Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Anjikuni mystery: Why over 30 people vanished in Canada in the year 1930?

Anjikuni village
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

I must explain in the beginning, what means “UFO-mystery”. It means the happenings, what would have no physical evidence or reason for those things. What would be a reason, for disappearing of 30 Indians in 1930? Only houses of that village left, and the dogs and food of those people left behind untouchable. If somebody murdered the villagers of Anjikuni, what would be motivation for that? The name of that village feels like it was given by Eskimos or Inuits as those people call themselves. So we must ask: is that village even existed? And who were those people, who lived in there? Their identity would give the hint about this case, what has remained as a mystery since 1930.

When we are thinking about how to investigate those things, we must first ask one question: who were those people? When we are looking about RCMP:s (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) behavior, when they have investigated this case, we must see the thing, that they seem like not to believe this thing. There are pictures of the houses of those Indians, and they look like very poor or some kind of cheap work. And here we must ask the second question about this case. It will go like this: were those Indians even existed, and did there any markings about those people in the civil register? If those people were not registered, the third question would be: who they were?

People who claimed to live in Anjikuni village
(Picture 2)
If we are looking about RCMP as an organization, those officers are the most valuable officials in the world. The RCMP is not known as a violent organization, and Canada is not any Southern State of USA, where was violation between whites and other people. And in 1930’s were not systematically accepted violence against Indians even in the USA, but those people lived in poorness. But Indian wars were ended 50 years before this happened. So why those people of Anjikuni disappeared in 1930? There was no physical evidence of violence, and the person, who made the report of this case was experienced hunter and tracker, who was living in the forests most of his life. So was this man the reason, why that village was found empty? If this man was visited in the village, what was full of fake-Indians, might this cause the evacuation.

If those people were not Indians and this Joe Labelle noticed it,  that that would be the very bad thing.  Was this village some kind of secret military base, what was made by the Soviet Union or German intelligence? The question would be solved if those people identities were published. If those people would not mark in civil register, there would be no reason to investigate this thing as a murder. If those people were faked Indians, Joe Lavelle would notice it. And because this man had experience with bad people, he would not mention that to those villagers, and then this man slipped away. But why this place was left, is the question, what we must think ourselves. There is no evidence about any foreigners in that area.

So there are photographs about those people, but there are only female members of that community who are photographed. Only one man seems in the slideshow of the second link, and same results were given the Google search of that village. So where were those men, who also lived in that mysterious village? The pictures of those people are unsharp, and there is difficult to see faces of those portrayed people.  Were they hiding their faces for some reason? There is no evidence like traffic sign that those people in those photographs even liven in the Anjikuni village, and that's why I must say that those pictures are portraying people, who claimed to live in there.


Picture 1:

Picture 2:

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