Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The strange life of Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley (nee Godwin)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was the writer of the book “Frankenstein” or “The modern Prometheus”. This woman was one of the first female horror-writers, and the book, what she was written is still in the lockers of the libraries. In her young ages, she faced many deaths, and her husband, who was five years elder than Mary, was died in 1822 by accident when his boat fold near Sardinia. The suicide was the fate of the Mary Shelley's stepsister, and the first wife of her husband also committed suicide. Mary's husband wealthy poet Percy Shelley (1792-1822) died in the accident when his Ariel-schooner fold in the Sardinia.

Famous writer Mary Shelley was born with the name Mary Godwin in the London 1797, and she died for the brain tumor in the age 53 for the year 1851. There are some rumors, that the brain tumor caused the ultimate productivity of that person, and when we are looking about those mysterious deaths in her younghood, where the first wife of her husband drown herself, must those cases be investigated more careful than they were done. There is one feeling left, that somebody killed those people on purpose, for hiding something. Or why two persons, who knew Mary Shelly committed suicide almost at the same time?

There was something, what somebody would not that anyone would know, and that secret was so big, that this actor was ready to make those murders for giving Mary room for life. And then the tumor killed that nice writer at the age of 53. Before that, the tumor had taken the ability to move from that woman. When we are looking at the critics, what the book took from the newspapers, we must understand one thing, no writer can make texts without sources, what gives them the inspiration. Without inspiration is impossible to write. And when the critics say, that Mary Shelley was just channeled the male company ideas to the paper, we must say, that every writer in the world makes those things. They would write the worlds, what they hear to the memory, and then write their books by using that kind of techniques.

Percy Shelley

So the writer of the “Frankenstein” was Mary Shelley did the critics like that or not. But when we are thinking about the connection between productivity and the brain tumor, there might be made some experiments, where inside the human skull have put the silicone bites, what mission were press the brains, and simulate the tumors. The purpose of those tests would be to increase the productive thinking of the humans. And they might be made in the mental hospitals. In those surgical tests the victim's skull would be opened, and then the silicone bite would be set inside the skull, that it would press the brains in the precise right angle. And that would make the same kind of function than real tumor causes.

When we are thinking about the life of the Mary Shelley, her husband was somehow denigrated, and the reason, why the property of his family is always mentioned is somehow left out of my understanding. Also, Lord Byron was the wealthy man, and the traveling across Europe was expensive even in that time. When we are thinking about falling in love with Percy and Mary Shelley, they started to date, when Mary was 16 years old.

And then her father denied the meetings, but Mary flees to her stepsister. she told her father, that she would be committed the suicide if that man would try to separate her from the Percy, who was married. But then the wife of Percy Shelley drown herself, and the marriage was possible. And that happened with the permission of Mary’s father, who did not talk to his daughter anything in years. And for some reasons also Mary’s step-sister committed suicide in those days, and that kind of things cannot be the coincidence.

There were many accidents and suicides around Mary Shelley. Here we must say that we sometimes think, that people know Percy Shelley only by his wife Mary, who wrote the novel “Frankenstein”. This man was one of the major Romantic poems in England. Sometimes is told that Percy himself has kicked off the university, because of some atheistic circular, what maker he would not want to inform. And that caused, that this man was broke his relationships with his parents. But he wrote one bigger poem collection “Alastor or The Spirit of Solitude”  but he died before age of 30 in the boat accident. But this poet made also other poems, and one book, what was named as "The Necessity of Atheism".



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