Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The idea of using spiral staircases as the mind-reading tool and technical remote viewing.

Picture I


Kimmo Huosionmaa

I know that I'm weird in some people opinions. And I sometimes get strange ideas, what are looking ridiculous. I have thought an idea, that to the spiral staircases can conduct the electricity, and that would make magnet field inside the form. And if the person sits under those stairs, would the magnet field increase the electric field of the brains, that the EEG could send to the atmosphere, where they could jump back from the ionosphere. That transmission could be received by radio telescopes.

If the users of that system would have right decoders, they could see everything, what the person, who sits or stands at the bottom of the stairs or another spiral magnet would see or hear. This "other spiral magnet" could, in theory, install to the walls of the building, and when the radio waves would go thru the magnet field their power would be increased. I sometimes wonder was some people like Carl Jansky made that kind of thing when they claimed to make the first radio telescope in the world.

This kind of system could be useful for the digital remote-viewing. But the need of the system would be working decoder, what would make the EEG visible to the computers. This kind of technology is called as TRW (Technical Remote Viewing), what means that to the person's body or in the room would hide the equipment, what will make the picture and voice transmission possible. The easiest way to make this thing really is to use action camera, and GSM-telephone, what would send the picture to the screens. Sometimes there would be plans to put microphones to the teeth prosthetics or action cameras in the glass eyes. Or program the eye prothesis CCD-camera to send the data to the GSM-telephones. Those things were not allowed to make with humans, because that will need the removing of the eye, and that is strictly against the rules of scientific work.

But it is possible that this kind of eye prosthesis would set inside the person's eye that way, the dura mater would be cover that camera. And that would give perfect feel perfect perception, that means the person would not even notice, that the camera has been surgically installed the person's eye. And here I must remind that the intelligent CCD-prosthetics can also give real visibility for that camera, what sends data also in the optic nerve.  That means that the prosthesis could equip with mass memory, what can read by mobile telephones, and the installation for that thing could be used to capture terrorists, who would be abducted by special medical unit, what would install that camera in the person's eye. And then the criminal friends of that person would not beware of this kind of system.

Also, there have been made tests, where the picture or other perceptions would send straight between two person brain core, but that is quite a risky thing because if somebody hijacks that frequency, could this third person even remote extorted the victim. When we are thinking about the use of this technology in the intelligence or law enforcement work, there would be important that this information would be brought on the screens, where many people can see them by the way, that they can prove, what they saw. This kind of technology is created in the PSI-tech corporation, what mission is to develop the TRW technology.




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