Thursday, April 4, 2024

Are there other universes?

The problem with existence is how something can exist if we cannot interact with it. Then we can think and rethink things like the metaverse. Is our universe one of the many or unique things in the universe? This is one of the most interesting philosophical questions. 

When we think about the history of science, there is quite a short time, when humans thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. And until the 1980s we thought that our solar system was unique in the universe. 

There were rumors about things like extrasolar planetary systems. But then in one day, researchers found the first exoplanets. Researchers found the first exoplanets near Proxima Centauri in 2016. Our knowledge about the universe expands. 

And today we know that our galaxy cluster is one of many galaxy clusters that are part of galaxy superclusters. So why the universe cannot be one of many universes? This is one of the most interesting things in history. Somebody says: that serious scientists don't even dare to think about the metaverse or multiverse. There is no straight evidence about those things. 

Some researchers say that there must be some kind of counterforce that forms shockwaves at the edge of the universe. Without that shockwave, the universe or its material will collapse immediately. In that model, a vacuum outside the universe will turn particles into wave movement. And that wave movement's direction is outside the universe. Without resistance. The Big Bang couldn't create whirls and disturbances that formed material. 

But if the Schwinger effect formed material that thing forms two particles, a particle, and an antiparticle. When those particles impact they annihilate. And that turns those particles into energy.

It is possible. That somewhere outside our universe is an antimatter universe. The thing that supports this model is the material itself. If those matter and antimatter would touch that thing turn the universe into energy. The material itself would not exist if the Schwinger effect formed the universe, and antimatter couldn't escape from material. 

The antimatter and its shape are misunderstood in some papers. The antimatter is like ordinary material, but its electric mark is opposite. Anti-electron has positive electricity. Antiproton has a negative electric load. And anti-neutron spin is opposite to neutron. 

Gravity interacts with antimatter in a similar way as regular material. The hypothetical antigravity systems use antimatter purely as fuel to create so intense energy that it can interact with gravity. In those systems. Antimatter simply annihilates with material. 

But back to metaverse and multiverse models. Logically think there should be other universes. If there is radiation or wave movement that energy level is lower than zero kelvin. That means we cannot see that wave movement. In some theories, the Big Bang formed when a giant Kugelblitz black hole detonated or vaporized. Theoretical Kugelblitz black hole forms straight from radiation. 

And if there is some kind of wave movement around the first primordial black hole. The vaporization effect pushes those waves. And that causes disturbances and whirls that form material. So why there cannot be another universe? Or multiple other universes? 

Things like radiation pollution from objects in our universe are the thing that covers other universe's radiation. In the same way, the radiation from other universes cannot reach our universe. Because of counter-radiation, which comes from our universe turns it away. And if the particles or elementary particles in other universes have different sizes, that means they send radiation that has different wavelengths than material in our universe. And that makes them extremely hard to detect.

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