Thursday, March 15, 2018

ABW- Advanced biological weapons

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The idea of using wild animals to attack against personnel is not new. There are always been trained lions, bears and wolfs to control the entry of some area. Those beasts were used because their attack covered the path to the person, who ordered the action. Also, royal hunting falcons had sometimes have connected poisoned knives in their claws.

Those birds were meant for the attack against enemies of the royal highness. In Finland's national epos "Kalevala" has been mentioned that one of its heroes "Kullervo" used trained animals to kidnap the enemy's daughter. At the later of this text, I'm writing about trained bears and other stuff from "The Hound of Baskerville". In that book was the big dog, what was trained to kill the members of one family.

Bugs what are crown with plastic explosives can be used to locate mines, can those organisms like wasps grow with ammunition. Then the bugs can be released to combat zone, and then to the air can deliver acetone. This would make those animals extreme dangerous, and this is the very big threat for every person in the world. The bug can bite anyone in the world, and this thing makes materialization of the horror movie "Candyman" real.

The question is, could those attacks targeted to selected individual persons by growing those bugs with the tissue, what has been grown by the cell-examples of some person, who would be typed as the danger for national security. I think that that kind of biological stealth weapons is tested in some test ranges in USA and Russia. This actually means that those specific bugs can be released to air, and then they would use by assassination missions. And those bugs can also be mosquitos, what were infected with malaria or dengue fever, what might be very dangerous.

Same way animals like bears can be trained to attack against the armed person. There would need the smell of ammunition, and then that animal would make mad with anger by using the food or electric shocks as the stimulant. This scenario some disturbed person would give those extremely dangerous animals food and same time let the animal smell the ammunition, and that effect can be boosted by using electric shocks at the same time.

Those things might be used in the Victorian era England, where the story of “Hound of Baskerville” was written. Animals like dogs can be taught to hate some persons, and when those persons would arrive, the dogs would attack against them. The same method can be used with bears, what would be trained to go get some persons back in control.

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