In this text, I will think about the origin of the material. Not how the man got the intelligence.
Are we children of black holes and neutron stars? The answer to the question depends on the timeline that we are handling. If we think that the history of the material starts in the particles that formed just after the Big Bang straight from the wave movement.
We can say that subatomic particles that form the protons and neutrons are much older than atoms in our body. Electrons formed also after the Big Bang. And the electromagnetic forces along with microgravity they positioned to orbit protons and neutrons.
This question is interesting. Every single atom in our body is formed in the nuclear reactions in the stars. Or the hydrogen atoms are formed in the quantum plasma just after the big bang. But are we children of the black holes and neutron stars? The heavier elements are formed in the extreme heat in the largest stars.
And some of the most extraordinary elements are formed during supernova explosions. Only when the blue giant star is exploding. The energy level rises to the level that forming of the heaviest natural elements are forming. That will explain why the heaviest isotopes are so unusual things in the universe.
The answer to the question are we children of explosive stars or maybe black holes are not simple. Supernovas, neutron stars, and black holes are creating giant waves around the universe. So those waves are causing a disturbance in the entirety. And that thing means that the material is starting to pile up at the point where the particles have more mass than in other places.
But otherwise, the history of material is starting just after the Big Bang. And the forming of the material started a long time before the first proton or hydrogen atom formed. The quarks that formed protons and neutrons formed just after the Big Bang. And there were particles which origin was in the wave movement that came to the universe from the Big Bang.
Image II: The standard model of elementary particles
So there was something that made the quarks forming the protons and neutrons. Sometimes one of the things that caused the piling up of the quarks is introduced Pauli's exclusion principle. Pauli's exclusion principle means that there are no two identical Fermions in the universe. Originally Pauli's exclusion principle went like this: The Pauli exclusion principle is the quantum mechanical principle which states that two or more identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) cannot occupy the same quantum state within a quantum system simultaneously.
And the universe can think of as the sum of all quantum systems. The size of the universe was smaller just after the Big Bang. So that means there is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle affects at least the entirety of that smaller universe. And there is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle shows off even today. The thing is that even if we cannot measure something that thing can be existing.
Quarks are fermions. So there is no need for modification for that principle. And the thing that makes the difference between those particles is the energy level. Ao the more energetic fermion is heavier and that means it pulls another fermion together. Pauli's Exclusion Principle could be the key to born material.
The image I:()
Image II:()
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