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Transcendence, or the ability to transcendent thinking may grow in teen's brains.


"New research has discovered that transcendent thinking, which involves analyzing the broader implications of situations, can foster brain growth in adolescents. This form of thinking enhances brain network coordination, impacting developmental milestones and future life satisfaction. The study emphasizes the need for education that encourages deep, reflective thought, underscoring the critical role of adolescents in their own brain development". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains)

"Scientists at  USC Rossier School of Education’s Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE) have discovered that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, which predicts stronger identity development and life satisfaction years later". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains)

The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understanding of ourselves. And if you don't know yourself, you cannot know anybody else. In this model imagination is the virtual world that forms in our mind. And that thing's existence depends on itself, and that means it behaves like a substance. Spinoza once wrote that the existence of a substance depends on itself. So transcendence can be one version of abstraction. We can create and maintain that abstraction in our mind without outsider's willingness to intervene in that activity. 

And we can conclude that while a teenager learns transcendent thinking, that person learns to separate abstraction from reality. The ability to control a network means that a person can control their thoughts. And concentrate better on things that seem "boring". In real life, we must realize, that life is sometimes boring. We cannot make only nice things, or things that please us. The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understand of ourselves. 

The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understanding of ourselves. And if you don't know yourself, you cannot know anybody else. 

Wikipedia describes transcendence like this: "In philosophy, transcendence is the basic ground concept from the word's literal meaning (from Latin), of climbing or going beyond, albeit with varying connotations in its different historical and cultural stages". (Wikipedia, Transcendence)

"In modern philosophy, Immanuel Kant introduced a new term, transcendental, thus instituting a new, third meaning. In his theory of knowledge, this concept is concerned with the condition of the possibility of knowledge itself. He also opposed the term transcendental to the term transcendent, the latter meaning "that which goes beyond" (transcends) any possible knowledge of a human being". (Wikipedia, Trancendence). 

Transcendence means that things happen outside our observations. And that means transcendence is a substance that existence depends on itself. So transcendent experience doesn't require a connection with the outer world. Or it doesn't require a connection with reality. The transcendent thinking is one version of the imagination. Those thoughts must not have a connection with other things. 

So we can say that transcendent experience is like some kind of psychological version of soliton, the wave packet that energy level rises. In psychology or philosophy, the wave packet is thinking or some kind of abstraction. That happens in our minds. 

When we try to observe transcendent thinking, we must try to observe and handle transcendence itself without connections with experiences or connections. The problem with transcendent thinking is that it has no connection with other things. The transcendence is a unique, individual experience. Because it doesn't require outside connections, that means the transcendent thinking or experience are very personal things. 

When the brain creates new models, it will make nothing from emptiness. The brain requires information so that it can create new models. Without information are no models. This thing fights against the idea that transcendence is substance. Or does it? The transcendent experience requires other experiences to form. 

But it can grow its strength autonomously. In that process, the mind breaks the limits of experiences and memories. When it melts details into new models or abstractions, it makes the virtual soliton in the human brain. The thought turns more and more realistic. That means the virtual experience turns stronger and stronger.


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