Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are the gravitons primordial black holes inside protons, neutrons and electrons?

Above: "Three colored balls (symbolizing quarks) connected pairwise by springs (symbolizing gluons), all inside a gray circle (symbolizing a proton). The colors of the balls are red, green, and blue, to parallel each quark's color charge. The red and blue balls are labeled "u" (for "up" quark) and the green one is labeled "d" (for "down" quark)". Wikipedia/Quarks)

If we want to guess the certain place of the hypothetical graviton in the material there are two possible places. The place where the researchers can find hypothetical graviton is the center point of the proton and neutron. Or another possible place is in the middle of the quarks. In that version, the quarks are like the ball of yarn, like electrons. And they are formed when superstrings are forming the ball around the extremely small primordial black hole. The quantum gravity of that primordial black hole would pull the protons and neutrons together. 

Can the graviton be found just in the middle of the proton and neutron? The idea is that when gluons are jumping in the proton and neutron. By using the trajectory that looks like a triangle. That thing can from the primordial black hole in the proton and neutron. That means the graviton could be the thing that formed from the wave movement. 

So does graviton even have the physical form? Is it the primordial black hole? The extremely small-size primordial black hole is more like a power field than some kind of particle. That power field is turned to the package like a particle or ball of yarn. 

So is the annihilation the impact of two primordial black holes that are locating in protons or neutrons? In that idea, the electrons are the balls of the superstrings. That is forming a ball around the primordial black hole. In that case, the superstring is denying the eruption of the black hole.

And that extremely small black hole will get its energy from the spin of electrons. In that case, the size of the black hole is so small, that it cannot curve the wave movement inside it. Or the superstrings are forming the ball near that miniature singularity. That is smaller than any particle in the world. The same thing that is written about electrons can transform into quarks. 

If the graviton is the primordial black hole inside the proton or neutron that could explain, why it's so hard to detect. The primordial black hole requires energy pumping all the time. And in this scenario. The primordial black hole that is smaller than quarks or gluons is getting its energy from the movement of the gluons. If that movement is stopping the primordial black hole vaporizes immediately. 

Can we find graviton in the place where nobody predicts to find that kind of particle? The idea is that in the protons and neutrons is the group of quarks. And between those quarks are traveling particles called gluons. The gluons are something like electrons, but their size and effective range are different. The gluon is the transmitter particle of the strong nuclear force. 

So in the cores of protons and neutrons is the "quantum flashes of lightning" between quarks that are forming a similar effect with lightning. But in the smaller distances. When the gluon is traveling it sends energy waves both ways. The energy that the gluon gets is similar to kinetic energy with the balls that people are throwing. 

But the scale of this thing is extremely small. Gluons are jumping inside protons and neutrons. And then the Law of Energy Indecision means that the gluon must take energy load from somewhere or they will stop and material is disappearing. So is the energy source of the gluons some kind of primordial black hole? And is that black hole the graviton hypothetical transportation particle of the gravitation. 

The movement energy of gluons travels outer ways or to the core of protons and neutrons. And also the part of the energy that is stored in muons while they are jumping between the quarks is traveling in the middle point of the proton or neutron. So there is the possibility that there is graviton in the middle of protons and neutrons. 






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