"High-speed atomic force microscopy combined with a laser irradiation system for the in-situ real-time observation of azo-polymer deformation process. Credit: Osaka University" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Catch Light-Driven Polymers in the Act)
To make the system act as the user wants, the user must control the system. The ability to control a system requires the ability to see things that happen inside the system.
Japanese researchers catch azo-polymer film's interaction with light using a high-speed atomic force microscope and laser-irritation system to observe that thing. The light-driven polymers in some films might not seem very impressive. But those films or their polymers can be used as "glue" for other structures. In self-assembling structures, polymers are as glue on the edge of parts.
Then light will activate the contact layers between those polymers. The light-activating polymers can make it possible to create long polymers. The polymerase chain reaction will make it possible to create nano-scale structures. And light can be a good tool to adjust the speed of that reaction.
"(a) Overview of the high-speed atomic force microscopy integrated with the laser irradiation system (b) High-speed atomic force microscope images of the azo-polymer deformation. Credit: The American Chemical Society" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Catch Light-Driven Polymers in the Act)If there is some kind of nano-electric system those systems can be the tool for nanotechnical self-assembly structures. Electric fields on the film make it possible to move nanomachines on it.
By adjusting the light's brightness the system can adjust the electric level in that system. The simplest way to transform light into electricity is to cover the film using silicone. That silicone makes the light-electric phenomenon on the film. And that thing makes it possible to adjust the electric production of the film. That kind of photo-electric can deliver electricity to nano-size microprocessors.
In those nano-electric systems a small size benzene, with small magnetic iron bites can form the miniature generator's frame. And there is an axle that spins in that frame. That system can act as a miniature generator for nanotechnical solutions. Maybe one of them is not very impressive, but a large number of nanogenerators can create a strong electric force.
Long polymer-metal chains that are in long polymer-metal tubes, there is a magnetic field. That can create very thin but long generators. Engineers can install those generators in structures. Rising air or pressure impulses created using acoustic systems can rotate nano- or miniature generators.
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