Sunday, March 31, 2024

The AI predicted the mice's movements with 95% accuracy by measuring brain activity.

"A new “end-to-end” deep learning method for the prediction of behavioral states uses whole-cortex functional imaging that do not require preprocessing or pre-specified features. Developed by medical student AJIOKA Takehiro and a team led by Kobe University’s TAKUMI Toru, their approach also allows them to identify which brain regions are most relevant for the algorithm (pictured). The ability to extract this information lays the foundation for future developments of brain-machine interfaces. Credit: Ajioka Takehiro". (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough AI Predicts Mouse Movement With 95% Accuracy Using Brain Data)

The breakthrough in AI is to predict what mice will do next by measuring brain activity. This means the AI and morphing neural networks can read the mind.  The system must take the EEG from the mice. Then that system will follow the mice's activity using cameras. After that, it will connect that EEG with the activity that it sees from images.  In laboratories, the morphing neural network can collect data from brain activity in simulated situations. 

The system can show images to mice about things like predators like falcons and cats. Then it can see how brain activity changes when the animal sees those things. So that thing is the thing that can open many secrets from nature. 

Many times people talk about the morphing neural networks. Those networks are so-called sensing systems. They will collect data from multiple points and then they combine data. The morphing neural networks can be networked workstations. The input system can be regular keyboards. The network operates backstage hidden from the users. It connects and combines data that those people input into a new entirety. 

The system can also use some sensors to take data. The morphing neural networks can observe which keys a person pushes when they use their workstations using surveillance cameras. That allows to input of data to the system using keyboards that are not physically connected. Or the person can use the keyboard images. 

The idea is that the system follows how fingers move on the keyboard image, and then the person can make gestures to enter. Voice commands and keyboard combination is the most effective way to input data to computers manually. The BCI- (Brain-Computer interface) can collect data from a microphone and Wernicke's areas. 

Wernicke lobes produce speech and the system can connect the EEG image to words that people use while they command computers. The system can collect data using the electrodes that are behind the ears. That is the area where the Wernicke's areas are. The system can look like sunglasses. And that allows them to give orders to computers and robots using the low sound levels. 

Or it can use keyloggers or screen catchers. That means the morphing neural network must not integrated into the system. It can be a separate system that follows the surveillance camera images. 

Or it can collect data from brain implants. That thing makes it possible to use animals as the tools that collect data from nature. The AI that can decode EEG and introduce that data on a computer screen can collect data from natural animals' lives. That system can also turn animals into intelligence systems. That we cannot hide. 

The AI is a tool that can make many things better than humans. Morphing neural networks can connect information about the environment. And then it can connect that thing with the actions that it sees. When we think about the higher class AI and quantum computing. We can hear statements. Maybe that technology will transfer the morphing neural networks into history. The fact is that quantum computer-driven AI requires morphing neural networks for collecting information.

The new materials make the new types of flexible armor possible.

"Researchers have developed a soft, flexible material with adaptive durability that strengthens upon impact, suitable for wearable technology and medical sensors. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Science’s Latest Marvel: Electronic Material That Grows Tougher on Impact)

This particular material uses nano-pikes to transport energy out of the structure. But the acoustic diamond in the middle of that structure can make the energy transport even more effective. 

The materials that are turning harder in pressure and impacts are possible. Theoretically, this kind of material allows people to create tools that can operate in magma. Some structures can transport impact energy and thermal energy out from the material. That makes the material unable to break. The idea is that when the energy level around the energy-moving structure rises higher. 

And the energy level in the middle of it turns lower about its edge, which makes energy travel faster to that energy pocket. That effect pulls structure components tighter when that material faces thermal or electromagnetic stress. If the structure can collect the energy into one place. And then transport it out from the structure. 

This structure can look like a parabolic plate there is a nanodiamond in it. The ring around that diamond pumps energy into it. That diamond conducts energy out from that nano-quantum structure. Reflecting energy waves push the impacting material away. That material can form things like bricks that allow them to make strong and flexible structures. 

"Clouds of smoke billow out of a borehole created when scientists accidentally drilled into a magma chamber in 2009." (Business Insider, Iceland scientists want to drill a hole straight into a reservoir of molten magma about a mile underground. It could generate limitless energy.)

The new energy sources require extreme heat and mechanical sustainability. 

Fusion reactors must keep their form in the intensive heat. But another thing that requires extreme materials is the next-generation geothermal plants. Icelandic researchers planned to make a geothermal power station that drills holes into the molten magma. 

This kind of geothermal system can give high-power green energy. The system requires a thermal pump that transports heat energy out from the magma. And that system requires extreme materials. 

But maybe the Earth's core is a little bit too hot. 

In some models, the probe that travels in the Earth's core would use a symmetrical iron shell. The probe will be a ball-shaped craft. That structure denies the outside pressure to break it. There would be a vacuum between that molten iron and the internal structure that involves the instruments. The electromagnetic oscillation or acoustic waves from the hull of the craft keep the molten iron shell away from its internal structure. 

In the middle of that system could be a nanotube or some other type of energy channel, their acoustic or electromagnetic system transports heat from outside it. That system forms a bubble below that thing. That bubble pulls the probe ahead. The pressure wave that travels at the front of the craft pushes high-energy magma away from the craft's route. This is one thing that can make this system real in the distant future.

Japanese art gives inspiration for next-generation fusion systems.

"Inspired by Kintsugi, scientists at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a method to manage plasma in fusion reactors by utilizing magnetic field imperfections, enhancing stability and paving the way for more reliable and efficient fusion power. Credit:" (,Ancient Japanese Art Inspires Next-Gen Fusion Reactor Breakthrough)

During fusion tests, high-energy plasma travels in the particle accelerator. The problem with fusion is that this plasma is monotonic. There is only one type of ion. The system must press those ionized atoms against each other where their cores melt to new elements. 

During that process deuterium and tritium turn into helium. In some models, tritium is replaced by helium 3.  The big problem is this: when a fusion reaction ignites. That energy impulse pushes plasma away. That impulse breaks entirety. So there should be some pockets, where the energy impulse can go. Or it breaks the ion ring. 

The distance of those nuclei is turning too high. And that ends fusion. In some models, the deuterium and tritium turned into the ion and anion that particle accelerators shoot together. In that model, the fusion reactor is a "Y"-shaped system where the ions and anions impact together. 

What if fusion starts at the outer edge of the plasma ring? This thing requires a new shape of fusion. The new fusion system can create an apple-shaped hollow fusion where the system injects high-speed plasma ions. Another way is to shoot laser rays through the plasma that orbits in the Tokamak reactor. 

Another way is to make the fusion system that begins the fusion at the outer edge of the plasma material. In that ring-looking ignition model, there is a laser or ion beam. That conducts energy out from the inside of the plasma. The plasma structure itself is hollow. And the problem is how to deny the energy reflection from the inner structure. The thing that destroys the ion structure is the energy impulse that will travel out of the system. 

In some other models, there is a thermal pump or some kind of electromagnetic or acoustic beam that can make a lower energy area in fusion material. The idea is that there is a hole where the system can drive high-energy plasma. 

Then the system will ignite fusion conducting high-energy ionized plasma in that lower energy point. The idea is that the high-energy plasma can act like a diesel-engine piston. It pushes the plasma to the chamber wall and the magnetic field pushes it back. That system can ignite fusion at the edge of the plasma structure. 

This thing makes energy space travel in the plasma. If plasma sticks inside the surrounding plasma high energy makes energy move into the plasma very smooth. Then the laser ray transports energy out from the middle of the fusion.

The mutation that helps animals in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster area resist cancer can help to win against cancer.

Image: (Iflscience, Chernobyl's Mutant Wolves Have Evolved Anti-Cancer Abilities)

The animals at the Ukraine, Chernobyl nuclear disaster site seem to create resistance against cancer that radioactive fallout causes. And how wolves and other animals created resistance against cancer and radioactive radiation is simple. Radioactive fallout and radioactive exposure destroy a population that cannot resist radioactive radiation. That thing caused an effect where the genome enrichment started. 

The ability to resist radioactive radiation is interesting. The ability to create artificial genomes makes it possible for nanotechnology can connect those DNA sequences. That gives those animals resistance against cancer to human genomes. Nanotechnology makes it possible to connect genomes between species. The next-generation gene therapy is one of the most interesting things. 

The ability to transfer DNA between species makes it possible to create pigs. That can form human organs. It also can make it possible to create cows that form cheap insulin. The same thing can also make it possible to clone the pancreas cells. So gene therapy can reprogram the pancreas to produce insulin again. 

"Researchers have discovered that proteins from tardigrades, known for surviving extreme conditions, can slow molecular processes in human cells, offering promising applications in aging research and cell storage. This finding paves the way for developing new technologies to enhance human health and treat diseases." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Secrets of Immortality: Tardigrade Proteins Slow Aging in Human Cells)

Natural selection removed cancer genomes from the population thing caused the effect where only animals that can resist cancer can make descendants. And that thing is one of the examples of how changes in the environment can make evolution faster. The data collected from those animals can give new ideas for a cure for cancer. Maybe someday we can remove cancer genomes from our genetic material. Those animals at nuclear disaster sites can give genetic material that can used to remove cancer genomes from the human body.

Another interesting thing is how the tardigrade proteins slow aging in human cells. That thing is interesting because this makes it possible to increase lifetime. Tardigrades are small insects that can turn themselves into conditions where their metabolism is almost zero. Another thing that extends a lifetime is that the cell can remove the metabolism waste from inside it. This is why people who have a wealthy lifestyle seem younger. In their case, there is less toxic waste in their cells, because high metabolism removes the metabolism waste from the body.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

From theory to reality, graviton-like particles are isolated in laboratories.

"Light probing a chiral graviton mode in a fractional quantum Hall effect liquid. Credit: Lingjie Du, Nanjing University" (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments)

Researchers may find graviton in quantum experiments. ScitechDaily reports about this thing like this: "A team of scientists from Columbia, Nanjing University, Princeton, and the University of Munster, writing in the journal Nature, have presented the first experimental evidence of collective excitations with spin called chiral graviton modes (CGMs) in a semiconducting material". (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments) 

There are four fundamental forces or interactions. 

1) Strong nuclear force. (Strong Interaction)

2) Weak nuclear force (Weak Interaction)

3) Electromagnetism. (Electromagnetic interaction)

4) Gravity (or gravitation) (Gravitational interaction)

Their transportation particles are bosons. 

1) Gluons are strong nuclear force transporter particles. 

2) W and X-bosons transport weak nuclear force. 

3) Photons transport electromagnetism 

4) Gravitons transport gravitational force. 

The only particle that is not proven is the graviton. Now there is first evidence about the existence of those particles. Gravitons will prove that gravity is an independent fundamental force with three other forces. Those fundamental interactions are all similar. They have particles and waveforms. Those forces affect different-sized objects inside atoms. 

The thing. That determines the effect's pulling and pushing is the direction of the asymmetry of those forces. The energy or fundamental interaction always travels to a particle that is in a lower energy level in that type of interaction. All fundamental forces or interactions are one type of energy, and the wavelength of energy determines which of the four interactions works in those cases. 

The theoretical antigravity system can form a standing gravity wave using impacting gravitons. That system uses standing gravitational waves to turn gravity opposite. 

The asymmetry in energy levels pushes or pulls the particle. And if the energy level between particles is the same there forms a standing wave between them. That standing wave is one of the so-called virtual particles. The energy level in standing waves rises until another particle can push that wave to another particle. 

But if those particles are in a lower energy level than the standing wave. That wave pushes them away from each other. That thing happens between magnets. And that thing can happen also between gravitational objects. 

If the gravitational waves can form standing waves between those objects they can reflect gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. So antigravity requires the ability to create standing gravitational waves. Then the system increases the power of those waves. Then those standing gravity waves can reflect the gravity radiation from them. And that should make gravity operate opposite to usual. 

Graviton is like glue between particles. They form energy asymmetry that pulls particles together along with other bosons that transport three other fundamental forces.

They are the last unproven particles that carry a remarkable force called gravity. The position of the graviton can be in the subatomic particle or between those particles. 

When we think about the possibility. When a graviton is found, that particle can separated from its entirety. Only in experiments where the system uses certain power. If the system uses too much power the impact energy covers the gravitons. There is also the possibility that Muon G-2 anomaly forms in gravitational interaction between gravitons. It's possible. That the hypothetical but almost proven gravitons are moving during those tests. And that forms asymmetry in Muon's energy field's shape and trajectory. 

If researchers found gravitons during those experiments, that could open a path to new types of research and technical solutions. And a better way to understand gravity. The ability to understand gravity opens the path into a new type of quantum systems, computing, and interstellar flight.

The new quantum materials are coming.

"Researchers have devised a quantum mechanics-based approach that significantly improves the prediction and enhancement of metal ductility, leading to the development of metals that are so durable they could be considered “unbreakable” for their given application. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough Paves Way for “Unbreakable” Metals)

When we think about things like neutron stars one of the reasons why it is so hard to break is this: Neutron star is a homogenous object. On its shell are only neutrons. The neutrons are spinning in one direction. The spin of the entirety is so fast that the impact energy is distributed evenly on that structure. Another thing is that individual neutrons also spin vertically relative to the equator. And that drives energy out from that structure.  

And that drives energy out from the neutron star. Normally. Neutrons can exist at 877.75 seconds if it's outside the atom nucleus. But in neutron stars. Those neutrons are in powerful gravity and electromagnetic fields. Those fields pump energy to neutrons. So theoretically is possible to make a quantum net there is neutron rolls. Those neutron rolls can drive energy out of the structure. And that makes this structure a very strong thing. 

The idea is that atoms, ions electrons, and other subatomic particles form the quantum rolls that transport energy to the wanted direction. The idea of unbreakable material is that. The material can transport energy through it or away from it immediately after energy stress. In that process, the material must not form internal standing waves. 

"Fiber-Coupled Single-Photon Source. Credit: Swati Foujdar". (ScitechDaily, Practical Quantum Devices Now Closer to Reality – Scientists Unveil Room Temperature Photonic Chips) This kind of system shoots laser beams through the holes in the material. That system can transport energy out from it. 

The thing that makes superconducting materials interesting is that there is no Hall field or resistance field in that material. That means the material can transport electromagnetic energy straight through it. Because there is no reflection of the superconductors are invisible to radars. And quantum materials can turn the superconducting effect to other wavelengths. 

In the simplest versions of the quantum materials is a lower energy layer below a higher energy layer. That makes energy travel to the lower energy layer. And if there is a laser ray or thermal pump in the middle of the structure, that thing can pump energy out of the structure. 

The thing that makes steel strong is that there is carbon. That carbon forms energy pockets in the steel. And those energy pockets make steel stronger. The fullerene carbon makes Damascus steel stronger than regular steel. 

"A quantum emitter centrally placed within a hybrid metal-dielectric bullseye antenna, designed for highly directional photon emission. The antenna’s unique structure allows photons to be efficiently coupled directly into an optical fiber, showcasing a pivotal enhancement in quantum photonics technology with implications for secure communication and advanced quantum computing applications. Credit: Alexander Nazarov" (ScitechDaily, Practical Quantum Devices Now Closer to Reality – Scientists Unveil Room Temperature Photonic Chips)

Pure iron is normally fragile. The reason for that is there are no other atoms than iron that can act as energy pockets. This makes the iron fragile because impact energy forms standing waves in that structure. And sooner or later, those standing waves destroy the structure pushing iron atoms away from each other. 

But if the iron atoms spin oppositely as groups. There could be a line in the middle of the structure where those atoms or quantum rolls face each other. In that model, the quantum rolls push energy straight through the layer. Ot if those quantum role divisions spin into the edge of the material they can transport energy to the edge of the structure and away from it. 

Quantum materials are materials that benefit the quantum states of atoms. The ability to control quantum states in materials gives new abilities for material. If researchers can control the atom's spin they can create metals that conduct impact energy straight through it. That requires that those quantum balls spin oppositely. 

If all atoms and particles have a spin in the same direction. The energy levels of those atoms are higher at the front of the structure and lower at the back of the structure. 

That thing allows energy can flow in one direction in material. And that can make material to drive quantum fields in a certain direction. This allows to transfer of energy away from it. And it can make it possible to create the unbreakable steel.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Dark matter is not necessarily a particle. It can be a quasiparticle or a soliton in the gravity field.

"Dark matter influences cosmic behavior through gravitational interactions, leading to phenomena like “dark stars,” which may explode similarly to supernovae. The exploration of potential dark matter particles, such as WIMPs and axions, is critical to understanding these celestial events. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Exploding “Dark Stars” – Unveiling the Explosive Secrets of Dark Matter)

In the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) model, the WIMP is the dark matter particle. The mystery is how those particles can be invisible. And then another mystery is: are all those particles similar, or are they some kind of quasiparticles? 

One thing that can help us to understand the dark matter's role is the energy flow. Energy flows always to a lower energy area. Galaxies are at higher energy levels than their environment. We can think that every single galaxy is on the table. And energy flows away from them. That makes it hard to see material that is between galaxies. If energy flows in a dark matter direction, we cannot see that thing without reflection. 

In some models, dark matter is a particle that spins very fast. That means radiation can travel past this object. In that model, a particle forms a standing wave that closes reflection in that quantum field which looks like the Earth's magnetic field. The other model is that this particle transforms radiation into a string that is hard to see. 

There are books written on dark matter. Cosmologists made lots of theories about this invisible and still dominant gravity effect. Some of those theories require that the Higgs field exists. The hole in Higgs field forms when some beam with the same frequency as the Higgs field impacts the universe. 

Then that energy beam pushes the Higgs field away like water pushes air when a submarine's hull breaks. That interaction would be possible if there were other universes. The high-energy beam pushes the theoretical Higgs field away its way. Then that fallen channel moves Higgs field back to that channel. 

"Image of a galaxy showing, on the left, its stellar component, and on the right (in negative), the dark matter present in its halo. Credit: Gabriel Pérez Díaz, SMM (IAC) / The EAGLE team" (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Shadows: Astronomers Unveil Dark Matter’s Role in Galaxy Evolution) 

Even if researchers cannot see dark matter straight. They can see the gravitational shadow of that thing. 

At the beginning of the dark matter research, researchers thought that dark matter was evenly distributed. But then they found the galaxy there was no dark matter. That galaxy proved that dark matter can form similar structures as regular matter. 

The term: dark matter stars means an object that is too light being a black hole, but invisible. Those things may be hypothetical planet-mass-back holes. The key element in this model is this: if the planet's nucleus is colder than 3 kelvin radiation the outside energy pushes the planet into a black hole. And in some models, small-mass black holes are the thing called dark matter. 

The term dark matter means the gravity effect whose origin is unknown. This means that dark matter can be real particles, quasiparticles, or maybe dark matter is some kind of channel through the Higgs field. It's also possible that dark matter is a material. Whose energy level is lower than three-kelvin radiation. 

When we think about dark matter's existence, we must understand that also the quasiparticles or gravitational solitons can make the gravitational effect that origin is unknown. Or it's invisible to us. There are two types of dark matter in the original dark matter model.  But there could be many more dark matter types than those two types. 

1) Cold dark matter.

2) Hot dark matter.

That means: there could be many types of material things in the universe that can form the dark gravitational effect. In some models, the Bose-Einstein condensate or atoms with minimum energy levels can transfer similar effects on protons and neutrons. In Bose-Einstein condensate the atom's size is bigger than in the normal case. Maybe there is a model that proton's quantum field can expand. 

In this model the proton's and neutron's expanded quantum field allows photons can push quarks away from their route. In that model, dark matter exists in the intergalactic space. 

Outside the galaxies, quantum fields are very weak if we compare them with quantum fields in galaxies. They cannot push protons the same way as quantum fields can push them inside galaxies. And maybe that thing allows the photons to travel through the atom's nucleus and protons and neutrons. 

In the quasiparticle model, there is an electron hole. That is so deep that multiple electrons can start to obit it. Or maybe some missing quark makes a similar hole or pothole as an electron leaves in an electron orbiter. But there are no observations or evidence about gluon- or quark holes.  In the quasiparticle hypothesis, the dark matter is like super-exciton. The black hole is like an electron-hole. But it makes a hole in a different wavelength field than an electron. The quasiparticles can form a group that interacts like a planet. The mystery of dark matter is not solved. That means we will return to that topic quite soon.

Does the AI make lazy humans?

The lazy person seems more effective than the person who is not lazy. A lazy person makes only necessary things. And that thing limits the errors. But the same thing denies the person advance their skills. The need for effective work without errors limits a person's ability to grow their skills in working life. 

AI is same time a very impressive, revolutionary, and dangerous tool. The AI is like the Schrödinger's cat. It might not be dangerous itself, but using it wrong people can create dangerous things. And one of the most dangerous things. What people can create is to leave all work to AI. If people just trust AI and they will not want to check things that the AI does, sooner or later the result is catastrophic. When we think of AI simply as an advanced technical tool, we face another thing. We can compare the AI with things like cars. 

Cars are also a big technical advance. They are a cornerstone of our society. But cars can cause damage to health. And this time, I don't mean people who don't care about traffic laws or rules. Lazy people face the danger that sitting between the steering wheel and chair causes. 

When people move only using cars they face a lack of exercise. Same time when lazy people make something with AI they lose their ability to estimate text. They lose their reading skills, but the counterargument is that lazy people will do that thing anyway. In the same way, we can say that car destroys our health. If we just drive the car while we go out, we can make a long journey. 

But that doesn't burn very many calories. Nobody says that: we need also some other exercise than just turning the steering wheel and pushing the gas pedal. And nobody doesn't ever excuse the need for cars. But people are concerned about AI. 

If we think that lazy people use AI, we must understand that effectiveness is a key element in modern working life. We might think, that diligent people don't use AI. But the thing is that AI makes many things faster, and more accurate. And AI makes fewer mistakes than humans. This means the person who wants to be diligent makes unnecessary work. If a programmer must fix only one path. That means that a person must do less work than when a programmer must fix the entire code. 

That saves work and time in the company. And the time is money. This is why lazy people are effective. They don't do unnecessary work. The problem in that model is that this thing denies the lazy person's advance. If a person makes only necessary things. That means this person cannot improve their knowledge and skills.

The new microchips have revolutionary abilities.

"The sensor network is designed so the chips can be implanted into the body or integrated into wearable devices. Each submillimeter-sized silicon sensor mimics how neurons in the brain communicate through spikes of electrical activity. Credit: Nick Dentamaro/Brown University." (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Wireless Communication: How Tiny Chips Could Transform Medical Technology)

If a microchip is in a bright place it can use solar power. That kind of system can used with artificial retinas. And in the light-operated pacemakers. In the last ones, the cathed can transport light sources like laser rays to a pacemaker. Then those systems can transmit energy into them. Same time those systems can read data from the pacemaker's log. The reading of the microchip data can also happen wirelessly through the skin. 

Those new light-cells operated systems. Along with the microchips that can harvest energy from magnetic fields are the tools that make new medical microchips possible. The problem with tiny microchips is always energy. The energy source for those systems must be a very small thing, and that limits the use of those systems. 

Small-size chemical batteries have no long lifetime. Researchers working with things like salt-based solutions, that use sodium chloride's ability to ionize water. Those systems can make electricity from sweat. But one of the most promising things is technology there the small microchips get their energy from radio waves. 

"MIT researchers have developed a battery-free, self-powered sensor that can harvest energy from its environment. Credit: Christine Daniloff, MIT" (ScitechDaily, MIT’s Self-Powered Sensor Automatically Harvests Ambient Magnetic Energy)

"US Bureau of Standards 1922 Circular 120 "A simple homemade radio receiving outfit" taught Americans how to build a crystal radio. (Wikipedia, Crystal radio)

"A crystal radio receiver, also called a crystal set, is a simple radio receiver, popular in the early days of radio. It uses only the power of the received radio signal to produce sound, needing no external power. It is named for its most important component, a crystal detector, originally made from a piece of crystalline mineral such as galena. This component is now called a diode" (Wikipedia, Crystal radio). 

The same system can transport data and electricity at least to low-voltage electric components. 

"Greenleaf Whittier Pickard's US Patent 836,531 "Means for receiving intelligence communicated by electric waves" diagram" (Wikipedia, Crystal radio)

If researchers can connect the communication with the energy supply. That allows them to create small and effective microchips. In those systems, the microchip gets energy from the magnetic fields and radio waves that it uses for communication. 

We can say that is the newcomer for the crystal radio. The early radio receiver got its energy from the transmitting signal. The battery-operated amplifiers supplanted that system. But then researchers are starting to retake that crystal radio back to use for high-tech microelectronics. Same way small-size drones can use the same technology as the crystal radio used in the past. 

Wearable microchips can get their energy the same way from radio waves.  Those small microchips can also operate in things like artificial retina implants. Or they can control nanomachines inside the body. 

They can use ultrasound to make images from the body. But those small microchips can make many more things than just act for medical purposes. They can track material anomalies in aircraft bodies, search for leaks in spacecraft, and allow robots to get a sense of touch.

Those small microchips can also make it possible to create new types of computers. In those systems, microchips get energy from the radio waves and that allows us to put them on the plate there are no wires. Engineers can close those microchips into the Faraday cage. That protects this system against electromagnetic turbulence. And the radio transmitter-receiver can communicate with those microchips.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The U.S. Air Force tests supersonic drones. That can have a role with hypersonic weapons.

The new supersonic drones use a Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE) to reach high speed. The RDE drones can fly at very high speeds. Those drones can carry the AGM-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW). The high-speed drones can act as launching platforms for the hypersonic weapons. 


In that model, the AGM-183 ARRW can use the same model as the Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic weapon. In the case of the Kinzhal missile, the MiG-31 fighter accelerates to its maximum speed. Then it launches the hypersonic weapon. 

The Hypersonic Test Vehicle (HTV-2)

The fact is that the missile warhead can reach hypersonic speed when the missile returns to the atmosphere. The arrowhead-looking gliders that the missile carries into the atmosphere allow the missile to hit with different angles. 


The Air-launched ARRW missiles can also use a supersonic mach-3+ carrier that drops the weapon in its range. The carrier aircraft raises the missile's speed to a level that it can reach hypersonic speed. The fact is that the supersonic carrier can be the drone. Sometimes is planned that the SR-71 or A-12 "Oxcart"-style aircraft can carry hypersonic missiles in an internal weapon bay. 

X-51 Waverider

The fact is that things like high-speed aircraft or missiles can carry hypersonic sub-weapons. In the case there the hypersonic missile is installed in a Minuteman missile or SR-72 hypersonic aircraft. The carrier vehicle rises out from the atmosphere, makes the ballistic jump, and then that thing will start to dive. The carrier vehicle releases the hypersonic missile against its target during that process. The hypersonic system can use traditional rocket engines. 

Kh-47M2 Kinzhal

Or more advanced systems can use the scramjet engines for the hypersonic flight. The ARRW and Kinzhal are the first-generation hypersonic missiles. The next-generation hypersonic systems can be the Mach 6+ gunships. The speed of the ammunition that those future systems can launch could be Mach 7+. At that speed, the air-pressure cone is a deadly thing.

The new type of AI: is personalized or customized AI.

The new tool for advanced computing could be customized AI. Those AIs are made to satisfy and answer their user's needs. Customized AI is quite easy to make if the system gets information about customer's needs. The system can create those customized AIs by asking, what purpose does the customer use the AI? Another way is to use the same method that targeted marketing uses. The system must collect data about commands that its user gives. 

Then it makes the user profile. After that, it can search for things that other users with similar user profiles use. And that thing can be the thing, that is the next step for the AI. The AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is the tool, that can create its descendant. The descendant can be the customized AI. In that model, the AI downloads the right tools into its domain. Those things are programming editors, test environments, and other kinds of things if the customer operates in the ICT and program development. 

The AI is a tool that makes many things easier. But for excellent work, AI requires the right and true data about the customer and the customer's needs. Without that data the AI is helpless. Another thing is that no programmer can make good tools without the right knowledge about the use of those tools that a programmer makes.

The customization of the AI is not like car customization. The database structure and the translation programs can be the tools that allow that system can control large entireties. When the system's size turns smaller its accuracy turns higher. A person with a good common knowledge of programming or data structures cannot make any program if that deep knowledge has nothing to do with some special programming language. The AI made a revolution in programming. 

Customized AI can mean a domain-specific application. That has the C# or Python libraries in the same folder. That thing makes this type of AI a little bit faster than common AIs. AI customization can happen by using modules. Python and C# can be libraries for AI, that is for programming tools.

The universe's expansion is a mystery.

The universe's expansion accelerates. Because a particle's distance grows and that decreases the power of gravity. Dark energy is the thing that dominates the universe. When the gravity effect's strength decreases, the power of dark energy increases. Relative to gravity.

The universe's expansion is a mystery. The thing, that makes this thing interesting is that if the universe is in the middle of nothing, the universe should not expand. It should collapse. When the material is in an absolute vacuum,  it just turns wave movement. And the direction of that wave movement is out from the material entirety. So if the universe is in nothing that means, the universe should collapse from its edge. The absolute vacuum cannot interact with that wave movement. And there is no resistance. Without resistance. Opposite-traveling waves are impossible. 

But if there is a standing wave at the edge of the universe, that effect can keep material in its form. The standing wave requires something, that pushes those waves back. In that case, the standing wave limits the material turning into the wave movement. That standing wave can also make reflections from inside the universe. When energy or wave movement impacts that theoretical standing wave they will reflect into the universe. 

In that case, the reflecting waves are acting like pressure waves in the vacuum bomb. They travel in the middle of the universe and then reflect from there. That thing forms the wave packages that travel through the universe. Those waves impact with another wave that comes from the black holes. Those waves can form virtual particles in their impact points. Those quantum whirls take energy from those waves and then reflect it. 

When energy hits to particle that particle stores it. And when its energy level rises high enough, it sends or reflects that wave movement in the wavelength that is the same size as the transmitting particle. That means particles amplify wavelength. Virtual particles also re-adjust wave movements' energy levels. 

It's possible. That dark energy has two wavelengths. The "hot" and "cold" dark energy. 

1) Short Wave dark energy. That source could be in bonds between quarks and gluons.

2) Long wave dark energy that wavelength is light years. 


Those quantum whirls are re-adjusting wave movement that impacts them. The problem with dark energy is this: there is energy or wave movement whose wavelength is unknown. The Dark energy can be wave movement with very long wavelengths. Waving galaxies are things that can explain the dark energy. In that case, the dark energy wavelength is so long that we just cannot measure it on Earth. In this model, the dark energy wavelength can be light years. 

On the other hand, the dark energy wavelength can be so short that we cannot see it. In that case: a dark energy source could be in the strings between quarks. When other energy types like gamma, X-ray, gravitation, etc. hit the atom it conducts that energy into its smallest parts. When energy travels in the strings between quarks and gluons. They start to oscillate. That oscillation can be dark energy. 

So, can there be two dark energy wavelengths? Can there be dark energy whose wavelength is very long? And dark energy with a very short wavelength. That is possible. It's also possible that dark energy forms when cosmic superstrings oscillate. And that thing makes them send wave movement that has lower energy than those superstrings.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The bright supermassive black hole defies expectations.


"Astronomers studying the quasar H1821+643 found it less impactful on its environment than expected, challenging typical black hole behavior. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quasar Conundrum: Brilliant Supermassive Black Hole Defies Expectations)

"In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a nonlinear, self-reinforcing, localized wave packet that is strongly stable, in that it preserves its shape while propagating freely, at constant velocity, and recovers it even after collisions with other such localized wave packets" (Wikipedia, soliton)

In some models, the black hole is the thing. Where the energy field moves and the event horizon is standing soliton. And then that thing forms the solution. In normal models, the wave package moves. And the energy field where it moves stands. The moving energy field can also move soliton as a standing wave. In that interaction wave field, or energy field moves against a standing soliton. 

The gravitational nature is a mystery. The researchers research supermassive black holes because they might answer the question about black holes' nature or they might give an answer about the existence of graviton. The graviton can exist. Or it can be some kind of virtual particle. There is the possibility that somewhere in some energy field, holes that are like electron holes. It's possible. 

"An animation of the overtaking of two solitary waves according to the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation – or BBM equation, a model equation for (among others) long surface gravity waves. The wave heights of the solitary waves are 1.2 and 0.6, respectively, and their velocities are 1.4 and 1.2."(Wikipedia, Soliton)

"The upper graph is for a frame of reference moving with the average velocity of the solitary waves". (Wikipedia, Soliton)

"The lower graph (with a different vertical scale and in a stationary frame of reference) shows the oscillatory tail produced by the interaction. Thus, the solitary wave solutions of the BBM equation are not solitons." (Wikipedia, Soliton)

This kind of tiny pothole can form the whirl around it. And if that energy field around that hole whirls fast enough. It denies this power field interaction with this pothole. In this model, the pothole forms in the Higgs field that drives particles to it. And then we can say that pothole is the key to the gravity. We know that electrons can orbit the pothole in an electromagnetic field. And the gravitational field is like all other power fields. There should be similar holes that form in an electromagnetic field.

So if we think that gravity forms in a similar pothole as an electron forms when it jumps out from the orbiter. The Einstein-Rose bridge or wormholes are the holes or tornadoes through the Higgs field. The other version of the wormhole or channel through space and time is some kind of gravitational maser emission. Coherent gravitational waves or coherent waves in the Higgs field can explain the gravitational interaction. 

In some other models, the soliton is in a gravitational field. Or Higgs field can explain the gravity center. When a wave package travels in an energy field it harvests energy from that field. The thing that makes the soliton-wave-packages energy level rise is the energy valley behind that thing. When the energy valley behind the soliton wave turns deeper the wave package pulls energy into it. 

Normal models introduce the model. There the soliton or wave package moves and the field stands. But in the opposite model energy field can move and form a standing wave. There is the possibility that the black hole is like the soliton, where the energy field moves forming a standing wave and the opposite side is the energy valley. This thing can explain why gravity interacts with all other particles.

Transcendence, or the ability to transcendent thinking may grow in teen's brains.


"New research has discovered that transcendent thinking, which involves analyzing the broader implications of situations, can foster brain growth in adolescents. This form of thinking enhances brain network coordination, impacting developmental milestones and future life satisfaction. The study emphasizes the need for education that encourages deep, reflective thought, underscoring the critical role of adolescents in their own brain development". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains)

"Scientists at  USC Rossier School of Education’s Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE) have discovered that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, which predicts stronger identity development and life satisfaction years later". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains)

The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understanding of ourselves. And if you don't know yourself, you cannot know anybody else. In this model imagination is the virtual world that forms in our mind. And that thing's existence depends on itself, and that means it behaves like a substance. Spinoza once wrote that the existence of a substance depends on itself. So transcendence can be one version of abstraction. We can create and maintain that abstraction in our mind without outsider's willingness to intervene in that activity. 

And we can conclude that while a teenager learns transcendent thinking, that person learns to separate abstraction from reality. The ability to control a network means that a person can control their thoughts. And concentrate better on things that seem "boring". In real life, we must realize, that life is sometimes boring. We cannot make only nice things, or things that please us. The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understand of ourselves. 

The transcendence in thinking can open new roads to a deeper understanding of ourselves. And if you don't know yourself, you cannot know anybody else. 

Wikipedia describes transcendence like this: "In philosophy, transcendence is the basic ground concept from the word's literal meaning (from Latin), of climbing or going beyond, albeit with varying connotations in its different historical and cultural stages". (Wikipedia, Transcendence)

"In modern philosophy, Immanuel Kant introduced a new term, transcendental, thus instituting a new, third meaning. In his theory of knowledge, this concept is concerned with the condition of the possibility of knowledge itself. He also opposed the term transcendental to the term transcendent, the latter meaning "that which goes beyond" (transcends) any possible knowledge of a human being". (Wikipedia, Trancendence). 

Transcendence means that things happen outside our observations. And that means transcendence is a substance that existence depends on itself. So transcendent experience doesn't require a connection with the outer world. Or it doesn't require a connection with reality. The transcendent thinking is one version of the imagination. Those thoughts must not have a connection with other things. 

So we can say that transcendent experience is like some kind of psychological version of soliton, the wave packet that energy level rises. In psychology or philosophy, the wave packet is thinking or some kind of abstraction. That happens in our minds. 

When we try to observe transcendent thinking, we must try to observe and handle transcendence itself without connections with experiences or connections. The problem with transcendent thinking is that it has no connection with other things. The transcendence is a unique, individual experience. Because it doesn't require outside connections, that means the transcendent thinking or experience are very personal things. 

When the brain creates new models, it will make nothing from emptiness. The brain requires information so that it can create new models. Without information are no models. This thing fights against the idea that transcendence is substance. Or does it? The transcendent experience requires other experiences to form. 

But it can grow its strength autonomously. In that process, the mind breaks the limits of experiences and memories. When it melts details into new models or abstractions, it makes the virtual soliton in the human brain. The thought turns more and more realistic. That means the virtual experience turns stronger and stronger.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Soliton can make new types of quantum systems possible, and it can also create planet-mass black holes.

"Topological solitons, integral to various natural and technological processes, are being harnessed through non-reciprocal interactions to innovate in materials science and robotics, offering new possibilities for self-propelled motion and advanced functionality. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Breaking Physics: How Solitons Bend Time, Space, and Rules)

Solitons can break the rules of the field and interact with research. "In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a nonlinear, self-reinforcing, localized wave packet that is strongly stable, in that it preserves its shape while propagating freely, at a constant velocity, and recovers it even after collisions with other such localized wave packets". (Wikipedia, soliton). 

The second image portrays the soliton series. That kind of phenomenon can act as an elevator. That allows the system to transmit information between states in the quantum computer. The soliton is one of the most interesting phenomena because if the qubit can be soliton, that will be the new way to transport information. 

"An animation of the overtaking of two solitary waves according to the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation – or BBM equation, a model equation for (among others) long surface gravity waves. The wave heights of the solitary waves are 1.2 and 0.6, respectively, and their velocities are 1.4 and 1.2.

"The upper graph is for a frame of reference moving with the average velocity of the solitary waves."

"The lower graph (with a different vertical scale and in a stationary frame of reference) shows the oscillatory tail produced by the interaction.[7] Thus, the solitary wave solutions of the BBM equation are not solitons." (Wikipedia, Soliton)

The information can travel from the top of the higher-level solution to the lower-level solution. And then that solution with a lower energy level can rise to a higher energy level. So this thing can act like an elevator between quantum computer states. The thing that makes soliton interesting is that. 

Theoretically, if the soliton forms in a closed or insulated chamber. There is no electromagnetic interaction from outside, the soliton could roll the field from inside that theoretical box. 

Solitons can be possible in all radiation wavelengths. This thing means that things like gravitational solitons are also possible. And that kind of thing can cause interesting ideas for the primordial black hole forming. There is also the possibility that mysterious dark matter or dark gravitational effect can be some kind of solitons that can form in gravity fields. 

Artist's concept of a hypothetical Planet 9 orbiting far from the Sun (BBC, Space: Could Planet X actually be a black hole?)

Gravitational solitons are interesting things if they exist. The soliton can be an extremely powerful phenomenon.

Nobody knows how high the energy level in this phenomenon can rise. If the gravitational soliton is possible that phenomenon can form the nano-size black holes. And those things can make the ultimate qubits possible. 

If the planet's nucleus is colder than 3 kelvin background. That thing can make it possible for outside energy to press the planet into the black hole.  If small black holes are possible, that thing explains lots of things in dark matter.  

"Epsilon Indi has been identified as the smallest and coolest dwarf star with solar-like oscillations, known as “starquakes,” offering insights into stellar composition. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Epsilon Indi “Starquake” Shatters Astronomical Records and Expectations)

Solitons can also explain the fast movement of Epsilon Indi. And maybe it can explain the mysterious Planet X. Or it can also make it possible to think about the planet-mass black holes. 

The star, named Epsilon Indi, is one of the fastest stars in our galaxy. The reason for Epsilon Indi's fast specific motion can be soliton in its atmosphere. 

In that model, the static soliton is like Jupiter's great red spot. The soliton can be in the Epsilon Indi's magnetic field. And it can act like a giant ion engine. This thing can push the Epsilon Indi through the galaxy. The magnetic soliton will take plasma around 

One of the reasons why this kind of soliton can form in the Epsilon Indi magnetic field is the pike-shaped X- or gamma-rays or gamma-ray tornados. So high energy radiation may hit Epsilon Indi, but that means that there is a so-called planet-mass black hole, that is purely a theoretical phenomenon. 

But the planet-mass black hole can form when the planet's nucleus is colder than the universe around it. In that case, the planet's nucleus can turn colder than its shell. Then the energy starts to fall in the planet's nucleus, and it can form a planet-size black hole. 

Sooner or later radioactive material ends up in the planet's nucleus. Then the planet's nucleus turns solid. There is no internal temperature. That can warm the planet's core and shell. If the planet is far away from its star, its surface temperature drops to zero kelvin degrees. Or actually, the temperature on the planet's surface is 3 kelvin, because the energy level in the universe is three degrees higher than in laboratories. 

The rogue planet can be superconducting, and all atoms of it can be in the Bose-Einstein state. That state can make it possible for magnetic fields can spin without resistance. That thing can cause extremely high power magnetic soliton. The energy from the cosmic background can feed that soliton until it takes the gravity field with it. 

In laboratories, the zero kelvin is -217,15 C. That means that the temperature of the planet's core can be lower than three-kelvin radiation. And that causes the effect that energy falls into the planet's core. The falling energy can pull the planet in its nucleus, and that can cause the hypothetical phenomenon. That the planet turns into a black hole. The energy whirls will start to transmit energy out from the planet's nucleus and faster and faster spinning electromagnetic fields can finally take gravitation with it.

Consolidated accounts can act as the AGI model.

In the newest models, the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is the center of the AI. Even in the most futuristic models, it's the link between lower-level AI:s and the ASI (Artificial superintelligence) and singularity and transcendence AI systems that use AGI to create lower-level AI:s. In some versions, the self-awaring AI, and AGI are separated from each other. But in automatic systems, those self-aware systems and AGI are synbiotic entirety. The domains are pre-made building blocks that make it possible. That the AI can have unlimited expandability. It learns by connecting new databases or domains in it. 

If we think that the consolidated account systems are the models for the AGI. The next step below the AGI to the executing level is reasoning machines. Those machines are the main domains that are made for certain situations. The reasoning machine is a domain that involves orders and authority to respond to actions like conflicts. The subdomains or domain-specific expertise machines are controlling tools that can respond to the crisis. The domain can be helicopters, ground vehicles, etc. 

The Self-aware machine notices the threat or something that the system must react to. And then give orders to the AGI to create the lower-level AI or give orders to lower-level and limited AIs that control the more specific and smaller parts of the system. In this hierarchy, the singularity and ASI (Artificial superintelligence) are top of the system. The AGI involves language models, that the system requires for making the algorithms that can respond to the system. 

Neural network-based solutions are the ultimate tools. 

(The image above) The AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) data structure can look like the consolidated account. Each account is a specific, independent domain that controls the subdomains. 

When the focus turns smaller the accuracy rises. And the system requires another type of code. At the final level, the system must control the robots or interface that controls individual computers or other devices. That is connected to the domain. 

The domain-specific network architecture means that when data comes from the below to upper level, the domain makes an analysis and tries to solve the problem alone. When there is no answer at a certain time the domain calls help. The benefit of neural network-based solutions is that the system can share its resources to multiple places. And it can transfer operations between networked domains. 

If a domain cannot respond to the situation, it calls for more force from another domain. In the cases that the request crosses the domain limits. The upper-class domain accepts or denies access. That means that if there is a problem, the problem will not escalate to the entire system. And that leaves the resources for other types of actions. 

Stage 1 – Rule-Based Systems 

Stage 2 – Context Awareness and Retention 

Stage 3 – Domain-Specific Expertise 

Stage 4 – Reasoning Machines

Stage 5 – Self-Aware Systems / Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Stage 6 – Artificial SuperIntelligence (ASI) 

Stage 7 – Singularity and Transcendence

Source: (Technology magazine, The evolution of AI: Seven stages leading to a smarter world)

The domain-based systems are tools that involve language models for control of the systems in the domain. The system can look like the consolidated account structure. The AGI is the mainframe for the sublevels. Those sublevels involve more limited but accurate algorithms. That's why the AGI. Its subsystems are like consolidated account structures. 

The interaction is the tool that makes the AGI so powerful. The system involves multiple different data structures. That working under sorted domains. We can say that this type of AI can involve AGIs:s that are becoming more accurate but limited. When AGI gets some orders, it will transfer those orders to a domain responsible for that kind of situation. 

In that kind of system, the code is easier to control. The AGI can use pre-made domains for making responses for the orders. And the interaction means that if the AGI is damaged the subdomains will fix it again. When the AGI commands things like robots through the domain-specific systems it also collects information on how effective the response was. And that helps the system develop itself.

Image 1) 

Created by AI

Image 2)

Monday, March 25, 2024

The ultra-fast lasers and nanotubes are new tools to control quantum systems.

Quantum dots and ultra-fast laser impulses are the tools for next-generation quantum computing. The ultra-fast attosecond lasers can act as ultra-accurate scanner systems. The fast laser flashes can scan structures. That is invisible to scanning tunneling microscopes. But the attosecond lasers can also drive information to the qubits. 

In some ideas, the system that is similar to a scanning tunneling microscope forms a structure that looks like a scanning tunneling microscope. The styluses that hover electrons between the layer and stylus are in comb-like structures. The attosecond lasers will transport information into those electrons, that act as transporter dipoles for the information. When laser ray hits electrons. They resend that radiation in the form of photons. 

If the system uses excitons for data transmission the series of fullerene molecules can used to protect the exciton chain. Information travels between those quantum lanterns. Those quantum lantern chains can be in lines and rows. And information can travel vertically and horizontally. 

The thing is that quantum computers are looking for their form. Those systems are becoming more and more advanced. And they learn to drive more and more complicated data structures. 

"Photoinduced bipolaron-to-polaron formations distorting a quasi-1D lattice of atoms play a major role in the formation of the pseudogap. Credit: Steven Burrows/Murnane and Kapteyn Groups" (ScitechDaily, Ultrafast Laser Pulses Unmask Quantum Materials and Superconductivity)

"Illustration showing light exciting electrons in two molecules of the organic semiconductor known as buckminsterfullerene. The newly formed exciton (shown by the bright dot) is first distributed over two molecules before it settles on one molecule (shown on the right in the picture). Credit: Andreas Windischbacher" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Pioneering Exciton Imaging Transforms Semiconductor Science)

"Waterloo researchers merge Nobel-prize winning physics and chemistry to enhance quantum communication efficiency and security. Credit:" (Quantum Dots Ignite a New Era in Global Secure Communication)

In some models, the Hall-effect fields or resistance fields can used as qubits. The idea is that the system drives information to those standing waves around those wires. The blue lines in the upper image can portray those fields. Then the photons drive information to those fields. Then the system puts similar Hall fields that are at lower energy levels opposite to those fields. Then the higher energy field can transmit information between those energy fields. 

"The entangled photon source, an indium-based quantum dot embedded in a semiconductor nanowire (left), and a visualization of how the entangled photons are efficiently extracted from the nanowire. Credit: University of Waterloo" (Quantum Dots Ignite a New Era in Global Secure Communication)

Quantum dots make the next-generation ultra-secure data transmission possible. 

The next-generation quantum technology that uses so-called quantum dots and indium nanowires are the tools for high-power quantum networks. The system can put quantum dots inside the nanotube, and those dots can make it possible for an entangled photon chain can transport information in that nanotube. 

This is one of the most secure information transportation methods. If somebody tries to steal information that thing cuts the chain of those entangled photons. And the system detects the attack immediately. 

The main problem with quantum data transportation is: how to get information from the qubit into the wire. Quantum networks are more secure than regular networks because information travels in physical structures. It's also possible that the quantum network uses regular optical cables, where each wire is a qubit's independent state. The system can share the data between those wires. And then that thing makes it hard to break the protection.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

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