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Miniaturization of technology gives new ways to mark documents

RFID-chip inside person's hand

Kimmo Huosionmaa 

Print media is problematic for data security. Those print files could be put just in the pocket and after that thief of that data could walk out the building. But modern technology gives very effective methods to deny that kind of work. This method basis itself in miniaturized RFID-chips, what can put in the ink tanks inside ink liquid.

Those nanosize chips are so small that they can inject to a paper same times, where text and pictures are, and those chips are so invincible that they can't be separated from other text and that equipment can put in the normal ink tank. So even printer operator doesn't know that those systems are in the ink. And in that RFID-chip can save information about who printed that paper, and if the thief walks throw security gate, what might be covered in the doorframes.

Of when security personnel is looking for those documents they must only use GSM-phones, what will take near persons and their pieces of luggage, and after that security personnel can take that thief in the hands of the law. That reading application might be similar, what is used by ticket checkers in public transportation. And that application might send the report of those papers to firms security. And if I really want to think nasty, those applications might send report same time to the security police. It also might work as a ghost software, what is secretly installed in all that workplaces workers telephone, and if they don't see or know that application that might cause them lots of trouble if they steal papers from the workplace.

That system could be also metal detector and that magnetic field will be inducted electricity to that tiny little microchip, what will send data about the person who printed that document, and even what kind of is in the document. The printer or copy machine can also take PDF-copy of that document, and mark it with register number what will put in the chip. And if some prints will attempt to take out the building, they will alert chief of security and he will see what documents are taken out of the building.

After that, if a thief can slip off those documents will deliver to hands of patent officials and police. And if somebody will sell those documents or try to capitalize them, will patent authorities notice that. This is very important if stolen material consists research and developing the technology for company's tomorrow products. Those kind of stuff are in marketing at least couple of years and they might be wonderful equipment in many things. 

Small size implanted microchips might be put surgically in some people bodies, and that thing might read by airport's security gates. That kind of RFID-chips are put in dogs, but they can also implant in bodies of some special forces operators like NAVY SEAL- or other persons who the government doesn't want to go somewhere. And also dangerous prisoners must be implanted that law enforcement could find them in the crowd of people.

That other persons are technical and scientific specialists whose skills are that kind of that government ever let them go to the country what is hostile. Somebody thinks that some key members of some nations government and scientific laboratories are implanted with GPS-chips, what looks like pills and contains very long life batteries, that government can follow them around o'clock in every day of the year.

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