Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Material that can switch between superconducting and resistant states could make the leap to computer technology.

"Researchers have created a novel hybrid superconductor that integrates magnetic properties, paving the way for more stable quantum computing. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, The Magnetic Twist: Hybrid Superconductors Unlock Quantum Computing Potential)

The problem with superconducting computers is how to close the gate. And the other thing is how to control electricity in that system. If things like voltage are too high electricity jumps between wires. And that thing makes those systems problematic. Also, the system must separate the parts in the data flow. The superconducting computers would be excellent tools. One way to make the logic gate for the system is to create a superconductor that can switch between superconducting and regular states. 

The system can use the superconducting material and keep the temperature on the edge of superconductivity. Then the system can use lasers to warm the superconducting material that turns non-superconducting. And then stop the laser stress, which decreases the temperature to the superconducting level. 

If some material behaves like a semiconductor in regular microchips. That makes it easier to control the superconducting computers. The system could switch between superconducting and resistant states. The superconducting gate base is an idea that the superconducting microchip uses a much lower electric level than a regular microchip. If the material can jump between superconducting and resistant states fast enough, that makes it possible to use those states as the gates. 

Image 2) Neurocomputer.

1) When the material is superconducting, the gate is closed. 

2) When the material is in the resistant state. The gate is closed. 

The gate has a special purpose in Turing's machine. The binary computer must stop before it takes a new mission. The purpose of those gates is to close disturbing data away from busy microprocessors. The terminal gate's mission is to deny that new data comes into the system at the wrong time. In logic gates, the system cannot control the direction of electricity if it jumps over switches. The logic gate is a combination of transistors and diodes. And if electricity jumps over those components, the gate cannot operate as it should. 

In quantum computers, the gate closes the states if they are busy. Quantum computers cannot clog as binary computers. But their states can clog. And that's why the system must know if the state or floor is busy. The quantum computer can make many missions at the same time. And each of its states can act as an independent binary computer. Or binary computer can share the mission between each state. 

In virtual quantum computers called neurocomputers, the series of binary computers act like they are the states of the quantum computers. In that system, the primary processor, or the gate computer shares the mission to the binary computer groups. Then the system. That is under one domain collects data back in the order. 

The material that can switch its state between superconducting and resistance could revolutionize computing. 

The problem is how to make this thing fast enough. If there is superconducting material. That is less than half a degree of temperature between superconducting and non-superconducting states the system can close and open gates simply by changing the temperature or pressure in the wire. When a wire is superconducting. The electricity goes through it. When the superconducting state is turned off, that closes the gate. 

Another way to open or close the gate is to use the superconducting material that can switch between superconducting and non-superconducting states using electricity. This kind of material behaves like a semiconductor in regular microchips. When the emitter electricity is on that opens the gate. 

And when the electricity is off, that thing closes the gate. The material can have stick or crystal-shaped structures, and if those sticks are in a row and in perfect order. That thing makes the wire superconducting. When those crystals are out of order, that thing denies the superconductivity. 




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