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Why media will handle only a negative part of the life?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The problem with media is that there will ever be introduced an average person's life. A person who is the main character in documents and movies is always some kind of ultimate version of people what represented of some lifestyle, what is introduced in those programs. Do you think that Pablo Escobar is some kind of an average version of the drug dealer? That man had billions of cash, but does some so-called “street level"'drug dealer that kind of money, or does he even dream about that, when that person hangs around some shopping center and sells some crack-capsules. What made Escobar so frightening person, was his money.

He could hire mercenaries to support his reputation. But I always thought that Escobar was only a shield man for some other actors in that dirty business. If people have money, he could do almost everything, but if he want’s to hire a mercenary, must he have the right relationships. Nobody wants to get smoked that the person has been worked as a mercenary. That’s why they take jobs only from agents who they trust. And being mercenary in somewhere Africa is the little bit different than making murders in normal western State. If a person will smoke that he is an assassin, will he or she punish by the court of law? The line of that kind of people is extremely tough. Those prisoners ever get out from prison.

But in those cases like Escobar, we might see what is the direction, where media sometimes goes. I don't know why they are not writing about guys who were in gangs and after that, they began to live a normal life without any problems. Why the objective of those documents is always so negative? They always begin that kind of problems with interest, but soon after intros, the journalist really begins to show really bad attitude for that case. They just are beginning to find some errors in that case, and sometimes the information what has been given to people is very grotesque.

They bring in front of the public eye some that targets friends, who might be in jail. But they never tell to people, why those people were arrested and what was a crime, where convictions came. And of course, they never tell to people, how long those "criminals" were been in jail. Only thing what is mentioned, has been that those persons are convicted for some crimes. If we see that kind of journalism realistic, we must be naive.

There is always news where drug user brutally killed the people who helped them. But when we are taking a focus in those stories, we must realize that narcotics users might be very dangerous and unpredictable because they have hallucinations. But when we are talking about those cases, there have been only a couple of that kind of cases in the Europe. And didn't anyone told those people, that if somebody uses drugs, he might be blackmail by his fellows to let them in?

And why reporters only take this kind of crimes on the front pages of newspapers? In here I must ask, is the help what came to those persons so altruistic at all? Why they bought a cell phone to that guy? I know that these are the most brutal worlds, what anybody can write, but didn't anybody tell to those people, that money should ever give drug user or alcoholics. They just buy more drugs with that money. When narcotics control the person, he or she might not able to control his or her actions, and that's why those people might be dangerous. But why media tells stories about only those cases, what ended sadly way?


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