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Radioactive Lake Karachay might be dangerous in many ways.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Lake Karachay is mentioned as the most poisonous and polluted lake in the world. It has been used as the dump area for nuclear waste, and even the standing near this lake causes death by radioactive radiation. This kind of natural catastrophes can be very dangerous for many people in the world because if this water would go to hands of terrorists, the results can be horrible. But this kind of lakes or natural catastrophes are the things, what Russia will be told to another world.

The things what Russia would not tell are maybe more devastating. We must ask how many lakes have been used as the chemical dumps? When the chemical weapon storages were disbanded, there is the question, how many of those grenades and storage capsules just dropped to the lakes. We know that Russian military and security service has chemical weapon projects, but they are reserved for limited use. And there is one big scenario about those dumps.

If the chemical weapons were dumped in some lake, they can return to operative troops jus by raising the grenades above the surface. This is the problem with those chemical and nuclear dumps. The nuclear weapons can also store underwater storages, and if the level of radioactivity is very high, that can protect those weapons from thieves. But when we are thinking about the situation, what happened in Lake Karachay, that water can be used as the radioactive or radiological weapon itself.

This polluted water can be delivered to enemy terrain area, by using the normal watering system, what is installed in airplanes. If the user doesn’t care the pilots, that plane would not need any modifications, and normal watering plane, that is used in irrigation can deliver that deadly radioactive material. But the problem with those radioactive dumps is that they will cause mutations and cancer also for animals. And the tumors of the central nervous system can cause behavior disorder in animals too. That might cause that some animals would start to attack the humans.

There are rumors that the radioactive radiation level of those closed cities has been raised for the purpose of security. Personnel who works in those areas must use iodine pills for avoiding cancer. If those pills are not used,  that person would die because of cancer. Also high level of radioactive radiation keeps people out those areas. And we are not sure, that has been done in those highly secret military areas. There have been made the genome, behavioral and other that kind of research, and there are rumors that even the Russian leaders don’t actually know, what has been done in the closed cities.

And the radioactivity is the very good cover for genetically manipulated bacteria and the bears what have brain cancer. This kind of tests are against moral and ethical rules of science, but we know that there are people, who don’t care about ethics and moral. And Stalin was the very good example of that kind of person. The research, what began in Auschwitz is not unique in the world.

The “human tests” are made all around the world. And some German doctors who worked for SS continued their work in GULAG. But there are rumors that some private companies used those “angels of death” in the medical research in the Western states, and in South American and African jungles were tested medicals and vaccines for people, and some of those tests were controlled by ex-SS officers.

That research was made for biological and chemical weapon developing, and it was done under control of private corporations like Monsanto. Also, tobacco company Philip Morris offered cigarettes to babies for testing how cigarettes cause cancer. Those tests were made officially without telling the governments, but somebody claims that government’s agents were overseen those tests. But the only Western government, what is mentioned was South African apartheid government, what tested biological agents by black people.



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