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Let’s talk about UFO’s (Are they only holograms, what are mentioned to turn eyes off real aircraft?)

UFO, what might be hologram
and made in "Project Garnet"
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When something is not public, that doesn’t mean that the thing does not exist. We will always see many things, what might look like from another world, but when we are looking them carefully, we must say, that “why I didn’t invent that?”. One of the thing what we might always forget is that when we see the giant craft, what looks like railroad track hanging on the skies, we might say that is an alien spacecraft. And then somebody says that we are the maniac.

One version of those spacecraft, what are like from Science Fiction film is that they would be holograms. The purpose of those things is that they would turn people eyes opposite direction from some real aircraft like B-52 or some other nuclear bomber. Those holograms, what are made in “Project Garnet” are meant for eyeballs. They might look like very realistic, and the holograms are made by 3D CAD-programs.

Another answer to the question is that they could be airships with powerful lights and voice effect. They can be used to make people show their faces to that vehicle, and then security service can take photos of the faces of those people. Those are natural explanations for those things. They can be used in the case, that there would be nuclear weapons in some airbase, and some of those weapons can be carried by the normal tactical attack aircraft.

Also, drone operators don’t necessarily want any publicity about their missions. That’s why those bases can be protected by heavily equipped guards. But also psychological methods like holograms and terrible voices can be used to make those areas disgusting. Of course, there would be sent rumors about monsters like werewolves and ghosts to local people because that kind of stories limits the people will go to the picnic in that area.

But the large-scale wingless heavier than air vehicle is possible.  This fictional platform would be like an airship, but it would be heavier than air. In this case, there are jet-motors below the vehicle, what would keep it airborne. The problem is the massive use of fuel. The wingless airplane would work like there are jet motors below the aircraft, and those motors would keep it airborne. Rest of technology is from normal aircraft.

The fuel economy would be minimized by using “zero-point” power systems to make those aircraft lighter. Those power systems would be lasers- or radio systems. They would create an electric arc or another heating point under at the aircraft, and rising air would make those aircraft lighter. The electric arc would be created by the radio-masers what have the same frequency. That would help to keep the fuel economy in control.

The reason of interest of large-scale military airships, what could be heavier than air is simple. Heavier than air vehicles have more maneuverable capacities than normal airships, but they would have enormous fuel economy. Those vehicles would have many things like surgery rooms and other service areas. But the problem would be the fuel.

 The use of nuclear power would be the solution for those problems, and in the case of nuclear power, could those “flying ships” use NERVA-motors or magneto-dynamic accelerators for flying. The NERVA could use hydrogen and this gas would not normally transform to the highly radioactive material. Of course, the tritium would produce, when hydrogen travels thru the reactor.  But it would cause only little raise of the level of radiation in operation area. That gives it the capacity to fly to space. The accelerators don’t need drive-fuel, but those things would be the very radical solution for those vehicles.



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