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There are always more than three actors in the real world.

"An international research team is advancing precision timekeeping by developing a nuclear clock using thorium isotopes and innovative laser methods, potentially transforming our understanding of physical constants and dark matter. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unveiling the Thorium Nuclear Clock and Its Time-Twisting Secrets)

From Three-body problem...

There are no pure three-body systems in nature. There are always more than three components in the system. For making real three-body systems we must separate those three bodies from the environment. Otherwise, there are stable effects. But nobody can predict some effects like distant supernova explosions or sun eruptions. 

And one of those things that affect all bodies is time. When radioactive materials decay. That affects the stability and symmetry of the object. 

Energy levels affect the existence of things like neutrons. The thorium atom clocks are next-generation tools for time measurement. In those systems advanced laser technology allows us to replace highly radioactive cesium by using less radioactive thorium. 

"Approximate trajectories of three identical bodies located at the vertices of a scalene triangle and having zero initial velocities. The center of mass, in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum, remains in place." (Wikipedia, Three-body problem)

The problem is that even quarks are not identical. There is an asymmetry in up and down quark's energy fields. There are also many other actors in nature, than those three components. 

Researchers can use safer atom clocks because there is no highly radioactive material. So if somebody steals that atom clock, there is no so big danger. The high-accurate navigation systems also require high-accurate time measurements.

And it will improve the ability to measure things like changes in gravity fields. Safer components allow them to make more atom clocks. And that makes it possible to make a more accurate network to measure time and gravity fields and their changes. 

"Quantum computers, utilizing versatile qubits, are at the forefront of solving complex optimization problems like the traveling salesman dilemma, traditionally plagued by computational inefficiency. Through rigorous mathematical analysis, researchers have demonstrated that quantum computing can fundamentally transform problem-solving, offering a more efficient polynomial increase in computation time compared to classical methods and yielding superior solutions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Redefining Complex Problem-Solving)

To complex internally entangled three object problems. 

We see three-body problems everywhere. There are three quarks in baryons protons and neutrons. Those quarks moving around each other. But the problem is that those quarks are not alone. They interact with gluons and electrons. And that means there is a complex internal entangled three-body problem groups. 

The problem with three body problems is this. There are many more than three objects in the universe. So if we want to move the three-body or three-object problem into the real world we must realize that all other objects interact in natural systems. The second problem is that all four interactions participate in those interactions. 

Things like asteroid groups, interplanetary dust, ion flows, and other things like close and distant gravity effects and gravity field strengths affect three bodies. So multiple forces interact with those three bodies. And all forces are entireties. To predict the system's behavior, we must know all its participants. We know that the gravity field is not stable even on Earth. 

The internal and external forces interact with particles and particle groups. And even the weak force has a measurable effect if the interaction continues for a very long time. The other thing is that all particles that interact in the three. Object problem has a different force their gravity is different, and the electromagnetic radiation is also different.


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