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The problems of SETI-program

Kimmo Huosionmaa

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program is one of the most dangerous programs in our planet. Even if we haven't get contact or signal from extraterrestrial intelligence, the telescopes might get it in next night. Or they can get contact beyond 1000 years. Some people think that waiting for a contact is like waiting for a train or something like that. SETI program is not so simple because we can't know when the first message is coming.

Or does it come in our lifetime? When we are talking about that project. If we will get the signal from other civilization, but we might ever take contact to those civilizations. They might be so far there, that we ever can't message together because the civilization might be in Andromeda galaxy. That proves the existence of alien civilization, but that doesn't mean that this civilization has ever meanings for us. That civilization would be so far, that even if they jump in their UFO:s right now, our sun would be turned a red giant before they arrive.

Problems of SETI program is that if we will get contact to other civilization, we might get under attack. But if we use the right technology we can hide our existence from aliens. We can cover our entire planet holograms, what makes humanoids to believe that our civilization does not exist. And of course, radio telescopes might use as a gigantic ECM-system, what makes our planet seem like there will not find any interesting. The system will be sent back waves to humanoids transmission, that they can’t see our planet's surface with radar and they can’t get repulses in their telescopes.  

That radiation makes the radio waves or their echoes weak, that they can’t go back to the transmitter. Or otherwise the signals what will be sent back to humanoids would be so powerful that they would think that this will be gigantic super earth, there will be no life forms exist. But this scenario is pure fiction if published information is true.

But everybody knows that federal authorities are not talking true all the time. SETI is one of the most complicated missions on Earth science community. If you want to investigate extraterrestrial civilizations you have nothing where to start. There is not even one single message what is proven that is coming from another star. If somebody believes extraterrestrial intelligence, that does not mean that he or she believes little green men, or why that person wouldn't believe that some people might have green skin. There is one great “if" in those scenarios.

If somebody has put the genetic what causes photosynthesis in the flora to human DNA, that will make the human skin transformation to green. But what kind of technology that speculative humanoid civilization might have. They might have the technology to create “wormholes", but the problem with wormhole travel is that that kind of stuff will need two black holes, what will put resonate to same frequency, and after that those black holes must be separated and another will pull to the place, where that civilization wants to travel. That will take very long time for that civilization, and success of that project can see until the trip is done. That’s why aliens must be sure that there is something interesting.

Otherwise, the trip is made for nothing. And it can take even thousands of years. But there is always artist’s freedom to use imagination about other civilizations. They might have gigantic Dyson spheres, where could be floating “island” in the middle of that colossal ship, what might be the size of a planet. That island would be in the area, where is not gravitation field, and that area might use for production, what needs absolute zero-gravity condition. There might be nano-technological and biotechnological research areas, where they create nano-robots and other that kind of stuff.


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