Cogito Ergo Sum (I think; therefore I am)
René Descartes
Our existence is at the center of our life. Somebody might blame me for that "me-centric" way to see things. But who is in the middle of our life? Or who is the main character in our life? That character is the thing who is the thing that reads this text without moving lips. When we are thinking that we are the center of our own life we must understand one thing.
If something happens to us, the only person who feels that thing is we or I, if we are thinking only of ourselves. If somebody says that we are idiots, we have the right to feel bad about that thing. We have the right to have bad days. And if somebody is acting like we air, we have the right to feel offended. We don't have to smile and feel good if somebody is bullying us.
If somebody acts like we are garbage, we have the right to feel bad. Even that person is boss we must not like everything that those persons are saying. If we get a speeding ticket, we must not smile at the police even that person is working for the state. We have the right to feel bad in that situation.
Sometimes people are thinking that people just sitting and staring at walls are not doing anything important. There are always better ways to waste time than just staring at the wall and concentrate on the abyss. During we are string the wall we are concentrating on the thing that is making humans so superior. That thing is called thinking. Thinking is existence and thinking is the consciousness existence of the person.
Cogito Ergo Sum said philosopher René Descartes once. In English that thing means I think; therefore I exist. Maybe that quote came into the mind of that philosopher when somebody asked him are you existed? And how do you know that you exist? How do people know that they exist? The answer that René Descartes gave was that the reason why he existed was that he thought. He thought and realized his existence so that meant he exists.
Existence is right to have own space. But when the idea of existence and thinking came in the mind of Descartes that thing caused probably one induction thought. How do we know that things that we are thinking are real? They are real to the thinker. But they are not probably the same way as real to other people. We know that there is no absolute reality. Our senses are things that are causing that the observations that we are getting are always unique.
But the experiences that we have are also coloring our way to see things. And one thing that we should see is that we exist. Our existence is one thing in our life that we are not thinking about too often. We are not realizing that our existence is the center of our life. Everything that happens to us happens to us, not the person who stands next to us. If something hurts somebody else that thing is not happening to me. That thing happens to that other guy. Same way if somebody or something hurts me would not hurt the person next to me.
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