Saturday, September 25, 2021

What is the connection between delirium and cognitive impairment caused by COVID-19?

(Image: Wikipedia/Delirium tremens)

The reason why delirium tremens is improving the dangers of the COVID-19 is not so surprising that we might think. Delirium tremens is a disease caused by alcoholism. Many times we forget that alcoholic people are not eating very well. They might have very few vitamins in their food. Or they are eating so badly that they are malnourished. And otherwise, the bacteria in their alimentary canal is disturbing. 

This thing makes the body impossible to receive vitamins. Some alcoholics have bad health conditions and other diseases like cirrhosis or cancer. Along with a lower immune defense, that thing offers the perfect platform for viruses to infect that person. And along with low nutrient levels, those things can cause that the COVID-19 infection will be worse than in other cases. 

The use of drugs and especially injected drugs can cause HIV infection and that thing makes every virus and other infections worse than in the case of a so-called normal person who has no vitamin deficiency that passivates immune defense. Or whose immune defense is not busy for some other viruses like Hepatite B. In that case, the immune cells are working with other viruses. And they have no time to start the fight against COVID-19. 

Humans, like all other mammals, have bacteria in the intestine. And the purpose of those bacteria is to handle the nutrient and separate important parts of it for the cells. If those bacteria will be destroyed the person would die because of hunger. In that case, the body just cannot use the nutrient, even if the person eats just like should be eaten. But people who have delirium might not eat enough vitamins at all. 

They might eat mostly meat and sausages. There is also the possibility that those people would not go to coronavirus tests if they feel sick.  And there is also the possibility that they will not take rest in the case of fewer. Along with bad habits like cigarette smoking and especially smoking the same cigarettes with other people and drinking from the same bottles with other people will increase the speed of the spread of the epidemic. 

When we are thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic we must say that there is the possibility that we ever get the complete numbers of the infected persons. There are lots of people who are not going to tests even if they are sick. And in Africa and the Middle East is possible many people don't even know about the COVID-19. Or they have better things to do than going to tests. 

But in the western world, some people are ever thinking about things like COVID-19. Those people are left outside society. They are using drugs and living in their world. We see them all the time, but somehow we cannot force them to test. 



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