In this text, I use the terms Pauli's exclusion principle and Pauli exclusion principle about the idea created by the scientist name, Wolfgang Pauli. The idea is that there are no two identical fermions in the quantum system. So we can transform that quote to the form there are no two identical participants in the same quantum system.
Free energy destroys the system. Free energy means energy that is not participating in the system. When particles like protons are in the laser rays that laser ray fills them with free energy. The energy that comes outside destroys the quantum system because it fills it with free energy. And then the free energy adjusts the system to the condition that eliminates the Pauli exclusion principle.
When all actors in the system reach the same energy level and turn identical. That destroys the system. Pauli's exclusion principle is the requirement for the system's existence because its the reason for energy flows between the system's participants. And that energy flow causes a vacuum that keeps the system as an entirety.
Two identical particles are repelling each other. And the existence of the system ends.
When energy pumping ends that thing destroys particles. The reason for that is when energy pumping ends that causes expansion of the quantum field. And if that expansion is too fast and too big that rips the particle into pieces. But the system cannot stand either stable energy pumping forever. Stable energy pumping adjusts all participants in the quantum system to the same energy level.
That destroys the system the same way as the stopping. If the energy pumping happens with the laser rays. That energy pumping destroys the smaller quantum system. The reason for that is outcoming energy fills the system.
When an energy pump happens with laser rays. This outcoming energy ray brings more energy to the system and adjusts all particles to the same quantum state. So long-term outcoming energy pumping is the same way destructive as suddenly chancing energy impacts. The thing that destroys the system is that all particles turn to the same energy level. And they turn identical. So this is why the energy maximums and minimums are both dangerous. Identical particles are repelling each other. And that's the idea of the Pauli exclusion principle.
There are no two identical actors in the quantum system. If in the system is two identical actors. They start to repel each other. If two almost identical actors are oscillating with the same oscillation frequency. But with different energy levels. They form quantum entanglement. That quantum entanglement acts like an antenna that harvests more free energy into the system.
That antenna conducts energy to both ends until the quantum entanglement reaches the same energy level that destroys the quantum entanglement. And those particles start to travel away. But also the quantum entanglement or energy that travels away from it pushes the system and increases its destruction.
Why is the annihilation reaction so powerful?
The annihilation turns antimatter and material into gamma rays. And then those gamma-rays are interacting with other particles. That increases their energy level. So when gamma-ray hits an electron. That increases the energy level of that energy.
An annihilation reaction is a case where antimatter- and material particles impact. The annihilation reaction means the situation. That material and antimatter particles both turn to energy. But what makes that reaction so powerful?
The annihilation destroys a whisk-looking structure that forms particles. When positive and negative particles like position and electron impact that thing cause small lightning. That effect rips the quantum strings that form particles in pieces.
When that impact happens particles transmit energy to those superstrings. Those superstrings send energy to those particles. And then that energy which travels in particle rips that whisk-looking superstring-structure in pieces. The energy that impacts those superstrings travels in them.
And that thing makes a similar effect to a vacuum bomb. The energy that travels through the electromagnetic vacuum inside the particle makes that effect which turns entire particles to energy or wave movement. Or it releases the superstrings.
Pauli's exclusion principle and how its effect on annihilation reaction?
Pauli's exclusion principle that there cannot be two identical fermions in the same system gets an expansion. There is the possibility that there are no two identical superstrings in particles.
There is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle affects the superstrings. The energy that transfers between particles keeps the system in form. When energy travels from hot to cold particles that causes a situation where that cold particle will pull the hot particle to it.
A hot particle sends energy, and when the particle is cold. It receives energy. If the energy level of same-size particles is the same they push themselves away. So when the energy level of the superstrings is the same. That thing causes a situation that they will push themselves away. And that destroys the particle. Every single superstring in a particle has a different energy level.
All quantum systems pursue is to reach a minimum energy level. When a particle reaches the same energy level as its environment. It loses its existence as a particle and turns to wave movement.
That means the superstring structure that forms particles is destroyed. The minimum energy level means that all superstrings that form particles reach the same energy level. So they turn identical.
And then, the energy flow that keeps the particle in its entirety ends. This causes a situation that those superstrings will be released. Particle turns to wave movement.
Energy roofs and energy bottoms are the same way destructive.
When a particle reaches the minimum energy level where the superstrings are released. It turns to wave movement. But same way if the particle is in dominating energy field like a laser ray the outside energy will rise its energy level to the energy roof. The energy roof means the maximum energy level in the system. In that case, energy travels from the laser ray to the system until it reaches the same energy level as the laser ray.
The reason why laser rays are destroying quantum systems is that they bring more energy to the system all the time. And then the laser ray will adjust those superstrings at the same energy level. And that destroys the particle. So maximum and minimum energy levels are both dangerous.
Pauli's exclusion principle: how it affects futuristic quantum rocket technology?
Silent levitation.
The simplest way to make a quantum engine is to make a series of quantum entanglements. When particles in quantum entanglements reach the same energy level. That thing kicks them in opposite directions. And those particle pairs can push an object forward. That system makes it possible to create a silent levitation system.
The energy roofs and energy floors both turn the particles to wave movement. This thing makes things like vacuum energy and zero-point engine possible.
The idea of quantum engines is that: there is always free energy in the particles. When the laser ray or zero-point energy destroys a particle.
It also releases the free energy stored in the system's quantum field. That energy forms when gluons are jumping between quarks.
Quantum engines can benefit the breaking particle for making thrust. The laser engine can stress and break the protons or even quarks. The system stresses those particles with a laser ray. When laser ray destroys those particles' structure breaking particles form thrust.
The cold quantum engine can pull particles to a minimum energy level. When those superstrings are released. They would give energy to the system. The quantum engine just releases the free energy stored in the particle.