Thursday, September 30, 2021

The complicated black holes.


The black hole is a more complicated thing than people normally think. The radiation of the black hole is pushing objects away just like gravitation is pulling objects and radiation inside it. Black holes are sending radiation also themselves. When the black hole is rotating the rotation speed is extremely fast. 

And that rotation is a partial source for Hawking radiation. The photons that sometimes are escaping from the event horizon. The rotation of the black hole is causing that the black hole loses its energy.  And the loss of energy means that the black hole is losing its mass. The black holes are eating energy. And wave movement and particles that are dropping in it are increasing its mass. 

Normally, in the case where the black hole is pulling the material inside it. That loss of mass and energy is replaced by the material that black holes are pulling inside it. The black holes are pulling also dark matter inside them and the reason for that is that the gravitation interaction between the black hole and the dark matter is proven.  And that is seen by the interaction between dark matter and visible material. 

But sometimes black hole explodes. The reason for that is that the black hole would go into the bubble of nothingness. In that area is no wave movement, quantum fields, or material and dark matter. The thing that causes that this thing is simple: a black hole will eat all the material and dark matter from around it. 

This is the simplified explanation of one of the most interesting phenomenon. In the bubble of nothingness, the vaporization of the black hole is accelerating because the area around it is zero-energetic. The vaporization means that the black hole is sending the photons with an accelerating speed. And sooner or later the radiation level of the vaporizing black hole rising so high the photons are pushing the material away from the black hole. So the dropping material is not reaching the event horizon of the black hole. 

Do you know why we cannot see the event horizon of the black hole? The simplified answer is that the black hole is pulling all radiation and material in it. The complicated answer is that the radiation that comes at the event horizon is also deleting photons. When the photon that comes near the event horizon comes near the point. 

The event horizon is the point where the escaping velocity turning higher than the speed of light. The light is starting to rotate the black hole. When the high energetic photons. Along with wave movement are impacting with photons that are traveling to singularity. The whirling radiation is taking dropping photons with them. And that thing causes that the reflection cannot come out from the event horizon. 

The radiation comes out from the black hole. Impacts with the photons and that radiation that stops photons turn the event horizon invisible. This is why we cannot see when the material is dropping in the black hole. That effect denies that we cannot see the event horizon itself. 

But we can feel that thing. Because of the gravitational effect of the black hole, we can see the transition disks around those objects. And the gravitational lensing is also making it possible to detect the location of black holes. But black holes themselves remain invisible. 

Have you ever imagine why the black holes are sending X- and Gamma-ray radiation. The effect is similar to the EMP-pulse that is caused by nuclear weapons. The radiation that comes out from the nuclear explosion increases the energy level of the atoms in the atmosphere. And those atoms are delivering the energy load as the EMP burst. 

There is made plans to make the spaceborne EMP-nukes by putting the air at the core of the neutron bomb. That thing can cause the EMP-effect that causes damages in the many satellites by using the air as the transformer that forms the EMP-impulse by using the low yield nuclear explosion.  The Gamma- and X-ray from the black holes is also the emission radiation. 

The Hawking radiation which source is in the spin or rotation of the black hole is interacting with the material in the transition disk. The thing that causes Hawking radiation is that the spinning black hole is delivering energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. But when the photons are traveling across the event horizon. Which is the point where gravitation is winning the speed of light that material is sending the flash. So Hawking radiation is very similar to Cherenkov radiation.



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A couple of things about kilometer-long space stations. That China and maybe some other nations in the world are planning


At first, we must realize that creating the kilometer-long modular structure in the space. Is not so complicated a task as people might think. This system requires only ten to twenty Saturn V-scale rockets or modules. Those rockets will be a dock together at the Earth orbiter. The length of Saturn V is 110 meters. And maybe half of it would be left empty for use as part of the modular space station. 

In some plans, those modules are made by using the empty rocket stages. In those stages is installed needed equipment. Like docking systems airlocks, and consoles. Whatever is needed to complete the structure of the space station. The purpose of the airlock is also to act as the fire door. And deny the lack of gas in the case where the core of the space station is damaged. Every each of the modules can be changed if there are problems with them. 

But why that kind of system is causing concern? The tube-looking structure can be a mega-laser. The kilometer-long monster can create the megawatt or even gigawatt class laser ray. 

The thing is that the empty rocket stages that can be used as the part of the space station can be used as the modules of the mega-lasers. Inside the structure of the kilometer-long tube would install the laser element. That element can also be modular and the bites of the laser tube can connect to the one entirely in the space. The laser would locate in the 20-50 meters long rocket stages. And the energy for that monster would be pumped by the auxiliary satellites. 

The kilometer-long carbon monoxide laser can seem like some kind of science fiction tale. But the idea is that the laser would be at the sun side of the Earth. And the support satellites that are orbiting the Earth by using the polar trajectories would aim their mirrors to that laser. Or if those auxiliary satellites are using lasers for pumping energy to the mega-laser can be anywhere. The idea of the mega-laser has been taken from the Soviet plans. 

The original idea of the lasers is to use solar power for creating their beam. The sunlight would target the laser system by using the mirror that collects the radiation to the laser element. 

The idea was officially to create the power satellite, but there were also military purposes for that kind of satellite. The power of the laser ray of this type of system is depending on the energy load that can be loaded into the laser system. And the kilometer-long laser that has auxiliary lasers for energy pumping is creating an extremely powerful ray that can affect targets on the ground. 




Are gravitons the quantum-size black holes?

Image: Pinterest

What if the hypothetical graviton is the quantum-size black hole? That might mean nothing at the first. But that thing could open new roads to physics and information technology. The quantum-size black holes are the predicted things that are not confirmed yet. 

If we think that the black hole is the simple structure that just pulls particles and information inside it. We are wrong. The radiation that comes out from the transition disk and whirls around that thing is causing that the black hole would also repel objects. 

Maybe someday in the future, the quantum black holes are transmitting information in an ultra-secure quantum network. 

The radiation around that object pushes all other objects away from it. Gravity is the dominating force of the black hole but also the radiation has a very big role in that system. So the radiation that comes from the material around the black hole would destroy information as well as dropping it to the black hole does. The thing that destroys the information in the black hole could be that it pulls wave movement to straight form. And that makes it impossible to return it to the original shape. 

But the extremely small black holes can be used as a communication tool by superpositioning them. The superpositioned and entangled black holes would transmit data by moving their place in the chambers. But there is the possibility that the qubits can transport through those black holes or their radiation can be used as the carrier wave. 

In that case, the laser would transmit data to the energy ray of the atom-size black hole. but using that phenomenon requires that the atom-size black holes can be proven and observe. Before that everything is just speculation. 

Can we someday use black holes for interstellar traveling?

The most conventional version is to use the black holes as the gravitation sling. The craft would travel near the black hole by using a half-elliptic trajectory and the black hole would give the gravitation punch for the spacecraft. Also, things like solar sails can use black holes as the power source. 

The antigravitation by hovering craft over the radiation pillars of very small black holes is an interesting theorem. 

If the graviton is the quantum black hole that thing makes the antigravitational levitation possible. The extremely small black holes would be position between the ground and the craft and the radiation pillars are pulling that craft upwards. In that system, the radiation of the micro black holes can use to levitate the object. 

The original idea of that thing was that the spacecraft of tomorrow could someday use the radiation rays of the black hole for giving the punch for its travel. The system that collects the energy of the radiation would be similar to the solar sail.  

And the thing that will the energy is the radiation of the black hole. This means that black holes could benefit otherwise than just dive in the wormhole. 

Can we someday use wormholes (Einstein-Rose Bridges) as the interstellar travel? The real wormhole is a speculative thing. The virtual wormhole is the case where the core of the interstellar spacecraft will put to rotate near the speed of light. And that thing would make that the crew would not be getting older so fast like outside it. 

There are two theoretical models of the wormhole. Those models are a real wormhole and a virtual wormhole. 

The existence of a "real wormhole" is not confirmed yet. The virtual wormhole is made by using a rotating structure wich speed is so close to the speed of light as possible is theoretically possible to make. The system would be like a giant electric- or induction engine. The magnetic field would rotate the outer layer around the crew cabin. And that causes the time dilation inside the structure. 

The hypothetical real wormhole is the radiation channel that would allow the craft to travel between two objects in seconds. In a virtual wormhole, the time dilation that is made by using the rotating core of the spacecraft causes time dilation. And that slows the aging of the crew. 

In a real (hypothetical) wormhole which is the energy channel, the radiation can kill the living astronauts. But the answer for the radiation could be the jammer system. That jammer pushes the radiation away from the core of the spacecraft. 

Then we must realize that there is the possibility that the living organisms ever travel through the wormhole. But artificial robots can make that journey. So maybe robot spacecraft can travel through a wormhole and transmit data through that thing by using superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. 

The difference between real and virtual wormholes is that in the case of a real wormhole the observer sees that the craft would travel through that energy bridge in seconds. In the virtual wormhole, the outside observer would not see the time dilation that affects only the things that are inside the craft. 

In the virtual wormhole, the time is stopped inside the spacecraft by using rotating structures. The idea is that the crew cabin hovers in the fast rotating magnetic chamber. The time dilation means that the time is moving very slowly in the capsule. But outside observer sees that the craft travels to as an example to Alpha Centauri in eight years if the speed of the craft is about 50% of the speed of light. 

At the last, I must say that even if the single qubit can travel through the wormhole. That doesn't mean that the entire spacecraft can do that thing. But things like wormholes are an interesting thing. And we can use them in some way. 





Thoughts of the futuristic image. And the "Cherenkov-thruster".

Image: Pinterest

This vision might be true in the distant future. The spacecraft has landed on the planet, which orbits the black hole. Maybe someday far away from this moment, some spacecraft will face this situation. But today that thing is only the imaginational or philosophical visions.

The image of crashlanding near the black hole is causing many types of thoughts in my mind. The question is can this kind of thing be the future of mankind? When we are thinking about the radiation of the black hole there is the possibility that the craft is pushing it outwards by using the x-ray counter radiation. If the jammer system can shoot the radiation back to the environment. 

That thing makes it possible to decrease the radiation stress to the body of the craft. The counter radiation or the photon impacting is the thing that might make the craft even invisible to its environment. If the system uses the photon impact it can deny the reflection. When we are analyzing this image, we must ask what the craft is doing? Is it loading its antimatter batteries by using the radiation of the black hole? Is that plate some kind of antimatter creator? Or is it some kind of radar which mission is to search the minerals from the ground? Or is the craft making the black hole in that plate?

If we are thinking of real interstellar space travel there are many things to solve before that thing can be done even by using the highly advanced multipurpose artificial intelligence. Of course, the craft could be the remote-controlled robot that uses the man-shaped sub robots for its mission. 

The system can use superpositioned and entangled particles for communication. In that system, the other side of the particle pairs is in the laboratory. And other is connected to the central computer of the spacecraft. In that case, the information is traveling like in the stick.

The superpositioned and entangled particle pair is acting like the needle and rod of the old-time LP player. And that thing makes it possible to communicate with distant spacecraft in real-time. But getting the spacecraft to another solar system takes its time. 

The information can travel between Earth and distant craft very fast. But the craft itself travels with very slow speed if we want to compare that thing with the distances in the universe. So can we someday make the spacecraft that travels faster than the speed of light? In some ideas, the quantum field around the spacecraft is removed. Or the quantum field at the front of the engine nozzle is removed. And the rocket shoots the high-energetic particle radiation through that area. 

The simplified diagram of "Cherenkov-thruster"

The simplified model of Cherenkov thruster.

1) Area where the quantum fields are removed

2) Particle flow

3) Areas where quantum fields are affecting. 

When the high-energetic particles are traveling in the vacuum where the quantum fields are not affecting they are traveling faster than the speed of light. When those particles hit the quantum field they are delivering their kinetic energy as the blue light flash. 

The second quantum layer can be the membrane that is made by using water molecules. That is positioned at the edge of the nozzle by using powerful magnets. But this type of thing is far in the future. 

The "Cherenkov-thuster"

Cherenkov-engine is the hybrid system that shoots high-energetic particles through the area where the quantum fields are removed. When those particles would hit the quantum field that thing would send the blue light flash. So there is the possibility that in the future. This kind of boosted photon rocket will send some kind of craft to other solar systems. 

In some visions in the engine chamber is created the black hole. That black hole shoots its radiation through the area where the quantum fields and scattering effects are removed. The problem is how to make that in practice. But maybe that problem will solve in the future. 

When the system shoots the radiation through that area. And it faces the point where the quantum fields are starting to affect it sends the photon or blue light flash. 

That kind of system can be called as "Cherenkov engine". The engine uses the slowing of the particles when they come from a vacuum to an effective area of the quantum field. So the Cherenkov engine will shoot extremely fast particles to the quantum bubble and those particles are sending photons and push the craft forward. The push against the quantum bubble will increase the thrust of the engine. And along with the ability to use heavier particles than photons is giving more thrust for that system. 


Monday, September 27, 2021

The Big Bang. And the expansion of the universe.

So does the universe expand faster than light? The question is interesting. If we are using two photons released in the Big Bang and which are traveling in the opposite direction the virtual speed of the expansion is 2X the speed of light. Another thing that can travel faster than light is the quantum field of the first particles that were released from the Big Bang. 

Sometimes is introduced the idea that only one particle caused the big bang. The energy of the thing that exploded was extremely high. And around that object was the zero-energetic universe. So if the thing that released the material was vaporizing the black hole that eruption was very rough. But when the first particle materialized to an empty universe nothing limited the expansion of its quantum field. 

The fact is that we don't know the shape of the Big Bang. If we think that the Big Bang was behave like a black hole that means the shape of the big bang can be like a galaxy. So there is the disk around that point. Or maybe the shape of the released material was like a stick. That means the universe is not like the ball. 

And that has caused an idea. That some kind of particle that formed in the wave-particle duality pulled the black hole to the universe. When the particle dropped in the black hole. That was the remaining of the old universe. Caused that the energy started to flow to the zero-energetic area. So there is the possibility that the form of the was like beam more than the symmetric ball. But those things are purely hypotheses. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe). 

Only if the  Ω > 1, the gravity wins and the result is the big crunch. In other ways, the universe expands forever and the end of it is a big silence. 

The expansion of the universe is the thing. That causes the quantum fields of the material are turning bigger. And that thing means that sooner or later tachyons would break the core of the protons and neutrons. Their movement trajectory will turn so big that it's the end of the proton and neutron. So the term expansion of the universe also means the cooling of the universe. And that can turn to decrease the energy level of the universe. 

So the expansion of universe=cooling of the universe=decrease the energy level of the universe. 

Was universe someday looked like this? The image portrays the Sombrero-galaxy. And if this is the shape of the universe that means we are living in an open universe. (Image: Pinterest)

Where did the Big Bang happen?

In the past, people believed that there is the center of the universe. But modern science has rejected that idea. A simplified model of the universe is that is the ball that expands forever. or until the gravity wins. But now we know that the universe is much more complicated than some ball-shape thing. There are things like dark matter and dark energy that are making determine the location of the Big Bang very difficult or even impossible. But maybe quantum computers help to locate that place by using the data that is got by using the most modern technology. But until that happens the "center of the universe remains as myth". 

This is the thing that made Edwin Hubble define the form of the Universe. Hubble thought that the universe is the ball. And the point where the Big Bang happened is the center of that ball. This is the simplified answer to the good question. Then somebody asks where cosmologists get their salary? At that point, the answer to the question of where the Big Bang happened is not so simple as we first thought. The fact is that we just predict that the form of the universe is a ball. The reason for that is the Big Bang theory. Because all material that we know is released in the Big Bang from a certain point that means the universe is the ball. 

Or expanding ball that expands until the gravity wins the kinetic energy that the material got from the Big Bang. The thing is that if we could see all energy that model would be very good. But the dark energy means that defining the geometric form of the Universe is more difficult than we ever thought. If the universe is the ball the gravity wins. And everything ends in the big crunch. But the dark energy is ripping the universe in pieces. And over 80% of material is invisible to us. 

Even if the material of the universe is forming the ball. There is the possibility that there is lots of material outside the visible material of the universe and the role of that material is crucial if we are thinking about the form of the universe. There is the possibility that outside the ball of the galaxies are the material clouds. That are forming "wings" or "layers" outside the galactic core of the universe. And that means the universe that seems nice and clean ball would be hyperbolic or flat. And if the form of the universe is flat or hyperbolic the expansion continues forever. 

So the expansion of the universe continues. The thing that we are calling "expansion" means that galaxies distance themselves from each other. But now we know that some galaxies are also traveling to each other. And the Milky Way will impact with Andromeda galaxy somewhere in the future. But the question is does the universe expand. The thing is that the distance between galaxies is getting longer. 

Edwin Hubble created the idea that observing the redshift of galaxies is possible to determine if the galaxy is on the opposite side of the universe. And the galaxy in which redshift is strongest is traveling opposite side to us. But we are not sure what is outside that point. The space continues outside the observable material. 









How are the algorithms advancing?


How are the algorithms advancing?

The thing that limits the power of the algorithms is the infrastructure. If we want to make artificial intelligence that operates in large areas. That thing requires powerful hardware. If we want to make a robot car that can operate in so-called natural environmental infrastructure. That requires more complicated artificial intelligence algorithms than people even believe. 

If we want to put a man-shaped robot to sit in that robot car and put it to go shopping for us, that requires even more complicated and heavy algorithms than the car, which operates in the highway environment where are strict orders and everybody follows them. When a robot walks on the streets it requires so-called fuzzy logic because there is the possibility that it faces the person who is not following orders. 

If somebody will not care for the robot or tries to the robot. That machine is needed to make the protocol. The robot can meet things like children, who would not notice it. And for those cases, the robot requires algorithms, what to do. 

The special cases or special situations are the most complicated for programmers. Maybe any person would not face the robberies in their lifetime, but what the robot must do if it faces a violent situation? It can send the image and data to police but should the robot act against violent people? And what kind of force it has the right to use? 

In the case of robot cars, there is the possible use of traffic laws as the basis for the algorithm. Or in the limited areas operating robots is possible to create the protocols for most of the cases. 

There is the possibility to link a large number of computers and sensors to a large entirety. In that network, the static and moving systems are connected to the neural network. 

Sensing entirety is an interconnecting network of robots with cameras and other static systems. In that network, all members of it are cooperating and share the data. And that makes its entirety flexible. 

That means that vehicles can cooperate and they can get data from the traffic control cameras and computers. If all robot vehicles and robots are equipped with RFID-system. The radar can locate every each of them. And the data can connect to the entirety. This makes the system more flexible and powerful than ever before. 

Virtual quantum computers are the potential systems while waiting for real commercial quantum computers. 

Outsourcing computing is one of the answers to the problems of computer power. And virtual quantum computers are making regular binary computers faster and more powerful than ever before. In that case, the program is cut into pieces. And those pieces send to the data handling units. Because in virtual quantum computers, all systems are handling a small piece of entirety separately. That thing makes the work of the processors lighter. 

Same way acts the virtualized quantum computer. The system shares the work between many central processor units. 

When the entirety is shared between multiple processors. That makes them work lighter. Because every each of the processors is handling shorter code lines. That means the work is done faster than in the case. That the system would run the entire code through one processor. 

Sharing data between multiple processors are making the work easier and lighter for each processor

The model of virtual quantum computers.

Image 2. The model of virtual quantum computers.

1) Routing unit

2) Data-handling units

Arrows are the data flow in the computer

The routing computers share data from calculation units to other calculation units by using TCP/IP protocol. The system would share the data from the row-moving data segments to linear data segments. The would connect the code to the ends of the data frames and then the data is sending to the calculation units in segments. The calculation units are the regular binary computers. And the ability to share the data entirety with many computers at the same time will increase their power. 

The idea is similar to in the classroom the teacher orders students to copy the text. If all students are copying the entire text that thing would take a long time. But if there are 27 pages in the text. And every each of the student groups of 27 students is copying one page that process takes a shorter time. In that case, every student must copy only one page of the text. So sharing the work is making it lighter. 

Same way acts the virtualized quantum computer. The system shares the work between many central processor units. 

When the entirety is shared between multiple processors. That makes them work lighter. Because every each of the processors is handling shorter code lines. That means the work is done faster than in the case. That the system would run the entire code through one processor. 

And that makes the system faster and more effective than regular systems are. 

This thing can be a useful tool while waiting for real quantum computers. The thing is that the virtualized quantum computers are less sensitive to things like cosmic radiation. They are regular computers that are linked together in extraordinary ways. 

The internet makes it possible to link even quantum computers with robots. And that thing makes them more intelligent and more independent than ever before. The fact is that nobody even knows the power of modern computer systems. And even the regular binary computers can be faster than we expect. 




Dark and mysterious dark matter



Dark and mysterious dark matter

What makes material invisible? The material must create a reflection that is outside the spectrum area that is visible to us. Understanding the reflection or the process behind reflection makes it possible to understand the nature of dark matter. During reflection, the photons are first transmitting their energy to the quantum field around the atoms of the layer. That photon will push the quantum field inside or load the energy to it. 

And when the atom returns to its normal energy state atom sends a photon or light quantum. The wavelength of that reflecting radiation makes the atom visible or invisible. If the size of the atom or particles that are sending reflection is different than all other materials. There is no way to see that material by using traditional antennas because the unique wavelength doesn't cause resonance in other materials. 

That's why the dark matter what can be so small-size particles is impossible to see by using regular antennas. But we can see the gravitation effect of that matter. Or we can put the low energetic particle orbit in the small particle accelerator and hope that it impacts with the large group of those small particles that they can affect its trajectory. Or wait that the side-coming wave movement causes the curves to the trajectory of that object. 

(Image II) 

The ultimate stealth and the wave-particle duality

The string theory goes like this: all material is forming the tiny strings. Those strings are the wave movement that forms a structure that looks like a ball of yarn. And in some visions, the stealth technology of tomorrow uses the quantum version of a spinning machine that can form the balls of dark matter balls over the material. 

That machine can use the hypothetical gravitons or extremely small-size primordial black holes for making the balls of superstrings. That makes the reflection that is impossible to see. The wave-particle duality means that theoretically is possible to create those balls straight from energy. 

(Image II)

The quantum engine makes it possible to create the UFO. 

If the layer is covered by using particles that are spinning in the same direction. Those particles can move the wave movement of ions in a certain direction. That thing makes theoretically aerial vehicles that have no visible power sources or engines possible. 

What if we are putting the particles that are spinning in the same direction on the layer? The same way spinning particles can drive wave movement to a certain direction. And that thing can make it possible to create the UFO. Or an aerial vehicle that has no visible power source or engines. The system uses only a large group of particles that are spinning in a certain direction. Those particles can drive wave movement and ions to the wanted direction. And that can make it possible to create the ultimate flying systems. 

Image II():

Image III() Pinterest


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are the gravitons primordial black holes inside protons, neutrons and electrons?

Above: "Three colored balls (symbolizing quarks) connected pairwise by springs (symbolizing gluons), all inside a gray circle (symbolizing a proton). The colors of the balls are red, green, and blue, to parallel each quark's color charge. The red and blue balls are labeled "u" (for "up" quark) and the green one is labeled "d" (for "down" quark)". Wikipedia/Quarks)

If we want to guess the certain place of the hypothetical graviton in the material there are two possible places. The place where the researchers can find hypothetical graviton is the center point of the proton and neutron. Or another possible place is in the middle of the quarks. In that version, the quarks are like the ball of yarn, like electrons. And they are formed when superstrings are forming the ball around the extremely small primordial black hole. The quantum gravity of that primordial black hole would pull the protons and neutrons together. 

Can the graviton be found just in the middle of the proton and neutron? The idea is that when gluons are jumping in the proton and neutron. By using the trajectory that looks like a triangle. That thing can from the primordial black hole in the proton and neutron. That means the graviton could be the thing that formed from the wave movement. 

So does graviton even have the physical form? Is it the primordial black hole? The extremely small-size primordial black hole is more like a power field than some kind of particle. That power field is turned to the package like a particle or ball of yarn. 

So is the annihilation the impact of two primordial black holes that are locating in protons or neutrons? In that idea, the electrons are the balls of the superstrings. That is forming a ball around the primordial black hole. In that case, the superstring is denying the eruption of the black hole.

And that extremely small black hole will get its energy from the spin of electrons. In that case, the size of the black hole is so small, that it cannot curve the wave movement inside it. Or the superstrings are forming the ball near that miniature singularity. That is smaller than any particle in the world. The same thing that is written about electrons can transform into quarks. 

If the graviton is the primordial black hole inside the proton or neutron that could explain, why it's so hard to detect. The primordial black hole requires energy pumping all the time. And in this scenario. The primordial black hole that is smaller than quarks or gluons is getting its energy from the movement of the gluons. If that movement is stopping the primordial black hole vaporizes immediately. 

Can we find graviton in the place where nobody predicts to find that kind of particle? The idea is that in the protons and neutrons is the group of quarks. And between those quarks are traveling particles called gluons. The gluons are something like electrons, but their size and effective range are different. The gluon is the transmitter particle of the strong nuclear force. 

So in the cores of protons and neutrons is the "quantum flashes of lightning" between quarks that are forming a similar effect with lightning. But in the smaller distances. When the gluon is traveling it sends energy waves both ways. The energy that the gluon gets is similar to kinetic energy with the balls that people are throwing. 

But the scale of this thing is extremely small. Gluons are jumping inside protons and neutrons. And then the Law of Energy Indecision means that the gluon must take energy load from somewhere or they will stop and material is disappearing. So is the energy source of the gluons some kind of primordial black hole? And is that black hole the graviton hypothetical transportation particle of the gravitation. 

The movement energy of gluons travels outer ways or to the core of protons and neutrons. And also the part of the energy that is stored in muons while they are jumping between the quarks is traveling in the middle point of the proton or neutron. So there is the possibility that there is graviton in the middle of protons and neutrons. 






Image: ()


The new type of gravitational waves might detect by using the new sensor.

The gravitational waves are proven that the gravitation is wave movement like all other three fundamental interactions are. There is the possibility that the wave-particle duality is also working with this force. And if researchers can prove that thing. That proves the existence of graviton.  But the problem is that gravitational waves are so weak effect. That even detect them is hard. The observable gravitation waves are born only in the highest energetic reactions in the universe. 

The weakness of gravitational waves means that the gravitons that are the hypothetical transportation particles of the gravitation are also very small or unique-sized particles. 

Or are the gravitons the form of the primordial black holes? Which means they would be the energy centers without a particular form.  

Are those missing gravitons the particles that formed just after the Big Bang? 

Otherwise saying, those small transportation particles of the gravitation could be the particles. That formed just after the Big Bang. Straight from the radiation or wave movement. So are those almost proven gravitons the first particles that formed in the universe? 

If gravitons size is small enough that means no antenna can resonate with gravitons. And if graviton is a very low energetic particle it cannot interact along with other particles. If the mass or energy of the impacting particle that impacts with graviton is too high, that covers the impact. 

The speed and mass and energy level of the particle must be just right. That the graviton interaction can be detected. The thing is that the particle that moves with the right speed and has the right energy level can collect enough gravitons that it can affect its trajectory. The idea is that the graviton cloud near the moving particle can change its trajectory. Before they are hitting it. 

So is the anomaly of the Muon g-2 experiment the reason for the graviton cloud? Another question is, could the fifth force and dark energy be the same thing?

Gravitation is the weakest of four fundamental interactions. And the hypothetical graviton is introduced as the gate for the fifth force. The fifth force is predicted to be even weaker than gravitation. But the thing is that Muon g-2 experiments have shown that the fifth interaction might be stronger than the gravitation. And the thing that shows that is the strange curving of the muon in the low energetic particle accelerator. 

But there can be another explanation for that curving. And that thing is that those particles were interacting with the dark energy. Many people including myself, think that dark energy is the wave movement like other interactions are. And that brings one question to my mind. Is dark energy the same thing as the fifth force? 

The reason why I think that thing is that all other fundamental interactions are wave-particle dualities. There are wave movement and particle forms of all other fundamental interactions. And the missing thing is the graviton. If researchers can isolate graviton or turn gravitation waves into gravitons. That thing helps to focus the form of gravitation itself. 






Greetings from ancient construction workers


The image above this text represents medieval bricks. Those bricks are part of the collection of the Helsinki Museum of Architecture. Construction or brick manufacturers have left their mark on the bricks. And when we look closer to the middle brick, there's a pentagram on that brick. This symbol can have serious consequences in the Middle Ages. 

That kind of thing always causes questions about who were those people, how they lived, what things they talked about together? Where they came from, where they went after construction was ready? Were those construction workers similar to migrant workers like today? 

If the worker would get the construction site like church or cathedral. That guaranteed livelihood for the rest of their life. At that time there was no social service. And the good and long payment guaranteed that those workers could pay their old times from salaries that they got from the church. Another way to guarantee the livelihood of the workers was to find the construction site of the castle. 

Is this pentagram proof that some people exercised witchcraft and pagan rituals? Or was it just the test that person was capable of for some more or less seriously taken gangs? Or was it the test of how accurate the construction inspectors were with those things? Or maybe the purpose of the pentagram was to test, who tells those kinds of things to construction supervisors or even priests and sheriffs. 

If that mark has been made to a brick used in church. That could mean even a bonfire. Or maybe the construction worker would not be convicted to death. But always this kind of thing caused interrogation, which was a very uncomfortable experience. 

The own marks in the bricks could mean also. That samples of those bricks have been sold to the enemy.  And the enemy might know what kind of cannonballs they should use against the defense of the castle. The pentagram is connecting with witchcraft and paganism. 

Maybe that mark has been "proof" that the person was capable for some group like freemasons or some proto-Freemasonic group. So there is the possibility that the pentagram was some kind of gang test that served similar purposes with gang tests in the modern motorcycle- and other gangs.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

What is the connection between delirium and cognitive impairment caused by COVID-19?

(Image: Wikipedia/Delirium tremens)

The reason why delirium tremens is improving the dangers of the COVID-19 is not so surprising that we might think. Delirium tremens is a disease caused by alcoholism. Many times we forget that alcoholic people are not eating very well. They might have very few vitamins in their food. Or they are eating so badly that they are malnourished. And otherwise, the bacteria in their alimentary canal is disturbing. 

This thing makes the body impossible to receive vitamins. Some alcoholics have bad health conditions and other diseases like cirrhosis or cancer. Along with a lower immune defense, that thing offers the perfect platform for viruses to infect that person. And along with low nutrient levels, those things can cause that the COVID-19 infection will be worse than in other cases. 

The use of drugs and especially injected drugs can cause HIV infection and that thing makes every virus and other infections worse than in the case of a so-called normal person who has no vitamin deficiency that passivates immune defense. Or whose immune defense is not busy for some other viruses like Hepatite B. In that case, the immune cells are working with other viruses. And they have no time to start the fight against COVID-19. 

Humans, like all other mammals, have bacteria in the intestine. And the purpose of those bacteria is to handle the nutrient and separate important parts of it for the cells. If those bacteria will be destroyed the person would die because of hunger. In that case, the body just cannot use the nutrient, even if the person eats just like should be eaten. But people who have delirium might not eat enough vitamins at all. 

They might eat mostly meat and sausages. There is also the possibility that those people would not go to coronavirus tests if they feel sick.  And there is also the possibility that they will not take rest in the case of fewer. Along with bad habits like cigarette smoking and especially smoking the same cigarettes with other people and drinking from the same bottles with other people will increase the speed of the spread of the epidemic. 

When we are thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic we must say that there is the possibility that we ever get the complete numbers of the infected persons. There are lots of people who are not going to tests even if they are sick. And in Africa and the Middle East is possible many people don't even know about the COVID-19. Or they have better things to do than going to tests. 

But in the western world, some people are ever thinking about things like COVID-19. Those people are left outside society. They are using drugs and living in their world. We see them all the time, but somehow we cannot force them to test. 



Are we children of black holes and neutron stars?

In this text, I will think about the origin of the material. Not how the man got the intelligence. 

Are we children of black holes and neutron stars? The answer to the question depends on the timeline that we are handling. If we think that the history of the material starts in the particles that formed just after the Big Bang straight from the wave movement. 

We can say that subatomic particles that form the protons and neutrons are much older than atoms in our body. Electrons formed also after the Big Bang. And the electromagnetic forces along with microgravity they positioned to orbit protons and neutrons. 

This question is interesting. Every single atom in our body is formed in the nuclear reactions in the stars. Or the hydrogen atoms are formed in the quantum plasma just after the big bang. But are we children of the black holes and neutron stars? The heavier elements are formed in the extreme heat in the largest stars. 

And some of the most extraordinary elements are formed during supernova explosions. Only when the blue giant star is exploding. The energy level rises to the level that forming of the heaviest natural elements are forming. That will explain why the heaviest isotopes are so unusual things in the universe. 

The answer to the question are we children of explosive stars or maybe black holes are not simple. Supernovas, neutron stars, and black holes are creating giant waves around the universe. So those waves are causing a disturbance in the entirety. And that thing means that the material is starting to pile up at the point where the particles have more mass than in other places. 

But otherwise, the history of material is starting just after the Big Bang. And the forming of the material started a long time before the first proton or hydrogen atom formed. The quarks that formed protons and neutrons formed just after the Big Bang. And there were particles which origin was in the wave movement that came to the universe from the Big Bang. 

Image II: The standard model of elementary particles

So there was something that made the quarks forming the protons and neutrons. Sometimes one of the things that caused the piling up of the quarks is introduced Pauli's exclusion principle. Pauli's exclusion principle means that there are no two identical Fermions in the universe. Originally Pauli's exclusion principle went like this: The Pauli exclusion principle is the quantum mechanical principle which states that two or more identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) cannot occupy the same quantum state within a quantum system simultaneously. 

And the universe can think of as the sum of all quantum systems. The size of the universe was smaller just after the Big Bang. So that means there is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle affects at least the entirety of that smaller universe. And there is the possibility that Pauli's exclusion principle shows off even today. The thing is that even if we cannot measure something that thing can be existing. 

Quarks are fermions. So there is no need for modification for that principle. And the thing that makes the difference between those particles is the energy level. Ao the more energetic fermion is heavier and that means it pulls another fermion together. Pauli's Exclusion Principle could be the key to born material. 





The image I:()

Image II:()


The speed of light is a relative constant.

The speed of light is constant. But it is also relatively constant because the speed of photons is different in different mediums. The curving photon comes to goal after the photon that travels by using straight trajectories. 

And the thing that causes the curving of trajectories of photons is the quantum fields. Outside the universe is no quantum fields. And that means light or photon is traveling there using a straight trajectory. That means two photons can travel in the same direction. But if the other photon travels with a more curving trajectory than the other. That means the other photon that travels less curving trajectory can reach the goal sooner than another photon. 

One interesting thing about the photon or the speed of light is that the gravitation affects the photons. That means that the photon that travels to the center of gravitation travels faster than the photon. That travels away from that point. 

The speed of light in a vacuum is 299792458 meters per second (approximately 300000 km/s, or 186000 mi/s). But the thing that makes the speed of a photon interesting. Is that the speed of light or photons in a medium like water or atmosphere is much lower. Then the speed of a photon is in a vacuum. 

And that thing is seen as the blue light around the nuclear reactors. The blue light is called "Cherenkov' radiation". The origin of "Cherenkov' radiation is in the particles. When those particles travel with the speed of light in a vacuum and hit the water. 

Water decreases the particle's speed to the speed of light in water. The energy cannot disappear and while the particle is slowing, it must transfer the kinetic energy to somewhere. When the particle slows its speed it must pump its energy to somewhere. 

And the energy that is released during the slowing process is visible as the blue light around the nuclear reactors. The same "Cherenkov radiation" causes the blue sky effect. And the blue flash of the particle that slows its speed is used in neutrino detectors. The flash of the light is also used in the free-electron lasers. When the electron is curving it releases the movement energy by sending photons. 

The thing that limits the speed of the light (or the speed of photons) is the scattering. The other photons that impact the photons are slowing their speed. But also the quantum fields around the atoms and other particles cause that the trajectory of those photons is not straight. Because the trajectory of the photon is curving that thing slows the speed of light. 

Outside the universe is no quantum fields. That means photons are traveling faster outside the material bubble called the universe. In that case, the "faster photon" means that the photon that travels by using the straight trajectory is at the goal before the photon that uses a curving trajectory.  

When we are thinking that the universe is the bubble where all material that we know exists. We might think that photons travel faster outside the universe. The reason for that is there are no quantum fields outside the universe. That means the photon can travel by using a straight trajectory. And that means the light travels faster outside the universe. 

The speed of light is not always been the same in the universe. In the young universe, the speed of light was lower than in the modern universe. The reason for that was that the scattering in the young universe was stronger than in the universe today. Youn universe was full of wave movement and traveling electrons where photons impacted. And the trajectories of the photons were more curving than today. 

What if we can create the straight-moving light? The reason why we cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Is that we cannot create exhaust gas that crosses the speed of light. 

Sometimes there is introduced a simple way to make the rocket that travels faster than light. The researchers must just make the light where photons are traveling with straight trajectories. Straight moving photons are faster than the photons that are moving curving trajectories. 

And theoretically, it's enough that the system removes quantum fields around the light source. That thing can make the photons travel faster than they are traveling in regular space. In regular space, quantum fields are making photons curving. And that slows the speed of light or photons.






Friday, September 24, 2021

About AUKUS cooperation: the defense union between Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Above: the B-1-bomber over pacific

The question is: why was the AUKUS contract made in secrecy? What kind of things may be a secretive contract involves? But the fact is that this contract will strengthen the independent defense of Australia. That kind of contract always involves communication outposts and the global surveillance network stations. 

The contract involved sharing technology with Australia. And that technology allows  Australia to build its new nuclear-powered submarines. But what else that contract involved? Military nuclear technology is one of the most secure and secretive things in the world. And that means Australia has offered something for counter gifts. Are those things involving the new radar technology? 

The AUKUS (Australia, The UK, and the USA) cooperation between the USA, Australia, and the UK is the thing that has caused discussions. Australia rejected the French-built diesel-electric submarines and started to create its nuclear submarines with the USA and UK. And that thing caused disappointment in the French and European governments. The nuclear submarines are making Australia more independent in the defense questions than ever before. 

Those submarines give the Australian navy similar global strike capacity with other navies that are using those systems. Modern nuclear submarines can also carry cruise missiles like BGM-109 "Tomahawk" that can launch from torpedo tubes. And that gives those systems the ability to attack factories and military bases that are a long way from the coastline. 

Nuclear submarines are the most capable systems in naval warfare and the AUKUS cooperation offers Australia a chance to get artificial intelligence-based computing. And other technical solutions that the UK and the USA are developed for their submarines. And Australia can offer their advanced radar technology as the counterplan for that cooperation.

But there is another thing that has caused discussions. That thing is the role of the USA in the conflicts between China and its neighboring areas. The thing is that the USA has many allies around the world. And the thing that frightens the USA is the new modern weapons of China. Even if the USA would win that war, there are millions or even billions of casualties if the warfare expands to a strategic thermonuclear war. 

And even if the conflict remains at the conventional level. There is the possibility that the USA loses one or more of its nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. And that thing causes nuclear pollution in that area. This is the reason, why the interest of the USA is to strengthen the independent defense of its allies. 

The number of equipment in the USA is limited. There is always a possibility there is a crisis at the same time in the South China Sea and Europe. That means the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are needed in two places at the same time. And those units have a central role in the global operations. 

Whenever the USA must come to help its allies there is the risk of American casualties. Of course, the USA must help its allies when they need help. Because if it doesn't make that thing. The allies will be disappointed. Those contracts between the USA and its allies involving things like the allowance to use the airbases in that area for emergency landing sites for the strategic nuclear bombers. 

The support systems of the strategic bombers like escort fighters and tanker aircraft need those bases. And also the rescue crews are using those bases in the case that the strategic bombers will be dropped by technical error.

Also, those countries are established global electronic surveillance (ECHELON) and communication outposts supporting global intelligence and nuclear weapon operations of the USAF and U.S Navy. Also, the satellite data of the recon satellites is downloaded from those stations. This means that the center allies of the USA in that area need their power tools to defend themselves. Nuclear submarines are the thing that can put the challenge for China. 










Saturday, September 18, 2021

The new North Korean train-mounted missile system contains ballistic missiles wich range is about 800 kilometers. This is the thing that is told about those missiles. And there is a couple of things that we should know about those probably nuclear-capable systems. 

If we are thinking that those missiles cannot be sharp we are wrong. Even the primitive weapon systems can be accurate. During WWII were plans to use hidden radio transmitters to aim the primitive cruise missiles. The idea was that agents were put the transmitters to target. And then the primitive missiles like V-1 or V-2, or radio-controlled  B-17 bombers that carried internal warheads would fly to the target.

There is the possibility that the North Korean nuclear weapons are using the guidance system which bases the radio transmitters that are left near the target area. The idea is that this system can activate just before the attack. And then the missile can hit the target with very high accuracy. The ECM system can jam the signal. But the operators must know the frequency for counteractions. 

In those systems, the agents are leaving the transmitter in the target area. This type of radio transmitter can be activated by radio signals transmitted by the radio system on the homing head of missiles. When the radio signal hits the targeting transmitter, that thing starts to send the aiming signal to the missile. 

The Israeli air force used this type of targeting system in operation "Opera" for targeting its weapons. "Operation Opera" was an Israeli long-range air-strike the Iraqi nuclear reactor in the year 1981. In that strike, an Israeli agent put a little radio transmitter in the reactor room. And then that system sends the signal to aim missiles at the reactor. In that strike, the aircraft activated the aiming system by using the wake-up signal from the radar. And then the weapons flew to that signal. 

In the modern versions, the mobile telephone can use in this type of aiming system. The idea is that this type of system can use without the GPS. To the battlefield would put quadcopters that are equipped with led-lights or radio transmitters. And then the attack aircraft will shoot homing projectiles that are using those systems for aiming themselves. 

I other versions agent or quadcopter will put the mobile telephone on the target, and then the nuclear missile would aim to that point. The thing that makes this type of system very hard to detect is that the tracking signal can activate just before the strike is coming. The activator can be at the nose of an incoming missile. In this case, the missile must know only about the location of the transmitter. It can fly by using an inertial navigation system. When it would turn to return trajectory the radio system activates the aiming transmitter. 





Is there similar wave-particle duality in dark energy-dark matter combination with particles and energy in visible material has? 

Is dark energy so stable radiation that we cannot see any changes in that power field? Or is dark energy probably the universe-size power or plasma field. In that case, we cannot see that plasma field because we are inside it. The situation is similar to the case where we are inside the balloon. We cannot see the balloon outside. And we can see only the pressure inside the balloon. We might think there is space outside the balloon. But we cannot be sure about that thing. 

The reason why I believe that dark energy is the universe-size plasma-or electromagnetic field. Is that our sun (and all other stars) are surrounded by halos. Those halos are the plasma balls. That is positioning the particles or objects that are at the impact point of the interstellar plasma. And the plasma that comes out from the star. 


Have you seen the asteroids around the sun in the Kuiper belt form a similar form as the galaxies are forming in the universe? The size of the universe is much much bigger but the forms around the center point are similar. 

Galaxies are in the same position in the universe as asteroids are positioned in the plasma ball of the stars. The structures of the universe are similar to the structures of the Kuiper belt are both balls. The Kuiper belt is the ball-shaped asteroid structure that orbits the sun and other stars. The same way the galaxies are forming the ball-shaped structure around the universe. 

If we are inside that enormous plasma field we cannot separate it from the environment outside that power field. If we want to make observations of the power field we must stand outside it. If we are inside it we cannot see it. Because we cannot separate the edge of the power field if we are standing in it. 

The mystery of dark energy can be solving. There is the possibility that we cannot detect dark energy, because it's too stable radiation. If the form of dark energy is similar to "cosmic hum". The reason why we haven't seen that energy before is that the dark energy is so stable. 

We cannot see the changes in the energy fields where that radiation affects. If the radiation is very stable, we cannot see the changes in the energy levels of that radiation. In that case, the dark energy would compare with the situation. The voltage meter faces the ultra-stable electric circuit. 

If there is no information about the electricity and the meter is staying stable. The person who uses that meter would go home and recalibrate that measurement tool. Normally the observations about the power fields are made by following the changes in the levels of the power field. But if the power field is enormous and homogenous. It's hard to detect. 

So is dark energy the power field that fills the entire universe? In that case, we cannot see it. We would be inside the universe size power field and the only way to separate it from the environment would be going out from the universe.

Maybe XENON 1T experiment has detected dark energy.

If the wave-particle duality can expand to dark energy. That means dark energy is the form of dark matter. 

The first time there is an interaction between material and dark energy. And that thing is one of the most fascinating moments in the history of natural sciences. Dark energy is the interactive wave movement as well as the normal energy is. 

So if we want to expand the wave-particle duality to dark energy we can say that dark energy is the same way form of the dark material as normal energy or wave movement is in the regular material. In this text, the term regular material means material that is visible to us. 




Is dark energy simple the radio radiation that we cannot see? And is the reason that the radiation is very stable? 

If dark matter also has the wave-particle duality. That can mean dark energy and dark matter has the form of dark energy. That means dark matter in the form of dark energy. But is the answer for the dark energy is that it's the radio waves that we cannot see. The reason for that could be that those radio waves cannot pass the galactic or stellar halos. Those halos are the plasma balls around stars and galaxies. 

Many theories are trying to explain what causes wave movement that is invisible to us. The new observations of the comic hum that the Voyager probe detected when it travels outside our solar system are causing new ideas of dark energy. The cosmic hum is the radio waves that are not passing the plasma ball of the sun. 

That means there is no way to observe that radiofrequency from Earth. The telescope must travel outside of the solar system for making observations of the cosmic hum. So if we are thinking logically, there must be radio waves that are not passing the plasma halo of the galaxy. 

And maybe that is the thing. That would explain why there is energy that cannot detect from Earth. Or we cannot detect that energy straight. But we can detect the changes in the energy level of the plasma ball of the sun when radiowaves are hitting it. But the problem is that the cosmic hum is so stable, that we cannot see the changes in the plasma ball of the sun. That requires changes in the radiation that hits the plasma. 

Another thing that we might forget is that material can be heavier than we expected. When there are supernovas and other high-energetic reactions in the universe, that reaction sends energy waves around the universe. When radiation hits the particles it will load the energy to that particle. And then the energy is rising the mass of the particles. 

The difference between particles in the universe and the particle on the Earth is that the particle that hovers in the universe cannot release its energy other ways than just shining it as the electromagnetic wave movement. This is why the nebulas in the space are shining. 

The energy pumping to that material is not stable. The pikes in the energy pump can happen when the supernovas are exploding or black holes are colliding. That thing increases the energy level and the mass of the material. 



Friday, September 10, 2021

The theory of the universe as self-learning AI is an interesting theorem.

So if the universe is intelligent and self-learning that thing doesn't mean that the universe is the thing that can communicate with us. If we are trying to communicate with the universe that thing requires extremely powerful energy and we cannot create that energy load on Earth. 

Let's try to think this another way: We want to compare the size of Earth with the universe. And think that something that lives on Earth tries to communicate with the universe. And then we want to transfer that model to something that is on our planet the situation is similar to the case where somebody who lives on quark is trying to communicate with us. 

That creature cannot create so powerful data transmission that we can separate it. In the same way. If we are sending the radio impulse to the sky. And wait for that the universe to answer we will face disappointment.  That message will disappear into the cosmic white noise. The white noise-like cosmic background radiation covers that message under it. 

So if we are thinking that the universe is an extremely large intelligent organism. We might think that the universe is also the largest version of Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's cat is a cat that can be dead or alive. If the cat is in the box and we cannot see it from outside. We can try to make indirect observations about that thing. Maybe that cat keeps some noise or something that shows the cat is alive. But without open that box we cannot be sure about that thing. 

And that paradox of the cat that can be dead or alive can transfer to macro size. Is it possible that the thing that cannot interact with us has something to do with us? Of course, we can try to yell so loud that the organism is hearing us. If the thing is so big that we cannot attract its attention because we cannot yell so loud that the creature is hearing that thing cannot recognize us. 

And if it cannot recognize us. It cannot answer. The situation is similar to the case where we are thinking of viruses. We know that viruses are everywhere but we cannot separate them. So if we are thinking that the universe is the thinking entirety. That means that maybe it just cannot see us because we are so small. 



Let's try to transfer this model to the hypothetical galactic-size civilization. Can the Kardachev scale III civilization be the galactic-size network of Matrioshka brains?

Can the Kardachev scale III civilization be the galactic-size matryoshka brains? The giant space stations are communicating with each other by using quantum bridges. In that giant structure. Every member of this hypothetical civilization is connected with quantum computers using the microchips implanted in their brains. 

If we are thinking of the models of Kardachev Scale III civilizations that are controlling the entire galaxy. We must realize that those things are extremely large and complex. In some models, the hypothetical Kardachev scale III civilizations are the large group of the ball-shaped space station. 

Those space stations are acting as the hybrid computer where the quantum computers and neural network is combined. The brains of the organisms that are living in the space station are forming the neural structure. And that living neural structure is connected with quantum computers. 

In this vision, those space stations are forming the entirety. They can communicate with each other. And form the macro-neuron structure. And that is the interstellar version of the Matrioshka brains. 

A Matrioshka brain is a hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity powered by a Dyson sphere. It was proposed in 1997 by Robert J. Bradbury. That SciFi novelist introduced the most powerful computer that ever can imagine. The system will connect the living organisms and computers to their entirety. And those entireties can connect with the same type of entireties 

It is an example of a Class B stellar engine, employing the entire energy output of a star to drive computer systems. This concept derives its name from the nesting Russian Matryoshka dolls. The concept was deployed by Bradbury in the anthology Year Million: Science at the Far Edge of Knowledge. (Wikipedia: Matrioshka brains)

The galactic-size network of Matrioshka brains is one of the most extreme versions of the mega structures. The Matrioshka brains can connect to the network. 

Of course, those creatures in that kind of hypothetical super-civilization are sending messages. But they are so busy with their government and control systems that they just don't have time to answer to humans. 

Or they use things like gamma-ray lasers that are powered by black holes for interstellar communication. The transmission power would be so powerful that we cannot even imagine it. Or they can use quantum bridges, superposition, and entangled particles to send the data between stars. 

The message will send by moving those particle pairs back and forth. And that thing makes it possible to send the message immediately between stars. But that thing requires so powerful power source that the only power source is the black hole in the system. 

If you would be the emperor of the galactic-size civilization there might be many things, that keep you busy. Things like supernova-explosions traveling neutron stars and black holes are things that require attention. Under control of that hypothetical emperor are tens of thousands of words that require attention. Sometimes entire solar system must be evacuated. 

Because the star is finishing its fuel. And the population must re-settle to somewhere else. The population means the planetary habitats. But also crews of the giant space stations must transport to another solar system. That kind of thing keeps the hypothetical emperor busy. And that things are interesting hypotheses. 




Wednesday, September 8, 2021

China is planning to create over a kilometer-long spacecraft.

Above this text is an image of the Chinese modular space station. The planned modular structural "Tiangong"-space station is an impressive plan. That is possible to make by using existing technology. The modular structures are also used in the ISS-space station. Similar modular structures can be used in spacecraft. The difference between space stations and spacecraft is that the spacecraft can use various trajectories or return to the Earth. 

The space station uses fixed trajectories. It cannot return home in one piece. Artificial intelligence-based automation makes it possible to make the structures that are combining those structures by using the small modules that can dock themselves together. And that thing is forming the large entirety. The computers of those modules can also act as supporting life-support systems and they can run artificial intelligence that mission is to find the leaks and damages from the systems and structures. 

The system can use RFID chips for observing leaks. Those RFID chips are released to the cabin. And the direction where they are traveling uncovers the leak. Also, things like artificial bugs can use to uncover the damages in the electric wires. And other things that are important for the missions. Those robot flies or butterflies can search for things like fungus or damaged insulators. They can also observe the crew and send the data to the command center. 

The large-size space stations might be the gate to more ambitious space projects. And one of those hypothetical projects is the so-called "O'Neill cylinder". The giant space station where is cultures for vegetables and what can offer the door to the colonization of the entire solar system. 

In some visions in the future, in our solar system travels "artificial worlds" or O'Neill-cylinders. Giant space stations are filled with cultures which purpose is to make nutrients for the crew and passengers of those traveling worlds. Those O'Neill cylinders would use the planet's gravity fields to keep it in course between planets. And the idea of those traveling space stations has been coming from the Troyan asteroids. 

The kilometer-long space stations can act as the simulators for O'Neill cylinders.

The creation of the kilometer-long spacecraft can simply make by docking the cylinder-shaped spacecraft together. That thing requires only that there are enough those cylinders in use. In the modern version of the modular spacecraft, those cylinders can launch by using separated launches. And when those cylinders are returned to the Earth they can simply separate from the structure and then return to base by using parachutes. 

That kind of system requires a large number of launches. The modular structures that are planned to use in this kind of project are the most conventional way to make the large spacecraft and space station structures. 

This type of spacecraft is not so difficult to make as people normally think. By using modular structures like rocket stages that can connect in space there is possible to make extremely large-size spacecraft. The idea of the modular space station was introducing by Wernher von Braun. The original idea was to connect the rocket stages of the Saturn V rocket. Those stages planned to launch separately by using their rockets. So every part of the space station has its launch vehicle.

 And each part would launch independently. The rocket stages would equip by using airlocks. And the vacuum would remove the fuel and oxygen from the tanks in the orbiter trajectory where those parts will dock together to large entirety. That system bases on old-fashion technology. The new version where is used the shuttle technology where the parts can reuse allows making the kilometer-long spacecraft what can return to the ground. 

In that vision, the re-usable rockets are launch to orbiting trajectory. Then they can dock together. And when it's time to return home that system will separate those rockets and they would make the independent landings. That kind of system can be extremely long. And docking the tanks to the series. Is not so fundamental that it requires a new type of technology. But anyway, those Chinese systems are impressive-looking plans. 


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