Monday, October 23, 2017

Is the story about Luther and his theses literally true?

Martin  Luther

Have you ever noticed a strange thing in the picture of Martin Luther? His left eye seems not always painted in the same direction with the right eye, what might mean that his left eye might be blind. Or probably he had strabismus in that eye, but why the painter had put that thing so visible in his painting of the man, who became famous for his work as the church reformer and the man who created the Lutheran church. Is that eye injured something in his younghood, and does that presumable injury have something to do with his antisemitism?

When we are talking about Luther, we always forget, that nobody borns in age 40. So did he went to fight with some jews, and did something that happened in that fight cause that hates Jews? Or was Luther cover something with his hate? I read from some book that Luther had Jewish friends or at least mates, who visited at his home. So what Luther might cover, when he began to write anti-semitic writing named as “About Jews and their lies"?

Was he make business with Jews, and if theologian will uncover that he lends money from jews will everybody laugh to him. Or was the thing more serious? Was there something that drove that priest to break his connections with catholic church? Something that might cost his life. So was Luther a man who changed a place with somebody else? Was real Luther killed by that man hand, and did he took a place of his victim? Is that reason why he created a new church, where priests use people's language when they speak to normal people?

What was his motivation to begin that process, to start the reform for the church? Did he really want to establish the Lutheran church?  But there is one thing, what every investigator must know about this man, and other famous people in history, There are many text and fact about them, what is not literally true. Some texts for their life have written after their death because to protect that person’s real identity. So we might only guess where Martti Luther actually lived when he made his translation of Holy Bible. The biography might be true, but it might also be colored.

The facts what we read today might be written by some propaganda writers during 30 years war, where the King of Sweden and other protestants wanted to break catholic leagues lines by claiming that Luther was made translations of the Bible under the protection of some German prince. So when those writers wrote his biography, the outcome could be something, where Luther can’t even recognize himself. And that’s why those biographies are not always followed real life of that person.

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