Saturday, September 18, 2021

Is there similar wave-particle duality in dark energy-dark matter combination with particles and energy in visible material has? 

Is dark energy so stable radiation that we cannot see any changes in that power field? Or is dark energy probably the universe-size power or plasma field. In that case, we cannot see that plasma field because we are inside it. The situation is similar to the case where we are inside the balloon. We cannot see the balloon outside. And we can see only the pressure inside the balloon. We might think there is space outside the balloon. But we cannot be sure about that thing. 

The reason why I believe that dark energy is the universe-size plasma-or electromagnetic field. Is that our sun (and all other stars) are surrounded by halos. Those halos are the plasma balls. That is positioning the particles or objects that are at the impact point of the interstellar plasma. And the plasma that comes out from the star. 


Have you seen the asteroids around the sun in the Kuiper belt form a similar form as the galaxies are forming in the universe? The size of the universe is much much bigger but the forms around the center point are similar. 

Galaxies are in the same position in the universe as asteroids are positioned in the plasma ball of the stars. The structures of the universe are similar to the structures of the Kuiper belt are both balls. The Kuiper belt is the ball-shaped asteroid structure that orbits the sun and other stars. The same way the galaxies are forming the ball-shaped structure around the universe. 

If we are inside that enormous plasma field we cannot separate it from the environment outside that power field. If we want to make observations of the power field we must stand outside it. If we are inside it we cannot see it. Because we cannot separate the edge of the power field if we are standing in it. 

The mystery of dark energy can be solving. There is the possibility that we cannot detect dark energy, because it's too stable radiation. If the form of dark energy is similar to "cosmic hum". The reason why we haven't seen that energy before is that the dark energy is so stable. 

We cannot see the changes in the energy fields where that radiation affects. If the radiation is very stable, we cannot see the changes in the energy levels of that radiation. In that case, the dark energy would compare with the situation. The voltage meter faces the ultra-stable electric circuit. 

If there is no information about the electricity and the meter is staying stable. The person who uses that meter would go home and recalibrate that measurement tool. Normally the observations about the power fields are made by following the changes in the levels of the power field. But if the power field is enormous and homogenous. It's hard to detect. 

So is dark energy the power field that fills the entire universe? In that case, we cannot see it. We would be inside the universe size power field and the only way to separate it from the environment would be going out from the universe.

Maybe XENON 1T experiment has detected dark energy.

If the wave-particle duality can expand to dark energy. That means dark energy is the form of dark matter. 

The first time there is an interaction between material and dark energy. And that thing is one of the most fascinating moments in the history of natural sciences. Dark energy is the interactive wave movement as well as the normal energy is. 

So if we want to expand the wave-particle duality to dark energy we can say that dark energy is the same way form of the dark material as normal energy or wave movement is in the regular material. In this text, the term regular material means material that is visible to us. 




Is dark energy simple the radio radiation that we cannot see? And is the reason that the radiation is very stable? 

If dark matter also has the wave-particle duality. That can mean dark energy and dark matter has the form of dark energy. That means dark matter in the form of dark energy. But is the answer for the dark energy is that it's the radio waves that we cannot see. The reason for that could be that those radio waves cannot pass the galactic or stellar halos. Those halos are the plasma balls around stars and galaxies. 

Many theories are trying to explain what causes wave movement that is invisible to us. The new observations of the comic hum that the Voyager probe detected when it travels outside our solar system are causing new ideas of dark energy. The cosmic hum is the radio waves that are not passing the plasma ball of the sun. 

That means there is no way to observe that radiofrequency from Earth. The telescope must travel outside of the solar system for making observations of the cosmic hum. So if we are thinking logically, there must be radio waves that are not passing the plasma halo of the galaxy. 

And maybe that is the thing. That would explain why there is energy that cannot detect from Earth. Or we cannot detect that energy straight. But we can detect the changes in the energy level of the plasma ball of the sun when radiowaves are hitting it. But the problem is that the cosmic hum is so stable, that we cannot see the changes in the plasma ball of the sun. That requires changes in the radiation that hits the plasma. 

Another thing that we might forget is that material can be heavier than we expected. When there are supernovas and other high-energetic reactions in the universe, that reaction sends energy waves around the universe. When radiation hits the particles it will load the energy to that particle. And then the energy is rising the mass of the particles. 

The difference between particles in the universe and the particle on the Earth is that the particle that hovers in the universe cannot release its energy other ways than just shining it as the electromagnetic wave movement. This is why the nebulas in the space are shining. 

The energy pumping to that material is not stable. The pikes in the energy pump can happen when the supernovas are exploding or black holes are colliding. That thing increases the energy level and the mass of the material. 



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