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Is the Isaac Asimov’s “Solaria” from the book “Naked Sun” same thing as “Utopia”?

Hohenzollern Castle in Germany symbolizes isolated  societies
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are analyzing the book, named “Naked sun”, we must think, the name shake between Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter top secret “Solaria-project”, what was mentioned in some UFO-book. Admiral Hillenkoetter was one name on the list, what is claimed to be a list of the Majestic-12 group. When we are thinking about Asimov’s Solaria, on that planet was only 20000 citizens, and when we are looking the structure of this book, we must say that this book seems very strange. In that book, Solaria is creating the next generation super weapons. The mass army of robots.

And the thing, what makes it strange is that maybe those “planets” were actually the “moon bases” on earth. I don’t know if this ever made, but those “moon bases” could be used in highly advanced genetic experiments. In this text, I think the possibility to make the network of isolated bases, what lives separately from other people. Of course, if that kind of network would exist, it could use the genetic engineering. In this book, the Solarians keep their planet population 20 000 and their behavior would be very unsocial. This is the thing, what is highlighting for centuries.

If there would be the capacity to select the human genomes, that the human would always get the skills, what that person might need to increase the team, that thing would make possible to create the members of the society, live hundreds of years. Or maybe those persons would use retrovirus, what can renew the genomes inside the cells. In this scenario, every person, who would be in this secret society would be taken the DNA. And then some laboratory would make virus by using this DNA. When the person is getting old, this DNA would use to replace the genomes from the nucleus of the cells and mitochondria to the new one. That might fix the cells of the body to be like young people.

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter

The people of those isolated societies would be selected from the most capable and intelligent persons on Earth, and they would be living in the place, where the birth rate is extremely well controlled. In this scenario, the scientists would make artificial people by using artificial fertilization. This would cut the connection of population to normal people. And nobody misses them. This world might be the very interesting way to test, what extremely intelligent people would create when they can do things together.

But when we are looking this fictional network of secret scientific places, we must think about “Utopia”. The mythical secret isolated society, what based the book of Thomas More from 1516. It was the book of the society of tomorrow, and this book has given names for the thing what cannot be reached. Also, the unidentified flying objects can have name shake between utopia. So if those plans were real, could this kind of experiment be the most disturbing thing, what people ever imagined.

In many books and films have been introduced the “utopia”. The isolated farm or castle, what involves the group of carefully chosen persons. In the book, “Naked sun” were the names of the fictional planets like “Nexus”. And this would be very fascinated. If some person like Hillenkoetter investigates the things like isolated bases, what have the mission to create advantages for some government, must this man has good evidence about the existence of this kind of structure.

Roscoe Hillenkoetter was the chief intelligence officer of the United States NAVY. He also worked as the first chief of CIA. His idea of humanoids was that they might be from Earth, and the origin of those very mysterious creatures would be some kind of network of camps, where the population was generated in centuries. This hypothesis was created by the books what have written by the persons like Bulwer-Lytton and H.G Wells. Those books were contained the secret societies and isolated places.

So Hillenkoetter created a very interesting hypothesis that some very intelligent persons were hidden inside some structures like camps of GULAG, and those persons would have the network across the earth. This structure is fictional, but Hillenkoetter had many good ideas of this kind of things, and maybe the tests for isolated societies have made by some men in the past. But how serious can we take those things? I’m saying, that I certainly hope that this writing is telling about the fictional story about the network of secret communities. And I think that was only the fictional idea of those places. Some kind of thought about the sociological and genetic experiment, what could be the very fascinated thing, what sometimes comes to pages of some magazines or Internet pages.


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