Tuesday, March 20, 2018

President Trump and his congratulations for Putin

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When the president of the United States of America will send the congratulations for the president of Russia after the election, and he acts against the advice of national security, we must say that this person acts always against somebody’s opinion. Presidents would never do right things, what pleases everybody, and if Trump would follow that advice, somebody would say, that this man was under control of his advisory. The reaction of the action to not say congratulations for Putin would be that this would make deeper the conflict between those superpowers.

Actions what Trump has made in the case to transfer embassy of the United States to Jerusalem is of course not pleasant for the international community. But if Trump would follow the line of the international community, the voters in the United States would say that this kind of actions is made for collecting popularity from other states. And when we are talking about the position of Jerusalem, that is same what other states do, if Israel says that their capital is Jerusalem.

The position of the president of the United States is not easy. And the international politics is not the easy field to operate. There are no right decisions for make. When we are looking about the nuclear weapons outbreak would be also the good thing for the persons in the United States military. Nuclear weapons are the good excuse for not to use the force against some other states. This is what makes the situation of the United States so difficult. During the Cold War, it collected many allies for supporting its own nuclear arsenal.

Those allies are needed for military bases for B-52 bombers and airborne refueling aircraft for those planes. This meant that those allies wanted military and political support from the United States. And that is the reason, why the Soviet Union have been supported the communist revolutionaries like Viet Cong and North Vietnamese government. And the loss of Vietnam war was meant that the United States most important military base in the Asian operations area. And undemocratic allies are the very big problem for the United States. That statement itself is quite democratic, but the allies are not even playing that thing. The corruption is good meter how working democracy really is.

But when we are looking the things like corruption, we must say that there are two ways to handle that thing. Another is that corruption would be justified, and the authorities also control their members.The covered democracy is the bigger problem in the world than open dictatorship.  In undemocratic states, corruption is that every grumble of authorities work would be put in garbage cans and then this state would play democracy.

Also, the news, where is mentioned, that authorities work is partial, would be censored by the media houses. The laws of those states are very good, but they are not enforced. And the newspapers and media houses are of course free, but they are all owned by the party, what is in control in that state. If somebody else wants to transmit media broadcasts to that state, those frequencies are always reserved. And there is the big list of problems in that kind of broadcasts.

The banks would not open the bank accounts for those media corporations. Electricity is always cut, and there are many more troubles for those reporters. Their car windows would be broken. Or the persons, who criticized the government would be kicked off their workplaces. This is one way to control the information, what is given by some governments in the world.



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