Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Relativistic jets are the key to gravity.

Black holes are Schrödinger's cats.  They are and they do not exist. 

The relativistic jet can form the gravity effect. The idea is that this phenomenon is like a thermal pump that forms a colder area around it. So black hole is like a star, and it's not a star. It's the same time cold and hot.

Gravity is the force that moves space or energy field around the gravity center. The relativistic jets move that energy field away from the gravity center in one direction. And then that energy moves particles and photons into the point, where relativistic jet moves energy out from the point into one direction. 

Relativistic jets are like thermal pumps. They transport energy out from black holes. A black hole expands if there are lots of stars around it. They form an energy field that can feed the black hole or its giant thermal pump. The energy level around a black hole determines how far it can pull material through the event horizon.  If a black hole is colder than its environment it pulls material and energy in it. But when a black hole turns hotter than the environment. It starts to send radiation and turns smaller until it vaporizes. 

Above: when objects orbit each other, gravity waves form when gravity fields impact and interact with each other. In lonely objects, gravitational waves form when an object or particle loses its mass. And lets particles travel out from it. 

The relativistic jet from black holes can explain the strongest phenomenon in the universe. The black holes are like potholes in the universe. That means all gravity centers should have relativistic jets but we can see them only in an extremely strong gravity field. So energy that travels out from the gravity center pulls energy fields in it. A relativistic jet is like a thermal pump that forms energy walley around it. That energy Walley pulls energy field like Higgs field in the gravity center, and that field transports particles like a river to whirl. 

The thing that forms gravity waves is the case. That the relativistic jet loses its contact with the field. That surrounds it. At that moment field cannot transport energy to that jet. The pothole must turn lower so that the relativistic jet can continue to pump energy in it. That causes an effect where lots of particles leave from black hole. 

The relativistic jet transports energy away from those points so fast, that there forms an energy pothole or energy Walley around that jet. The relativistic jet acts like all other objects in the universe. When a particle travels in an energy field it pushes a small wave in front of it. The high-energy particle can also form a gravity wave around it when it releases its energy into the environment. 

Behind that wave is Energy Valley. That particle pulls energy into it behind that energy wave. And that forms the lower energy area at the front of the particle. The reason why particles cannot cross the speed of light is that Walley turns too deep. And in that moment particle loses contact with that energy field. So in that critical moment, energy starts to transfer out from the particle. 

In this version, this wave that travels in front of the particles is the source of gravity waves. When particles travel out from the gravity centers they accelerate to the speed of light. The fact is that the gravity field pulls those particles backward. And that thing makes those particles lose contact with that wave. So gravity waves are energy waves that are left from the particles. The reason for that is the energy wave. That travels faster than the particle that formed it. 

"Quantum computing is advancing, with giants like Google and IBM providing services, yet challenges remain due to insufficient qubits and their susceptibility to external influences, requiring complex entanglement for reliable results. Photonic approaches offer room temperature operation and faster speeds, but face loss issues; however, a novel method demonstrated by researchers uses laser pulses to create inherently error-correcting logical qubits, simplifying quantum computing but still needing improvements in error tolerance." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Scientists Develop New Photonic Approach That Works at Room Temperature)

"The creation of a photonic “Schrödinger cat state” – in other words the quantum superposition of states of the laser pulse amplitude that can be distinguished on a macroscopic scale (white or black cat) – can only be achieved using the most advanced quantum optical techniques and has already been demonstrated to be possible. In the present experiment that is subject of the research paper, it proved to be feasible to extend this to three states (white, gray, and black cats). This light state thus approaches a logical quantum state in which errors can be, in principle, universally corrected. Credit: Peter van Loock" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Scientists Develop New Photonic Approach That Works at Room Temperature,

Researchers found a new photonic approach that works at room temperature. 

Researchers created Schrödinger's cat state between two photons at room temperature. In normal quantum entanglement. Information travels between two particles from a higher energy particle to a lower energy particle. When a quantum particle transports information it's a so-called living particle. Then quantum particle that receives information turns into a dead particle. So Schrödinger's cat state is a state that receives and transmits information. At the same moment. 

In the diagram, the Schrödinger cat state is between black and white particles. That state has more energy than both of those states. So how can that state receive information, because energy always travels to the lower energy state? The answer could be that when we think that a particle transmits energy, it flows down the hill. And forward of that particle travels small wave. There is a lower energy point at forward than predicting wave. 

And then if the receiver is between energy valleys between sending and transmitting particles, it can receive and transmit information. At the same time. In this model, some part of Schrödinger's state must be below the transmitting particle's energy level. Then that "grey state" can raise energy in the quantum system over the receiving particle. 

When two-photon particles travel to each other, those particles transport waves in front of them. The valley forms when energy is transferred into the photon that follows the wave.  When those waves impact there is a small valley between that wave and those photons.

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