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3D printers and drones can be game changers in next-generation civil and military missions.


"The new drone is allegedly similar to the Chinese MD-22 hypersonic drone". (Interesting Engineering)

The Chinese hypersonic drone challenges and maybe beats the F-22 in aerodynamic constructions. That kind of drone can be extremely dangerous for all targets. The hypersonic drone that hits a target using hypersonic speed releases lots of impact energy to the target. And even if that system is a recon drone, the impact with speeds between Mach 7-10 with ships releases lots of energy. 

"Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt has quietly created a company called White Stork, which plans to build AI-powered attack drones". (Interesting Engineering)

The A-10 Thunderbolt destroys a tank with a single 30 mm. uranium ammunition that speed is Mach 1,5. If the tank is not protected, with reactive armor. Reactive armor protects tanks against single ammunition.  The rate of fire of 30 mm. GAU-8 Avenger cannon is 3000 rounds per minute. That means the cannon stripes reactive armor away. 

The Houthi rebels use drones as well as Ukraine. The underwater and surface traveling drones have shown their abilities in Ukraine. And the Houthi rebels at the Red Sea following that thing interesting. Those rebels used drones to attack ships. And that thing shows that also rebels and guerillas are interested in drones. 

The Ukrainian military shows how vulnerable factories, fuel supply systems, and electric wires are in Western countries. The next step is that organized crime starts to use drones against their enemies. Drones can also protect areas like government installations, but they can also used to protect drug laboratories. Mafia with other crime gangs can use drones to attack their enemies. 

"Artist's impression of an anti-submarine defense system". (Interesting Engineering)

The startup develops container-size 3D manufacturing printer platforms in Ukraine. And that thing tells about the integration between drones and their manufacturing systems.  A long time ago, I wrote about drones that 3D printers can manufacture near the battlefield. 

And that kind of system can increase the production of small-size kamikaze drones. The 3D printer systems are the next tool for the military. Those systems can produce spare parts for aircraft and even tanks. They also can produce things like rockets and ammunition near combat areas. That thing can be the new step in robotics, drones, and AI-based warfare.

"Part of NASA’s CADRE technology demonstration, three small rovers that will explore the Moon together show off their ability to drive as a team autonomously – without explicit commands from engineers – during a test in a clean room at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in December 2023. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech." (ScitechDaily, Moon’s New Scouts: NASA’s Autonomous Rovers Ready To Roll On Lunar Terrain)

The new loyal wingmen drones can act as remote-controlled or autonomous recon units, that can search enemy radars, and then send that data to unmanned fighters. Then those drones can also act as attack systems that operate like supersonic "Predator" drones. Those systems can attack against threats by using bombs and missiles. 

Or they can make kamikaze attacks against enemy installations. Those drones can also pick up enemy missile fire to them. Which helps the mission of the manned fighters. Those drones might predict new types of cruise missiles that can return to base if they are not needed. 

"Artist's impression of Boeing MQ-28 wingmen in formation with a piloted jet fighter". (Interesting Engineering)

NASA works with autonomous lunar rovers. Those rovers are lightweight. And they can travel to the dark side of the moon. And then return to the side, that is visible to Earth, transmitting their data to ground control. 

Similar surface-operating drone cars can used in undersea civil and military missions. They can search for poisons and things like mines from the beaches.  Those rovers can slip over the enemy line and then transmit information to surveillance platforms. The military rover can equipped with antitank missiles or some other weapons, and they can use those weapons against any target that they see.


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