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The theory of the universe as self-learning AI is an interesting theorem.

So if the universe is intelligent and self-learning that thing doesn't mean that the universe is the thing that can communicate with us. If we are trying to communicate with the universe that thing requires extremely powerful energy and we cannot create that energy load on Earth. 

Let's try to think this another way: We want to compare the size of Earth with the universe. And think that something that lives on Earth tries to communicate with the universe. And then we want to transfer that model to something that is on our planet the situation is similar to the case where somebody who lives on quark is trying to communicate with us. 

That creature cannot create so powerful data transmission that we can separate it. In the same way. If we are sending the radio impulse to the sky. And wait for that the universe to answer we will face disappointment.  That message will disappear into the cosmic white noise. The white noise-like cosmic background radiation covers that message under it. 

So if we are thinking that the universe is an extremely large intelligent organism. We might think that the universe is also the largest version of Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's cat is a cat that can be dead or alive. If the cat is in the box and we cannot see it from outside. We can try to make indirect observations about that thing. Maybe that cat keeps some noise or something that shows the cat is alive. But without open that box we cannot be sure about that thing. 

And that paradox of the cat that can be dead or alive can transfer to macro size. Is it possible that the thing that cannot interact with us has something to do with us? Of course, we can try to yell so loud that the organism is hearing us. If the thing is so big that we cannot attract its attention because we cannot yell so loud that the creature is hearing that thing cannot recognize us. 

And if it cannot recognize us. It cannot answer. The situation is similar to the case where we are thinking of viruses. We know that viruses are everywhere but we cannot separate them. So if we are thinking that the universe is the thinking entirety. That means that maybe it just cannot see us because we are so small. 



Let's try to transfer this model to the hypothetical galactic-size civilization. Can the Kardachev scale III civilization be the galactic-size network of Matrioshka brains?

Can the Kardachev scale III civilization be the galactic-size matryoshka brains? The giant space stations are communicating with each other by using quantum bridges. In that giant structure. Every member of this hypothetical civilization is connected with quantum computers using the microchips implanted in their brains. 

If we are thinking of the models of Kardachev Scale III civilizations that are controlling the entire galaxy. We must realize that those things are extremely large and complex. In some models, the hypothetical Kardachev scale III civilizations are the large group of the ball-shaped space station. 

Those space stations are acting as the hybrid computer where the quantum computers and neural network is combined. The brains of the organisms that are living in the space station are forming the neural structure. And that living neural structure is connected with quantum computers. 

In this vision, those space stations are forming the entirety. They can communicate with each other. And form the macro-neuron structure. And that is the interstellar version of the Matrioshka brains. 

A Matrioshka brain is a hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity powered by a Dyson sphere. It was proposed in 1997 by Robert J. Bradbury. That SciFi novelist introduced the most powerful computer that ever can imagine. The system will connect the living organisms and computers to their entirety. And those entireties can connect with the same type of entireties 

It is an example of a Class B stellar engine, employing the entire energy output of a star to drive computer systems. This concept derives its name from the nesting Russian Matryoshka dolls. The concept was deployed by Bradbury in the anthology Year Million: Science at the Far Edge of Knowledge. (Wikipedia: Matrioshka brains)

The galactic-size network of Matrioshka brains is one of the most extreme versions of the mega structures. The Matrioshka brains can connect to the network. 

Of course, those creatures in that kind of hypothetical super-civilization are sending messages. But they are so busy with their government and control systems that they just don't have time to answer to humans. 

Or they use things like gamma-ray lasers that are powered by black holes for interstellar communication. The transmission power would be so powerful that we cannot even imagine it. Or they can use quantum bridges, superposition, and entangled particles to send the data between stars. 

The message will send by moving those particle pairs back and forth. And that thing makes it possible to send the message immediately between stars. But that thing requires so powerful power source that the only power source is the black hole in the system. 

If you would be the emperor of the galactic-size civilization there might be many things, that keep you busy. Things like supernova-explosions traveling neutron stars and black holes are things that require attention. Under control of that hypothetical emperor are tens of thousands of words that require attention. Sometimes entire solar system must be evacuated. 

Because the star is finishing its fuel. And the population must re-settle to somewhere else. The population means the planetary habitats. But also crews of the giant space stations must transport to another solar system. That kind of thing keeps the hypothetical emperor busy. And that things are interesting hypotheses. 





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