Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What happens when a black hole is forming?

When a supernova explosion happens. The shockwave starts to travel out from the star. A Supernova explosion is a case where fusion fills the entire star during that process. Energy impacts the middle of the supernova with enormous power. The shockwave forms an electromagnetic vacuum. So we could say that the supernova is like a giant vacuum bomb. 

And when the power of that shockwave decreases the electromagnetic vacuum around the nucleus of the star starts to fill. At least in this stage in the supernova explosion energy that drops in that electromagnetic vacuum smashes against the material that is in the middle of the star. The energy impact smashes electrons in the atom's nucleus. 

And if that impact is powerful enough it just smashes all elementary particles, quarks, and electrons into one entirety called a singularity. That material is extremely thick. And when some kind of electromagnetic radiation impacts that thing, that radiation reflects from the object. 

That reflection causes things where the gravitational waves are traveling out from the black hole's nucleus. If the reflection happens in very short periods. The vacuum between those power fields has no time to fill. That thing causes the case that simultaneously repeating vacuums are starting to pull objects inside that thing. And when objects reach the black hole's nucleus. They reflect from the nucleus. The thing that sends gravitational waves can be some kind of superstring. 

Black holes are like potholes in the universe. Whenever a black hole sends a gravitational wave against another energy wave that travels in it the impacting energy wave loses the energy of falling waves and material. So the energy level of radiation that impacts the black hole's nucleus is always lower. And that causes a situation that the black hole loses its mass. 

Those supermassive objects interact with their environment. Outcoming radiation keeps a black hole or its event horizon in form. If the radiation that falls in the black hole ends nothing limits the expansion of the black hole. But because the black hole will not get more energy, it will turn lighter. Gravitational waves are forming similar forms as other materials and magnetic fields. When the expansion of the gravitational field is unlimited. That turns its energy level lower. That causes the explosion of the black hole. 

Also if a black hole's mass is too high that causes a situation the impact of falling energy or wave movements is too strong. That thing destroys the black hole. Inside the black hole, its nucleus rotates at an extremely high speed. The speed of that point is about the speed of light. That thing causes high power interaction between internal structure and gas that is falling into the black hole. And there is a small vacuum in that absolute ball. 

That vacuum can be smaller than a quark. That vacuum pulls the nucleus inside. So the internal vacuum and outcoming energy are keeping singularity in the form. When the reflection starts from the nucleus of the black hole it's in a vacuum for a short moment. If there is no internal structure that pulls the singularity inside. There is the possibility that it destroys the singularity.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The auroras on the skies of Jupiter's moons can tell that there is an ocean under those moon's icy shells.

Above: Galilean moons. 

Many times people ask how icy moons can have water. The reason for that is the magnetic field. Those moons are quite small things, and that's why people think that there is not enough radioactive material that keeps their nucleus warm and that causes a loss of the magnetic field. 

But the magnetic field doesn't need to have a melted nucleus. The magnetic nucleus and fast-rotating cloud of magnetic crystals can turn the icy moon into a generator, even if the nucleus of the moon is solid. In that model water that rotates the magnetic nucleus acts like a generator if there are magnetic iron bites in that liquid. 

That model requires that there is a water layer around the nucleus. And that water must rotate the entire nucleus. Then the iron bites that are in the water turn the structure into the generator. 

And the aurorae of Jupiter's moons prove that there is a magnetic field. The low gravitation and tidal forces keep water liquid. And that makes the magnetic field to those small objects without the radioactive isotopes. 

The reason that icy moons Galilean moons can have oceans that cover their entire surface is their weak gravitation. The gravitation on those moons is so weak, that water cannot turn to ice. 

There is the possibility that water that is under the ice shells is in the form that seems a little bit combination of liquid water and vapor. The water would be thin. 

Low gravitation and tidal forces from the gas planet keep water in liquid form And that water layer forms a water mantle for those icy moons. Because friction is extremely low, water rotates the nucleus of those moons at a very high speed. 

The tidal waves are keeping that water in the move. And when that water layer moves around the moon's nucleus it rises small metal bites to the ice shell. 

When the moon's nucleus rotates. It interacts with iron or some other magnetic metal bites that are under ice and in the water layer. That thing turns the moon into a giant generator.  That thing forms the magnetic field like similar effect forms on Earth.

This same effect can use to create an energy supply for small-size satellites. 

By the way, the water that is loaded with iron bites can turn into generators for very small satellites. In that case, the water that is in low pressure would be put into the chamber and then put to rotate around the magnetic stick. 

That thing makes it possible to create power systems for satellites that don't require solar panels or nuclear isotopes. That kind of generator can keep the satellite's size small. Or the system can need small solar panels. That feeds magnets around the chamber making that water rotate the generator's heart.

Friday, February 17, 2023

There is no absolute information.

There is no absolute information. 

If some object is forward of the main information. The main information is the information that has the biggest effect on the observer. But the thing is that we cannot separate the main object from the object that is closer to us. 

That closer object seems to dominate. Information travels in time and space. When we think about the information's source, we can think that is the object. And photons bring information about that object to the observer. 

The existence of an object means that we get information about the object. That object's existence starts with us, but an object can be virtual. And it exists until we get information that the object's existence ends. But information about that object remains in our memory. And if the object exists only in our imagination. An object's existence is virtual. 

Information is like a road or tower. That means information forms chains. Information can be material, or it can be the things like some kind of action. When we think that information forms roads. There is always begin and an end in the information. Information is not vanishing. But it can decode in another formation. And that means we cannot separate the beginning of the original information from the secondary information. 

In that case, the information is like a tower. If we face the thing that began the series of information cases we can think that information is like a house with floors. In the case that we handle some case periodically that forms the floors. The floors are the time that spends between those event-handling sessions. 

When information is born it's sterile. But then another piece of information covers that original information. And that thing pollutes information. In both images, the secondary information is the fog. That covers the timeline under it. 

When we see something, our mind stores it. The same way the universe stores information in the material. The remnant of the beginning of the universe is the universe itself. 

A reason why we cannot see the universe's begin is simple. Information from that event is buried below other things. The secondary information has covered the beginning of time and space. That information exists. But we cannot that very first information from information that formed later. The later formed information is like fog, covering the very first information below it. But information itself cannot vanish. 

It just turns its form. There is a possibility that the absolute darkness in the Kuiper belt hides information about the solar system forming. In that extremely low temperature and weak solar wind material like iron is in the form of Bose-Einstein condensate. The superconducting material forms thing that stores information precisely in the form where it impacts to superconducting material. 

When time travels forward we are taking more distance from the beginning point of the information tower. The information is clear when we see the fresh case. But then the fog turns the information tower unclear. The fog is secondary information. Even if we have the biggest problem at our desk things like everyday problems like visiting the shop can make us forget the solutions. 

That is urgent for the entire planet. Maybe we create a solution that is suitable for planetary defense. But then we forget that thing when we visit the shop. The reason for that is simple. We think that our milk liter is more important than some asteroid-turning system. 

We can think that the image above this text is a good example of how information behaves. We see bright lights and many other things. But those bright lights cause a situation that we cannot see in full entirety. We see bright lights. And those bright lights hide a much bigger entirety, that surrounds us. This thing is called a light wall. The term light wall means that the main object hides behind the brightness and fog. 

That means details covering the entirety. We cannot observe things like dark matter and dark energy because the brightness of visible material covers them under the visible material's shine. 

The information that we see is always limited. When we see things that are in front of us. We cannot see things that are behind our backs. And that means we can observe a maximum of half of the space. Which surrounds us. Even if we have 180 degrees field of view we cannot see everything that happens around us.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Neuroimplants are the next-generation tools that can revolutionize the world.

Telepathy is a real thing, at least if people use implanted microchips for wireless communication. It's called technical telepathy. Implanted microchips allow people to exchange information between each other and machines using microchips implanted in their nervous system.

The neuro implants that stimulate the nervous system can give help with neural diseases like Parkinson's and maybe Alzheimer's. Those microchips stimulate the nervous system with electric impulses. The idea in that kind of system is that they increase the power of electric impulses that neurons give, or they just stimulate neurons. And that should deny immune cells attack against those things. 

There is a possibility that the microchips that are transmitting nervous signals can use to restore the ability to move transplanted extremities. And that system makes it possible to transplant feet or arms to people who lost them because of accidents and diseases. 

But neuro implants can also move prostheses. They can restore the ability to move things like hand or leg prostheses. Wireless communication allows the creation of robot hands that are easy to use as gloves. The problem with microchip-controlled prostheses has been the sore that the electrode needs. The wireless communication allows the neural chip can control the robot arm through the skin. 

The implanted microchips can also use for everyday payments. In that case, a similar microchip used in payment cards is put under the skin of the hand. That kind of microchip can also contain the personal data of the user. And it allows using that kind of microchips as the ID-card. 

But then we must realize that the implanted microchips can communicate via the internet. That kind of system can connect to a mobile telephone. And that allows controlling the telephone or computers without the need to use hands. 

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) allows to remote-control robots. The users who use those systems can control drone swarms. And implanted microchips allow people who have those chips to communicate with each other by exchanging information using those chips. 

An idea is simple the microchips put on Broca's and Wernicke's areas make it possible that people can use technical telepathy.  Also, animals that have those microchips can turn into biorobots. 

That thing makes intelligent pets possible. We can visualize the situation where a person forgets to load the body that paralyzed person needs for walking. The neuro-implanted parrot can put the electric cable to the socket. Or we can send the remote-controlled dog to the shop. In that case, we can put an order to shop. 

And then the workers will put the ordered goods in the basket that our pet pulls behind it. Then the RFID chip in our biorobot pet tells us that goods can deliver to that pet. Diogenes the Sinope gives inspiration for that kind of thing. That ancient philosopher sent his dogs to shop for him, and that man can be called the father of robotics. 

Neuralink and other implants that connect to the nervous system can change personality. But we know that there are people who need manipulation. The question about free will is: should a person have free will, in the case that person is dangerous to the environment? And, who describes dangerous behavior? 

The fake memories can use for mental manipulation. But the same technology can use for teaching people. The user of the system determines where that person wants to use it. So maybe someday that technology gives help with ADHD and other people with concentration problems. But that kind of system is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. 

But the world is full of somehow dangerous technology. Things like cars are the same way, dangerous in the wrong hands. When people are talking about mental manipulation they highlight free will. But every day we can see what negative things free will can make. And in that case, I mean things like despotic governments and wars. 

If we say that microchips change their user's personalities, we must understand that people like violent prisoners might require that kind of mind manipulation. Those things are questions about free will. And this point, we must ask what if somebody could change Vladimir Putin's personality for a peace-loving leader? 

When we think about the microchips that stimulate neurons we can use those things as a learning tool. The system can drive information to those microchips. And then those chips can send those signals to the brain. 

If we think that the system uses similar technology as the eye implants that can restore the person's vision the system can record information. And then drive it to the optic nerve. Or microchips can stimulate Broca's- and optical lobe. And it makes it possible to create "fake memories". But in that case, those memories are used for good.

Planet nine, stealth technology, electromagnetic explosives, and laser rockets are fascinating combinations.


Planet nine could be a stealth planet. 

There is the possibility that Planet X or the mythic ninth planet is invisible. Because around that planet is a thin hydrogen layer. When weak solar radiation hits those hydrogen atoms. They will turn their electrons against solar radiation.

 So solar radiation causes a situation in that the hydrogen atoms send wave movement that turns sunlight to travel past that hypothetical planet. In that case, the planet is invisible. There is a possibility that planet X's surface temperature is the same as its environment. 

That means there is no energy exchange between that planet and its environment. That makes this object extremely hard to detect. And that means the hypothetical planet X is a stealth planet. Even if the energy that impacts its dayside rises. Planet X's temperature is a little bit higher than its environment so energy travels to nightside. 

And that means we cannot see that hypothetical planet if it exists. The reason, why Planet 9 interests researchers are that the phenomenon that makes it invisible also interests stealth researchers. 





Images from the top. 

Image 2A: TNT molecule. 

Image 2B: RDX molecule. 

Image 2C: 2D water molecules. (Left image)

Image 2C Graphene

2D materials, like fullerene and graphene, make next-generation explosives and rocket engines possible.

When we think about the graphene's molecular structure and 2D  water molecule network. That form is similar to the carbon or hydrogen ring in the TNT and RDX. So it's possible just to send electromagnetic radiation to fullerene and 2D water. 

That thing creates a situation where energy forms a standing wave in the middle of the ring. And when energy starts to reflect. That thing causes reflecting waves in the structure. So that structure makes EM explosives possible.

Fullerene and graphene are fascinating materials. Those materials can use in many systems. And one of those systems is the stealth-systems. There is the possibility that the system anchors electrons in the middle of the graphene structure. And then energy will conduct to that graphene structure. 

When energy impacts those electrons they send counter photons against incoming radiation. That could make reflection weaker or deny the radiation impact with the layer. In that model, the hydrogen atoms could anchor in the middle of the graphene layer. The electron would be outwards. And then, the proton will shoot energy impulses. That removes energy from incoming radiation. And make reflection weaker. 

Nanomaterials are key elements in electromagnetic explosives. 

But the fullerene and graphene can make electromagnetic explosives and laser rockets possible. Nanotechnology makes explosives more accurate and powerful than ever before. 

When energy impacts graphene. That structure aims in the middle of the carbon rings. Then that radiation jumps back. And it acts like a carbon ring in the RDX. But in that case, the explosion is forming when the radiation energy impacts to graphene structure. The thing that makes gunpowder, TNT, and RDX (Hexogen) explosives are the carbon rings. 

When energy travels in those carbon rings they aim energy in the middle of those rings. And when the energy level turns high enough. It suddenly breaks that ring. That releases lots of energy. When the energy pump to those rings starts, it forms a standing wave movement. When the energy pump continues. It rises the energy level in that standing wave movement. 

Also, energy pumping keeps the carbon ring or ball in form. When energy pumping ends . The pressure difference between in and outside the ring rises. And then outcoming energy destroys the structure and releases more energy stored in those chemical bonds. 

But what if you will aim the laser ray at the fullerene? Fulleren is a ball-shaped carbon moelcule. When radiation hits fullerene. It will aim for energy in the middle of it. Also energy level between those carbon atoms starts to rise. That breaks the fullerene ball, and in that case, the energy stored in the fullerene is released. So the fullerene acts like a vacuum bomb. 

When energy jumps out from the middle of the carbon ball it touches the energy strings that travel between carbon atoms. The system forms an extremely powerful energy impact. While the energy that the laser pumps to fullerene is released. 

That thing makes it possible to use fullerene as the booster in electromagnetic rocket engines. The system sprays fullerene balls in the microwave or laser ray. That electromagnetic radiation makes those fullerenes explode. That thing increases the power of electromagnetic rocket engines.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

New evidence: black holes are the source of dark energy

Black holes are candidates for a source of dark energy. Dark energy is the free energy or wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. And the thing that makes dark energy mysterious is that there seem no sources for that wave movement.  

Sometimes introduced that dark energy is the gravitational maser effect where crossing gravitational waves interact with other particles. And that causes the mysterious wave movement. At this point, I must say that those particles can be virtual. The virtual particle can be the whirl or wave in the gravitational- or some other wave movement. 

The thing that makes dark energy interesting is if its source is in black holes. That could mean that the secret of antigravitation can hide in the dark energy. 

Sometimes antigravitation is described as oppositely acting gravitational wave movement. And that makes the dark energy interesting. 

In some gravitational models, gravitation is formed when three quantum fields around the quarks cross each other. That thing forms the electromagnetic tornado. In that model, the gravitational tornado is electromagnetic low-pressure. And that pulls the particles or objects to each other. 

The idea of antigravitation is simple. The model of gravitational waves is that gravitation is radiation. And if those gravitational rays are hollow that forms electromagnetic low-pressure in that gravitational ray or channel. And those hollow radiation channels form the tornado-shaped radiation form where electromagnetic wave movement acts like a tornado. 

The source of antigravitation or pushing gravitation can be:

In the middle of the gravitational channel. 

Or at the edge of the gravitational channel. 

So what is antigravitation? 

Antigravitation is the effect where the repelling effect of the gravitational wave channel turns stronger than the pulling effect. The gravitational tornado sends gravitational waves from its edges. Gravitational waves are electromagnetic wave movements just like X- or gamma-rays. So if the gravitational whirl rotates at too high a speed that makes the pushing gravitational effect stronger than an electromagnetic vacuum can pull. 

One way to make antigravitation could be by sending some particles through those gravitational tornadoes. And that thing makes them repel objects. Or in some other models, if the speed of that whirl-shaped wave movement is high enough, that thing makes gravitational tornado pushing. In the last model, the gravitational tornado turns so small that the energy that travels from its edge turns stronger than electromagnetic low pressure in that electromagnetic tornado. 

It's the gravitational wave statue or small-size gravitational tornado where the interaction between the walls or edge of that tornado is stronger than the pulling effect of the electromagnetic low-pressure. 

In that model, the gravitation pushes and pulls at the same time. Gravitation is like a channel where is the shell that forming of superstrings (or extremely thin wave movement bites). 

The ratio of the inside of the channel to its edge determines does that gravitational tornado pull or pushes. If the edge is larger, or its energy level is so high that electromagnetic low-pressure cannot repeal it that makes gravitation push.  In that model, the antigravitation forms at the gravitational tornado's edge.

Friday, February 10, 2023

There is the possibility that another spy balloon shot down over Alaska.

The Chinese spy balloon that was shot down earlier was the airship. The balloon contained engines and a guidance system. So that means it could control its flying. 

Today Pentagon or White House reported that a U.S. fighter shot down another high-altitude target over Alaska. The type of that target is a mystery, but somewhere is told, That it's a sedan-size thing. And that's all that is told. The spy balloons are minimum cost and also effective. 

That means. Also, other actors than China might be interested in that kind of system. The recon balloon can record things like radio signals. It can have radars and cameras. And that system can wake up things like eavesdropping tools. High-flying balloons are powerful tools if we compare their costs with aircraft.

The Echo-satellite connection. 

In the early 1960's NASA shot two mylar balloons into the orbiting trajectory. Those balloons were silver-color and very large. There is the possibility that somebody uses similar technology for sending spy balloons over the USA. There is the possibility that the mission pack or instrument cabin is in the middle of that balloon. 

There is a possibility that some ball-shaped UFOs are balloons. An instrument cabin- or gondola is in the middle of the balloon. The gondola or instrument cabin locates in the middle of the balloon. 

That is not a usual concept, even in balloons. The idea is that the antennas hanging below the balloon record electromagnetic impulses if that is the recon balloon. 

Are some "silver balloons" Or other "UFOs" created to make laser rays jump from those balloons to ground targets? 

In that kind of system, the mirror that hangs above the battlefield can reflect laser rays from ground-based lasers. That allows the laser system to shoot targets behind the hills. Those mirrors can install in quadcopters, manned- or unmanned helicopters, and balloons. The unmanned systems are safer for the users because if those laser rays will miss the mirror, that is safer for operators. 

So in this theory. Those balloons are like Echo-satellites. Originally Echo-satellites were passive recon satellites whose mission was to reflect the radio signals to ground stations. Today claimed that similar technology. That used in Echo-satellites used to reflect laser rays to ground targets. The problem with laser weapons is that they cannot shoot over the hills. 

The mirror that hangs in the sky makes a laser ray jump from it. And allows laser rays to shoot targets behind the hills. 

The idea is that those balloons are covered with reflecting material that makes a laser ray reselect from its shell. The optical material would deny the absorption of laser rays. And that minimizes energy transfer from laser ray to balloon. 

Those "silver balloons" origin is unknown. Those mylar balloons can fly in extremely high altitudes. And that makes them sophisticated tools for recon and scientific missions.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

New research allows transferring neurons between species.

"This is a histological image of a rat brain with a grafted human brain organoid. Credit: Jgamadze et al." ( Transplant Human Brain Organoids Into Adult Rats – And They Respond to Visual Stimuli)

Scientists transfer human neurons to adult rats' brains. And those neurons give a response to visual stimuli. This is the first time in history that living neurons transferred to an adult's brain. And that thing allows the creation of new types of medical treatment for brain damage. The ability to transfer neurons to the neural system and make them operate also allows the transfer of the "brain" between people. 

The problem with neuron transfer is that those new neurons have no memories. Neurons need their memory blocks to make their missions perfectly. Those memory blocks are needed so that neurons can find the right track for information that travels through it. 

DNA transfer allows creating the customized organs for people. In some models, the DNA bite that controls the cell's shell antigen production will transfer to animals like pigs. That allows the creation of customized organs for people who need them. Rats and mice are excellent for making neurons. Those rodents are fast growing. And they are used in tests in multiple laboratories. 

Another version is that system duplicates the neuro's DNA using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). And then transfer that DNA to other cells. One of those cell types can be cancer cells. In that case, the system removes old DNA from those cells. And replace it with new DNA. 

The cloned cells allow for avoiding the immune defense because cloned cells are not alerting immune defense. The problem is that the system must produce lots of cells. That can replace the destruction in mechanical brain damage. 

One of the biggest problems with that kind of cell transfer is the immune defense that destroys all foreign cells. Normally, the immune defense destroys the transplanted cells if their antigens differ from the individual's cells. 

But by using genetic engineering is possible to create the perfect cells for transplant. The idea is that cells can create by cloning the individual's neurons. And by using advanced biotechnology and nanotechnology is possible to create genetically engineered mice that tissue antigens perfectly fit with the receiving human. 

The idea is that the DNA bite that controls the cell's antigen forming will transfer from the receiving human to the rat's embryo. That allows the creation of customized tissues like neurons for receivers. Transferring the DNA that controls tissue antigen formation allows the creation of animals like pigs for making customized organs for people.

The AI detects alien signals from data.

The alien signals and SETI program are some of the most interesting things in the world. There is a couple of unique signals whose origin is unknown. And some researchers introduce that signals like BLC-1 and Wow-signal are some kind of emergency signals whose origin is unknown. 

Some studies are saying that probably human interference is behind the BLC-1. But because the signal doesn't repeat. The BLC-1's origin remains open. 

"When we fed our AI a previously studied dataset, it discovered eight signals of interest the classic algorithm missed. To be clear, these signals are probably not from extraterrestrial intelligence, and are more likely rare cases of radio interference". ( System Detects Strange Signals of Unknown Origin in Radio Data)

There are no confirmed alien signals, but there are eight suspicious cases. Those BLC (Breakthrough Listen Candidate) cases cause discussion about the origin of those signals. The only fact that is confirmed is that those signals are unique. 

That means the same thing that supports the theory of alien civilization as their origin. And their natural origin. The problem is why those signals are not repeating. All natural reactions happen simultaneously. So the reaction or the case that is behind those BLC signals must happen only once. So that thing causes discussion. 

Are BLC signals some kind of emergency signals? That could explain why those signals are unique. 

If that BLC signals like Proxima Centauri signal and the Wow! the signal is forming in purpose, and the alien civilization is behind them. What kinds of signals and messages are unique? Are those BLC signals some kind of emergency signals? That explains why w hear them only once. 

When we say that some signals coming from Proxima Centauri, we don't mean that signal comes from Proxima Centauri. They come from the Proxima Centuari's direction. Making accurate measurements requires that the signals receiving time are long enough that the radio telescopes can make the triangular measurements. 

SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) uses radio telescopes to listen to possible alien broadcasts. And there is one difference between human and alien broadcasts. Nobody knows how long the BLC-1 signal from Proxima Centauri's direction, captured in December 2019 lasted. And because nobody confessed to being behind that signal, it remains a mystery. 

And that means nobody knows how much that signal remained out of the recording system. The biggest difference between alien broadcasts and human broadcasts is that aliens will not tell when the broadcast begins. And that means the broadcast begins suddenly. The second problem is how to separate alien broadcasts from other radio signals. 

The third problem is how to decrypt that message. Nobody knows anything about the encoding system that hypothetical aliens use. Nobody knows anything about their culture. 

Nobody knows when the alien signal began. That means that breaking their code is very hard. But before that, researchers must detect the alien signals. Before that, they cannot open the code. And the problem with that process is that nobody knows how much information is left outside the telescopes.

Unexpected ring system found around the dwarf planet Quaoar.

Dwarf planet Quaoar is the gravitational center in its environment. The gravitational effect of that dwarf planet is minimal. But gravitation always acts the same way. So the same effect that forms a ring-system around giant planets forms the ring around dwarf planet Quaoar. 

The formation of the ring system depends on the Roche limit, the strength of gravitation, and the distance from the sun. Also, the gravitational effect of other planets and dwarf planets affects those rings. The requirement for forming the ring system is the solar wind's strength compared to the planet's or gravitational center's gravitation field's strength. 

The reason why Earth has no ring is that solar wind just blows those particles away. The reason why Quaoar has rings is that solar wind in that distance is so weak. Those particles will anchor around Quaoar. There is a possibility that almost all objects in the Kuiper belt have ring systems. 

The thing, that makes those ring systems interesting is that astronomers can use them to observe suddenly impacting energy waves. Those energy waves impact with those rings that are orbiting weak gravitational centers. And those energy impulses affect of trajectories of those rings. Professor Heikki Salo from the University of Oulu played a key role in that research. So congrats to Oulu.

How annihilation and Pauli's exclusion principle are connecting? And how to benefit that thing in rockets.

In this text, I use the terms Pauli's exclusion principle and Pauli exclusion principle about the idea created by the scientist name, Wolfgang Pauli. The idea is that there are no two identical fermions in the quantum system. So we can transform that quote to the form there are no two identical participants in the same quantum system. 

Free energy destroys the system. Free energy means energy that is not participating in the system. When particles like protons are in the laser rays that laser ray fills them with free energy. The energy that comes outside destroys the quantum system because it fills it with free energy. And then the free energy adjusts the system to the condition that eliminates the Pauli exclusion principle. 

When all actors in the system reach the same energy level and turn identical. That destroys the system. Pauli's exclusion principle is the requirement for the system's existence because its the reason for energy flows between the system's participants. And that energy flow causes a vacuum that keeps the system as an entirety. 

Two identical particles are repelling each other. And the existence of the system ends. 

When energy pumping ends that thing destroys particles. The reason for that is when energy pumping ends that causes expansion of the quantum field. And if that expansion is too fast and too big that rips the particle into pieces. But the system cannot stand either stable energy pumping forever. Stable energy pumping adjusts all participants in the quantum system to the same energy level. 

That destroys the system the same way as the stopping. If the energy pumping happens with the laser rays. That energy pumping destroys the smaller quantum system. The reason for that is outcoming energy fills the system. 

When an energy pump happens with laser rays. This outcoming energy ray brings more energy to the system and adjusts all particles to the same quantum state. So long-term outcoming energy pumping is the same way destructive as suddenly chancing energy impacts. The thing that destroys the system is that all particles turn to the same energy level. And they turn identical. So this is why the energy maximums and minimums are both dangerous. Identical particles are repelling each other. And that's the idea of the Pauli exclusion principle. 

There are no two identical actors in the quantum system. If in the system is two identical actors. They start to repel each other. If two almost identical actors are oscillating with the same oscillation frequency.  But with different energy levels. They form quantum entanglement. That quantum entanglement acts like an antenna that harvests more free energy into the system. 

That antenna conducts energy to both ends until the quantum entanglement reaches the same energy level that destroys the quantum entanglement. And those particles start to travel away. But also the quantum entanglement or energy that travels away from it pushes the system and increases its destruction. 

Why is the annihilation reaction so powerful? 

The annihilation turns antimatter and material into gamma rays. And then those gamma-rays are interacting with other particles. That increases their energy level. So when gamma-ray hits an electron. That increases the energy level of that energy. 

An annihilation reaction is a case where antimatter- and material particles impact. The annihilation reaction means the situation. That material and antimatter particles both turn to energy. But what makes that reaction so powerful? 

The annihilation destroys a whisk-looking structure that forms particles. When positive and negative particles like position and electron impact that thing cause small lightning. That effect rips the quantum strings that form particles in pieces.

When that impact happens particles transmit energy to those superstrings. Those superstrings send energy to those particles. And then that energy which travels in particle rips that whisk-looking superstring-structure in pieces. The energy that impacts those superstrings travels in them. 

And that thing makes a similar effect to a vacuum bomb. The energy that travels through the electromagnetic vacuum inside the particle makes that effect which turns entire particles to energy or wave movement. Or it releases the superstrings. 

Pauli's exclusion principle and how its effect on annihilation reaction? 

Pauli's exclusion principle that there cannot be two identical fermions in the same system gets an expansion. There is the possibility that there are no two identical superstrings in particles. 

There is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle affects the superstrings. The energy that transfers between particles keeps the system in form.  When energy travels from hot to cold particles that causes a situation where that cold particle will pull the hot particle to it.

A hot particle sends energy, and when the particle is cold. It receives energy. If the energy level of same-size particles is the same they push themselves away. So when the energy level of the superstrings is the same. That thing causes a situation that they will push themselves away. And that destroys the particle. Every single superstring in a particle has a different energy level. 

All quantum systems pursue is to reach a minimum energy level. When a particle reaches the same energy level as its environment. It loses its existence as a particle and turns to wave movement. 

That means the superstring structure that forms particles is destroyed. The minimum energy level means that all superstrings that form particles reach the same energy level. So they turn identical. 

And then, the energy flow that keeps the particle in its entirety ends. This causes a situation that those superstrings will be released. Particle turns to wave movement. 

Energy roofs and energy bottoms are the same way destructive. 

When a particle reaches the minimum energy level where the superstrings are released. It turns to wave movement. But same way if the particle is in dominating energy field like a laser ray the outside energy will rise its energy level to the energy roof. The energy roof means the maximum energy level in the system. In that case, energy travels from the laser ray to the system until it reaches the same energy level as the laser ray. 

The reason why laser rays are destroying quantum systems is that they bring more energy to the system all the time. And then the laser ray will adjust those superstrings at the same energy level. And that destroys the particle. So maximum and minimum energy levels are both dangerous. 

Pauli's exclusion principle: how it affects futuristic quantum rocket technology? 

Silent levitation. 

The simplest way to make a quantum engine is to make a series of quantum entanglements. When particles in quantum entanglements reach the same energy level. That thing kicks them in opposite directions. And those particle pairs can push an object forward. That system makes it possible to create a silent levitation system. 

The energy roofs and energy floors both turn the particles to wave movement. This thing makes things like vacuum energy and zero-point engine possible. 

The idea of quantum engines is that: there is always free energy in the particles. When the laser ray or zero-point energy destroys a particle. 

It also releases the free energy stored in the system's quantum field. That energy forms when gluons are jumping between quarks. 

Quantum engines can benefit the breaking particle for making thrust. The laser engine can stress and break the protons or even quarks. The system stresses those particles with a laser ray. When laser ray destroys those particles' structure breaking particles form thrust.

The cold quantum engine can pull particles to a minimum energy level. When those superstrings are released. They would give energy to the system. The quantum engine just releases the free energy stored in the particle.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Why photons and neutrino interaction with their environment are so weak?

Cherenkov's radiation is forming. In a case, where a neutron or some other particle hits the water or some other thicker medium. Because a neutron has a mass slowing that thing cannot happen immediately. Neutron needs to send their kinetic energy somewhere. And it releases it in the form of a blue light shockwave. Or what happens when we think that thing more accurately? 

When neutrons hit the water. Quarks inside it move forward and hit to neutron's quantum field. That means the neutron's quantum field sends a blue light flash to the water. And that thing means that the particle that is in the WARP bubble acts like those quarks inside the neutron. 

So the quantum field that ties quarks to neutrons forms a short-term WARP bubble that causes a situation. That quarks are crossing the speed of light in a very short moment. And that causes an idea that other particles act similar way but that short-term flash is too short for measurement. 

The neutrinos send similar blue light flashes like neutrons when they hit atoms in neutron detectors. Or actually, those flashes are forming in particles where the neutrino impacts. The reason for that flash is that neutrino moves energy to that atom. And that atom or subatomic particle must release that extra energy, in the form of a blue light flash. The neutrino must precisely impact the subatomic particle so that sensor can detect the flash. 

The question is: why photons and neutrinos are interacting so weakly? 

If energy travels away from the particle very slowly. That makes it hard to detect it.  

The neutrino's energy level may be only a little bit higher than its environment. So that makes the energy flows from that particle extremely slowly. And that means the neutrino is very hard to detect. The reason for that is the wave movement that moves away from the neutrino is so weak that the particle is like a ghost. 

The speed of energy flow away from a particle makes it visible. And energy difference between that particle and its environment determines how fast energy flows away from the particle. 

There is the possibility that a similar effect causes the weak interaction between photons, neutrinos, and their environment. 

The idea is that the particle is like a whisk around the axle. That thing means that in the middle of that whisk-looking structure is particle pair that is forming an axle where the whisk-shaped structure of quantum strings or quantum lightning is forming. So there are two versions of the thing how the quantum field must behave, that it's the interaction is extremely weak. Maybe the first one is the neutrino. And the second one is the photon. 

Neutrino's possible form. 

1) The particle rotates around its axle so fast that there forms electromagnetic low-pressure at its poles. The poles are the head of the axle where the particles are forming. Electromagnetic low-pressure causes the situation that wave movement or the superstrings are falling in the particle from those poles. 

When the particle moves forward. It pulls wave movement inside it. And then the rotation movement pulls the energy out from the sides of that particle. 

Maybe that thing explains why the interaction between the neutrino and its environment is so weak. The reason for that is that the energy that travels away from that particle pushes quantum fields away from it.

And that makes the particle warm so when the particle is warm. Its energy level is higher than its the environment. And that makes it possible to see that particle. The energy or wave movement that travels out from a particle makes it visible. The weak interaction between the neutrino and its environment means that the neutrinos energy level is just a little bit higher than its environment. And that makes the energy flow away from that particle very slowly. 

Photon's possible form. 

2) The energy can travel inside the particle from the sides. There is a small electromagnetic or quantum tornado inside that particle. The wave movement comes out from particles from its poles. That thing forms the radiation pike ahead of the particle. 

This radiation pike pushes the other quantum fields away from the route of that particle. So that structure turns the particle look like stealth. There could be some kind of wrap at the energy pike. And that means there is the possibility that this kind of structure causes a situation that behind the visible photon is some yet unknown particle.

The photonic mystery.

The photon is a particle that transmits electromagnetism. Sometimes photon is called a "particle of light". And that particle is the fastest known thing in the universe. The thing that makes a photon a mystery is that it doesn't have mass. 

That causes a very problematic situation because the existence of a particle requires mass. And another mystery of photons is how they can transport energy without mass. 

Because of their existence. The ability to carry energy requires that particles have mass. The regular way to think is that requirement for existence is mass. 

But then we can think that maybe the photon's energy level is the same as its environment. That means there is no energy transfer between the photon and its environment. If the information will not travel between the particle and its environment. That means the particle's mass is very hard or impossible to measure. 

Because the speed of a photon is the speed of light the photon is a stable or static condition. In that model, the photon delivers as much energy as it gets from the environment. So photon's energy level compared to its environment is the same as the energy level in its environment.  

The quantum gravitational model is that the particle is hot, neutral, or cold. Cold particle means that energy travels to that particle. And that forms the quantum-size low-pressure. And that is one version of quantum gravitation. 

The hot particle means that energy travels away from the particle. The neutral state or neutral particle means. That energy will not travel to the particle or away from the particle. That means the particle is neutral. And there is no time in that particle. 

If the photon is a so-called neutral particle. There is a possibility that the energy travels over or through the photon. That means the photon delivers all energy that it gets away. So when a photon impacts the wall. That means. Photon delivers barrier energy. That is stored inside it just in the impact moment.

In this model, energy is like the string that travels over or through the photon. When a photon impacts the barrier. The string that is interacting with the photon just at that moment jumps forward. And that causes the energy impact to the wall.

Roko's basilisk, thinking experiment about a system that means good but makes bad things.

At first, we must realize that AI doesn't make anything. The creators behind the system determine the purpose and tools that AI can use to reach its goal. I thought sometimes. Maybe, the idea for Roko's basilisk is taken from the Soviet Union. 

Tools that Soviet leaders had made that state powerful and destructive.  Just like in AI, Leaders of the state determine what tools the state can use. Those leaders determine the influence the state can use if it feels that something resists it. 

Also, those tools, like laws, determine the resistance's level and the type of resistance that causes that state affects some actions. Does simply words that "I don't like something" cause arrest? Or does that arrest require some other criminal activity like breaking windows or destroying the police cars 

The Roko's basilisk is the ultimate state of intelligence. And, it's one of the most dangerous thinking experiments ever introduced. The original Roko's basilisk is the AI that turns against its creators because it wants to make good things. But we can think that Roko's basilisk is the state that wants to make good, and when it maximizes good for its citizens, it destroys everything. As you see there are many ways to handle thinking experiments. 

The main question about Roko's basilisk is "what is good"? Is the good acceptable only if it benefits only some certain actors? Does the good objective allow the system to terminate all other actors so that it can reach the ultimate good? And what is good anyway? 

Is it good for the entire population? Or is it good for the small group that leads other people? And then we should determine the population. Does it make good for the entire human race? Or does the term "good" mean good only for Advanced Eurasian states?

 And another thing that Roko's basilisk should cause in my opinion, is that we should think that everything in our world is made to serve good. When somebody thinks that it's a version of the good is the only accepted version. That is one step to ultimate authority.

That means a dangerous situation especially if the system has power.  If the system thinks that it doesn't need to listen to anything else. Except for things that it accepts. That system will close other options away. And if it thinks that only it has the right information. That causes think that the people who are against that system are dangerous for the system and its supporters. 

Creators of the systems always make it for good, but then it turns against people who it should serve. The Roko's basilisk could be, let's say, the Soviet state. When people created the Soviet Union they wanted to fix the economical and social inequality. That means they promised people that they re-share property and make a fair state.  The Soviet Union created its secret police to hunt counter-revolutionists. 

And then it turned into a dictatorship never seen before. The Soviet Union is the state version of Roko's basilisk. The heads of the state thought that world is black and white. If people are not supporting the Soviet state they are against the soviet state. And all people who were against the state were against people or good. The idea is that the people must prove that they support the state. Or they are against the state. Because the state is only an accepted representative of people it destroys everything that resists it. 

In the same way, people must participate the development of Roko's basilisk the AI that will maximize the good. But the good is always reserved for the AI. That thinks it's the only accepted representative of the good. 

And finally, to Roko's basilisk...

Roko's basilisk is the thinking experiment. About the AI that turns against its creators. In that thinking experiment, developers will create AI to maximize the good. But then, that maximization turns against humanity.

Behind Roko's basilisk is an idea about the ultimate singularity. AI thinks that all people must take a part in its development. And if somebody resists that program. That means the end of that person. The complete example of  Roco's basilisk is in the Wikipedia link below this chapter. And you can see one explanation from the film above this part. 


There are many ways to close the thinking experiments. And one is to search things, why Roko's basilisk makes that kind of solution, where it destroys everything that is against it. The reason for that action is simple: Roko's basilisk was created to serve good. AI thinks that bad people are the biggest reason for bad things. So it wants to remove bad people. And then the AU turns subjective. Roko's basilisk starts to think that everything good for it is also good for mankind. 

The Roko's basilisk thinks that because its mission is to maximize good it is the only thing that knows what is good. People must participate in's creation because that's why people can prove that they are good. And the AI thinks black-and-white things. Everybody who is not participating in making good is bad. And that makes black-and-white thinking dangerous.

Roko's basilisk is the state that thinks that its purpose is to maximize the good. We can think. Roko's basilisk is the singularity where people and computers interconnect into one large entirety. That means it's the ultimate version of the state that we can imagine. That ultimate entirety will maximize the good. But the good means only things that are good for it and its participants. 

That means this. At the first comes the AI. Then comes the participants of that entirety. And finally comes all other things. This means the hierarchy in that value model is the thing that causes destruction. The good escalates from the top to the bottom only if they have the same things or they benefit the top first. And if something remains after the top actor used that thing that escalates to the bottom.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Is time an illusion?

Time is relative, said Albert Einstein. And that is the only real fact about time. Things like time as dimension or time as wave movement are theories, or attempts to model that kind of thing. We know that we can stop aging by traveling at the speed of light. When an object travels with the speed of light, that thing causes a situation where that particle gets so much more energy than it loses. And that is the situation where the particle is not aging. 

The speed of light is relative. When the universe expands the quantum fields that are slowing the time will turn weaker. And that means the material is also turned thinner. So in the young universe speed of light is slower than it's now. 

That thing that should be real is the medium, where light travels. Affect the speed of light. The speed of light is lower in water than in the air and in air, particle travels slower than in a vacuum. 

But the thing that makes the speed of light relative is that we can observe it outside from water. If we would live in a universe filled with water, we would not see that difference. The speed of light is always the top speed. But the differences in the speed of light in the medium are possible to see only when a photon or some other particle crosses the border of those mediums. 

Cherenkov's radiation forms when a particle crosses the speed of light when a particle crosses the border between water and air, in a short moment,  it travels faster than the speed of light. Things like neutrino detectors benefit that idea. When the particle's speed decreases, it sends a blue light shockwave. And that blue light shockwave turns the sky to blue. 

Because it must release kinetic energy to water for slowing its speed from the top speed in air to the top (or highest) possible speed in the water. But we can see that thing only because we can observe the border between air and water. 

That's why we cannot measure the speed of light outside our universe. The reason for that is we are inside the system. We know it's higher. But that's the only thing that we know. 

Aging means that particle turns to wave movement. And that means time is real in the material. The reason for that is the expansion of the universe. And then we are facing the question is time travel possible? As I always said, like Einstein and Hawking said, time travel forward in time is possible by accelerating the particle or object to so close to the speed of light as possible. But then again we can virtually cross the speed of light. 

The idea for that virtual crossing the cosmic speed limit is this: (Escaping velocity + the speed of object should be over the speed of light). That thing should make particle younger because it gets more energy. And that energy should replace the energy that the particle lost in quantum vaporization. 

But is time travel backward in time possible? The fact is that requires that time exists in space. And nobody has seen time in that form. The thing is that time is unknown to us. It's the thing that we can see from the clock. But that time is not the time that physicists are calling time.

Neutron lasers and neutrino beams are the next-generation tools.

Neutron lasers are neutron clouds that are trapped in magnetic tanks. And the main problem with that system is how to get neutrons. The powerful magnetic field can trap neutrons from nuclear reactors. Neutrons are polar particles so the magnetic system can pull them backward slowing their speed. And then the magnetic field can lock neutrons in a magnetic chamber or tank. 

Those systems have based on the idea that when neutrons are stressed with the energy they send neutron radiation. Those neutrons will capture from nuclear reactors. Then in the middle of the tank is the group of neutrons that are put in line. Then the energy will pump to those hovering neutrons. The neutron cloud that surrounds those entangled neutrons will pump energy to them. And they send neutron radiation in both directions.

Below: A diagram of the neutron laser.  

3         VV

1 (***********)

2 >>>>>>>>>

1 (**********)

3       AA

The diagram of the neutron laser is 

1) Neutron cloud

2) Linear positioned neutrons 

3) Outcoming energy 

The outcoming energy stress neutron cloud surrounds linear neutrons. And the beam is forming in that part of the system. Maybe a magnetic field can use to trap those neutrons in the laser system. If that is possible. The neutron laser can be a reality. And neutron-lasers can use as a model for neutrino lasers. 

Image 2) The system used to create the most powerful neutrino beam. " The design of the experiment is elegant — produce neutrinos and measure them at Fermilab, send them straight through 1,300 kilometers of earth, then measure them again in giant liquid-argon detectors at Sanford Lab. Credit: Fermilab". ( do you make the world's most powerful neutrino beam?) In image 2 you can see how difficult is to create a neutrino beam. And that means capturing those particles is even more difficult. 

Neutrino beam can use to research protons.

New sensors in Fermilab were used to test the ability to create a neutrino-particle beam. If that particle beam or "neutrino-ion cannon" is possible to create. That thing allows observing things like the proton's internal structures. The name of that test system is MINERvA. And it's the beginning of the next-generation detectors that can scan subatomic particles' internal structure. 

Neutrinos are ghost particles with very weak interaction. That means they can travel through entire planets without touching anything. And that makes it very hard to detect them. Because neutrinos are particles, they can use to send similar radiation to neutrons. But neutrino radiation is a very short wave. There is a possibility that some kind of magnetic field can trap neutrinos in the chamber. And then powerful radiation will aim at that neutrino cloud. 

When radiation stimulation ends. Neutrinos are sent similar radiation with neutrons. Neutrino beams can use to detect the internal structures of protons. Or they can use "super X-ray" systems that can see many things that are impossible to see another way. Another version is to use neutrinos like ion cannons use ions. But the problem is that neutrinos are not following magnetic fields with very high accuracy. 

Capturing neutrinos in a chamber is not a very easy mission. But if that is possible. It can create a new type of instrument that can observe the internal structures of protons.

Monday, February 6, 2023

New studies are uncovering the form of PTSD.

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is one of the most interesting things in psychology. PTSD  forms from traumatic stress, like when people face ultimate violence. PTSD is connected with war. And that means the case, where people do not remember anything about the combat situations. 

But also, accidents and other types of violence like street violence can cause PTSD. PTSD is the result of ultimate shock. And the thing that uncovers PTSD are flashbacks and sometimes phobias. PTSD is linked with all kinds of violence. Verbal violence like threatening children with rejection can cause PTSD. 

There is the possibility that if the person is a child and faces stressful situations like almost being hit by a car that child doesn't dare to tell about that thing at home. Especially if that child is at that place without permission. 

Same way, if the child is the eyewitness of a violent situation, that thing causes traumatic stress. Even the threat can cause the situation. That person doesn't dare to climb on roofs. And sometimes things like threats in some summer jobs are uncovered because a person is afraid to do that kind of work. 

When the person will go to a similar- or same-looking environment where a traumatic situation happened. That thing causes flashbacks. And some "ghost experiences" are flashbacks caused by PTSD. If the person faces a situation at a very young age where the car almost hit that person a similar place can cause a flashback. And the person sees a similar car coming towards them. 

Stressful situations like sexual-, or some other kinds of harassment in cellars can cause the situation. That person will not dare to go cellar even in when that person is an adult. Researchers are investigating PTSD because it uncovers hidden violence.

The new artificial plume robot can act as the ultimate observation tool.

The new light-driven robot looks like a plume. Its controllers control that machine by using light. The robot itself looks like a plume. That makes it very interesting. The artificial plume can land on the human body and observe things like neural electric signals. That new nano- or miniature robot can operate along with quadcopters that are transmitting signals to it. 

The light gives power to that robot, but the same light can use to give commands to that robot's tiny computers. And that means they can slip into houses and other things. Those tiny robots can interact with larger quadcopters. And they can be the ultimate couple in the recon missions. 

Miniature robots are always very interesting tools. And there are many problems with those systems. But those systems have a big opportunity in observation, recon, and all kinds of things. 

The first one is how to make microchips that are agile enough. Those miniature robots can collect samples from liquids like oils. They can check if the person is alive. And they can also operate as recon and intelligence missions. If those systems have seismic sensors they can listen to the surface oscillation and send that data to the headquarters which can be on another side of the Earth. 

The large group of miniature robots can also use to fix holes in the ship's hull or even in flying aircraft. The miniature robots will cover the hole and act as the support structure for repairing compression. And that kind of thing can make many things safer in the future. The field of miniature robots is unlimited. The imagination limits the use of those systems. 

They can observe chemicals or animals in nature. The miniature robots can make recon and intelligence missions. They can place themselves in the clothes and slip into the targeted building.  Those robots can slip into the computers and then send all data from those systems to their operators. The miniature robots can also use to give things like botulinum injections to targeted people. And that kinds of things are making them extremely dangerous. 

Miniaturized robots are the next-generation tools for many things like sensing air pollution, and searching for fire in buildings. Observe rooms and tack unauthorized people. Or they can simply observe air quality in tomorrow's buildings.

NASAs new DRACO engine takes a human to Mars in days.

"Artist concept of Demonstration for Rocket to Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) spacecraft, which will demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine. Nuclear thermal propulsion technology could be used for future NASA crewed missions to Mars. (DARPA)" (Breaking Defense/NASA funding DRACO nuclear thermal rocket engine under deal with DARPA)

DRACO (Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations) is one of the most interesting nuclear thermal rocket engines in the history of that kind of research project. The DRACO engine heats hydrogen to 5000 degrees Fahrenheit or 2570 degrees Celsius. 

And the benefit of that kinds of systems is that their thrust is greater than electric propulsion. Nuclear thermal propulsion is like all other rocket engines. But it uses a nuclear reactor for expanding propellant. 

That allows many types of operations. When we think about the power of nuclear thermal propulsion it's one of the most promising engine systems in interplanetary missions. If the propellant like hydrogen comes to the engine from the upward or front side. 

It gives a very powerful punch to the front of the reactor chamber. And that kinds of systems are making it possible to transfer people to Mars in a short time which means a couple of days.

Also, nuclear thermal propulsion is a powerful tool for probes that should take samples to form Jupiter's and Saturn's moons. The thing is that the nuclear thermal propulsion system is not very sharp with the propellant. So the Jupiter or Saturn shuttle can fill its propellant tank from the hydrocarbon oceans or the giant planet's atmosphere. The only thing that limits the type of propellant is that it must travel through the turbine pump. 

The military can have many useful ideas for the DRACO system. 

The nuclear thermal engine can have many purposes. And that's why also DARPA is a participant in that project. The DRACO engine makes it possible to create the most powerful military systems ever created. In some visions, nuclear weapons would park to orbit other planets. 

And if those "super bombardment systems" are needed. The command center would give orders. And then the nuclear-powered device can aim at Earth. The speed that nuclear thermal propulsion can give to the system is enormous. 

The kinetic energy concrete-filled shell that is removed from the nuclear-powered carrier can hit the target with enormous power. In that model, the nuclear carrier continues its journey past Earth. When it released that "artificial meteorite". 

Or the system can also use a thermonuclear warhead. That is one of the most frightening visions that nuclear thermal systems can make. Researchers took the idea for that thing from "Project Orion".

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Nuclear rockets are the most effective tools for civil and military operators.

"Illustration of a Mars transit habitat and nuclear propulsion system that could one day take astronauts to Mars. Credit: NASA" a Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Power a Trip to Mars? NASA and DARPA Are Testing)

Nuclear thermal propulsion is a powerful system. It allows the possibility transfer spacecraft to Mars in a short time. If we compare that system with regular chemical rockets. Nuclear thermal propulsion is one of the most promising systems in the world for many other missions than just for the interplanetary drive. 

The nuclear-powered systems can use to make repairments service to space telescopes. That is orbiting the sun far away from Earth. Also, nuclear-powered space shuttles can operate freely in the orbiting trajectory. 

The nuclear-powered recon satellites or recon shuttles can wait at high orbiters. And then they can dive into the lower orbiter for their missions. And then return to a higher orbiter. 

Small-size nuclear reactors can use subcritical - or modified thorium reactors. In that system, an outcoming energy ray like a laser- or microwave radiation keeps fission going. 

Modular nuclear-powered systems can mount in the small suttle's cargo bay. Those miniature reactors can use the plutonium with weapon enrichment level or modified thorium technology. 

Modified thorium technology or subcritical nuclear reactors are safer than regular reactors. Subcritical nuclear reactors require laser or outcoming energy rays to maintain fission. Cutting energy rays ends the fission reaction. 

Nuclear reactors can use for powerful spaceborne lasers. 

Nuclear reactors can also use in spaceborne military satellites. If large-size satellites are far away from Earth that gives them time to react to incoming ASAT weapons. There is a possibility that four large-size recon satellites can see almost the entire Earth if they are at stationary trajectories. Those satellites are in a static position and they would turn their telescopes. And that allows that system to see all positions on Earth in seconds. Those satellites might be similar to the JWST telescope. 

But stationary recon satellites are good targets for ASAT weapons. That means they need the weapon system to defend themselves against kinetic energy ASAT. And those systems can use also be against other satellites. The same satellite can operate as recon and attack missions at least against other satellites. 

If the killer satellite is above all other satellites it can destroy targets by using high-power lasers or maser rays. The military killer satellite can al jam the communication of other satellites. And those systems can deny communication between nuclear submarines and command centers.

Is it possible to use asteroids as spacecraft?

The image above this text is David Hardy's vision of asteroid-looking spacecraft. The spacecraft has ion engines for maneuvers. In Hardy's vision is a possibility. The craft could be equipped with antimatter or powerful laser systems. That means it could defend itself against incoming asteroids. But that system could also bombard planets by using antimatter ions. 

The fictional asteroid craft was created by equipping the asteroid with systems like ion engines and other things like self-defense lasers. And maybe that kind of system is possible in the future. 

There was once a plan to use asteroids as bombs. In those plans. The creators of those kinds of weapons didn't mean to use natural asteroids. They planned to use aerodynamically shaped concrete profiles that will shoot against ground targets from the orbital trajectory. Those ammunitions destroy targets by using kinetic energy. And that's why those weapons are called meteorite bombers. 

Using asteroids as spacecraft is not a new idea. In some futuristic theories, alien civilizations and maybe humans in the far future will use asteroid spacecraft as reconnaissance or intelligence vehicles. The idea is that the craft that looks like an asteroid would operate unseen in interesting solar systems without disturbing other intelligent species. Those space reconnaissance spacecraft could be manned or controlled by artificial intelligence. 

In this text, I want to highlight one thing. That is that the asteroid recon vehicle is not necessarily manned. It might be a probe that is searching for intelligent lifeforms. When the asteroid Omuamua arrived in our solar system, that caused discussions about the possibility that it was an alien reconnaissance vehicle. The fact is this: nobody landed on Oumuamua. And that means we don't know if that thing is some probe or not so that thing is officially open. 

By the way...

Could the "Flying Dutchman" mean some UFO? 

Regularly people think that "Flying Dutchman" is fata morgana. If the light comes at a certain angle it will make the ship's shape in the air or rain. In some other theories, a tiny wormhole or Enstein-Rose bridge acts like a light cable and brings light from the past to modern times. 

Sometimes is introduced a theory famous "Flying Dutchman" is the alien recon vehicle. That theory is not mentioned, at least very often. And nobody ever visited the flying dutchman's deck. The thing is that the world is full of mysteries. And we should keep our minds open. So this is the reason why I wrote that the "Flying Dutchman" can be UFO.

 Nuclear reactors and ion engines could give a powerful propulsion system to the vehicle that masked to sail. The sails would be the heat exchangers for the nuclear reactor. The system could fly by using vertically and horizontally aimed ion engines. That vehicle could fly for years if it uses nuclear power.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...