"A groundbreaking study by the University of Ottawa, led by physicist Rajendra Gupta, proposes a new cosmological model, the CCC+TL model, which argues that dark matter is not necessary to explain the universe’s behavior. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (Scitechdaily, Dark Matter Debunked in Revolutionary Cosmic Study)
In the new theory, there is no room for dark matter. The idea is that. The thing that the cosmologists have forgotten is that energy always flows out from the higher energy system. The base energy level is the thing that determines which way energy travels.
And in galaxies, the base energy level is higher than outside galaxies. So energy travels out from the galaxy. That thing makes it impossible to see things that are in intergalactic space if they cannot from energy echo that is stronger than the energy that travels out from the galaxy.
We cannot see that material against other galaxies, because that radiation forms a shadow to our side of the material. There could be quantum gas whose energy is far lower than any galaxy, and that quantum gas can be the mysterious dark matter. Quantum gas can be the ultra-cold atom or molecule group. And if that gas is very cold and it's near the solar system's edge it can remain invisible. The quantum gas can explain why we cannot see Planet X. That "planet" can be a cloud of ultra-cold gas near the heliopause or the shockwave where particle flow from the sun impacts interstellar gas or plasma.
Quantum gas or quantum molecular gas like Quantum water which is a cloud of independently separated water molecules can form a cloud that causes a similar gravity effect with planets. That kind of single-atom or single molecular gas where each atom and molecule are separated from each other can form in low temperature and pressure conditions.
So dark matter is one form of Bose-Einstein condensate. When radiation hits that gas or material it simply rotates its subatomic particles like rolls and travels through those quarks, because their distance is so long. And that means dark matter is one of the states of material.
It's possible. The altermagnetism can explain some parts of dark matter. If there are some kind of atoms or molecules that let electromagnetic radiation travel through them, that altermagnetism causes there to be no outcoming radiation from the sides of the structure. In that case, the outside energy field of the particle presses radiation into it.
And if we call, altermagnetism to a magnetic alter effect. We can ask. Is there some kind of optical alter-effect or alteroptical effect possible, that turns the material invisible to the outside?
There are two main components in the universe, and they are just matter and energy. The difference between dark energy, and visible energy is that dark energy should called "invisible wave movement".
Dark energy may come from some subatomic particles like gluons or strings that connect gluons with quarks. In that case, radiation that comes out from other atomic parts covers the short wavelength radiation or wave movement that the transmitter particle sends very often. We see radiation if there are some kind of changes or breaks. And that means we cannot see monotonic radiation that other radiation covers.
"An example of an altermagnetic ordering, with the direction of the spins and the spatial orientation of the atoms alternating on the neighbouring sites in the crystal." (Wikipedia, Altermagnetism)
Altermagnetism causes ideas, that could be material with the optical version or alteroptical version of altermagnetism possible. Dark matter may be the form of Bose-Einstein condensate. It's possible. That subatomic particles can turn more freely in ultracold atoms than in normal atoms. And that thing causes the situation. That light and other electromagnetic wave movement can travel through atoms.
In Bose-Einstein condensate the atom's size is bigger. And the quantum fields that push the material in its form are weaker. That means the distance of subatomic particles is longer in Bose-Einstein condensate. That can cause an effect in the quantum field around those atoms acting like foam rubber that pulls the impacts in it. And then conducts those energy waves pass, or through the atom or its subatomic particles.
Another thing is that in some models there are two types of dark energy. Short wavelength dark energy. And very long wavelength dark energy. The thing that supports that theory is waving galaxies. Those waves can be very long wavelength energy, that wavelength is light years. Seeing those kinds of waves is very difficult.
Also, Voyager space probe observations from outside the Kuiper belt and heliopause support the theory that the Dark energy is just wave movement that we cannot see. One of those reasons why we cannot see that energy even if they are radiowaves is that they cannot pass heliopause, or plasma impact where particle flow from the Sun impacts interstellar plasma that comes out from some other solar systems and stars.
We cannot see that cosmic hum either. That thing tells us that maybe also dark energy has an explanation that it's just wave movement that cannot reach the plasma ring around our solar system.
Could Higgs field be the 3-kelvin field or cosmic (energy) background?
The energy minimum in the universe is called the absolute zero point. Or it is -273,15 Celsius. At that energy level, all molecules freeze. And helium turns into ice. That temperature reached in the laboratory. The universe itself has 3 degrees higher temperature. The temperature of the cosmic background is 3 kelvin.
The reason why we cannot see outside our universe is that the energy minimum out of the universe is lower than 3-kelvin radiation. That means energy travels out from the universe. There is nothing that can reflect that energy. And that causes the effect that if the universe were a tower, where height is the energy level the height of the universe decreases. And the size of the universe increases. In that case, the decreasing energy level causes the material to release wave movement faster and faster. That wave movement increases the internal expansion speed.
And another thing is that high-energy- short living particles form in the 3-kelvin field. When those particles like Higgs bosons send radiation or wave movement, that thing forms a bubble in the 3-kelvin field. When that bubble interacts with other fields it causes increasing in energy level at that point. The thing is that energy flow at the edge of the universe causes that there is forming denser waves in a 3-kelvin field.
In that model particles are only denser wave movement. And wave movement is wobbling movement in energy fields. Material vaporization means that when the universe's energy level decreases, that means. That material starts sending more and more wave movement to the 3-kelvin field. In that process, the material turns into a wave movement. Also, the distance of particles and particle groups like galaxies increases.
That decreases gravitational effects. Another thing is that the universe's expansion causes energy to travel out from galaxies faster and faster. So that expansion doesn't affect only to universe as antirety. It affects its sub-structures like galaxies and galaxy groups.
In the young universe, the energy level was higher than in the modern universe. But also gravitational effect was stronger. It's possible. The universe's expansion was not as fast as predicted in the young universe.
In the new model, some kinds of virtual particles form similar gravitational effects. As regular particles. When we think that gravity is the effect that pulls this 3-kelvin field into the gravitational center, that explains why gravitation can also affect photons.
When we think about the hypothetical Higgs field we can think that this energy field is the base energy field in the universe. In that model, the Higgs field could be the so-called 3 kelvin field. And how that thing wobbles can explain dark matter and dark energy. The model is that radiation from high-energy objects creates electromagnetic bubbles in the Higgs field. When some kind of radiation hits particles, they form an electromagnetic shadow on another side of the particle. That kind of shadow moves particles.
When high energy wave movement travels through some particle, it first forms an electromagnetic fake vacuum around it. And then energy from the Higgs field drops in that vacuum. Pumping more energy to that particle. Large groups of particles can also move that 3 kelvin field away from them. That forms a standing wave in that field. Another thing is that gravitational waves act similar way.
When gravitational waves impact, that means they interact like another wave movement. They increase each other energy levels. That thing means that the gravity wave can look more powerful than it should.
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