Thursday, April 25, 2024

Can the universe be reborn even if it's open?

When the universe turns old and cold it returns to a stable and well-ordered system. In well-ordered systems, the butterfly flap can form a hurricane. The idea of the model where the universe can born again is that there forms some kind of whirl in that extremely low-energy and well-ordered universe. 

Some cosmic explosions can form a whirl that force will grow and grow. In the modern universe. The disturbance or outcoming energy destroys the whirl. The black holes are like clouds. And they form networks. When a black hole vaporizes, it sends impacting gravitational waves. And because there are many black holes in the 3D structure. They form a network of impacting gravitational waves. 

But in the old universe where there are no stars is possible that outside energy cannot push or break the whirl that harvests more and more superstrings in it. The only energy is gravitational waves. And photon bursts from kilonovas and vaporize black holes. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space." (Wikipedia, Shape of the universe)

Only the spherical universe is closed, and the closed universe can form a big crunch. And material reborn requires a big crunch. But if we think about the possibility that an open universe can be reborn or from a new universe depends on the distance between those black holes. 

In most theories the universe is open. And its ultimate end will be the great silence. In that model, the universe turns into the radiation or superstrings that continue their journey. The thing that formed the universe and material was the disturbance in some kind of quantum field. That disturbance formed a situation where wave movement turned to material and material reached a certain energy level. 

In that model material is one form of energy or wave movement. When we say that the universe is a silent and cold place when the final stars are gone. We can also say that the universe turns into a very stable form. The disturbance between neutron stars and black holes is minimal. 

And things like gravitational fields interact far longer distances than they interact in this universe. There are also very bright explosions when neutron stars collide with each other and black holes. In stable systems, all energy bursts interact at enormous distances. And there is no disturbance in the old universe. 

The black holes are like quantum dots in the universe. They can take superposition and entanglement or they can start to travel around. The vaporization releases photons to the cold quantum field. And traveling gravity waves impact each other. Those gravity waves can form structures called standing gravity waves. They are like electric arcs, but the former are gravity waves, and then those gravity waves send reflections that can form the disturbance. 

Finally, the entire universe is full of gravity centers. That can form the Kugelblitz black holes. The theoretical Kugelblitz black holes form straight from wave movement. In a cold, and stable, well-ordered universe the Kugelblitz black holes can form quite easily. 

In a cold universe, outcoming energy cannot break those gravitational whirls as easily as it breaks those whirls in the modern universe. That radiation has no force to break those whirls. The network of vaporizing black holes creates those impacting waves that can form new particles. 

And that thing makes it possible. The black holes can start to grow into one place. Sooner or later, that black hole will vaporize. And maybe it can form another universe.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem.

 Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem. 

M.C Escher's "Another World"

Lone civilization on the lone planet faces the dominant lion's problem. If on some planet is one intelligent species, it turns to dominate quite easily. Without the outside threat species can fall into internal disagreements. The size of the population grows too fast, and that means species will eat everything from their planet. A fast-growing population causes the need to create new solutions fast. Those solutions involve housing and energy solutions that are not analyzed as they should. 

Those quick solutions will just push the problem to the future, and same way those inadequate ones seem very effective. And when they escalate through the entire planet. They grow the problems that they cause to enormous scale. Those things are solutions that seem good in a short period. But in a long period, they cause more problems than they solve. 

The main problem with the brain in a vat thinking experiment is that "brain in the vat" doesn't know that it's a Brain in the Vat. Unless somebody tells that thing to that brain. This is the key idea of that thinking experiment. But can the entire species, or the entire planet be the brain in the vat? That is the key question in things like the SETI program. The Brain in Vat is dependent on the information that it gets. 

A brain in a vat that believes it is walking (Wikipedia, Brain in a vat)

The sensors give data to the brain, that lives in the laboratory. Then the brain controls robots by following that information. The brain in a vat can be connected with only one robot, and that means the brain in a vat doesn't even know that it lives in the laboratory. 

In this case, we must realize that making that kind of brain is not probably enough to make the brain have the same intelligence level and consciousness as humans. We know that the brain is not just the only thing, that thinks. We know the entire human nervous system to make the "brain in a vat". Which is a copy of human intelligence at all levels. 

But there extension of that thinking experiment is the human in a room, thinking experiment. What if we live our entire life in the house? There are screens outside windows that introduce the lunar landscape. When we go out, we wear space suits, and the system projects the same lunar landscape to this screen. 

We can walk on the streets, but we don't hear what people say. They see us from the outside, but our helmet's visors are black, and they cannot see that we are humans. What would you think? Do we dare to take our helmets off? This is a good question. If our entire world is in that house, and in that space suit, and we cannot see anybody else, do we dare to test the thing that we believed our entire life? 

When we think of the man in a high castle. That thing is the man who spends his entire life in the castle above the clouds. That person never sees what is below the clouds. That means that other people can claim that this person is at the Venus' planet's mountain areas. And if there is no outsider who to ask the truth. 

All data sources tell that the person can believe that he lives in the Venus' mountains, and the lack of a space suit will keep that person at the mountain. If the man in the high castle will not dare to test the limits and try to land through the clouds. 

The fact is that the human race is like the man in the high castle. There are no alien contacts. Another thing is that before humans come into contact, we don't have any idea what aliens are. We believe or we want to believe that we are unique, special creatures. And we are special creatures on our planet. We are the most intelligent and always superior species. 

That's why the human race has the dominant lion's problem. Because no outside force can destabilize the human race's position on our planet, we can fight with each other. The outside threat has united nations. And without outside threats, those unions fell into war. When we search the alien civilization our luck depends on the sensors. The alien life is not a synonym for intelligent alien life. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doesn't mean. That there are life forms. And the chlorophyll doesn't mean that there are animals in alien ecosystems. 

Even if we do not find aliens during our lifetime, which is quite short if we compile it with the speed of light and cosmic distances. The SETI is a fascinating program that gives information, scenarios, and ideas to people, who work with the newest AI and other technical solutions.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The acoustic and EM systems can make a revolution in aircraft technology.

The fact is that the UFOs are easier to make than we ever imagined. It's possible to use acoustic waves to make the system levitate. The idea is simple. The acoustic system just pushes particles or air molecules from around the object. And that thing makes those objects hover above the ground. 

The sonic bubble around the craft can make the acoustic or lightweight, pressure version of the WARP bubble around the craft. The acoustic bubble pushes the air molecules away from the craft. And that allows it to move faster than normal aircraft. The acoustic systems can give a normal-looking aircraft the hypersonic capacity. 

The system can use nano-diamonds. They are trapped in the fullerene carbon net to make sound waves or acoustic waves. The craft can move by changing the symmetry of those sound waves. And that system can make many things. That people see in the UFO (or UAP) cases possible. 

The antimatter and levitation. 

The antimatter itself doesn't levitate. The antimatter levitation bases the high-energy annihilation reaction. The annihilation forms a radiation field, that can make craft levitate. 

The antimatter system uses annihilation, the high-energy reaction for making energy waves. In a hypothetical WARP drive, there could be a ball-shaped antimatter impact chamber where material impacts antimatter. 

That forms the symmetrical ball-shaped energy impact around the capsule. The symmetrical balloon is the thing that we call the WARP bubble. This kind of system forms antimatter by shooting cathode rays into thin gold layers. 

One of the biggest problems with interstellar flight is how to create a craft. That is fast enough. The problem is that. We cannot make exhaust gas, that is faster than light. In WARP systems the magneto-dynamic system pulls electromagnetic fields to the craft. And that raises impact speed with craft and those fields higher than the speed of light. 

But there is one thing. That can make it possible to create exhaust gas that can travel with speed. That is higher than the speed of light. In models, there is an electromagnetic or quantum shadow behind the particle. And that shadow sets the cosmic speed limit. That shadow is called a quantum tunnel. The tunnel behind the particle pulls it back. 

One version is to fill that energy vacuum with a system that can deny the quantum shadow formation. If there is a brighter point behind that particle. That thing can form an electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particle. And if there is no shadow at the back of the particle. That thing makes it possible to break the cosmic speed limit. 

The system uses the same principle as the supercavitation propeller. Supercavitation is a situation where the propeller spins too fast. That causes water vaporization where the propeller will get into a bubble. Otherways we can say, that when the propeller spin speed is high enough, that causes a situation where water or air will not have time to come between the propeller blades. In that case, the propeller starts to spin in a vacuum. 

This is one of the reasons why regular turbines lose their power when the speed is high enough. The fast-spinning compressor starts to spin in a vacuum. One of the things that can improve the propeller's power is the water or air jet, which will fill the vacuum bubble. In high-speed underwater systems. The system uses sideways-coming water jets to fill the bubble. 

That the fast-spinning main propeller makes around it. Those jets are created using the side propellers that drive water to the main propeller, and it fills that bubble. In aircraft turbines. The active air injection to the turbine blades fills the vacuum. And that makes the turbine operate at higher speeds than usual. A similar system that operates with electromagnetic frequency can fill the electromagnetic spectrum behind particles. 

Another way is to make the system operate like a hypersonic railgun. The acceleration system accelerates electrons to maximum speed. And if those electrons travel in a row close enough to each other, that makes it possible that electrons can make similar holes in the quantum fields as hypersonic bullets make in the air. If the other bullets travel behind that bullet, and the air channel cannot fill, that causes a situation. That which the railgun can shoot bullets to the orbital trajectory.

Can a photon's mass explain the dark matter?

A dark matter particle or weakly interacting massive particle WIMP may follow all particles. And there is the possibility that those particles are lighter versions of the Kubelblitz black holes. In this text, I call the WIMP the Kugelblitz structure. The Kulgelblitz structure is a lighter version of the Kugelblitz black holes. Those hypothetical Kugelblitz black holes can be those quantum-size black holes. The lifetime of those particles could be less than a second before they vaporize. And that could connect WIMPs to those structures. 

Dark energy is wave movement that the source is unknown. So could that source be the quantum-size Kugelblitz black hole? The same phenomenon that creates the Kugelblitz black holes can create lighter structures. We can call as kugelblitz-structures. The quantum-size black holes can form a quasiparticle called super exciton. 

Exciton is the situation where an electron starts to orbit an electron-hole. If an electron can start to orbit the quantum-size black hole it can make a stable exciton. It's also possible that the fast-spinning particle turns into a donut-shaped structure. And if there is a quantum-size black hole in the middle of that structure the energy flow from outside can stabilize this particle. 

The WIMP can be a double particle. If the particle's spin is fast enough, it can turn into a ring. And there could be the quantum-size Kugelblitz black hole in that ring. 

The hypothetical dark matter particle is called WIMP. Or Kugelblitz's structure can be an extremely high-energy particle. That will push all wave movement from around it. Radiation slides over the particle without causing reflection. And that makes particles act like stealth aircraft. Without reflection that particle is invisible. 

"Frenkel exciton, bound electron-hole pair where the hole is localized at a position in the crystal represented by black dots" (Wikipedia,Exciton)

The quantum-size black holes can form the stable quasiparticle called "super exciton". 

The fast-spinning particle can turn into the ring, that is invisible to the observer. And maybe that ring-shaped object can trap the quantum-size Kugelblitz black holes in that particle. The energy that comes from that ring stabilizes the Kugelblitz structure. 

When particle travels in the universe. There is a quantum low-pressure channel behind it. That quantum low-pressure channel slows particles because it pulls them from behind. But there could be the small quasiparticle called a Kugelblitz black hole or Kugelblitz structure behind that particle.

There may be a small kugelblitz-black hole following the photon. In physics, the kugelblitz-black hole is a black hole that forms straight from the wave movement. It's possible. The particles can form lighter quantum structures from the wave movement, and that's why we can call that hypothetical structure a "Kugleblitz structure". That structure is the knot of quantum strings. 

If we think the photon has no measured mass. That kind of quantum structure behind the photon can explain why it doesn't have mass, and why the photon's speed is the top in the universe. The quantum structure that can follow a photon is maybe not a black hole, but it's like some kind of quantum knot. When a photon travels in the universe, it forms an electromagnetic tunnel in the quantum field. 

If those quantum fields connect between photon and that "Kugelblitz"-structure. That can also explain why photon travels forever. The quantum electric arc between that quantum structure and the photon can push the particle ahead. And if that thing turns too high energy, it will increase the mass of that "kugelblitz-structure". That mass pulls photons back, and that thing denies the photon's ability to cross a speed of light. 

That small kugelblitz-structure or Kugelblitz black hole can also explain why other particles cannot reach the speed of photons. The bigger particles form the bigger holes in the quantum fields. And that thing makes bigger and heavier Kugelblitz structures behind them. This thing pulls those particles backward strongly. 

There is the possibility that the electromagnetic low-pressure channel also pulls particles back. The thing that makes this thing break the cosmic speed limit is just to fill that quantum channel. If there is no channel, energy will not travel as fast out from that particle. The quantum channel behind particles is another thing that could make the cosmic speed limit. 

The question is: does the thing that removes mass from photons explain dark matter? And maybe the same thing can also explain dark energy. Photon is the particle. And it also has wave movement form. If the photon is stretched superstring like all other particles, that particle should have a mass. 

There is a model that when a photon travels in the universe, it creates a hole in the quantum field. Energy or wave movement travels around the photon as it travels around aircraft. If there is a small quantum low pressure behind the photon. The Quantum field falls in that vacuum. The photon forms also a small whirl, like aircraft forms, when it travels through the air.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Researchers at MIT developed an AI that can predict human behavior. (Can this mean that we turn Isaac Asimov's psychohistory into reality? )



Can this mean that we turn Isaac Asimov's psychohistory into reality? 

The idea is similar to the mathematical psychohistory that novelist Isaac Asimov created for his fictional "Foundation" novel series. The idea is that the computer can predict people's behavior by benefiting Boltzmann's natural gas formulas created by Ludwig Boltzmann. 

If we connect MIT's AI model to the systems that handle things like oil molecule behavior in that model the humans would be molecules for the system. And the system must only know which part of people acts following the same rules. 

So if the AI can predict some person's behavior, it can predict the entire nation's behavior. The system must just make the data matrix of all individuals. And then see how most of the people will behave. The system is simple, but it requires lots of information. 

The idea is to use the statistics about the behavior of the people. Then the system can use those statistics. Or databases to calculate the behavior of most of the people. The system must know what kinds of emotional activity activates certain behaviors. Researchers created the world's first emotion detectors that a person can wear. This allows to creation of the behavioral matrix for the AI.  That thing allows the system to see the person's emotions. Then the surveillance cameras can connect certain movements or other behaviors with the emotions. That means the AI can see what is someone's mood from camera images. 

The AI can predict human behavior. If it gets enough data for that thing. The AI can create the data matrix of every person in the country. And then if we want to make the psychohistory for the USA. We must just make about 334,914,895 (U.S. Population) data matrices or behavioral matrices. And then the system can predict. That is what most people will do during some cases like elections.  

 By using data that different systems collect the AI can make a digital twin of the person. And then the system can predict everything that we do. The system must just follow our behavior and rituals, which we don't even know, and then the system can predict what we do after that ritual. Which can be things like looking at a watch in a certain way. 

Those rituals are small but the AI can make the matrix and use it to predict what individuals will make. The AI can make digital twins for every person in the country, and then it can simply predict how most people behave in certain situations. And then it must just calculate which part of the people will do something.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The 6G communication can use terahertz radiation.

"Tohoku University researchers have developed a tunable filter for terahertz wave signals, facilitating higher transmission rates and improved signal quality. This breakthrough, crucial for the advancement of terahertz applications in communication, medical imaging, and industrial analysis, promises to unlock the full potential of terahertz waves across various fields." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

The world is going to be mobile. And that means there is always a need for new and faster mobile networks. The problem with data networks is that even if 4G and 5G are fast. Mobile applications always turn harder and harder. More and more mobile applications like cell phones connect to mobile networks. And that thing increases the need for data transportation capacity. 

In the future, all TV sets and even houses use wireless data transmission because data cables are expensive. It's cheaper and easier to install long-range wireless mobile hotspots than to install optical cables to the house. And the next-generation data communication solution can be a Starlink-based satellite solution. 

"Schematic concept of the developed tunable filter. (a) Cross-sectional view of the filter; (b) relationship between period and refractive index; (c) frequency shift due to the change of refractive index. Credit: Ying Huang et al." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

The ability to filter terahertz radiation means that the next-generation data communication networks might use terahertz radiation for data transmission. The biggest problem with using terahertz radiation has been filtering that radiation. The problem is how to make data transmission between multiple mobile systems using the same frequency is solved. 

The system equips every data package with the identifier. That allows the router to route those data packages into a certain device. And other ways that identifier makes the receiver reject those data bites. After that, the device collects those data bites into one entirety. 

The ability to put a serial number to those data bites makes the network more flexible and more secure. The system can use different routes to send the package and the serial number allows the receiver to collect data in its entirety even if the system uses radio- and optical communication at the same time. 

"The mechanically refractive index variable metamaterial. Credit: Ying Huang et al." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

In that model missing serial number tells the system that there are missing data bites. And the transmitter can send those missing bites again. That saves the network and releases its capacity for something else. 

But the other thing is how to protect data against physical damage. When two electromagnetic fields with different frequencies impact those fields start to disturb each other. That thing is problematic because the system must remove the artifact, the non-controlled part from it. If some outcoming waves hit electromagnetic fields, they act like a jammer system. Those outcoming waves destroy the data from the field. 

There is one problem with radio communication. The problem is that there is a limited number of radio frequencies. And terahertz radiation helps that problem by offering new frequencies for communication systems. The terahertz radiation is a new frequnéncy for communication. And the terahertz networks can be the solution for the next-generation data transmissions.

The molecules offer new ways to create data security.

"Image depicting the control of polariton particles using electric-field tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy. Credit: POSTECH" (ScitechDaily, Light-Matter Particle Breakthrough Could Change Displays Forever). The system can use the same method to create qubits. 

Light-particle interaction that can change displays forever can also make it possible to unlock a new way to create qubits. The system can make it possible to trap things like electrons between two layers. And then. The system can create the quantum entanglement between those electrons or maybe even atoms. 

The superposition between atoms is possible if the system can make a very accurate superposition between those atom's quantum fields. Or the system must just descramble information that it transports between atoms. 

In this image, you can see the energy hills and the system can make quantum entanglement between those hills. 

Holographic displays. That creates hovering holograms over them those holograms can used as optical communication tools. The system traps the qubit in those holograms. And then it transports information into them. The blinking holograms also offer the possibility to make an optical data network. 

"Scientists have discovered that molecules scramble quantum information at rates comparable to black holes, affecting chemical reactions and offering insights for controlling quantum computing systems. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Scrambling: Chemical Reactions Rivaling Black Holes)

Molecules offer impressive paths for data security. 

Researchers saw that molecules can scramble information as effectively as black holes. And that can make a big advance in quantum technology. If we think about the possibility of scrambling and descrambling information. We can say that a molecule twists information in a certain way. In that system, the information is like tangled woolen yarn. When the woolen yarn is tangled. It creates a structure that seems impossible to take in use. 

But if we have patience. We can turn those yarns into straight form. Same way molecules can entangle information. And then. The receiving system must just make the same actions that the encoding molecule made backward. 

We must understand that certain movements create this tangled structure. And to disentangle that mess, we should only make those movements backward. 

"Researchers have used neutron spectroscopy to uncover the unique, moonlander-like movement of triphenylphosphine on graphite, advancing our understanding of molecular motion and its applications in material science.Credit: TU Graz" (ScitechDaily, A Molecular Moonlander: PPh3’s Movement Challenges Conventional Science)

Moon lander molecules can used to create big advances in data security and nanotechnology. 

The molecular moon-lander that acts as a molecular-size USB  can improve data security. This molecule can hover over a graphite layer. And it can offer very interesting opportunities for data security and nanotechnology. 

The triphenylphosphine (PPh3) molecule offers a new way to secure data communication. The film shows how the molecule interacts with the layer. And when one part of it comes closer to the contact point, it can release data. That system is stored in it. This kind of thing can make chemical qubit possible. 

If there is a ring of metal atoms around the carbon ring. That system can store information in those atoms. Then the system can use that structure to turn the data row into data lines. 

That molecule can act like a miniature USB stick. And it can transport data between two layers. At least. If there are some metal atoms where the system can store information. The molecular moon lander can also operate as a tool for nanotechnology. And it can transport things like enzymes to precise points. The molecular moon lander as this molecule is called can also act as a miniature antenna. That scans the objects that are on the graphite or graphene layers.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The new methods can make compact GWD (Gravitational Wave Detectors) possible.

"The Kerr-enhanced optical spring method enhances gravitational wave detection, offering new insights into cosmic phenomena and neutron star structures. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Universe: Kerr-Enhanced Optical Springs for Next-Gen Gravitational Wave Detectors)

The next-generation gravity wave detectors can be more sensitive and compact than ever imagined. In some scenarios, the nano-size mirrors with as high a reflection as possible can create an optical structure. Where the laser ray's length is thousands of kilometers. This thing is quite hard to make. 

If researchers create that structure using mirrors that reflect 100%. The system can detect the brightness of laser rays. And when the gravity wave hits those laser rays, it changes their brightness. 

But the other thing is what if researchers can stretch light? In stretching light the length of the light surface is big. And that makes it possible to create a system. That can detect gravity waves

"Kerr-enhanced optical spring demonstrates tunable non-linearity, presenting potential applications for enhancing GWD sensitivity and in various optomechanical systems. Credit: Tokyo Tech" (ScitechDaily,Unlocking the Universe: Kerr-Enhanced Optical Springs for Next-Gen Gravitational Wave Detectors)

The Kerr-enhanced magneto-optical springs can make the next-generation gravity wave detectors (GWD)

But then we can imagine the case that the sensor uses the magneto-optical springs. In some ideas, the magneto-optical spinning structures can harvest the gravity waves, if they are sensitive enough. The problem is that gravity waves are so weak. Gravity waves must impact enough energy to the sensor that it can detect changes in its structure. 

The GWD sensors are the newest tools for the research universe. Those things offer the possibility of researching black hole's internal structures. 

The detectable gravity waves are forming in the black hole's event horizon. But their origin is far inside the event horizon. That means that black holes are like an onion of multiple internal gravity fields. 

All gravitational objects send gravity waves. Those things can also used to give information about the internal structures of other objects. But the problem is how to create GWD that has high enough accuracy. Gravity wave detectors are tools that give information about the most dominating force in the universe. 

Can we someday benefit from gravity waves as an energy source? 

The GWD sensors can also work as pathfinders for the systems that use gravity waves as an energy source. The sensor that measures gravitational waves harvests energy from those waves. Gravity waves can transfer energy to photons. Those things are interactions. And photons should also transfer energy to the gravity waves. 

So large-scale systems could use laser rays to capture gravity waves. Or gravity waves could transport energy to some lightweight, low-energy particles. And then laser rays can block the gravity waves. That thing makes those particles like free gluons or low-energy quarks deliver their extra energy. And maybe someday, we can make those gluon clouds.

Two new leaps in the quantum world might be bigger advances. Than we ever thought.

"New research demonstrates control over quantum states that could revolutionize energy efficiency in electronics and advance quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Control Unlocked: Creating Resistance-Free Electron Channels)

Researchers removed resistance from electron channels. That means electrons can travel without resistance. And this is an advance in long-range quantum communication. Quantum computers can benefit from these non-resistant electron channels  In the quantum computer's internal data transportation. The long-range quantum communication in qubit form requires that there is no resistance. Resistance is the thing that destroys data in the qubit. 

And the thing. What makes quantum communication secure is that. The system packs data into the physical thing like electrons. The problem is that the system must keep information in the electron. Resistance will destroy that information. So this is why the resistance must removed. And researchers working with room-temperature superconductors. 

"A representation of data visualization of quantum states of electrons on the surface and edge of grey arsenic crystal obtained using a scanning tunneling microscope at Princeton’s physics department. Credit: Image based on STM data simulations prepared by Shafayat Hossain and the Zahid Hasan group at the Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter at Princeton University" (ScitechDaily, Elemental Surprise: Physicists Discover a New Quantum State) 

"A novel quantum state, “hybrid topology,” was discovered in arsenic crystals by Princeton scientists, merging edge and surface states in a unique quantum behavior. This groundbreaking finding, revealed through advanced imaging techniques, marks a significant leap in quantum materials research, with implications for developing new quantum devices and technologies." (ScitechDaily, Elemental Surprise: Physicists Discover a New Quantum State) 

The new quantum state is an interesting thing. Maybe the universe is the network of quantum fields. And the particles and planets and stars form at the cross points that network. 

The crossing quantum fields can form the point of reference. There is the possibility that those points can be superpositioned and entangled. Those quantum points of reference make system possible to create a 2D quantum network. 

In some models, the universe is the quantum network that is full of subnetworks. When those quantum fields cross. They form virtual material that starts packing material around them. When we think that two black holes form two smaller black holes. And then those two black holes form lighter and lighter objects. And if that theory is right smallest or lowest energy points of that internal network form the elementary particles like quarks and leptons. 

But another thing is that this new quantum state can also give answers to how the black holes will start to interact in a very old universe. It's possible. That those exploding black holes can create those cross points and start to form a new universe. Or maybe this was too sudden a conclusion. 

Those crossing quantum fields can also play a vital role in the birth of stars. That crossing point is the thing that acts like virtual material and starts to pack material around it. If researchers can calculate those points they might find many things like a new supermassive black hole.

Curved terahertz radiation can offer a new communication tool.

"A breakthrough in wireless communication shows potential for terahertz waves to curve around obstacles, enhancing connectivity and paving the way for advanced network technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, How Curved Terahertz Waves Could Revolutionize Wireless Communication)

Terahertz radiation is a tool. That is used for new types of radars and observation systems. Teraherz-scanners can give new tools for airport security. Those scanners can find hidden weapons in clothes. But terahertz radiation can also for communication. 

The newest tool for information technology is terahertz communication. The curved terahertz radiation can make new types of communication and detection systems true. That curved radiation can travel through corners. And that makes a new type of data communication possible. The system can transmit data between two devices directly without relay stations. Even if those devices don't have visual contact with each other. 

"A study that could help revolutionize wireless communication introduces a novel method to curve terahertz signals around an obstacle. Credit: Illustration provided by the Mittleman Group, edited" (ScitechDaily, How Curved Terahertz Waves Could Revolutionize Wireless Communication)

That technology can used in communication at the bunkers. And it can make it possible to offer safe communication on the Moon over hills and around stones. On the Moon, the electromagnets can create the needed magnetic field that allows to turn those terahertz waves. 

Curved terahertz waves can revolutionize communication and detecting systems. Images show how curved terahertz waves can travel over, and around hindrances. That allows systems to communicate over hindrances straight without relay stations. 

If the system can control those rays with good accuracy, those things can used to control things like drones. How many use those interesting terahertz radiation systems depends on the accuracy. That terahertz system can control those curves. 

This type of terahertz system makes eavesdroppers harder to detect transmitters using the bearing devices. The terahertz systems that use curved terahertz waves can also used to detect things through the wall. The idea is that in that case the transmitters and detectors are not in a straight line. 

That makes it easier to hide the position of the transmitter. The curved terahertz radiation can make new types of terahertz sensors possible. What if the system can curve terahertz radiation into the donut-shaped form? In that case. The terahertz systems can return radiation to the sensor. And that can make new types of images of the targets.

Friday, April 12, 2024

These breakthroughs can make AI even more flexible.

"A study shows regular gamers have enhanced cognitive abilities, like faster reaction times and better memory, compared to non-gamers. Despite criticisms of gaming, these findings indicate potential benefits in professional fields requiring high cognitive performance, without increased cognitive fatigue. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Improved Attention and Memory: Scientists Uncover New Cognitive Benefits of Video Games)

Neuroscientists made the breakthrough when they uncovered how people learn and remember. That kind of information is required for the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) systems that can control robots and other tools using the EEG. This kind of information is also an important thing for rehabilitating people, who have neurological damage. That data can be used to create new biological computers and microchips. 

Video games can used to simulate the new tools in the virtual world. If the person can use BCI to control some characters on screen. The same system can control interactive robots through computers. 

"New findings in memory research reveal the role of dendritic translation in learning, identifying thousands of micropeptides and key regulatory proteins, offering insights into intellectual disabilities and broader neurological functions. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Neuroscience Breakthrough Unveils How We Learn and Remember)

For controlling machines, the BCI requires machine learning. The system must connect certain EEG curves with a precise right action. The AI that controls the BCI requires a dataset about those EEG curves. Those datasets are like library or dictionary books for the human brain. And without them, the BCI cannot decode thoughts. 

Video games offer a good tool for researching memory and thinking. And if a person can move characters on screen, that person can move similar things in nature. Video games improve certain types of concentration and observation. And that thing can used to teach people with concentration problems. Video games can uncover. If a person has some kind of problems with some cognitive operations. So video games can uncover, how people learn things. 

"NASA’s software discipline, crucial across Mission Directorates, emphasizes improving software engineering and automation risk management, adopting AI/ML innovations, and leveraging the Code Analysis Pipeline for software quality. Credit:" (ScitechDaily,NASA Mission Critical Coding: Understanding Risk, Artificial Intelligence, and Improving Software Quality)

Computer- or video games can be used to create virtual datasets for AI that control interplanetary missions. When AI lands probes on distant planets like Jupiter's icy moons it requires datasets that it uses. The problem with NASA is that if there is no landing mission before, there is the possibility that everything goes wrong. Flight to Jupiter takes about eight years. And if something goes wrong that mission takes 8 years for nothing. 

So the AI requires a dataset on how to control the craft. Video games are a tool that can offer practice for AI. The gamer operates virtual modules that the AI can use to create a mission profile. The AI and learning machines cannot operate using empty databases. When AI thinks it connects databases to the new entireties. The AI cannot create mission profiles without databases. 

"Researchers from Bar-Ilan University have uncovered how machine learning successfully classifies images, revealing that each filter in a deep learning architecture recognizes and refines the recognition of image clusters through layers." (ScitechDaily, How Does AI Work? Researchers Reveal the Mechanism Underlying Successful Machine Learning)

The imitation game is the method of how the researchers teach things to the AI. In an imitation game, the operator controls virtual characters. And those virtual character's actions will transfer to the physical machines. The AI-controlled robots can also imitate things that people make. The robot's actions are a series of movements or reactions. And the system can connect certain actions with certain things. 

When an imitation machine makes connections between some action and some object. That machine can create billions of connections. And then it can create a network of those action-object combinations. This type of network has unlimited capacity. And the only thing. That limits the number of action object combinations.

AI is the ultimate tool for the military.

Israel uses AI to target combatants. 

AI is cold, ruthless, and without emotions. That makes it an ultimate war machine. The AI can estimate things without any feelings. And that means nobody can affect it using emotional messages. This thing makes that tool the ultimate actor on the battlefield. Israeli military uses AI to track combatants. And things like face recognition make it almost impossible to hide from the AI. 

The Israeli military says that the AI gives good results for the military. That means that AI has become a more common tool in the hands of authorities. The AI can find targets on the battlefield independently. It can aim weapons and launch them at those known targets without human control. 

The fact is that small countries with small armies get more benefits from robot weapons than big armies. Things like automatized anti-tank missile sites that recognize their targets and then shoot missiles against those targets are the extended land mines. Those systems can send data to HQ when they see the target. They can shoot it without the operator's permission if that permission is given to the system before the operation begins. 

The electronic updates can make old-fashioned jet fighter operators able to preload missions to aircraft. In some cases, the system can use image detectors or ESM (Electronic surveillance) -systems to detect targets. When the system sees a target, it launches weapons against it. The preplanned missions can load straight into a bomb and then the bomb loads them to the aircraft or any other systems like tank computers. Those missions can involve things like approaching profiles and attack angles. That increases attackers' survivability. 

The AI will be a tool that connects the battlefield in its entirety. AI can be an effective tool for independently operating entireties or individual machines. AI-controlled, full-scale jet fighters, drone swarms, automatized tanks, and other vehicles are part of terrifying but effective weapon systems that cooperate with other robots and human operators. Drones have shown their force at least in the Ukrainian war. Sometimes people forget that cruise missiles are also drones. And the term "kamikaze-drone" is a new way to say "cruise missile". 

The AI gives cruise missiles the ability to cruise in the operation area. And deliver data to the HQ. When those systems are out of fuel, they attack against targets. Also, modification can turn old-fashioned aerial targets like TU-143 into cruise missiles that can carry conventional or even nuclear warheads. And many people forget that the BGM-109 "Tomahawk" is a BQM-109 target drone. That is equipped with warheads. 

As the F-35-style modern jet fighters can fly with some "loyal wingmen" drones that protect them against AA-flak, the operator can replace those drones using things like Tomahawk missiles. Those escort drones also can have internal warheads. When those AI-controlled systems see potential targets, that thing can make those systems make the kamikaze mission against those targets.

Techno ghosts.

Image: Big

Are past people here in the form of stored EEG? 

Have you ever heard of the term "techno ghost"? Many people think that that term means the hologram. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the world. Techno ghost can mean artificial intelligence that imitates people who passed away. Or it can mean a person. Whose memories and EEG are copied into the computer's hard disks. 

Then, the modified BCI (Brain Computer Interface)  system drives those things into the cloned people's brains. Maybe, that vision seemed impossible, but the fact is that. Brain implants make it possible. That person's EEG can stored on the internet during their entire life. Then the system must only make a clone of that person, and drive those memories into that cloned person's brain. 

Biocomputer is "brain in a vat". 

The biocomputer can reach the human intelligence level easily. 

At this point, we must realize. Even if somebody is a brain in a vat, that operates through the robots and computers. That thing is an intelligent creature whose decisions depend on the information that that creature gets. So nothing is not "just brain in a vat". They are "brain in a vat" if that creature is a reality someday. 

The living brain is a laboratory that can reach the human intelligence level if that brain is made using human neurons. So the brain in a vat is a biological neural computer that can control things like robots using the wireless BCI system. 

The developers should equip that chamber with a life support system that delivers nutrients to those brains. And the BCI system that allows those brains to control the computers.  By using that method the brain can use robots and other systems. 

Many times people say. That computers never reach the same intelligence level as humans. The problem is that those people never think about things like mini-brains. Mini brains are living neural tissue grown in cell cultures.  Those neurons are cloned from some other neurons. 

In medical research, researchers use those cloned neurons in neuromedical research. Things like gene scissors make it possible. That researchers can share the DNA in bites that involve the wanted sequences.

Laboratory staff can cut the DNA sequences that control the brain's and neuron's advantage. Then they can transfer those DNA sequences into some other cells. That makes it possible to clone certain people's brains. 

The new 3D printing technologies make it possible for the AI-controlled biosystem system to create 3D-printed brains. And brains involve our personality. The living neurons can connect with microchips and BCI systems, which allows them to control computers. So even if regular computers cannot reach the human intelligence level, biocomputers can do that thing. 

If we create a copy of some person's brain, we clone that person. The brain in a vat is human if the biological system. That communicates with computers is created from some person's DNA.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The new sensor from Aalto-Yliopisto benefits the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

"An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitted from qubits (depicted on the left). Credit: Aleksandr Käkinen/Aalto University" (ScitechDaily, Breaking the Limits: Overcoming Heisenberg’s Uncertainty in Quantum Measurements)

"The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known." (Wikipedia, Uncertainty principle) 

In this text, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle means the same as the uncertainty principle or Heisenberg indeterminacy principle,

The highly accurate temperature sensors can measure the quantum system's energy levels. The ability to control the system requires the ability to observe its quantities. And the best quantity that we can observe is heat. The heat tells about the condition in the quantum systems. When the system follows the heat in both ends of the quantum entanglement it recognizes the point. When the quantum entanglement reaches the stable energy level. At that point, the system must transport information into some other qubit. 

Or the quantum entanglement loses its data. So the best way to make a quantum computer is to create a qubit cloud. The qubit cloud is the quantum nervous, or quantum neural system. And we can use the same diagrams for modeling those quantum neuro systems. In quantum neuro systems is always a hole, the lower energy point, that can receive information from the quantum entanglement that fills. In quantum computing. The term "filling" means that the quantum entanglement reaches the same energy level at both of its ends. 

That thing forms a standing wave that destroys the quantum entanglement. And in very futuristic ideas. Quantum entanglement could store its energy or information in that standing wave. That creates the idea that quantum computers can transfer information between different quantities. In that very theoretical model, the system can make quantum entanglement and superposition between, for example, infrared- and radio waves. 

The model of a 3D quantum neural system in that system is lower energy areas like electron holes. Those quantum holes allow. There is always space there is always free space or free qubit, there the system can transport information when quantum entanglement makes superposition. The model is created for a 3D neural system. But that thing also can be used to model the 3D quantum neural systems. 

Heisenberg uncertainty means that we cannot measure all energy forms that affect particles in the universe at the same time. So if we want to determine the particle's precise point cannot determine the particle's movement. We can determine the object's relative point to us. But we cannot measure the object's precise point about the universe. 

The thing is that space or room is one thing in bigger spaces and bigger rooms. And that means there is no certain place for particles in their entirety. But when we think about things like different quantities we cannot measure all of them, at the same time, using the same point. 

But if we share that mission with multiple sensors, we can take almost certain high-value results. The problem is that all those sensors have different distances and angles to the point, that they should measure. Those things affect measurement accuracy. And at the quantum level, even small error causes great mistakes. 

We cannot make an operating quantum computer if we think that way. In quantum computers, the computer can use a certain quantity to transport information. In the quantum world quantities like kinetic energy can turn into some other energy form like heat. The heat is one form of electromagnetic energy. It's infrared radiation. 

The heat or temperature can transform its mode to kinetic energy. And then kinetic energy can turn into another type of electromagnetic energy like electricity. The system can use heat to rotate the turbine, and the turbine rotates the generator. In the photoelectric process, light warms silicone. That heat travels to the silicone atoms. 

Then that increases those atom's energy levels. The distance between atoms expands. And that releases electrons in silicone. That is the thing that makes solar panels operate. In that process, the light transfers energy to atoms and then to electrons. 

An ability to change the form of the quantity is the thing, that makes one of the most interesting and futuristic quantum computers theoretically possible. In that system, the superposition is created between two quantities. In that case, a system can make a theoretical superposition between IR radiation and radio waves. This kind of thing can theoretically make it possible to create superposition and entanglement or simply turn two superstrings into a quantum computer.

Could the Lyman-alpha forest give a hint about the dark matter?

"A computer simulation of a possible Lyman-alpha forest configuration at z = 3" (Wikipedia, Lyman-alpha forest)

All energy is wave movement. Wavelength determines the name of the energy, and there are four fundamental energy forms in the universe. Those four forces are strong- and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. All energy forms or forces are interactions. And that's why their name is fundamental interaction. All of those forces have pulling and repelling forms. 

In some models, dark matter is the source of dark energy. And the thing is that dark energy could interact with dark matter. In some models, the dark energy is a gravitational hole. The idea is that when waves travel their backside is at a higher level than their front side is. The wave pulls water upwards at that point water travels opposite to the wave. During that interaction, water transfers energy into that wave. 

That raises the height of the wave. And the higher water level behind the wave pushes the wave ahead. There is one special case. That there is no valley or lower area at the front of the wave. When some ice wall collapses or a high-energy explosion happens that thing can form a so-called sliding wave. In that case, water travels at the surface of the other water layer. And in that case, the sound wave pushes water ahead. 

Standing waves are forming when waves impact. Their height continues growing until gravity pulls them down. Or the energy level on another side destabilizes the system and pushes that wave moving. And the thing is that all energy forms. Gravity can form standing waves. 

We can replace the water using the word "energy" or wave moment. In nature, four energy forms or interactions dominate the universe. Those four forces are: electromagnetism, weak-, and strong nuclear forces, and gravity.  All energy forms are wave movements, and the wavelength determines what is the name of energy. The wavelength determines energy electromagnetism, weak or strong nuclear force, or gravity. 

We can call that lower energy level area at the front of the wave a valley. So term antigravity means that the opposite side of the gravity wave forms the deeper valley. We can say: that if we can create a gravity valley around the object, we can create antigravity. 

The gravity waves interact similar way as other waves. The thing that makes gravity wave pull particles is the valley at the front of it. So if something forms a deeper valley behind that gravity wave it turns gravity opposite. There may be traveling gravity valleys. Or they are traveling gravity waves that have no valley at the front of them. If there is no valley ahead the gravity wave means there is no pulling effect. 

The antigravity could be. 

1) Gravity valley at the wrong side of the gravity center. 

2) Gravity waves that travel without that gravity valley. Those things can form in a situation. That standing gravity wave collapses. 

It's possible. That in the universe is low gravitational waves. That they are only the valleys in the gravitational field. If those traveling gravitational valleys are real, they can form a thing, called antigravity.  Gravity waves are one form of wave movement. 

And if that traveling gravity valley travels in the universe it's possible. It packs gravity waves back of it. Sooner or later. That packed gravity wave will reach a high enough energy level. And it can send gravity waves in the opposite direction. 

In some other models, the standing gravity waves form situations that energy level in those standing gravity waves turns into a very high level. And then. sooner or later those standing waves collapse sending opposite gravity waves across the universe. There is a gravitational valley on both sides of the standing gravity wave. 

When the energy level. Or that the wave's altitude rises and turns the valley deeper. The reason for that is that the wave movement increases its energy level when it travels through that valley. And sooner or later that valley cannot transport any more energy into that standing gravity wave that collapses. 

Could dark matter be some kind of quark-version of quasiparticles? The Lambda CDM (Cold Dark Matter) model is the hypothetical tool that can be used to handle this problem. In some theories matter can turn dark if it touches the hypothetical quark hole. The hypothetical quark hole is like an electron hole, but the actor in this case is a quark. The hole pulls energy out from the quark. And then that can turn matter invisible. 

Lyman-alphaf orest is the sequence in distant galaxies spectrum. Researchers use that thing to research intergalactic material. And maybe that spectrum sequence gives a hint about the dark matter form. It's possible. That dark matter forms things called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP). And if those WIMPs are real. The question is: why those particles do not interact? In some models, the WIMP is a virtual particle or a quasiparticle. 

It could be possible that the quarks can form similar holes as electrons. Nobody saw those quark holes, but it's possible. That an energy level in one quark can decrease as it decreases in electrons when they form excitons. That thing can turn other quarks in proton and neutron to orbit this quark hole. In that model, those fast-orbiting quarks deny that hole to fill, like orbiting electron, denies electron-hole filling in excitons. 

"DESI’s Hubble diagram plots a characteristic pattern – baryon acoustic oscillations, or BAO “bubbles” – at different ages of the universe. The amount of dark energy determines how fast the universe grows, and therefore the size of the bubbles. The solid line is how big Lambda CDM predicts the bubbles will be, while the dashed line shows the prediction from a different model where dark energy evolves with time. DESI will gather more data to determine which model is a better description of the universe. Credit: Arnaud de Mattia/DESI collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)

"As light from a distant quasar passes through gas in space, certain wavelengths of light are absorbed. Plotting the absorption lines reveals the “Lyman-alpha forest” (emphasized here in brown and green) and provides information about the distant clouds of gas between us and the quasar. Credit: David Kirkby/DESI collaboration" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)

Or maybe dark material just puffing up the way. That makes electromagnetic radiation slide over it. When we think about this model, we can use the particle accelerator events for this case. When a particle's speed rises it forms a beak into those particles. 

Maybe that kind of beak can make electromagnetic waves slide past the particle. And that thing makes them invisible. This beak makes particles, and its quantum field acts like a stealth aircraft's surface. In that case, reflecting energy between a particle and its quantum field can cause a situation where the particle is in its WARP bubble. That allows it to spin faster than light. The idea is that when the universe expands the standing wave expands. And that causes a situation where the speed of light is faster in that bubble than outside it. 

When electromagnetic radiation hits a particle, the particle takes that energy impact into its quantum field. The energy load continues until the energy level on that quantum field turns so high energy level, that it sends a photon. And maybe the form of that quantum field causes a situation in which the particle can turn invisible. 

It's possible that if the particle goes in the standing wave. Then those standing waves pump energy into those particles. They start to spin very fast. That thing can make beaks or wrinkles on the particle's surface. The expansion of the universe makes those particles send radiation or wave movement. 

When outside radiation hits that wave movement, it forms a standing wave around the particle. That standing wave locks energy in that standing wave. And that denies the interaction between a particle and the outside universe. There would be structures like hills or wrinkles in that standing wave that scatter radiation. 

Those things can make energy flow on the particle's quantum field. And they form energy pockets in those quantum-size "valleys". When energy falls into those valleys, they form standing waves. They can form a structure that acts like an antenna that sends energy pike away from particles. Those energy pikes could travel through all material. That energy pike pushes superstrings that form things like electrons away from its route. And it can tunnel itself through the structure. 

Or reflecting wave movement. Or maybe that quantum field can be full of things like flares. Those things can deny straight reflection from that material. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Deep UV-C radiation can clean air from microbes.

"Far-UVC light has proven highly effective in real-world settings at inactivating over 99% of airborne viruses in occupied spaces, as demonstrated by a Columbia University study, offering a practical and continuous disinfection solution that could surpass conventional ventilation systems in preventing airborne disease transmission. This technology, safe for human exposure, represents a significant advancement over traditional germicidal UVC methods, which require empty spaces to operate. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Columbia Study Proves Far-UVC Light Nearly Eradicates Airborne Viruses in Workspaces)

Deep ultraviolet radiation destroys viruses from the air. That thing can help to control pandemics. Authorities can use Deep UV-C light to destroy things, like viruses in houses and quarantine areas. The UV-C light gives a cheap and effective way to destroy micro-organisms from layers and air. That thing will help to keep organisms away from offices and other places. The UV-radiation is most effective against viruses that have no chance to protect their genomes outside the cell. 

The researchers can use deep UV-C radiation. Along with ultraviolet lasers to destroy microorganisms from all layers. And that thing can used to sterilize food. 

Because radiation kills bacteria and viruses that prevent things like food poisoning. The fact is that the UV-C dose must be high enough that it destroys bacteria and viruses. If the radiation dose is too low that thing makes the bacteria and virus population more resistant to the UV-C radiation. 

"L: The reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, covered with a sarcophagus. R: A wolf crosses a road in a forest in the 30 km (19 miles) exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor near the abandoned village of Dronki, Belarus. Getty Images Europe/Reuters"(BusinessInsider, Wolves in the Chernobyl radiation zone developing resistance to cancer, says study)

In the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site, the animals created protection against cancer and radioactive radiation simple way. Radiation destroyed all animals that couldn't resist cancer. The high radiation level removed all individuals that couldn't resist cancer. And that left only animals that could resist cancer alive. That thing caused the situation that the cancer-resistant genomes enriched in the population. This means that animals can create resistance against cancer and radioactive fallout. 

When we think of virus populations. Too low a UV-C dose can cause a situation in which only viruses that can resist the UV radiation are left. That means that only those UV-C-resistant viruses are left to cause infections. 

The resistance against antibiotics forms in a similar way. Antibiotics destroy individuals who cannot resist it. And only the individuals that can resist antibiotics are left. This is the reason why researchers investigate ways to replace antibiotics in large-scale sterilization operations. If the antibiotic dose is too small the bacteria can create resistance against it. The problem is that the UV radiation dose acts the same way as antibiotics. If the dose is too small, the creature can turn resistant against it.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...