pothole. There is the possibility that this hypothetical particle sends energy above it. That energy pike would aim the wave movement that it creates the cone that moves away from the graviton and if that cone is outside the pothole. That means that the graviton is like in shadow. And extremely hard to detect. 

And that thing makes it extremely hard to detect. When some radiation will travel against that graviton it travels over the pothole. There is the theory that graviton is a photon that has an extremely high energy level. That energy level will send the photon to the fourth dimension or turn it into a black hole.

If we think that photon is the ring-shaped superstring or bite of wave movement. We can think that the photon is the shockwave of the energy that comes from higher dimensions. When we are thinking about the fourth dimension. That thing is the energy level where material disappears from view. And then we can ask,  is graviton the point where the wave movement comes out from the fourth dimension?

So is the graviton particle a small tunnel between the fourth- and third dimension or the so-called white hole? The white hole is the point where the material comes out from the wormhole. The thing that makes white hole white is when those particles and wave movement are coming out from that energy channel. They are sending wave movement or the shock wave of white light. When material or wave movement drops from the fourth dimension it releases its energy level in the form of wave movement.

The synthetic reality.


The image above is an illustration.

In the ultimate version of the synthetic reality, the impulses. Which used to make that effect will be driven to the brain through the cortex. That thing requires that the system can generate synthetic memories. The person cannot make difference between those synthetic memories and real memories. That thing can make it possible to prepare people for ultimate situations. And that thing can also make a revolution in the education area. Also, the entertainment industry might be interesting in that kind of thing. 

The term "synthetic reality" means the ultimate version of Virtual Reality. We can make the virtual spacewalk in synthetic space. Which is the combination of the hovering systems and VR glasses. Those airflow-based hovering systems are used in an amusement parks. 

The most realistic version of the synthetic reality can be simulated space travel. That ultimate simulation happens in the underwater tank. Where astronauts normally practice. The lift-off can make by using the centrifuge. And then the person can operate under underwater conditions. That person might have VR systems. 

That kind of experience might be the "poor man" space flight. The person who uses synthetic reality can use the piezo-electric plates inside the suit that gives also the feel of sense. That type of suit would be an enhanced version of the VR gloves and it can cover the entire body. This kind of thing can make it possible to train people for the ultimate situations. But it can also use to train the robots for complicated missions. 

The synthetic reality is the thing that makes many things that are risky business safe. The synthetic reality makes it possible that a person can make a parachute jump to Jupiter's red spot. The imagination is limit what a person can do in that virtual environment. 

The synthetic reality can use to train people like surgeons for their missions. The mixed reality means that the person who uses VR technology controls some kind of machine by using those systems. The mixed reality makes it possible that the person who controls human-looking robots can see, hear and feel everything that those robots are touching hear and see. 

The robot might have cameras at the places of eyes. And it has microphones in the ears. Also, the pressure detectors make it possible for the robot can send the information of its touch to the operator. The operator controls the robot remotely by using the data suite and VR headset. The system can detect the position of the hand or head.

And then, it orders the robot to turn its hand and head to a certain position. The system can use the WEB camera and data gloves for making those movements. But the same system that is used for holo-portation can use to control the robot. For interactive holo-portation, the person requires a quadcopter that is equipped with a hologram projector. The operator can use the drone's camera, microphone, and loudspeaker for communication. And that drone can have robot manipulators. 

The operator would not need any special suits. A combination of laser scanners and cameras can make it possible that the robot can follow the movements of the operator who stands on the running running-belt. That running belt would be the foot-operating joystick that is making the robot move forward or backward. The person can use VR glasses and VR gloves. 

New portable nuclear reactors can revolutionize aviation and many other things.

Image 1) Argonne laboratory's concept of a micro nuclear reactor. 

New portable nuclear reactors that can move by using trucks can make a new revolution in nuclear energy. The power output of those miniature nuclear reactors that are under development in many countries is about 20 megawatt per unit. But those units can connect to one larger entirety. And that makes it possible to make large-scale modular systems. 

The portable nuclear reactors also make it possible to connect those reactors to any electric network in the world. That means that all ships that have diesel-electric engine systems can get energy boosters from portable nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactor would drive the ship. And then it will connect to the ship's electric system. The system can use a normal high-voltage electric connector. 

Image 2) DOD vision of the use of mobile micro nuclear reactors. 

And when nuclear power is not needed anymore. That reactor can be driven out from the ship and used in different places. The small portable nuclear reactor is easy to install and remove from the devices. It can be so easy a process that we can compare it with chancing batteries. The nuclear reactor can also install in aircraft like large-size cargo planes or strategic bombers. And it gives them virtually unlimited operational time.

 Nuclear reactors are excellent tools for delivering energy for the new electric jet turbines. And plasma-ion engines. Those systems can revolutionize aviation in the both civil and military sectors. 

That allows for making the of hypersonic aircraft that can operate under both atmospheric and space conditions. The electric jet engines along with nuclear reactors makes also possible that the aircraft can keep the super- or hypersonic speed even for weeks or months. 

Image 3) The Mitsubishi concept of "reactor on wheels". "Mitsubishi Heavy’s microreactors will be able to provide power to remote and disaster-hit areas. (Image courtesy of Mitsubishi Heavy" (

That kind of system can also deliver energy in the areas where is emergency conditions. If the aircraft that uses micro nuclear reactors is landing in an area where is no electricity it can give power supply for that area. 

Also, nuclear-powered aircraft and shuttles can operate in the atmospheres of another planet. That means the nuclear-powered spacecraft can land on another planet. And then the crew along with robots can make their base. The base can get its energy from that nuclear-powered shuttle. 

Images and sources

Image 1)

Image 2)

Image 3)

Does AI understand?

Understanding things is an interesting thing. We might feel that we know what understanding means. So let's take an example. We know that in most countries cars must drive on the right side of the road. We know that we must do that thing because regulations mean that we should drive on the right side. But does that mean that the AI understands why it should drive on the right side? 

There are, of course, countries where is left-side traffic. When the GPS tells the AI that the vehicle is in Great Britain, the AI knows that it should turn to the left side. The reason for that is that in the certain country is left-side traffic. These kinds of things are interesting. In the databases of the AI is programmed that the traffic is left-side in certain countries. But does the AI even know what is the country or state? 

The AI knows the GPS point or GPS coordinates where it is. Then it will compare that parameter to its database. It knows that it's in Great Britain. If we would ask about the location where the AI is it might answer us "I'm in Great Britain". But then we might check the code list and notice one thing. The AI knows that Great Britain is the area that consists of certain GPS coordinates. And when somebody asks about the location where the AI is those coordinates are connected to the database 

In that database is the answer "Great Britain". That database might involve many hierarchical structures like country, area, city area, and even streets and street addresses. The thing is that making that kind of AI that can answer the accurate location is not as hard to make as people might think. The AI will load the table "Great Britain" when it crosses the border. And if it should find the address like Downing Street 10 which is the official address of the prime minister. At the first, the AI must find the city where that address is. So it downloads the table where is the area where London is. Then it drives to London, and then it replaces the table of the database with the London database. 

Then it knows which city area it can find that address. And then it will change the tables to more and more accurate versions. If the people see that operation. The process looks a little bit like a zooming satellite image. At the first, the system uses large-area images but then they are turning more accurate and consist of smaller areas. But if that AI drives a robot car it would not use satellite images at all. It uses GPS points for finding the address. 

But if we would drive our car to the front of the Downing street 10 and ask where we are? The AI that is connected to the GPS and maybe its camera sees the plate. That system might say: "At the front of the Downing Street 10. And hat is the official home of the prime minister of Great Britain".  The thing is that the AI would find that answer from its database. And if it uses the right algorithm it can tell lots of things about the Downing Street 10 and the prime minister. 

It just searches things like Wikipedia pages about those things and then transforms those texts into speech. That means the AI would not know anything about things that it reads. The AI can search the net by connecting the information about the address. At the first, it might search the Downing Street 10. Then it finds the words "prime minister" and "home". 

Then it will position the data about the prime minister after the Downing Street 10 information. Then it would search the words like "current holder of that position". So that means the AI connects three databases Downing Street 10, the prime minister, and the personal data of the current prime minister to good and reasonable-looking things. But the fact is that the computer would not understand what it says. 

The situation is similar to the case where a regular western person reads things like Hebrew. We can read Hebrew if we have phonetic marks in our use. So if that text wrote using Western letters. We can read that thing very easily. 

We can say those words correctly. But without translation, we don't understand what we are saying. That is one thing, that we must realize when we are talking about AI. The AI can connect things like Wikipedia pages and read them. It can form a reasonable-looking entirety. But does it understand? The person who drives on the streets knows that if that person does something otherwise. Breaking the regulations causes problems. So this is the thing that we call understanding. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Russia transferred trained dolphins to protect their Black Sea military base.

Image Pinterest

The first users of the underwater creatures for military use were ancient Greeks. They put blood into their harbors for making sharks aggressive. Also, South American Indians might use piranha fishes as weapons. If there is blood in the water. Those piranhas turn very aggressive. Romans and their successors used trained dogs on battlefields. And the most brutal version of those things were dogs infected with rabies. There are lots of people who want to end the dolphin training programs. Those animals are intelligent, easy to train, and very capable to search for dropped things from underwater areas. Those people argue that dolphins should be free. 

But the protectors of those dolphin training programs are saying that dolphins and orca are like underwater dogs. Orcas are big dolphins that are capable to catch the swimmer. And throw them to the deck of the ships. But as we know the modern technology like neuro-implanted microchips and artificial intelligence that allows benefiting animal's natural communication to control them is opening new visions for using animals for military and law enforcement. The new microchips are turning things like insects into robots that can carry small surveillance devices to buildings. Those microchips can load by using ultrasonic waves. And that means even small fish can use as spy robots.  

Russia is not the only state that uses trained dolphins or orcas to protect its underwater structures and naval bases. Military forces are also trained sea lions and seals along with some birds and dog-animals like wolves to patrol and guard areas.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to translate the communication signals of animals. That thing means that operators can control dolphins and other animals by benefiting from their communication. 

For controlling dogs those operators can use a series of recorded sounds. Those sounds can activate by using the computer or mobile telephone application. That command device can install on the collar along with a small action camera and microphone. Then the operator can select the right sound from the menu. Those sounds can deliver by using the frequency that is out of the human hearing area. 

And the last thing in this sector is the neuro-implanted microchips. Those microchips allow controlling the behavior of any animal in the world. 

Trained animals can drop surveillance equipment at the installations. Also trained dolphins can use as "guard dogs" but they can also put the location devices and even detonators on the bottom of the ships and underwater installations.  

Drug police use falcons to capture carrier pigeons that carry drugs. Big birds like owls and eagles can also use to take off the snipers. Those birds are trained to locate the sniper and then attack their neck. 

There are also tested things like wasps and other insects to carry miniaturized reconnaissance tools. Those insects can also use to locate mines and explosives. 

If things like bees and wasps are growing with explosives they think that explosive is food. And that means they can be used to locate things like plastic explosives. For those missions to the insects can connect the miniaturized location system. The small drones can follow those insects. And if many of them will land on the same spot that tells there might be mines. Also, things like bluebottles and vultures can use to track buried bodies. Vultures can also use to track people on the streets. So they can act like flying dogs. 

But those animals can also train to search for explosives. Things like rats can also train to search for explosives. Those animals must only eat plastic explosives with heroin. The rat can equip with a backpack there is a detonator. When the operator locates that rat in the ammunition storage that person can detonate that explosive when the rat is near the ammunition. And that makes them search ammunition dumps. Searching for hidden drugs is easier. Those rats must just get drugs in their nutrient and then they will equip with a GPS.  That allows for locating hidden drugs.

The new one-way superconductor will make possible the new types of microchips. And it can allow the making of solid-silicon-based quantum computers.

One-way superconductors are making it possible to create superconducting diodes. Those systems are driven electricity in one direction. And that thing makes it possible to create solid quantum computers. The simplest model of the solid quantum computer chip is the system where data travels in the superconducting wires. That system looks a little bit like a guitar. Each wire and the changes in the voltage are the certain layers or states of the qubit. 

That thing makes those systems more compact. Also, that thing makes them less sensitive to electromagnetic stress. The superconducting systems are interesting because when electricity travels in the superconducting circuit it keeps its form. And that thing makes it possible to drive data to the quantum state of memory for resending through quantum computers. 

There is also the second possibility to make a compact quantum computer. That thing is based on miniature technology. That possibility is less radical than the solid superconducting system. The superconducting diodes are making it easier to transform binary data to the qubit.  And the reason for that is simple. The electricity that travels in the superconducting wires keeps its form. 

Loading data to qubit might seem very difficult. The qubit will stress by a certain level of electromagnetic radiation. And the data that flows from the wire is stored to a certain energy level in the qubit. So the energy level of the qubit turns to a certain level. Then the small data bite will drive to that qubit. Then the laser will send that data forward. Data flow will be cut into pieces before this operation. And the remarkable thing is that the system adjusts the energy level of the receiving part. 

The binary data will transform to the quantum mode by using the quantum memory as the medium. Binary data flow will be driven to quantum memory and transformed to qubit mode. When data turned back to binary mode. Each layer of the qubit will load to wire one after one. And that allows the binary computer to handle that data. 

The futuristic quantum microchip can have two superconducting silicone layers. And between them is the photon crystals where are photons. That is superpositioned and entangled. Those photons are superpositioned and entangled through the nanotubes that also protect them against electromagnetic turbulence. 

The distance between those photon crystals could be less than a micrometer. And the system is based on the idea that the data flow will be cut into pieces before it will be driven to the solid layer. There those data bites will drive to the quantum memory. And then resend through those photons.


Energy rips "W" boson to pieces. So could some yet unknown boson be the source of the Dark Energy?


The shape of the "W" boson is like the "X"-letter. When the end of the aisle of the "W" boson hits energy or wave movement it starts to flow in both directions. To the middle and outside the "W" boson. The core of the "W" boson channels energy to the center of the boson. And then the energy starts to flow back to the aisle of the "X"-shaped structure. When energy hits to "W" boson it affects to entire boson. 

And part of it would tunnel itself into the aisle. That tunneled energy flow will increase the level of the energy of the wave movement that travels back to the end of the aisle. The wave movement is pushing the most out parts of the boson outside. And finally, the boson is ripping into pieces. That thing releases energy that is stored in the boson. 

The wave movement always travels from the area that is the highest energy level to lower energy level areas. And that causes the thing that energy is connecting the wave movement to the "W" boson. And the same energy rips it to pieces. And that brings interesting things to my mind. 

That thing is could the dark energy form in some kind of boson? When energy travels in the "W" and "Z" bosons. They also send radiation or wave movement that oscillates other "W" bosons. Those bosons are gauge bosons, which spin is 1. 

Image 2) Standard model

Why leptons cannot form similar structures as quarks?

The reason why bosons cannot create similar connections with quarks is that their spin is 1. That means that gluons cannot touch those particles. The spin of quarks is 1/2. And that can be the reason why quarks can from protons or neutrons. The spin of the electrons, muons, and gluons is also 1/2. And the question is why they cannot form similar structures with quarks? 

The reason for that can be in those particles' electric charge. There is the possibility that the electromagnetic charge will be stronger than the gluon-interaction called strong interaction or strong nuclear force. The reason for that is that the effect of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles affects longer distances than strong interaction. The strong interaction is the interaction between quark and gluon. And strong interaction ties quarks to structures like protons and neutrons. 

So the electromagnetic interaction with the same polar elementary particles pushes particles away from each other before the gluonic interaction or strong interaction can begin. And the reason why quark can form structures like protons and neutrons is that its electric charge is so weak. 

The quark's weak electric charge causes the gluon can jump between quarks before the electromagnetic interaction can affect those particles. The transporter particle of quantum electromagnetism or quantum electrodynamics is a photon. Quantum electrodynamics is the electromagnetic effect between elementary particles. 

The electric charge of leptons is 1 or -1. The electric charge of quark is 2/3e or -1/3e. So the electric charge of electrons and other leptons will push those particles away from each other. 

Image 3: Formulas of the "W" boson breakup (Wikipedia)

Is the origin of the dark energy some unknown boson? 

But could there be some missing boson, that sends the wave movement? This dark wave movement rips the universe to pieces. But what is its origin? When we are thinking about the scattering of short-living high-energy particles. 

There is the possibility that there is some kind of medium. That forms before the "W" boson turns to wave movement. So before the formula of the "W" boson turns true and its particular existence ends there could be some other particle. That means the medium particle could be so short-living that researchers cannot just detect the radiation that this particle sends. And that's why those hypothetical particles can be called "flashlight particles".  But where are those particles? There is the possibility that there is some heavier particle than "Z" and "W" bosons. 

So what does that mean? That means we should prepare to fill the Standard model with new members. Those new members can be the hypothetical graviton but also there might be missing scalar bosons. Scalar boson means that the spin of those bosons equals zero. That means those bosons would not send the wave movement and it makes them hard to see. The Higgs boson is the only known scalar boson. But there is a possibility that there is more than one scalar boson waiting for finding.

Measurement of the "W" boson was not that expected.

The "W" boson was too heavy. And that thing can revolutionize physics. The "W" and "Z" bosons are transmitting weak nuclear force or weak interaction. So they keep the nucleus of the atom in one piece. The weak nuclear force or the weak interaction effects between protons and neutrons. The "W" boson is too heavy. And that means inside the "W" boson could be something connected to that particle. 

One of the things that can make that kind of thing is some kind of quantum plaque that is around that boson. Or there is some kind of particle that creates the form that you can see above the text. If we are thinking that "W" and "Z" bosons are affecting different directions. That means the mass of those bosons should be the same. 

Normally, the "W" boson is between protons and neutrons. The quantum fields of those particles push that high-energy and short-living particle into a piece. So the "W" boson is like a spring that is between protons and neutrons. When those particles are removed from around it.

 That thing releases those springs. The ends of those structures of the "W" boson are starting to oscillate and move back and forth. That movement turns stronger and stronger because it takes mass away from the "W" boson. And finally, the entire boson turns to wave movement. So inside the nucleus of the atom is also wave movement that resonates "W" and "Z" bosons". That wave movement is the interaction that happens between "W" (or "Z") bosons. 

Normally people don't know that most radioactive isotopes are not sending radiation all the time. The reaction that causes the radioactive radiation is outcoming energy stress. When that energy stress hits the radioactive isotopes it will shake their balance. This is the reason why warm nuclear materials are more radioactive than cold radioactive materials. 

The radiation must increase the energy level of the atom high enough that it can begin the reaction which turns the "down" quark into an "up" quark. And that thing launches the radioactive breakup. 

The weak nuclear force can transform a "down" quark into an "up" quark in neutron. That thing happens when weak interaction emits the "W" boson. Quarks are in triangular, or "V"-shaped form in the protons and neutrons. When weak interaction transforms the "down" quark into an "up" quark the "V" shaped form of the quarks turns around. And that thing sends the electromagnetic radiation. 

That radiation pushes that new particle away from the nucleus of the atom. And this is the thing that causes the radioactive breakup. The transformation of the "down" quark into an "up" quark is the thing that causes radioactive radiation and turns elements into radioactive. The number of neutrons determines how radioactive some isotope is. When there are a lot of neutrons there are lots of transformation cases. 

The radioactive breakup begins when the "W" boson transforms down quark to up quark. That transformation sends electromagnetic radiation to other quarks. And then also other quark structures are starting to rotate. That thing causes the nucleus of the atom starts to rumble. That rumble is seen as gamma-radiation. 

Then that energy load that travels through the atom pushes electrons away from their trajectory. Beta radiation is mainly fast electrons. The gamma pulses are making the effect that electron cores of the atom expand and contract. When electrons are escaping that thing rips the nucleus to pieces. 

By the way...

Theoretically, "W" and "Z" bosons can use as the power source. Those high-energy elementary particles are short living. And when they explode they are releasing energy that is stored in them. That is one thing that makes those bosons interesting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Ultrasonic waves and other soundwaves can use to charge nanotechnical tools. (And The futuristic self-organizing material can automatically create physical 3D holograms. )

"Schematic illustration of ​​wirelessly charging a body-implanted electronic device using an ultrasonic probe. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)"(ScitechDaily/Using Ultrasonic Waves To Charge Underwater and Body-Implanted Electronic Devices) The similar systems can use to charge underwater and even airborne devices. 

Wirelessly Charging Body Implanted Electronic Device

Nanotechnology allows making the of new types of chargers that are safe to use. The idea is to use sound waves for making electricity for the nanomachines or larger electric devices. The ultrasonic waves are one version of sound waves. The soundwaves and especially ultrasonic waves are pressure impulses. And pressure impulses can use to make electricity. The first version of this system bases the crystals. When nano-size quartz crystals are stressed by using pressure impulses. 

That small crystal creates electricity. In another version, the small-size turbines are starting to rotate when those pressure impulses hit them. The idea of the sound-based turbo generator is one of the newest ways to make electricity for electronic components and nanomachines. The system is similar to wind turbines but their size is far smaller. The LRAD system can impact the drone by using ultrasonic waves. And then those pressure impulses will tunnel through the liquid to the nano-size windmill system.

The sound-based charger can give electricity to the small laser devices that operate in the liquid and create complicated magnetic structures. The lasers can use to make magnetic skyrmions that are allowing to move the parts of the nanotechnology in large entirety. 

When we think of the new miniature space shuttles they can act as the platforms for the new zero-gravitational factories. If the nanomachines are created by using magnetic bites hovering lasers can adjust the temperatures of certain bites. Nanotechnology requires absolute stable physical and chemical conditions. 

The hovering nanorobots that are operating in certain gas mixtures are interesting tools. When a robot requires recharge it can move away from the structure and then the soundwave can impact it. Also, small-size LRAD systems can move parts of nanomachines to the right position.

The futuristic self-organizing material can automatically create physical 3D holograms. 

Those 3D physical holograms can copy the shapes of the structures, and that thing can revolutionize machinery. In the future, self-organizing nanomaterials can make it possible to make physical holograms. That means when the system takes an image of the object. That nanomaterial that is like the old fashion film makes the 3D model of the object. 

The idea of that nanomaterial is simple. The system bases similar exposure technology on old-fashion films. But the difference in this material is that the nanomaterial is turning into 3D structures. The idea is that the light-sensitive area in the crystal controls the growth of that thing. Each area on those crystals is sensitive to a certain wavelength or color of light. The control light stresses those crystals with certain light color. When the let's say the green lamp is on, that causes a photochemical reaction in the area that is sensitive to green light. And that makes it possible to adjust the growth of the crystals by changing the color of the light.

The new nanomaterial can self-organize in complicated centimeter-scale structures. The self-organizing nanomaterials can be the "physical fractals". Term physical fractal means the nanotechnical material that can form the structures. In some physical fractals, the idea is to use the stick-shaped molecule. The other side of that molecule can react to, for example, blue light. 

And another is reacting to red light. That thing makes it possible to make the holograms where certain points are blue and others are red. And that thing makes those molecules can take the shape of the hologram. In other versions, the reactive heads of the molecule are covered with the structure that resonates with certain soundwaves. When the molecule wanted to react.  That sound system brakes the cover. And that uncovers the reactive part of the molecule. 

The idea of self-organizing materials is based on the idea of reaction between organic and non-organic materials or molecules. As well old-fashion film makes the image the self-organizing materials are basing the film and growing crystals. 

Those complicated structures are like 3D physical holograms. The 3D-physical holograms are created by using crystals. There are light-reacting parts in those crystals. When the light impacts the crystal it reacts like film. But that 3D structure requires that the system can make the rising structures.

Tomorrow's extremely technology.

The fast-rotating plasma field allows to creation virtual "Tipler cylinder" around the entire planet. 

There is the possibility that some super civilizations are immortal. They might use cloned bodies and implanted microchips to transfer memories over generations. Or they might use advanced nanotechnology for repairing their genomes. 

But there is another way to reach immortality. The idea is that the planet where that hypothetical civilization lives would surround by a plasma field. That plasma field can rotate around the planet at the speed of light. And this thing causes the situation where the time dilation would slow time on the planet. 

In that case, the time dilation keeps the material young. Because that plasma field closes the space inside it and denies the energy flow through it. The material on the planet would not transform to wave movement so fast as material or particles outside that plasma field. The idea of that system is that there is formed the stable area and the wave movement or otherwise saying energy cannot escape through that plasma field. 

The quantum engines are interesting tools. 

One of the possibilities to make the quantum engine that is based on WARP-bubble is simply to surround the craft by using the quantum bubble. Then the energy will shoot from inside to that quantum bubble where it starts to flow to the side that has a lower energy level. The system can also use Hall-effect for increasing its capacity. 

In that case the outside, the opposite polar electromagnetic field will increase the energy flow to the wanted side. In this type of system, the idea is similar to balloons. But the physical balloon is replaced by using the plasma bubble that makes the virtual balloon around the system. The energy of electron flow will shoot to the north pole of the plasma bubble. And then that energy flows to the south pole. 

When we are thinking possibility to travel at the speed of light only a photon can reach that speed. The problem with photons is that their mass is so low. That thing causes the thrust of the photon rocket to be extremely weak. 

There is only one hypothetical rocket engine that can create thrust that can reach the cosmic speed limit. And that is the photon rocket. But then we must realize that the speed of light is relative. So if the photon is traveling in a tunnel where are no crossing quantum fields. That makes it possible the photon can travel faster than other photons. 

There is the possibility that the tachyon rocket is also possible. But that thing requires that something brings tachyons from their tachyonic space or dimension. 

If ions would travel through the electromagnetic vacuum before it impacts space. That allows the creation of ion engines. Which specific impulse reaches the speed of light. In those futuristic engines. The WARP bubbles are replaced by using isolated nanotubes. 

There is no electromagnetic field inside those nanotubes. The ion accelerator will shoot ions to the nanotube. And then, the outside electromagnetic field pulls those ions out from that protected area. 

But there is another way to make the interstellar engine by using ion motors. The idea is that the engine creates an electromagnetic channel at the front of the ion accelerator. So in that engine, the ions will shoot through the nanotubes. 

If there are electromagnetic fields at the front of the nanotubes exhaust point that thing can give extra punch to ion systems. Because that nanotube is isolated and all magnetic fields are removed from that tube there is a possibility that ions can reach the speed of light. 

The extremely high-energy radiation that comes behind the ion source will create an electromagnetic shadow at the front of the ion source. In that case, the ion engine shoots ions to the WARP bubble. In that case, the WARP bubble is just outside the engine's nozzle. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Was the Tunguska event in 1908 caused by antimatter annihilation?

Fallen trees at Tunguska, 1927 (

Was the Tunguska event in 1908 caused by antimatter annihilation? 

The Tunguska explosion happened on June 30, 1908. The thing that makes this explosion interesting is that there was no mark of the meteorite. There is one theory that is ever handled, and that is: did somebody conduct lightning to the leaf gold. And that thing can turn those electrons to positrons causing annihilation. 

When we are facing that kind of thing. That here was the explosion that fell forest in large areas. There must be some kind of reason for that explosion. And one of the things that can make the explosion without a trace is the antimatter. But how antimatter bites could travel through the atmosphere, and fall to the ground? 

The fact is that the Tunguska explosion happened above the ground. There is a little rise in the radiation level at the point where the explosion happened. The reason why the radiation level rises is, that the explosion's heat caused the air starts to rise higher. And that vacuum pulled radioactive material away from the ground.

Did somebody make antimatter that day? 

Did somebody create antimatter on that day? One of the things that ever imagined is that did somebody conduct the lightning to the ball that is covered using leaf gold. The electric force of lightning is extremely high. There is needed only a very thin gold layer above the stone. If the lightning conductor will aim at the gold layer. That thing turns electrons into positrons. 

Lightning can conduct to the core of the ball or balloon covered by leaf gold. That gold layer will turn the spin of the electrons around. And create antimatter. Or sharper saying positrons. The antimatter can explain the explosion of the Tunguska. Could it be possible that some researchers conducted lightning to the bite where was the leaf gold layer? 

Did lightning cause the Dyatlov Incident in 1959?

What would happen if the lightning is conducted to the wedding ring? Did that kind of test explain why 9 people were killed in the Dyatlov Pass in 1959? The avalanche or some kind of thermobaric weapon has introduced the reason for that tragedy. 

Could some kind of physical test explain the Dyatlov incident? There is the possibility that some kind of explosion killed the 9 persons in the Dyatlov pass in 1959. Six of them died because of hypothermia, 2 of chest injuries, and 1 of head injuries. Did some kind of physical reaction cause the explosion that caused the death of those people? If some kind of lightning will impact things like candles or spray bottles. That thing can cause a very powerful detonation. 

Or maybe somebody conducted high-voltage electricity or natural electricity to the things like the fireplace? The smoke is carbon and if there was some kind of high voltage electricity in the air the smoke of the fireplace could pull the lightning to that point. When the lightning hits the fire it increases its energy level. And that thing can cause a very serious situation.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

A new type of ion thrusters is coming.

6 kW Hall thruster in operation at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (Wikipedia, Hall-effect Thruster)

The Hall-thruster is an ion motor that accelerates ions by using electromagnetic fields. This type of thruster is making it possible to create the "flat ion thruster". In Hall-thruster or Hall-effect thruster (HET). The system involves the ion source. And at the front of the ion source of the thruster is the electromagnetic field. 

That pulls ions through that field.  If we think of the Hall-thrusters as the engines of the next-generation space- and aerospace systems. That thing can be only the plate below the craft. Then that plate ionizes the gas. And then the opposite polar electromagnetic field will create at the front of the craft. When we are thinking about the saucer-type of craft that uses the HET engine.

" Over 200 Hall thrusters have been flown on Soviet/Russian satellites in the past thirty years. No failures have ever occurred in orbit. Hall thrusters continue to be used on Russian spacecraft and have also flown on European and American spacecraft. Space Systems/Loral, an American commercial satellite manufacturer, now flies Fakel SPT-100s on their GEO communications spacecraft." (Wikipedia, Hall-effect thruster)

 At the horizontal edge of the saucer can be the HET engines as well as up and below the craft. That thing gives it excellent maneuver capacity. The ion engines can also use in submarines. There is the possibility to make the HET-version of the MHD (Magento Hydrodynamic) drive. 

The reason why HET systems are interesting is that they allow making the active power shield for spacecraft and aircraft as well as submarines and surface warships. When the craft sees the incoming missile or torpedo it can shoot the ion flow of high-energy ions against that target. 

The Hall-Thrusters are inspired by the "airship" from "The Matrix movie". There is an idea to equip the high-flying airships with HET systems. If those airships would be made using the most modern carbon fiber. They could operate also in underwater conditions. 

But the ion systems allow making the gas bubble around the submarines. The idea of this kind of system is that water is ionized at a small distance from the submarine's hull. Then the submarine is loaded with the same polar of electricity. And that thing makes it possible that the system pulls water away from the core. That will make the pressure effect of the water lighter. 

Image 2) If the spacecraft uses the Hall-effect thrusters. It would look like this futuristic spacecraft. (Pinterest)

WARP and electromagnetic ghosts

The problem with the WARP bubble is that the material turns to wave movement inside it. So the craft must get some energy replacement from the internal power sources. 

The WARP bubble is creating the idea that the material can turn into a cloud by using an electromagnetic vacuum or electromagnetic low-pressure. That thing turns the thing into a ghost. And if the electromagnetic pressure is right that can pull this molecular or atomic cloud back to its original form. If researchers can create that kind of system it can turn robots and other things into ghosts. 

But when we are thinking about the deep-space missions and WARP systems. We are facing one very interesting thing. The antimatter-ion hybrid thruster can make it possible to create the thruster. That can drive spacecraft faster than ever before. The antimatter-matter annihilation can make the WARP bubble. And then those ions will shoot through it. 

If the entire spacecraft is inside the WARP bubble, there is one thing that we must realize. The WARP bubble is an electromagnetic vacuum. And that thing causes all energy flows away from the craft. So that thing erases the spacecraft immediately. To eliminate that effect there must be an internal and powerful energy source. That energy source must pump energy to the spacecraft's core or the craft turns to wave movement.

DDG-1000 "Zumwalt" the big stealth failure

The "Zumwalt" class destroyers are proven that the ship is harder to make stealth than some aircraft. The size of the ship is far bigger than the aircraft. And that makes it impossible to make the stealth ship, whose length is 190 meters. By using traditional stealth systems. The shape of the ship is also harder to turn stealth than the shape of the aircraft. 

So the things like active stealth systems.  Which bases the artificial intelligence controlled jammer systems makes that interesting project old fashion and that's why only two of those destroyers are in active service. Active stealth means the very high accurate jammer systems that can stop the incoming radio wave. And that system denies the echo from the hull of the ship. 

That kind of intelligent system. Along with nanotechnology and quantum, stealth is a next-generation and more sophisticated system than traditional shape-based systems. The nanotechnical stealth means. That there are microscopical grooves and other kinds of structures at the hull of the craft. 

One of the structures can be nanotechnical antennas. That is covering the ship by ion clouds. Those ions deny the radar echo. 

But quantum stealth can deny the echo of the electromagnetic spectrum's all wavelengths. The idea is that the incoming photons will bomb by using photons that have the same energy level. And that thing makes it possible to make the ship invisible to radar, infrared, and the human eye. 

Quantum stealth requires extremely high computing power. So maybe the portable- or ship-mounted quantum computers can make it possible to make the system that absorbs every single wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. 

The idea is that the counter radiation will deny the echo of the radiation by sending the counter radiation that will remove energy from the incoming radiation. The problem is that every single photon must erase separately. 

Those active systems can install on any ship, vehicle, or aircraft. They make it possible to make the traditional-looking but stealthy ships. One of the versions of the modern electromagnetic weapon systems is the magnetrons or radio antennas installed inside the hull of the ship. 

Those systems can muffle the incoming radio waves. But if their power will increase high enough, those systems can destroy almost all incoming cruise missiles. That thing is like the electromagnetic version of the great sails broadsides. But the cannons are replaced by using electromagnetic transmitters.

There are over 40 billion cores in the new Chinese binary supercomputer.

The binary supercomputers might look like being history. But ultra-powerful binary computers are needed to operate between humans and quantum computers. The problem with quantum computers is that they cannot yet communicate straight with regular keyboards.

So quantum computers require binary computers as a medium between the operator and quantum computers. The purpose of the binary computer is to code the commands for the quantum systems. 

 Those binary computers are making it possible to input and output data in and out of the quantum computers. Binary computers are needed to make settings for quantum systems and handle the communication between the quantum computer and keyboards and screens. 

Quantum computers are coming more powerful and lightweight than ever before. The size of quantum computers is turning smaller. And that means they might become part of the warships and especially the ASAT systems. The problem with quantum computers is still the error handling. confirmation of the process is very hard. 

But when the problems of the quantum computers are solved. And the borders of their cooperation between binary computers are lost. That thing makes many well-known systems more powerful than ever before.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

There is the possibility that the anti-universe where time moves backward exists.

Image 1: 

Did an anti-universe where time runs backward exist before our universe? The fact is this. If that universe exists it advances in an opposite way to our universe. That anti-universe forms as cold. And then it will start to warm, and finally, it will turn too hot for the particle. 

So the intensive heat of that anti-universe will destroy particles and turn them into wave movement before it will fall into a giant black hole. Because that black hole will stay in absolute emptiness it starts to erupt. And that eruption forms the new Big Bang. 

If there was a universe before our universe. The ultimate fate of that universe must be the Big Crunch. 

That thing means that the universe and anti-universe could alternate. So if there was a universe before our universe, the ultimate fate of that universe would be the Big Crunch. That thing means that the anti-universe was before our universe. 

There is the possibility that when the universe will start to fall before the Big Crunch. The time would start to travel backward. The anti-universe will also face a Cig Crunch if that thing is exist. During the Big Crunch, the universe will turn to extremely high temperatures. 

The idea of the anti-universe where time runs backward is interesting. As I wrote before there is the possibility that the universe forms another universe or a giant quantum bubble. The energy would travel to the middle of the universe. 

And that means the time travels backward in that anti-universe. The anti-universe can explain dark matter. The antimatter universe is similar to our universe. But the material that forms the antimatter universe is mirror material. When antimatter impacts material. That causes annihilation. 

The entire material and antimatter both turn to energy. So if the antimatter universe impacts our universe that causes the ultimate end of both universes. In some very rare ideas, the Big Bang was the antimatter annihilation. If the antimatter galaxy hits the material galaxy that causes the ultimate destruction. One gram of antimatter would detonate the entire Earth. So what if the galaxy-size antimatter clouds will impact? 

Image 2: The Big Crunch. The vertical axis can be considered to be the expansion or the contraction with time. During expansion, time moves forward, and during the Big Crunch, time moves backward

But in the anti-universe energy flows to the center of that universe. And that thing causes the time travels backward if we think that time is energy. 

When the expansion of our universe causes, the energy level of the universe is decreasing. The energy flow in the anti-universe would make the energy level in that anti-universe rise. That means the ultimate fate of that hypothetical universe is the big crunch. Or actually, that hypothetical universe advances backward than our universe.

Because the electromagnetic wave movement hits the quantum bubble of the anti-universe that thing sends that wave movement to the middle of that anti-universe. And that thing will increase the mass of that universe. That thing causes a gravitational effect that pulls the mass and energy together. So in the distant future. That anti-universe would turn to extreme hot plasma. And then the plasma falls into the black hole. And when the black hole is in the middle of emptiness it explodes. 

This thing causes interesting vision. If there is a quantum bubble that sends wave movement to the middle of it and forms the black hole. The time is traveling backward in that bubble. And then, there is a possibility that there is a cut in energy flow. That causes the black hole in the middle of the quantum bubble explodes. 

Erupting a black hole would send the expanding material ball against that falling energy. So if the eruption of the black hole is strong enough that thing forms the new Big Bang. Because the gravitation of that new universe is dominating.

But the radiation pushes the original quantum field outside that can form two layer-universe. In the inner ball, time moves as it moves in our universe. But between the most out and inner quantum bubble time travels backward. 

The idea of the universe where time moves forward, but what is surrounding the area where time moves backward might seem very interesting or special. But as we know, time moves backward in the black holes. The reason for that is that the wave movement moves to the center of the black hole. 

In the cases like universe-size quantum fields, the electromagnetic wave movement acts like it acts when it hits to steel ball. The radiation starts to flow around the ball. And then the ball conducts part of that radiation in the middle of the ball. That thing requires that there is an electromagnetic vacuum in the quantum ball. 

There is the possibility that this kind of area is existing also in our universe. The requirement is that the radiation falls into that bubble. And the rising energy level will reload the energy that material loses when the universe expands. That kind of thing can make the material young again.

Image 1:

Image 2:

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...