"A computer simulation of a possible Lyman-alpha forest configuration at z = 3" (Wikipedia, Lyman-alpha forest)
All energy is wave movement. Wavelength determines the name of the energy, and there are four fundamental energy forms in the universe. Those four forces are strong- and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. All energy forms or forces are interactions. And that's why their name is fundamental interaction. All of those forces have pulling and repelling forms.
In some models, dark matter is the source of dark energy. And the thing is that dark energy could interact with dark matter. In some models, the dark energy is a gravitational hole. The idea is that when waves travel their backside is at a higher level than their front side is. The wave pulls water upwards at that point water travels opposite to the wave. During that interaction, water transfers energy into that wave.
That raises the height of the wave. And the higher water level behind the wave pushes the wave ahead. There is one special case. That there is no valley or lower area at the front of the wave. When some ice wall collapses or a high-energy explosion happens that thing can form a so-called sliding wave. In that case, water travels at the surface of the other water layer. And in that case, the sound wave pushes water ahead.
Standing waves are forming when waves impact. Their height continues growing until gravity pulls them down. Or the energy level on another side destabilizes the system and pushes that wave moving. And the thing is that all energy forms. Gravity can form standing waves.
We can replace the water using the word "energy" or wave moment. In nature, four energy forms or interactions dominate the universe. Those four forces are: electromagnetism, weak-, and strong nuclear forces, and gravity. All energy forms are wave movements, and the wavelength determines what is the name of energy. The wavelength determines energy electromagnetism, weak or strong nuclear force, or gravity.
We can call that lower energy level area at the front of the wave a valley. So term antigravity means that the opposite side of the gravity wave forms the deeper valley. We can say: that if we can create a gravity valley around the object, we can create antigravity.
The gravity waves interact similar way as other waves. The thing that makes gravity wave pull particles is the valley at the front of it. So if something forms a deeper valley behind that gravity wave it turns gravity opposite. There may be traveling gravity valleys. Or they are traveling gravity waves that have no valley at the front of them. If there is no valley ahead the gravity wave means there is no pulling effect.
The antigravity could be.
1) Gravity valley at the wrong side of the gravity center.
2) Gravity waves that travel without that gravity valley. Those things can form in a situation. That standing gravity wave collapses.
It's possible. That in the universe is low gravitational waves. That they are only the valleys in the gravitational field. If those traveling gravitational valleys are real, they can form a thing, called antigravity. Gravity waves are one form of wave movement.
And if that traveling gravity valley travels in the universe it's possible. It packs gravity waves back of it. Sooner or later. That packed gravity wave will reach a high enough energy level. And it can send gravity waves in the opposite direction.
In some other models, the standing gravity waves form situations that energy level in those standing gravity waves turns into a very high level. And then. sooner or later those standing waves collapse sending opposite gravity waves across the universe. There is a gravitational valley on both sides of the standing gravity wave.
When the energy level. Or that the wave's altitude rises and turns the valley deeper. The reason for that is that the wave movement increases its energy level when it travels through that valley. And sooner or later that valley cannot transport any more energy into that standing gravity wave that collapses.
Could dark matter be some kind of quark-version of quasiparticles? The Lambda CDM (Cold Dark Matter) model is the hypothetical tool that can be used to handle this problem. In some theories matter can turn dark if it touches the hypothetical quark hole. The hypothetical quark hole is like an electron hole, but the actor in this case is a quark. The hole pulls energy out from the quark. And then that can turn matter invisible.
Lyman-alphaf orest is the sequence in distant galaxies spectrum. Researchers use that thing to research intergalactic material. And maybe that spectrum sequence gives a hint about the dark matter form. It's possible. That dark matter forms things called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP). And if those WIMPs are real. The question is: why those particles do not interact? In some models, the WIMP is a virtual particle or a quasiparticle.
It could be possible that the quarks can form similar holes as electrons. Nobody saw those quark holes, but it's possible. That an energy level in one quark can decrease as it decreases in electrons when they form excitons. That thing can turn other quarks in proton and neutron to orbit this quark hole. In that model, those fast-orbiting quarks deny that hole to fill, like orbiting electron, denies electron-hole filling in excitons.

"DESI’s Hubble diagram plots a characteristic pattern – baryon acoustic oscillations, or BAO “bubbles” – at different ages of the universe. The amount of dark energy determines how fast the universe grows, and therefore the size of the bubbles. The solid line is how big Lambda CDM predicts the bubbles will be, while the dashed line shows the prediction from a different model where dark energy evolves with time. DESI will gather more data to determine which model is a better description of the universe. Credit: Arnaud de Mattia/DESI collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)
"As light from a distant quasar passes through gas in space, certain wavelengths of light are absorbed. Plotting the absorption lines reveals the “Lyman-alpha forest” (emphasized here in brown and green) and provides information about the distant clouds of gas between us and the quasar. Credit: David Kirkby/DESI collaboration" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)
Or maybe dark material just puffing up the way. That makes electromagnetic radiation slide over it. When we think about this model, we can use the particle accelerator events for this case. When a particle's speed rises it forms a beak into those particles.
Maybe that kind of beak can make electromagnetic waves slide past the particle. And that thing makes them invisible. This beak makes particles, and its quantum field acts like a stealth aircraft's surface. In that case, reflecting energy between a particle and its quantum field can cause a situation where the particle is in its WARP bubble. That allows it to spin faster than light. The idea is that when the universe expands the standing wave expands. And that causes a situation where the speed of light is faster in that bubble than outside it.
When electromagnetic radiation hits a particle, the particle takes that energy impact into its quantum field. The energy load continues until the energy level on that quantum field turns so high energy level, that it sends a photon. And maybe the form of that quantum field causes a situation in which the particle can turn invisible.
It's possible that if the particle goes in the standing wave. Then those standing waves pump energy into those particles. They start to spin very fast. That thing can make beaks or wrinkles on the particle's surface. The expansion of the universe makes those particles send radiation or wave movement.
When outside radiation hits that wave movement, it forms a standing wave around the particle. That standing wave locks energy in that standing wave. And that denies the interaction between a particle and the outside universe. There would be structures like hills or wrinkles in that standing wave that scatter radiation.
Those things can make energy flow on the particle's quantum field. And they form energy pockets in those quantum-size "valleys". When energy falls into those valleys, they form standing waves. They can form a structure that acts like an antenna that sends energy pike away from particles. Those energy pikes could travel through all material. That energy pike pushes superstrings that form things like electrons away from its route. And it can tunnel itself through the structure.
Or reflecting wave movement. Or maybe that quantum field can be full of things like flares. Those things can deny straight reflection from that material.