Friday, March 30, 2018

About Eastern day and one punishment over 2000 years ago

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Today is a Good Friday and we all remember the judgment, what was given to one man in Palestine or Judea, how Romans called that place. Nowadays we know, that the judgment for crucifixion was wrong, an innocent man was dead by the most horrific way, what Romans ever knew. And today we ask one question: why Romans choose that way to execute the man, who was very kind to other people? Why they made service for the people, who wanted to kill that man, who would become known as Jesus Christ?

What was the action that Rabbi made, get that punishment? In the Roman way to act against the persons, who were harmful to them, was not so open, that every people in the world should see those political executions. The Roman way was that those persons who were harmful to it or emperor, just poisoned that they would not tell anything to other people. The killing orders for ordinary people were given the way, that they would not track to the emperor himself. Emperor was above all people, and he was sitting outside everything. If the killing orders were given to some person, the way that can be tracked to emperor's palace, the emperor of the Roman empire would get in danger.

The normal method of crucifixion was used the poisoned whips, and if the used poison was cobra's poison, the whipped person would die immediately. And if the person would send to crucifixion place, the poisoned nails would keep this poor person silent. When we are talking about Apostles and other investigators, they would try to follow the line of the order.

They wanted to know the reason, why the innocent man went to Golgata in that way? Was something, what Jesus made seemed like political radicalism? The crucifixion was meant for royal punishments, and somebody has given little controversial theory, that Jesus took the other person place on the cross in that very long day. We all know that this is the only theory, what is against the official theology of the Church.

So this is only the written thoughts about one of the most well-known mysteries on Earth. What was the thing, what caused that reaction? Has Jesus protected some other person in the very first Eastern in history? When we are talking about the personality of Jesus, we must notice that this man was Rabbi. He was the member of the Theological elite of Judea, and if somebody dares to touch that man, were the punishment death. That was the way in that country. So why people dare to yell at him? Jesus was the holy man, good speaker, and well known Rabbi, and that means the curse for the people, who harmed him.

In some days I have thought that maybe Jesus felt guilty about the things what happened in Jerusalem during his birth. Here I write about the happenings, that all children of that city were slaughtered by Roman legions. Why was Jesus only child who left alive in that town? And why Romans were not looking for him?

When that brutal and horrifying action was done the Romans thought that they were eliminated all family of King David. And in this way to see, the survival of that child might cause the thinkings of quilty in his mind. Here I must say that I know one way to escape from that city. This way makes me feel sad, but maybe Jesus had the twin brother, who was given to Romans. And if this thought were true, the feeling of that man's head and heart might be something else than good. Maybe that caused hate in his mind.

And when we are thinking about the theory of Antichrist, the brother of Jesus, we might think that maybe Romans were saved some of those children. Maybe they found evidence that some of the children had twin brother or sister. And then they would transfer that brother to Rome. And maybe they told to that boy, what his parents have done. This would cause hate in his mind. But as I have written before, this is only thoughts of the Eastern day and the things, what were culminated the point, where innocent man crucified in Palestine.

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