Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Where do we need scholars?

Mysteries are fascinating things. And without mysteries are no scholars, and sometimes some people tell a joke that scholars are behind some mysteries because we want to keep our jobs.

Jokes are a good argument for crushing researchers. Press introduced  Charles Darwin as a monkey when he introduced the evolution theory. That thing was very nice because a couple of hundred years earlier that man would burn on the bonfire. 

The best receipt is that tell people that all mysteries are urban legends, and then after that, some jokes about the researcher's mental health make an impression. 

If we follow that track, we face the argument:  humans invented all things, that we can. And we don't need anything new. And everything that we can find is found. So that's why we don't need any new things. We can solve all things by taking assault rifles in our hands and that's it. If there is some Big Foot in the forest we can shoot it. And there is no BigFoot anymore. But does that remove the mystery? 

Maybe that thing is right. Or maybe, it's wrong. But when we are looking at a mystery, we must research one thing. We must find out what makes those things mysterious. 

If we read some books. That tells about mysteries. We must try, to find out why the writer selected just those certain cases for that book. What category did that writer use? And what is the writer's or document maker's attitude about those things that the person introduces to people? 

Does the writer or filmmaker leave space for the audience? That they can make their conclusions? And does the storyteller offer them a chance to discuss and talk about their opinions? Or is the story's purpose just to curve the opponent's opinion for some mold that the document maker wants them to get? 

When we think of the sad series of researchers that says "certainly that is impossible", we must realize one thing. When people make some conclusions, they must use information. That they have at that precise moment. 

The observation tools are advancing, and some things are changing. So we must avoid too strong opinions because if we take some attitude and defend it very strongly we are in a psychological trap. 

That trap is that someday we all face the situation that we are wrong. And at that moment, we must say that we are wrong. We know that we should know something. But even if something remains theory let's say about 100 years the new observation tool can prove that theory right or wrong. 

When somebody selects a certain path or road and publically tells that thing. There is somehow very difficult to select a new path. Because that requires that our person must confess being wrong. And that is very hard if a person is afraid to lose authority.

Sometimes people misunderstand the difference between leadership and scholarship. They think that scholarship and leadership are the same things.  Scholars observe some phenomenon or object and try to make a puzzle and find out what that thing makes and how the parts of the entirety interact. Leaders can use that information, or they can leave that information outside decision-making. That's their business. 


Criticism is allowed if its target is a henchman.

The reason why NATO and the UN failed in Afghanistan was that they wanted to build a society from the top to the ground. The situation is similar as we try to build the house and build the roof first. The problem with society is that regular people must support the system. 

The reason why we have so many foreign workers in many countries is not that they are cheaper. One of the reasons can be that those foreign workers are easy to kick off. And they will not hang on the hoods after retirement. Foreigners would not return to that workplace. After the fire from their jobs. And that is one logic behind foreign workers. They are easy to remove from society. 

When we are critical. We must realize one rule: it's easy to be critical. If we are supervisors. It's easy to use and demand criticism, especially if the target for criticism is a henchman or some other person. 

But if a henchman introduces criticism against a supervisor or ourselves. The community saw this kind of criticism as problematic. The criticism that comes down to the top is not allowed. 

If a henchman criticizes supervisors, that is an attack against authority. Authority, and position as a supervisor include many things that a person in that position can offer. And that's why people are telling many things to those supervisors. 

Authorities must not listen to anything that they don't want. And they have the right to replace too critical henchman with a new henchman. Who pleases them? It's easy to be open to other people's critics especially if the target for criticism is some other person. 

Many times we face situations where people think, or are told that strong leaders tell other people what they should make and think. And this thing sometimes makes it very hard to handle things because the leaders believe in their authority. There are always people who want to follow their leaders and support them. Strong leaders can give strong gifts. And that is the reason why some people believe in strong leadership. 

Strong leaders with strong opinions are the worst things that you can see. And they might see some things differently from people who make research. Scholars and researchers are bringing the report to leaders. But does the leader read those reports? It is their business. And if a strong leader makes a wrong decision. That is hard to fix as we see in Ukraine. 

The world is full of people who are searching for simple solutions. We all want to prepare people who have critical attitudes. But then we face the situation where people must accept critical opinions. Many times right to criticism is reserved only for superiors and leaders. 

Henchman just must accept everything that leaders say and think. If the henchman's opinions are not pleased the supervisor. 

Supervisors must not listen to opinions that are not supporting that person. And then the supervisor can kick henchmen off.  And they can replace them with people, who please them.

We can see that logic in Putin's leadership. Every different opinion causes punishment. If parents follow that logic when they grow children, that thing means every single time when children have a different opinion from their parents, they will get punishments. This kind of authority is that authority is always superior to henchman. The position of supervisor is right to get information. 

And that information supports the decision-making. But that requires that the supervisor reads the report. This is the thing that makes things like research difficult. If a leader will deny some decision because the intelligence says that let's say the enemy is too strong. That would seem like intelligence makes decisions for the leader. And this is the way of thinking that made Putin attack Ukraine. 

When children introduce some opinion that doesn't fit adults, that causes punishment. A child can get minimal punishment, like yelling or simply scolding. Those things are punishments, even if they are small punishments. The argument for those punishments is that. Those punishments grow people to respect their authority. 

The reason for punishments is simply superior: the parent has a right to give those punishments. Leaders sometimes believe that they are fathers and mothers of the people. Other people must follow their orders even if that thing takes them to nemesis. 


Robert Bartini and his dreams: ground-effect and invisibility.

Invisible aircraft and nuclear-powered bombers that used ground-effect (Ekranoplan)were Bartini's most radical ideas. There is no information if the original idea of Bartini that remained as a theoretical concept planned to be nuclear-powered. The Business Insider tells that the concept above this text planned refueled by submarines. 

But there is a possibility that Russia planned to create a nuclear-powered ekranoplan in that country. Things like the nuclear-powered Tu-95 Bear-class bomber called Tu-95 LAL tell that in the Soviet Union were many radical concepts in aviation. And one of them could be a super- or even a hypersonic nuclear-powered strategic bomber. 

Robert Bartini (1895-1974) was an amphibious- and ground-effect aircraft development pioneer. He was a Hungarian who worked in the Soviet Union. He was the father of some of the most radical aircraft concepts in history.  

"Caspian-Sea monster" ekranoplans are based on Bartini's research. Bartini's last ekranoplan VVA-14 was completed two years before he died in 1972. The massive Caspian Sea monster made its maiden flight in 1987. The smaller jet-powered ekranoplan, A-90 "Orlyonok" was introduced in 1972. And maybe Bartini saw that aircraft flying. 

That man's most interesting ideas were nuclear-powered bombers or nuclear-powered ekranoplan and invisible aircraft. The idea of the last one was that the oscillation of the aircraft's body will pull the incoming electromagnetic radiation to it. 

The idea is that the aircraft's body will sink in when electromagnetic wave movement strikes it. And that thing makes it work like foam rubber. The same method that makes foam rubber invisible to sonars can use to make layers invisible to all other electromagnetic radiation. 

But the problem is: how to find the right energy level for material which quantum field can tie incoming energy waves in every electromagnetic spectrum's frequency. 

Aircraft in images; 

1) A-90 Orlyonok

2) Caspian sea monster 

3)Beriev-Bartini VVA-14, wings removed. 

If the aircraft's body sinks in as much as radiation brings energy to it. That thing makes it impossible to see the aircraft, but Bartini was too ahead of his time that this kind of system can work. 

But then there is the possibility that a standing wave field can use to catch electromagnetic waves. That thing makes it possible that electrons and photons are impacting that field. And then that thing can aim the radiation in the wanted direction. 

There is the possibility that Bartini's idea can work but the oscillation must not come from the aircraft's body. In some fixed models the aircraft or layer wanted to turn invisible by using a standing wave. In that model, above the layer is forming a standing wave. 

The standing wave can form by using 100% reflection. If the standing wave's energy level is a little bit lower than the incoming radiation. And then it could conduct energy to the right point. That thing makes a situation where radiation sinks to that standing wave movement. 

Holograms and invisibility. 

The scattering effect makes a hologram. And holograms are quantum fields. So holograms can create virtual structures that can aim the wave movement to wanted direction. The hologram can make incoming electromagnetic radiation slide over it. When we think of holograms as creatures of electromagnetic radiation we can understand that all electromagnetic wave movement can create holograms. 

That means UV and infrared radiation can also make a hologram. But usually, we don't think. That also radio waves and even gravitational waves can create holograms. Electromagnetic waves can make holograms if they can scatter. 

And if those wave movements have a certain energy level they make electromagnetic waves with the same frequency to travel over them. That makes incoming radiation with the same frequency unable to reach the object. That is below that hologram. These kinds of things are interesting concepts. 








Researchers connected catfish and alligator genomes.

Above is the portrait of Digenes the Sinope. Philosopher. Who sends his dogs to shop for him. This story from ancient Greece inspired researchers to create the hybrid species. Those hybris species are made for researching the behavior of the individuals, but sometimes people are talking about things like intelligent pets, that purpose is to serve humans like dogs served Diogenes the Sinope. 

The military is, of course, interested in genetically engineered animals and hybrid animals like wolf-dog hybrids. Hybrid animals are not interested in other animals and especially opposite genders. 

That makes them safe for their operators. Those hybrid animals will not make things like start to bark in the patrol and alarm the entire enemy troops. 

The database collected in CRISPR and nanotechnology is the ultimate combination. If we want to transform certain abilities from one species to another, we must precisely know the DNA sequence where that certain ability is. By using genetic engineering is possible to make many things that were impossible before. And that thing is the ultimate opportunity and ultimate threat. 

Researchers can make things like intelligent pets, that are making services to us. And if we have things like genetically engineered dogs, we could send those dogs to shops. 

There are no limits to the genetic engineering and development of new species. The only thing that limits this research is the genetic material that the researcher can use.  

Using the well-equipped laboratories. Researchers can make organisms that die at a certain moment. And that kinds of things are fascinating and at the same time frightening examples that science can make. 

And more about hybrid species. 

There is a simple explanation for Big Foot. And that thing is the bear that walks in an upright position. So how do some bears choose that position rather than walking on four feet? The fact is that bears very often rise to that position when they hunt or mark trees. And this special bear was injured to the front feet. But does that thing explain all BigFoot observations? 

By the way, there is a story about BigFoot on ScienceAlert.com. That article claims that the BigFoot is the bear that walks in an upright position.  And that causes very interesting ideas in my mind. Is it possible that BigFoot is a hybrid species? 

Maybe, it's the hybridization of the bear and some other animal like a monkey. But there is, of course, possible that the Big Foot is the bear that just wants to walk in an upright position. There is the possibility that BigFoot is some kind of hybrid. But that is only speculation. The question is how bears learned to walk mainly in an upright position.




Computing is hardware and software.


Powerful computing requires both hardware and software. 

Computing is the combination of hardware and software. Things like powerful artificial intelligence require lots of power. But they can make things like the internet more powerful tools in history. The AI can measure the speed of the internet connection and optimize the result. That it gives for that certain speed. And that makes it more flexible than regular internet. The idea is that the AI uses a similar protocol to PHP. The server drives the AI and it sends the result to the client. And that thing makes it possible to use AI by using slower connections and cheaper platforms like tablets and laptops. 

If we think about AI as a cloud-based solution that interconnects multiple different systems we can model the situation where the dynamic AI will call more platforms to assist it, when it cannot make the solution alone. That kind of system can use the reserves of the CPU of all platforms in the same network segment. In that model the computers share their resources, but only when another computer asks for help. 

When we are talking about AIs like ChatGPT they might be next-generation tools. The thing is that AI can interconnect things like mobile telephones to a dynamic-cloud-based portable computer. And that thing makes them powerful tools. The development of physical systems is important because they allow driving software. So only software is not making the AI. The powerful tool requires data connections and powerful computers that can handle data. 

The new AI bases the human brain. 

"Scheme of a simple neural network based on dendritic tree (left) vs. a complex artificial intelligence deep learning architecture (right). Credit: Prof. Ido Kanter, Bar-Ilan University" (ScitechDaily.com/Building a New Type of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Inspired by the Brain)

Researchers made a new type of AI-based tree-type model. The model is that the system builds the mindmap. Regular computer-based AI uses a linear computing model. But then if the AI creates a mindmap-looking data structure where it can interconnect the databases. The idea is that if the AI gets a keyword like "car", it searches everything that has connected to the car. It finds things like metals fuel and many other things. 

Then, the AI can increase the data mass by searching for things. With a connection with metals. And then if finds mining, mining equipment, etc. The thing that this kind of data system searches depends on the parameters that the AI uses. 

The human brain's purpose is to protect humans in any situation. And that makes them so powerful and flexible. 

The human brain is the most powerful computer in the world. It's flexible and able to make more things than any AI. The human brain uses fuzzy logic. And that makes it a little bit slow. And another thing is that the brain cannot make things like calculations with precise accuracy as fast as some computers. The purpose of the human brain is not to solve mathematical problems. 

The human brain's purpose is to guarantee survivability in all conditions. That is the thing that makes concentration difficult. The human brain's purpose is to observe the environment. We cannot fully concentrate on things like calculations. Our brain sometimes wants to see things, that happens around it. 

This is the reason why we should sit in front of a window. When the brain wants to check that nothing threats us, it can make that thing very fast. If we sit face to the walls. Our brains think that some predator is stalking us behind our backs. The brain is made to protect humans, and it still thinks that it's their mission even if we sit in a safe room and try to solve some complex mathematical problems. 

The human brain uses cloud-based solutions for making operations. Every neuron is an actual miniature brain that can process data alone. And the thing that makes the human brain so powerful is that it can interconnect neurons to structures called virtual neurons. Alone one neuron is not very powerful. But together, they are the most powerful machine in the world. 

Theoretically, we could make AI that is the same way powerful as the human brain. But that thing requires so many databases that it has been impossible. Until the  OPen AI introduced ChatGPT to the audience. The ChatGPT-based system can make those 300 billion databases theoretically quite easily. The miniature microchips called "intelligent sand" can use for making a neural computer that works like the human brain.  But those systems are far away from the power of the human brain. 



Saturday, January 28, 2023

The brain is full of silent synapses.


There are millions of silent or cold synapses in our brains. In this text, the terms "silent", cold and dead synapses mean the same thing. We are using only a part of our brain potential. Sometimes some researchers created models to increase the number of used neurons. But those ideas have remained at the philosophical level. 

There are reserve neurons in the brain. That mission is to replace neurons that are in danger. When the brain must renew some of its neurons. It must transfer all memory blocks stored in that neuron to the next generation. The memory blocks that are gone with dead neuron is the reason. For we say that "neurons will not renew". 

When memory blocks stored in the neuron are gone, the next generation neuron cannot make the same missions as its successor. 

There is the possibility that those silent neurons are used only in early brain development. That means when brains are in progress. Those silent synapses are used to create and control the neural networks forming at very young ages. 

The large number of synapses that are not in use must have some purpose. The brain will not make anything that has no part in its entirety. Some people believe that those used synapses are needed when people are sleeping. 

There is a possibility that the human brain uses different neural tracks for sleeping. And especially when the person sees dreams. When a person sleeps the neural network loads its neurotransmitters. And maybe some of those cold synapses are meant for secondary connections. 

The reason why the brain is full of "dead" or silent synapses can have a connection with renewing neurons. The cold synapses might be reserved for transferring data to the next generation of neurons. Or maybe those cold synapses are meant for interaction between the brain and immune cells. 

That means those cold synapses send neurotransmitters to immune cells. And of course, they can receive neurotransmitters. The reason that makes those cold synapses interesting is that everything in the brain is important. 

There is no part in the human body without purpose. And that makes neurology so fascinating. We cannot remove anything from the human body without knowing its function, or we can make very large-size damage. 

Knowledge about the cells ad their actions in the human body is important in medical research. The medicines must affect only the points where they are useful. If medicine affects too large areas, that thing means that they turn harmful. 

And one problem in medical research is how to make medicine separate harmful cells from helpful cells. The medicines must not destroy things like neural structure. If it makes that thing, it causes very bad damage. And that's why medical researchers need precise information about the human body.  



Friday, January 27, 2023

The gravitational waves and antigravitation.

Black holes are sending gravitational waves. And one of the reasons that can make this kind of thing possible is that a black hole radiates gravitational radiation away and pulls everything else from it. So the black hole itself would involve a gravitational vacuum. 

In some other explanation for gravitational waves, the core structure of a black hole called singularity acts like a gravitational sling. That gravitational sling sends the wave movement moves out from the black hole's center. 

When that wave movement hits the wave that falls in the Black Hole's center. That causes gravitational waves. That shakes the event horizon. When the power of gravitational waves rises when they impact with another wave that causes a situation that the gravitational waves could escape from the black hole. 

The big thing in gravitation is that it is wave movement. So we could say that gravitation is radiation. Or we can say that gravitation is like a magnetic field but different frequency. So in this model, we can say that the gravitation can form things that are like Hopfions or skyrmions. 

The idea is that when a particle reaches a certain energy level it turns into a black hole. Or it jumps out from our universe. The fact is that theoretically, things like skyrmions can get so high energy levels that they form a black hole. In that case, the black hole is like a wheel. The wheel-shaped black hole that forms around the black hole can rip the inner black hole into pieces. 

The ring-shaped ultra-powerful, the standing gravitational wave can make the real antigravitational possible. The idea is that the ring-shaped standing gravitational waves can make the ring-shaped event horizon that can pull other gravitational waves from inside it. The problem is that how exactly the system can control that gravitational wave is a mystery. 

Theoretically is possible to make a ball-shaped black hole. The black hole's event horizon can be hollow. This thing requires that the system can form a ball-shaped standing gravitational wave. And then it must just increase the power of that gravitational field. 

When we think about gravitational waves as radiation there is theoretically possible to make a gravitational hologram. The hypothetical gravitational hologram makes it possible to create that hollow gravitational field. 

Gravitational waves and antigravitation are one of the most interesting things in physics. The gravitational waves are open to real antigravitation, as we all know. Gravitation is like all other electromagnetic radiation. It can scatter, it can reflect, and it can form similar things like skyrmions or options. 

In one of the ideas gravitational waves that are leaving the central point of the object can form the zero gravitational point. The idea is that if gravitational waves are leaving from the center of the object very often or otherwise saying: gravitational waves have a high frequency they can deny that the gravitational waves cannot fill the area. 

The idea is that the gravitational skyrmion surrounds the point where the antigravitation will form. And then that thing pulls gravitational waves in the middle of that ring. That thing interacts with that gravitational skyrmion that sends gravitational waves around it. 




Gravitational waves or ripples in spacetime could point to the place of the Big Bang.


The point where the Big Bang happened should be in the middle of the universe. But the fact is that is the exact point. Where the Big Bang happened could also be moved. Or the universe around that point is moved asymmetrically. The idea is that some remnant of the Big Bang is a supermassive black hole. 

And that remnant involves information about the Big Bang itself. But the problem is that we should find the first black hole that formed just after the Big Bang. That is a very difficult thing to do in real life. All black holes look similar. 

So researchers should find the right black hole. And then they could listen to the echoes from the universe's first moments. The thing is that the first gravitational waves. That left from the Big Bang traveling the outside the edge of the universe. The shockwave that formed in the Big Bang can call, as the "edge of the universe". When we are thinking about the form of the most outpoint of the universe there should be a small density to another point in the universe. 

Because the front of the material is traveling the shockwave there is a gravitational wave. That thing makes the edge of the universe a little bit thicker than the material behind that wave. But there is the possibility that we could see the remnant of the Big Bang by using another method.  There is a possibility. 

That the same part of the radiation that the source is in the Big Bang jumps inside the universe. Black holes can turn the direction of gravitational waves. But there is a possibility that the black holes were far behind the gravitational waves. and even if gravitational radiation jumps between black holes we should have some method to separate those gravitational waves from disturbing gravitational waves, that are released later. The problem with this kind of research. is how to find the right gravitational waves. 


Thursday, January 26, 2023

A quantum fan can act as a quantum antenna.

Each spectrum's color can act as the individual state in the qubit. 

A nanowire photon detector or quantum fan can enable quantum communication. And this kind of quantum antenna can play a key role in quantum communication. Almost anything can form the quantum antenna. And in some models things like rainbows can use to detect quantum messages. 

But one thing limits this type of innovation. The idea of that kind of antenna is that when quantum information or qubit interacts with the photons or some other information that travels in the antenna. That causes flash. The thing is that things like different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation in quantum systems can act as the state of the qubit. So each color in the spectrum can act as a qubit's state. And theoretically, the rainbow can act as a quantum antenna. 

The system must determine zero-point and keep it stable. Only zero-point. That determined with enough accuracy, can make quantum communication possible. Zero point is important for the system because it can see changes in energy fields. Another thing that the system must measure is the outcoming disturbances. This is one of the reasons why rainbow cannot use in quantum communication. 

The system must detect the changes in energy levels and outside effects so that it can use the rainbow as the quantum antenna in natural conditions. The rainbow is the spectrum where each color is a certain wavelength of radiation. And each wavelength or frequency in radiation is a certain state of the qubit. 

But changes in radiation's energy level make the use of rainbows as quantum antennas almost impossible. The system should measure the changes in outcoming radiation's energy level. And then subtract those energy levels from the base level. That thing makes it possible to make a hologram that can interact with incoming quantum messages. 



Quantum physics determine how to control two light sources rather than one.

Why handling two quantum light sources is important in quantum systems? And especially in quantum data-handling systems. That allows sending identical dataflows in two data handling (or computing) lines. By using this technology is possible. To create expanding quantum information network. The only limit to that thing is the power of the information or energy waste in the system. 

When a light beam or information reaches some quantum unit in the quantum system. That unit absorbs a small part of the energy. So the system needs outcoming energy stimulation for growth. 

The idea is that at the end of each line is the quantum "hill" that doubles the information lines. And that makes it possible to create a theoretically endless number of quantum data lines. The thing requires that each data handling line has a system that brings outcoming radiation emission in the quantum light beam. That helps to replace missing energy that denies the system expansion. 

On the right side of the quantum "hill" is a superpositioned and entangled particle pair. That superpositioned particle-pair can send information back to the quantum "hill".  The thing in this kind of system is that it can use as the quantum router. 

The image above this text shows how an energy beam comes upward of a quantum point. That quantum point doubles the energy beam or light source. When the light impulse hits that quantum "hill". It sends energy beams or light beams to both sides. The asymmetry of that structure determines where information travels. 

The "quantum hill" can use to transmit information in two lines in the quantum computer. That thing makes it possible. That two quantum computers can handle identical information flow. 

And it helps to find errors in calculations. If results in both lines are not identical, there is an error. But if the results are identical there are probably no errors. This is one model for a functional quantum system. 



AI and quantum computers are the ultimate combinations.

Why cosmic superbubble's magnetic fields are interesting? The answer is that the common magnetic field determines the border of the local cosmic bubble. But the common magnetic field and certain energy levels determine the quantum system. 

One of the things that can determine the quantum system is the certain energy level or the state of the participants of the quantum system. Or we should rather say that the thing that determines the quantum system is that it's the group of participants that can exchange information with each other. 

When we want to make things like a quantum computer. We must bring information from outside to the quantum system.  If we cannot make that thing the quantum computer is useless. Same way, if the errors that a quantum computer makes cannot be detected and correlated, that makes quantum computers useless. 

In some visions, the nanotechnological computer that is put into orbit in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) can use to make the error correlation and error detection for quantum computers. 

The idea is that the time dilation makes the binary system operate the same way effectively as the quantum computer. Benefiting the time dilation means that the time dilation makes the time move slower in the fast-moving computer. And that gives more time for the calculations. 

One of the most problematic things in quantum computing is error correlation and error detection. Quantum computers are the most powerful computing systems in the world. And that thing means that the only thing that can detect errors in quantum computers is another quantum computer. 

Another problem with quantum computers is that they require superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. The problem with quantum entanglement is that it requires that another side of that thing is at a higher energy level. If the energy level in quantum entanglement reaches stability that destroys the superposition. 

Information cannot travel in quantum entanglement if its energy level is stable. That's why the system cannot keep quantum entanglement longer time. The quantum entanglement exists for about ten seconds. Then the system must re-adjust itself. The AI can observe the quantum entanglement and when its energy level turns stable. It can drive information to mass memories. 

The AI can use for error-detecting. The idea is that when the quantum computer operates for a couple of seconds it can transfer the answer of the calculation to the binary mass memory. The binary system can check part of the calculation series in bites. So the system benefits from the adjustment moment of the quantum computer. And then it makes the bite of calculation. 

In some very futuristic ideas things like time dilation can use in binary systems, and they can check the results that quantum computers are making. The idea is that time is dilated in binary systems. In some visions, the miniature computer that is closed in the nanotechnical capsule will be put into orbit in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider of the CERN).  

New artificial intelligence-based systems can revolutionize everything. When the Ai use to tame quantum systems the idea is that the AI can control individual components in the quantum system. Or actually, the AI can search the quantum system. 

And then, it records the interaction values between outcoming energy and the quantum system's internal energy. When we look at things like quantum computers. We must remember that if we want to control quantum systems. We must bring energy from outside to the system.

And we must make that thing precise in the right point of the system. If the point is wrong, outcoming energy doesn't give wanted value. And that thing destroys the quantum system. The system's destruction means. That it doesn't make anything that the users want. 

The thing that machine learning makes in that kind of research is that it records energy levels and points that give wanted values in the longest possible time. So the AI can adjust the energy level and the point of incoming energy. That is brought to the quantum system very accurately. 




Time is relative, said Albert Einstein.


Time is relative, said Albert Einstein. 

Time is relative: Writing about the nature of time and time travel's principles. 

The idea of H.G Wells's time machine is that a rotating disk causes time dilation. Then the WARP bubble allows that disk to accelerate to very close to the speed of light. 

Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with that system. The system creates a WARP bubble in the air. And then. The rotating plate's speed can increase to the speed of light. 

And after that, the earth's gravitation causes virtual crossing at the speed of light. The remarkable thing is that H.G. Wells wrote his novel "The Time Machine" in 1895.  

 Albert Einstein introduced time dilation in 1905 in his "Special relativity". "General relativity",  published in 1916. 

Albert Einstein meant general relativity to handle the gravitational effect in strong gravitational fields. 

The only thing, that denies H.G Wells's time machine from working is that the centripetal forces will break the rotating disk before it can accelerate to very close to the speed of light. 



Time is relative: Writing about the nature of time and time travel's principles. 

What does time travel mean? It means the ability to bring information from the future to the past. And send information from the past to the future. But that requires that time is real and it's in space. If time is just energy level in particles time travel is impossible. 

The system is useless. If it cannot send information back to the past from the future. Sending the sender to the future is easier than to the past. Because the sender must cross the speed of light if it travels to the past. If we send the sender or transmitter to the future. We must just make it spin with the speed of light. 

There is the possibility that the researchers could send and receive information from the past and future by using superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. The problem is that the past is at a higher energy level than the future. We could travel to the future "quite easily". We must just travel with the speed of light. And that stops time. 

But then we are in trouble. How can we travel back to the past where the energy level is higher than it's in the future? The answer is that we should just make the quantum entanglement cross the time. And if researchers want to send the information to the black in time.

They must rise just the energy level of the sending side of quantum entanglement to a higher level than the side at a laboratory in the past. That requires an extremely high energy level. Or the energy level must be so high that the quantum entanglement can transmit information to the past. 

So there is one way how to make that thing in theory. The spin of the sending side must rise to the speed of light. And then the sending side must take to the gravitational field. The escaping velocity and speed of the object allow virtual crossing at the speed of light. 

The requirement for time travel is this:  escaping velocity + speed of object > speed of light

Time must exist in space, not just energy level in material that time travel is possible. 

Albert Einstein said that time is relative. That means time moves faster or slower depending on the power of the gravitational field or the object's speed. So one version of time is the energy level of the particle. So if we will pump energy into the particle, we can increase their lifetime. 

That thing is called time dilation. Time moves slower in the strong gravitational field. So in the black hole time should turn to travel backward. The reason for that is in the place where the object's speed reaches the speed of light time stops. 

And when the object's speed crosses the speed of light. That thing turns time moving backward. In the event horizon, the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. And that thing makes time travel backward if we find logic. At the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light time stops. 

The requirement for a working time machine is: escaping velocity + speed of object > speed of light (As I wrote earlier in this text). But if time would travel backward, would time traveler turn child again? Nobody knows. 

Escaping velocity+Speed of (rotating) object must be higher than the speed of light. And, of course, the time must be real. If time is just energy level in material time travel is impossible. 

And when the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, that should turn time to move backward. So can we make a time machine by following that logic? The idea is that the machine will have some structure that rotates with the speed of light. 

Then that machine will travel to the gravitational field. And then the speed of that rotating part and the escaping velocity should have the speed that crosses the speed of light virtually. The idea is that the gravitational field will compensate for the speed of light. And that thing should make time travel possible. 

But that requires one thing time must also exist in space. If time is only energy level in material. We cannot make time machines. 


Why can the UV pumps used for disinfecting incoming air decrease the quality of air inside?

UV pumps that used for killing organisms from the air. That ventilation pumped inside can cause problems. There is research, that the UV pump can cause problems with air inside houses. Says the research made by the University of Helsinki. That research has focused on the particles in the room if so-called UVGI systems cleaned the air.

The reason for that particle level increases could be that the UV- radiation ionizes the air. And that pulls particles inside the space or rooms, where the UV system sterilizes the air. But there is another problem that can cause a dangerous situation. If the level of UV radiation is too low, that can increase the level of infectious bacteria. 

Wrongly used UV disinfectors can decrease air quality if their radiation is too weak. That thing causes the effect. Where the organisms that have the strongest genomes remain alive. And UV radiation just kills organisms with weak genetic material. 

Similar technology is used for refining organisms for biological warfare. The idea is that the organisms. That used as weapons will stress by using UV radiation. Then that radiation removes individuals that don't have strong genomes.  



Early life experiences might have a big influence on genomes.

When a person is stressed. That thing affects sleep and immune defense. Also if the person is stressed. That has a big effect on the food that a person eats. If the immune system acts the wrong way, and the person eats the wrong way like getting too low doses of vitamins. That thing affects genetic material and the lifetime of the person. 

Early life experiences might affect genetic material even over generations. When we think about cases where the person is isolated or cheated in schools that can cause a situation that the person will marry and gets children in older age than other people.  

Also, negative social experiences at young ages can cause a situation. Where a person will go to the wrong company. And things like violent behavior. And those things can harm bone marrow or sexual organs. Or the person must start to use psychiatric medicals. 

Those medicals can affect the genitals and gametes. Some psychiatric medicals decrease sexual willingness. 

And that thing affects gametes renewal. If gametes get old. It affects the quality of the genome. That thing can also affect to genitalia and especially the testis' and ovary tissue. That can hurt the genetic material that will transfer to the next generations. 

Some medicals decrease sexual willingness by decreasing sex hormone levels in the human body. Those things can affect the quality of the gametes. And then that thing can cause genetic disorders in certain sperm cells or eggs. This thing can have long-term effects on the genomes if they transfer to the next generation. 



Friday, January 20, 2023

The digital "demon": how to increase the quantum computer's power? (Part2)

The key element in qubit is how users can be sure that its value is zero before the system starts to transfer data to it. The normal way is to decrease the temperature of the qubit to zero kelvin. In fact. That thing is probably not necessary in the future. 

The system can take any temperature or energy level to zero point. The zero point could be, for example, 20 degrees Celsius. 

The zero point is the point. Where the system starts to transfer data to the qubit. The problem with high-temperature qubits is how to control their oscillation. But if the system can keep the energy level stable that thing can revolutionize quantum computing. When zero-point is determined. The system can make superpositions and entangled pairs of elementary particles. 

And then the system will operate for a while. The problem is that the energy level between both ends of quantum entanglement must not be the same. 

If the energy level of superpositioned and entangled particles is the same. That thing breaks the quantum entanglement. The reason for that is when both particles reach the same energy level the wave movement that they send pushes those particles away from each other. 

That means the time that the system can keep quantum entanglement is limited. So if we return to Maxwell's demon model we can maximize the time that quantum entanglement remains by using the simple thing. We can put another side of the quantum entanglement to a minimum energy level. 

And the other side will rise to maximum energy level. When the difference between energy levels of both sides of quantum entanglement is very high, that maximizes the time that the system can maintain the superposition and entanglement. 

But then we can increase the quantum computer's power by using the model where the zero point of the qubit is determined individually in each case. The system can determine the zero point as an example to 20 degrees Celsius. But then the system must keep the energy level or temperature of the qubit stable. 

The problem is that the hot or warm qubit must not oscillate. So the system must protect the qubit. Or the data will not keep its form. The problem with high-temperature qubits is the oscillation. 

But other ways. As I wrote earlier, the system can determine any temperature or energy level to zero point. If the system can keep the oscillation of the qubit in its form that can be a revolutionary advance in quantum technology. 


The digital "demon": how to increase the quantum computer's power?

Quantum computers are powerful tools. But they are useful only if they can solve problems with a very high probability. The probability that the answer is right is not enough. The system must confirm that the answer is right. Or it cannot use in functional control systems. 

The system is useless if it cannot give the right answers or if the user cannot confirm the answer. And only one wrong answer means that the calculation goes wrong. If that thing happens in the nuclear power plants the results could be devastating. 

The system requires an error-detecting protocol. In some versions, the system uses two main lines for some calculations. That means if those two lines give the same answer. There is the possibility that the answer is right. In that model, the system uses two separate, individual operating units for making the calculations. 

In some versions, the system uses multiple qubits or groups of qubits for the calculations. The system makes the statistics about the answers. And that thing tells. That there is a possibility that the answer is right if the large majority of the group gives a certain value. 

Maxwell's demon is the thinking experiment that should introduce that the second law of thermodynamics does not always apply. The next part of the text includes a straight loan from Wikipedia. You can replace the word molecule by using the words "information" or "qubits"

"In the thought experiment, a demon controls a small massless door between two gas chambers. As individual gas molecules (or atoms) approach the door, the demon quickly opens and closes the door to allow only fast-moving molecules to pass through in one direction. " (Wikipedia, Maxwell's demon) 

The problem with Maxwell's demon is that there are no massless doors. All doors that can close the information flow from the hotter chamber to the lower energy chamber have mass or a certain energy level. That makes it researchers difficult to create quantum networks. 

If we want to send qubit through electric wires we must be sure that the gate or router will not transfer energy to the qubit. Or we must calculate or measure the energy that the gate or router transfer to qubit and remove it. Or otherwise, the system cannot download information from the qubits. So if the demon moves the gate. That thing moves energy to the information that travels through it. 

Image 2) Schematic figure of Maxwell's demon thought experiment (Wikipedia, Maxwell's demon) The image could be the figure of the quantum computer. The data travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. And the demon that sits on the computer collects data that travel through the gate. The demon is the input/output system that transports data between the user and the quantum system. 

The description of Maxwell's demon continues. "And only slow-moving molecules pass through in the other. Because the kinetic temperature of a gas depends on the velocities of its constituent molecules, the demon's actions cause one chamber to warm up and the other to cool down. This would decrease the total entropy of the system, without applying for any work, thereby violating the second law of thermodynamics". (Wikipedia, Maxwell's demon) 

So how this thing has a connection with the quantum computer? We can think that a quantum computer has two chambers. Then the system drives information from the higher energy level or "hotter" chamber to the lower energy level or "colder" chamber. 

The system will create quantum entanglements between those chambers. And then, the system can drive information from the higher energy level into the lower energy level. Then the system starts to load information into electrons or some other qubits. It must make sure that the value of the electron is 0. If there are artifact values like 1 the system loses information. 

The system decreases the energy level of electrons or other particles to zero kelvin degrees. The zero kelvin degrees guarantee that the value of the electron is zero before the system starts to drive information to it. But the problem is that the temperature of the individual qubits is higher than zero kelvin. The system can create artifact value by using measurement tools. When the measurement tool touches the electron. It can increase its temperature. And that can destroy or mess up the information because the system cannot determine the zero point of the qubit. 





The cosmic inflation. And the thing that shouldn't be.

Image 1) 

Image 2) 

Image 1) This is what cosmic inflation should be. The universe's expansion should accelerate all the time because the gravitational effect turns weaker when the distance of particles increases. 

Image 2) This is what cosmic inflation is... The universe's expansion is too slow. That means theory and reality don't match. The image below is the theoretical model of the acceleration of the universe's expansion should be faster than it is. And that means we should re-estimate the cosmic inflation. 

The image on the top is what the universe's expansion should be. And the second image is what the expansion looks like. So that is the thing that some astronomers want to rule out cosmic inflation. The expansion of the universe is not as strong as it should be. 

And that causes problems. So there is the fixed model of cosmic inflation. In that model the inflation is two-staged.

1) Just after the Big Bang. Cosmic inflation was extremely powerful. In the young universe were particles that do not exist anymore. 

And those particles like photons with mass or "massive photons". When the universe turns colder those particles are destroyed. Or they turned to wave movement. That means the dark energy is the remnant of those particles. 

2) Cosmic inflation continues in modern times. But it's slower. The thing that causes this expansion is the dark energy or remnant of the ancient particles. The problem is that the acceleration of the expansion should be stronger than it is. If researchers can fix that model. That opens the way to dark energy and helps to create a more complete model of cosmology. 

The theory of dark energy is interesting. The question is why that wave movement doesn't cause visible interaction. Why does nothing resonate with that strange wave movement that rips the universe and cosmological theories in pieces? 

There is the possibility that the wavelength of that wave movement is so long that we just cannot see that resonance. So dark energy could be wave movement that is invisible because its wavelength is extremely long. Or the wavelength of the dark energy is extremely short. That means it could affect only the single superstring. That form quarks.

 Or it can resonate some part of gluons. In that model, the interaction between dark energy happens in the gluons. If gluon is a polar particle. It sends extra energy. That dark energy brings it to quarks. If those gluons or transmitter particles of a strong nuclear force are at the line of hypothetical poles of quarks. 

The existence of cosmic inflation is almost confirmed. Cosmic inflation means that the space's size to material expands. When the size of the universe expands the distance between particles grows. And because the distance between particles grows the gravitational effect and interaction between particles turn weaker. So the universe's expansion speed should accelerate. 

Another thing is that. Cosmic inflation is not what it should be. The expansion of the universe is not accelerating as fast as it should. The speed of acceleration is slower than it should be. That means there is too much material or too little energy in the system. 

When we think about the universe's geometrical shape the most common theory is that universe is flat or hyperbolic. The spheric universe is the only geometrical shape of the universe that will collapse. So the probability that the universe ends its fate in an expansion that continues forever is 1/3. But if the universe's origin is the Big Bang. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1".

"From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia.com/Shape of the universe)

The collapse of the universe requires that Ω > 1. That means there is a small possibility that the open universe can also be positive curvature. In that model, the universe would be like the bite of the spheric structure. 

If Ω = 1, the universe is flat.

If Ω > 1, the universe is positive curvature.

If Ω < 1, the universe is negative curvature.

That means the universe could be spheric. But if we think that the universe is flat, and the shape of the flat universe is like a disc. We can think that the universe's ultimate fate is not so easy to describe. There is a possibility that inside the universe are the sub-structures that can collapse even if the majority of material would continue its expansion forever.  

Or if we think that the Big Bang was a similar effect to the supernova. The Big Bang could form the time glass-shaped structure. That means the Big Bang along with the Schwinger effect formed two universes. But what was the Big Bang? Was it some kind of explosion in dark matter? That means the Big Bang was an event where the material reach a certain energy level. 

Dark matter or dark gravitation is the thing that made researchers believe in a big crunch. But then the dark energy caused the most common theory in cosmology is that the ultimate end of the universe is a big silence. That means the universe will continue its expansion forever. But then we must ask why cosmic inflation doesn't match with predictions. 

When we look at the cosmic timeline. We are facing one interesting question. Is there something that can push the universe from outside? Could there be something so powerful source of radiation outside the universe that it can affect the entirety?

If that hypothetical radiation source exists this thing can explain both dark matter and dark energy. The idea is that hypothetical radiation that comes outside the universe pushes objects and particles to the center of the universe. Then in the middle of the universe is forming a standing wave movement or some kind of tornado. That pushes this hypothetical radiation outside of the center of the universe. 

The fact is this nobody has ever seen that kind of radiation source. If the multiverse or another universe existed. That thing explains lots of things. But we must see another universe. Before, we can build that kind of model. The multiverse theory is not a theory. It's the philosophical logical series. 

Another universe could be a giant cloud of dark matter. But that thing is more philosophy than scientific theory.  

The idea of that theory is simple. Because we always are found new and larger structures like galaxy groups and cosmic web the logical step would be that there are other universes. But as I just wrote nobody saw another universe yet. Another universe would be another step in the series of mega- and Giga structures. The problem is that if the size of subatomic particles of another universe is different than visible material. Those universes would remain dark. 







The omega-point. The ultimate end of the line.

French philosopher and Jesuit priest  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955). described the omega point like this. The universe can advance to complexity and knowledge only if something pulls it to complexity and awareness. Without the need, the creature will not turn complex. Without the need for complexity, the creature remains simple. 

So Teilhard might mean that all are aware, intelligent, and complex creatures. Somehow are always forced to be complex, aware, and intelligent. Without force, the creature will not reach complexity, awareness, and intelligence. 

Teilhard doesn't mention the thing that forces the creature to be intelligent having awareness and complexity. Only creatures, that are complex themselves can make complex things. 

So the thing that creates the knowledge and complexity could be natural without awareness, like a thunderstorm. Or it can be the genome researcher who has the goal to make something like new species or superhuman. When the researcher selects genomes that need that kind of thing, that person forces the subject. 

Being complex and creating complex things. The creature needs energy. Energy forms in Teilhard's theory are: 

1) "Tangential Energy": energy that physics can measure.

2) "Radial Energy": spiritual energy which accumulates into a higher state as time progresses. That means the will to make complex things. 

Another way to think about omega-point is to follow the road of Frank Tipler. Tipler's model for omega point is the case when the universe or gravitation collapses. That thing means the ultimate end of the universe. The omega point means the ultimate end of the line. 

The omega point might mean the ultimate end of the research and development. In all technologies is the end. The end is that there is no way to develop technology anymore. When we think about the singularization of technology and biology. We can think of the futuristic race that has robot bodies. 

But those bodies are controlled by cloned neurons. That kind of hybrid robot can be more intelligent than humans. There is the possibility that all those robots are forming the entirety where those robots interact by using WLAN communication. 

But are those things the ultimate end of the R&D process of robotics and technical evolution? There is a possibility that the hybridization with living neurons and quantum computers is even more powerful. In this model, the hypercomputer can be the brain that is under the cloche. 

And then there is the cloud of superpositioned and entangled electrons around those brains. That makes it possible that the quantum system can communicate straight with the brain. The neural structure's electromagnetic fields interact with those superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. 

Theoretically, the size of this kind of system has not limited. When we think about the intelligent universe theory or model the plasma clouds around the stars can turn into quantum computers. And then if there are some intelligent creatures that brain electricity can interact with that plasma, that thing can be the most intelligent creature in the universe. 



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

How to release the creativity of conventional thinkers?

The main problem with so-called silent knowledge is how to make that person who has silent knowledge share that knowledge with others people. When we are thinking about silent knowledge we must realize that silent knowledge that keeps in people's heads doesn't benefit the company. So how to motivate people to share that silent knowledge?

All people have a similar brain. All people have similar neural structures. So why are all people not creative? That is one of the most interesting questions in psychology. There is made a research on how to wake up productive and creative thinking in regular people. But when we make those research we must remember that when people get space and support being creative. They turn to creativity. 

That means we create the right environment that supports creativity. We can wake creative thinking in every person's mind. We are always jealous of people like Leonardo Da Vinci. We should realize what kind of benefit those people could bring to R&D work. 

In that model, we can say that every single person is creative, and people must dare to be creative. And then people must dare to tell their ideas to other people. So if we cheat other people of their ideas they might keep them in their minds. 

And that is a sad thing when we are making new products. If people are afraid to bring their ideas to other people's knowledge, those ideas remain unknown. And those silent ideas benefit anybody. If people don't dare to tell their ideas those ideas remain unknown. 

One reason why people are afraid to tell their ideas is that they are afraid of discrimination. People who are different than the majority are always in danger of discrimination. 

When we are thinking about creative people and people who have things like ADHD we face one common thing: Those people are different from the majority. When people are creative. Some other people are jealous. 

Jealous people can tell "dirty things" about people who are somehow different from what they are. Sometimes those stories cause witch hunts in working society. When a person is different. That means people are watching them more carefully. 

That thing causes discrimination. Same way, when a person has things like ADHD, that means people are different. Being different causes discrimination. 

The thing is that creative people are many times also different than others. This is one of the reasons why creative people more often get depression and other kinds of things. When people are different from than majority. 

That is always causing danger of discrimination and isolation. Isolation causes depression. But is it so, that different people like people with ADHD have depression more often than "regular" people? Or are other people just sharper with people, who have ADHD or who are creative? The thing is that many people think that if the person is different, that justifies discrimination. 




Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Can teleportation be possible?

Theoretically, laser rays can transport even humans. 

A hypothetical teleportation machine creates the photon cloud by stressing teleported objects' atoms with electromagnetic radiation. Then it will make quantum entanglement between those photons and the photons that are forming a hologram at the front of the object. Then the system must rise the teleported object's energy high enough. And that makes the object slide into the hologram. 

This is writing about hypothetical teleportation. The only fact that I can tell about teleportation is that it is certainly possible at the quantum level. Quantum teleportation or quantum superposition and entanglement are the key elements in quantum computers. But can we someday transport 3D structures or even humans by using the same method? 

There is the possibility that teleportation is possible only in 2D structures. 

There is a possibility that somewhere in the future we can make real teleportation for 3D structures and chemical compounds. There is a theoretical possibility that the system can superposition and entangle the quarks and electrons that are forming even the human body. The system could use holograms as the matrix where the particles of the human body will superposition. 

First, the system makes holograms. Then the system makes the particles like quarks and electrons release photon clouds around them. Then those photons will superposition and entangle with photons that form a hologram.  Then the system rises the energy of the transported object and it should flow to that hologram. But is that thing possible in real life? Maybe somewhere in the future. 

The fact is that we can move elementary particles like electrons by bombing them with photons. Theoretically, we could move any object through the universe by using laser rays. And put the structure tunnel itself through the walls. The idea of that kind of teleportation is that the particles that form an object will be loaded with energy. 

And then that energy pushes atoms or their quantum fields away from their route. But this is very difficult to make in real life by using more complicated structures than some elementary particles. 

But if we want to move 3D structures through the wall by using laser rays. We are facing one very big problem. We must affect each particle in the structure precisely at the same moment.

 If we will shoot 3D structures with lasers. The laser ray hits particles that are at the laser's side they are transmitting energy forward in structure. That causes the energy blast or energy wave that destroys the structure. At least in the moment, when energy pumping ends, the particle releases its extra energy as wave movement. And it destroys the material structure. 

The energy traps or zero energy pockets or energy wells where extra energy can flow can be one solution for energy problems in teleportation. The problem with teleportation is extra energy. That rips the system in pieces. 

One of the solutions that can make teleportation possible is the energy trap in the structure. If there is a so-called energy trap or minimum energy substructure in the system that allows extra energy to flow in those traps. But there is a possibility that this kind of thing cannot do in 3D structures. The energy trap is the channel where the system is put to a minimum energy level. That trap allows the energy to flow in it. 

So how could we teleport the object? That thing happens by transforming the 3D structure into a 2D structure. Then the laser ray can stress all particles in the structure at the same time. During that process, the system's creators must create so-called energy traps or minimum energy points to the structure. That allows the extra energy to flow in those points after energy stress ends. 

The problem is how to transform the 3D object into a 2D object. And return it to the 3D form. There is another possibility to make the object stay in one form is to decrease the energy level of the particles at the side where energy strikes to a minimum. That allows the system can receive more energy than as warm. 




Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Can Chat GPT replace Google? The story of "productive" AI.


Image: Pinterest

Machine learning is the ultimate tool. But we are still far away from systems that are learning like a human. In the simplest model. Learning machines record the environment, and then the human user just stores those things for future use. Then the next time, the AI can automatically adjust the system by using those recorded values. So humans are needed for making the pilot case. And then, the system just repeats that case in the cases that follow the first one. 

When we think of AI as an artist. We can select a couple of paintings from the net for the AI's database. Then the AI can simply share those images with three or more areas. And that it will connect those areas to the "new" painting. There is a possibility. That the number of stripes depends on the number of selected paintings or other images.  

And then, the AI will take the top area from the first painting, the second area from the second painting, etc. So AI is not producing anything new. It just recycles the old one. 

Chat GPT-type artificial intelligence will take Google's position someday in the future. The thing that this system requires is a good database, and also it must learn to read. When people are using Chat GPT they accumulate its database about the homepages. But the problem with the AI is that it doesn't know what is reading on those home pages. It can use Google search and find a series of home pages about certain topics. But I think that still today. 

It uses the homepages  Google indexed or some other search engine. Then it simply connects the paragraphs from the page and makes new homepages by using that data. When we want to simulate the AI way to handle data in a real-life physical environment. We can give the keywords to some child who writes them to address the line. 

Then that child who doesn't speak English selects five first pages from the list. And then that child copies the first paragraph from the first page. The second paragraph from the second page, the third paragraph from the third page, etc... That thing means that the result can be perfect. But it can also be horrible. 

The thing that makes AI problematic is that it uses only homepages that are enlisted for it. The system can search certain words from those pages and select paragraphs there are involving most of those words. But the problem is that the system cannot read. So the results still need human controllers. Or they are full of fatal errors. And I would not use AI for my doctoral thesis. 

The AI can check the computer's programming code. It can see are variables used. Or it can see are variables written right. In that case, it just compiles the list of variables and the line that the programmer is made. If there is a variable, that looks like some certain variable, the system suggests how the programmer should write the variable's name. 

In that process, the AI searches for details from those variables. It will see if there are similarities in the names and text that is written in the editor. This is one of the reasons why all variables must have unique names that are easy to separate from each other. 

When AI controls things like chemical processes there are many ways how to make that system learn. The simplest model is to make the chemical test in the laboratory. And the system just records the conditions like relations in gas mixtures and temperature in the chemical environment. 

If the maker of the experiment is satisfied that person just stores the result on the computer. And then the system can automatically adjust the system by using those values for the next case. But if the system uses scanning laser microscopes or something like that it can follow the trajectories of the components. 


Monday, January 9, 2023

AI doesn't create new things. They just recycle old ones.

Even the best AI cannot generate a thing. It just recycles old ones. When we think about paintings. And other things that AI. The truth is that it only connects details from sources that somebody else made. In real life, it connects information or details from multiple sources. The number of sources determines how effective and smooth results the AI can create.

The weakness is that the AI doesn't understand what it does. Productive AI like Chat GPT selects a certain number of sources by using the search engine's results. Then the AI just select one or two paragraphs from those homepages and connects them to a new entirety. 

And here is the danger. The AI doesn't know what is reading in those paragraphs. The thing is that the AI recognizes the paragraphs. But because it doesn't know what is reading in those paragraphs. The AI can choose something that doesn't belong to any topics in the text. That means AI is far away from human intelligence.  

So do we need scholars in the time of AI? The answer is that humans still in a vital role in machine learning. The AI can even collect thesis from homepages that human is prechecked. AI can play chess better than humans because it can calculate possible movements so far ahead. The AI can fly aircraft closer to the ground than humans because it doesn't afraid.

It just needs two or four radars that can fly in canyons. And of course, GPS and map where is the profile of the canyon. The radar altimeter can measure the aircraft's distance to the ground. And side radars tell the distance to walls. 

The nose radar sees the possible obstacles. But that thing is not anything there the AI creates new things. An interesting thing about AI is that self-driving car requires more complicated code than drone needs. 

The learning AI can learn multiple canyon profiles. It just records the aircraft's route. When we make self-driving cars, they need much more variables than robot aircraft needs for a successful mission. 

Every variable is an object that the system must recognize. The AI-driven car simply stops the vehicle and says that the driver must use the manual system in city areas. The AI can make many complicated-looking things, but all those things that AI knows must be pre-program in its memory. Otherwise, AI is ineffective. 

But when we think about the future and autonomously learning AI, we must realize one thing. The human brain requires information that it uses for connecting memory blacks. 

The problem is this. We don't know the precise moment when the data collection begins. 

The human brain involves 86-500 billion neurons. Calculating those neurons is difficult because of things like the number of axons. And the ability to interconnect neurons together has a great effect on the brain. The number of connections between neurons is the same way important. As the number of physical neurons. 


The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...