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About John F. Kennedy's assassination

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about conspiracy theories one case will rise above them all. The president of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot to death during his campaign for the second season for the presidential election. The suspect was shot in the garage of Dallas police station, and the theater was ready for conspiracy theories about the conspiracy inside government. The murder of the man who was named for shooter Lee Harvey Oswald made those theories. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was one of the shooters or worked alone for somebody. And who was that "somebody". One theory is published what might be interested in some investigators.

That conspiracy theory involves the theory about the target of the shooter was Jacqueline Kennedy or the governor of Texas who were in the car. The reason for the shooting was that  JFK ever can survive on TV contentions, after what he did during the first period of his presidency. That's why his father Jack Kennedy hires Oswald to shoot governor or Kennedy's wife, that JFK could avoid those TV contentions. And Jack Kennedy forgot to say who was a target, and then Oswald shot a wrong person because he thought that the target was the president.

The reason for those rumors is Kennedy's actions in Bay of Pig cases, where he left Cuban voluntary regiment without air support in combat, what caused when CIA trained refugees landed on Cuba for kick off Castro and his revolutionary and communistic government. And of course, nuclear test ban was not satisfied everybody in the USA. And if the president would be in shock, might he avoid those TV contentions. But this is only theory.

If we are speaking of reason, why Oswald was first arrested, the reason was that he was a suspect in shooting the police officer, and after that man became a suspect in the murder of JFK, because that famous Mannlicher Carcano rifle found in his house. And that weapon connected that man to the murder of the president. But I will not write what happened or what could have been happened that day in Dallas. I'm writing about conspiracy theory what rises up when the suspect was shot to death.

If we are focusing Oswald's personal history, we might see him as a perfect enemy for the state. He might be had schizophrenia or paranoia, and that's why he might be made that murder. But if he was schizophrenic, why he didn't cut off Marines? And there will come a strange thing in my mind, that if some man or woman, who knew about his condition, might that person utilize that, and capitalize that thing against JFK. But in this theory must this person have access to Oswald's psychiatric papers. Now the president Trump's government will release more papers about this case.

If Oswald had psychiatric problems and that's why he killed the president, this case shows quite clear, why those medical papers must keep in secrecy. If Oswald's service mates saw those papers, and then they began some game with him to claim that Kennedy was a communist, might Oswald go "over the line" as sometimes is said. But what we might say about that kind of thing, that Trump's government will release more papers about that case? The major problem is that this very complicated case will make more papers inside the government.

And the truth what is in those papers might change many times. So there will be ever a solution what gives a pleasure for everybody. Rumors are grown as a giant dimension. Somebody has seen Oswald in Vietnam and other persons have seen him in the middle of Helsinki. Those things are very harmful to investigations. They cover the real truth, what might be different, what those theorists tell you. But this particular case will fascinate people again and again.


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