Sunday, March 11, 2018

Unknown Churchill

Saint Paul Cathedral during London bombings
(Picture 1) hollywood-rewards-a-mass-murderer/?utm_term=.d0b97af9d60e

There is a film about mass murderer again. When we are talking about Winston Churchill, we must say, that also there was made also a film of Adolph Hitler, and of course, Winston Churchill deserves his own version. Why Churchill is prosecuted by mass murders, is that he was the man who planned the Gallipoli invasion in 1915, where many Australians and New Zealander soldiers were killed for nothing. Why the British let Churchill continue his operations after this fiasco? Why was he not prosecuted for this campaign, where probably over 300000 British Commonwealth soldiers were killed for nothing? And why nobody mentioned about that later? Even German propaganda ever mentioned this operation to Turkish cost, even it could be a sword what show straight to Churchill?

He was also working as the chief of intelligence and military police operations in Northern Ireland, and this man gave authorization of mass bombing the German cities in the Second World War. Attacking against civilian targets is a war crime, but the explanation for those actions was, that all Germany was mobilized, and in every factory were built military equipment. This justified the bombing of cities. And nobody was prosecuted for those actions during their life. Also, the commander of the bombers of Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall Albert Von Kesselring was released of similar attacks against civilians.

So Winston Churchill was a murderer. He began his military career in the Kitchener’s troops in South Africa during the second Boer War. And in this campaign was the question of the genocide. Then Churchill continued his career as the chief of intelligence, and he was the key role in security actions in Northern Ireland area, and then this man continued as the chief of the intelligence. In that role, this man was allowed the rise of Adolph Hitler to power in Germany.

Winston Churchill

When we are looking at the history, we must say that there was no Winston Churchill without Adolph Hitler. In nowadays we must realize that the rise of NSDAP was caused by Churchill because Great Britain was do nothing to stop that nationalistic party in Germany, and when we are talking about the murdering Adolph Hitler, we must realize that murder is a crime. Churchill was given orders to murder German leaders only one time. This was “Operation Anthropoid” the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.

He was the creator of SOE (Service Operations Special) what was the most effective sabotage and spying organization during that time. And we must say that the war is not a game. The purpose of war is to save countries. Then we must realize that military organizations must support the purpose of the war in every way. The most effective way to break enemy resistance was mass bombing their cities by day and night. If somebody asked Churchill about those bombardments, he would say that Germans began those terror-bombings against London, Rotterdam, and Warsaw. In the case of Warsaw, the maker of that bombing could also partially made by Soviet Air Forces.

When we are looking at the case of Rotterdam, we must say that also RAF bombed the advancing German troops. And there were claims that somebody in the RAF headquarters might think that Germans were in Rotterdam, and maybe that bombardment was partially made by RAF. Because the leaders of the Luftwaffe might think, that in the city harbor were British warships.

And maybe both sides have bombed that town. But we know that Churchill gave orders to bomb friendly forces. In the harbor of Attack on Mers-el-Kébir was French naval units to wait for Germans to take those ships into custody after France was surrender in 1940. Then Churchill ordered to sink those warships. Those were the actions, what were not made good for this man’s reputation. But there were many more mass murderers on earth. So we must say that Churchill was not alone, there was also Stalin, and Hitler, and of course the Japanese were much worse than those European leaders. And then we must say that every colonialist state has made mass murders. Also, those crimes should be prosecuted when criminals were alive.


Picture 1.

Picture 2.

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