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Showing posts from September, 2021

The complicated black holes.

  The black hole is a more complicated thing than people normally think. The radiation of the black hole is pushing objects away just like gravitation is pulling objects and radiation inside it. Black holes are sending radiation also themselves. When the black hole is rotating the rotation speed is extremely fast.  And that rotation is a partial source for Hawking radiation. The photons that sometimes are escaping from the event horizon. The rotation of the black hole is causing that the black hole loses its energy.  And the loss of energy means that the black hole is losing its mass. The black holes are eating energy. And wave movement and particles that are dropping in it are increasing its mass.  Normally, in the case where the black hole is pulling the material inside it. That loss of mass and energy is replaced by the material that black holes are pulling inside it. The black holes are pulling also dark matter inside them and the reason for that is that the gravitation interaction

A couple of things about kilometer-long space stations. That China and maybe some other nations in the world are planning

  At first, we must realize that creating the kilometer-long modular structure in the space. Is not so complicated a task as people might think. This system requires only ten to twenty Saturn V-scale rockets or modules. Those rockets will be a dock together at the Earth orbiter. The length of Saturn V is 110 meters. And maybe half of it would be left empty for use as part of the modular space station.  In some plans, those modules are made by using the empty rocket stages. In those stages is installed needed equipment. Like docking systems airlocks, and consoles. Whatever is needed to complete the structure of the space station. The purpose of the airlock is also to act as the fire door. And deny the lack of gas in the case where the core of the space station is damaged. Every each of the modules can be changed if there are problems with them.  But why that kind of system is causing concern? The tube-looking structure can be a mega-laser. The kilometer-long monster can create the megaw

Are gravitons the quantum-size black holes?

Image: Pinterest What if the hypothetical graviton is the quantum-size black hole? That might mean nothing at the first. But that thing could open new roads to physics and information technology. The quantum-size black holes are the predicted things that are not confirmed yet.  If we think that the black hole is the simple structure that just pulls particles and information inside it. We are wrong. The radiation that comes out from the transition disk and whirls around that thing is causing that the black hole would also repel objects.  Maybe someday in the future, the quantum black holes are transmitting information in an ultra-secure quantum network.  The radiation around that object pushes all other objects away from it. Gravity is the dominating force of the black hole but also the radiation has a very big role in that system. So the radiation that comes from the material around the black hole would destroy information as well as dropping it to the black hole does. The thing that d

Thoughts of the futuristic image. And the "Cherenkov-thruster".

Image: Pinterest This vision might be true in the distant future. The spacecraft has landed on the planet, which orbits the black hole. Maybe someday far away from this moment, some spacecraft will face this situation. But today that thing is only the imaginational or philosophical visions. The image of crashlanding near the black hole is causing many types of thoughts in my mind. The question is can this kind of thing be the future of mankind? When we are thinking about the radiation of the black hole there is the possibility that the craft is pushing it outwards by using the x-ray counter radiation. If the jammer system can shoot the radiation back to the environment.  That thing makes it possible to decrease the radiation stress to the body of the craft. The counter radiation or the photon impacting is the thing that might make the craft even invisible to its environment. If the system uses the photon impact it can deny the reflection. When we are analyzing this image, we must ask w

The Big Bang. And the expansion of the universe.

So does the universe expand faster than light? The question is interesting. If we are using two photons released in the Big Bang and which are traveling in the opposite direction the virtual speed of the expansion is 2X the speed of light. Another thing that can travel faster than light is the quantum field of the first particles that were released from the Big Bang.  Sometimes is introduced the idea that only one particle caused the big bang. The energy of the thing that exploded was extremely high. And around that object was the zero-energetic universe. So if the thing that released the material was vaporizing the black hole that eruption was very rough. But when the first particle materialized to an empty universe nothing limited the expansion of its quantum field.  The fact is that we don't know the shape of the Big Bang. If we think that the Big Bang was behave like a black hole that means the shape of the big bang can be like a galaxy. So there is the disk around that point.

How are the algorithms advancing?

   How are the algorithms advancing? The thing that limits the power of the algorithms is the infrastructure. If we want to make artificial intelligence that operates in large areas. That thing requires powerful hardware. If we want to make a robot car that can operate in so-called natural environmental infrastructure. That requires more complicated artificial intelligence algorithms than people even believe.  If we want to put a man-shaped robot to sit in that robot car and put it to go shopping for us, that requires even more complicated and heavy algorithms than the car, which operates in the highway environment where are strict orders and everybody follows them. When a robot walks on the streets it requires so-called fuzzy logic because there is the possibility that it faces the person who is not following orders.  If somebody will not care for the robot or tries to the robot. That machine is needed to make the protocol. The robot can meet things like children, who would not notice

Dark and mysterious dark matter

    Dark and mysterious dark matter What makes material invisible? The material must create a reflection that is outside the spectrum area that is visible to us. Understanding the reflection or the process behind reflection makes it possible to understand the nature of dark matter. During reflection, the photons are first transmitting their energy to the quantum field around the atoms of the layer. That photon will push the quantum field inside or load the energy to it.  And when the atom returns to its normal energy state atom sends a photon or light quantum. The wavelength of that reflecting radiation makes the atom visible or invisible. If the size of the atom or particles that are sending reflection is different than all other materials. There is no way to see that material by using traditional antennas because the unique wavelength doesn't cause resonance in other materials.  That's why the dark matter what can be so small-size particles is impossible to see by using regul

Are the gravitons primordial black holes inside protons, neutrons and electrons?

Above: "Three colored balls (symbolizing quarks) connected pairwise by springs (symbolizing gluons), all inside a gray circle (symbolizing a proton). The colors of the balls are red, green, and blue, to parallel each quark's color charge. The red and blue balls are labeled "u" (for "up" quark) and the green one is labeled "d" (for "down" quark)". Wikipedia/Quarks) If we want to guess the certain place of the hypothetical graviton in the material there are two possible places. The place where the researchers can find hypothetical graviton is the center point of the proton and neutron. Or another possible place is in the middle of the quarks. In that version, the quarks are like the ball of yarn, like electrons. And they are formed when superstrings are forming the ball around the extremely small primordial black hole. The quantum gravity of that primordial black hole would pull the protons and neutrons together.  Can the graviton be

The new type of gravitational waves might detect by using the new sensor.

The gravitational waves are proven that the gravitation is wave movement like all other three fundamental interactions are. There is the possibility that the wave-particle duality is also working with this force. And if researchers can prove that thing. That proves the existence of graviton.  But the problem is that gravitational waves are so weak effect. That even detect them is hard. The observable gravitation waves are born only in the highest energetic reactions in the universe.  The weakness of gravitational waves means that the gravitons that are the hypothetical transportation particles of the gravitation are also very small or unique-sized particles.  Or are the gravitons the form of the primordial black holes? Which means they would be the energy centers without a particular form.   Are those missing gravitons the particles that formed just after the Big Bang?  Otherwise saying, those small transportation particles of the gravitation could be the particles. That formed just af

Greetings from ancient construction workers

  The image above this text represents medieval bricks. Those bricks are part of the collection of the Helsinki Museum of Architecture. Construction or brick manufacturers have left their mark on the bricks. And when we look closer to the middle brick, there's a pentagram on that brick. This symbol can have serious consequences in the Middle Ages.  That kind of thing always causes questions about who were those people, how they lived, what things they talked about together? Where they came from, where they went after construction was ready? Were those construction workers similar to migrant workers like today?  If the worker would get the construction site like church or cathedral. That guaranteed livelihood for the rest of their life. At that time there was no social service. And the good and long payment guaranteed that those workers could pay their old times from salaries that they got from the church. Another way to guarantee the livelihood of the workers was to find the constr

What is the connection between delirium and cognitive impairment caused by COVID-19?

(Image: Wikipedia/Delirium tremens) The reason why delirium tremens is improving the dangers of the COVID-19 is not so surprising that we might think. Delirium tremens is a disease caused by alcoholism. Many times we forget that alcoholic people are not eating very well. They might have very few vitamins in their food. Or they are eating so badly that they are malnourished. And otherwise, the bacteria in their alimentary canal is disturbing.  This thing makes the body impossible to receive vitamins. Some alcoholics have bad health conditions and other diseases like cirrhosis or cancer. Along with a lower immune defense, that thing offers the perfect platform for viruses to infect that person. And along with low nutrient levels, those things can cause that the COVID-19 infection will be worse than in other cases.  The use of drugs and especially injected drugs can cause HIV infection and that thing makes every virus and other infections worse than in the case of a so-called normal perso

Are we children of black holes and neutron stars?

In this text, I will think about the origin of the material. Not how the man got the intelligence.  Are we children of black holes and neutron stars? The answer to the question depends on the timeline that we are handling. If we think that the history of the material starts in the particles that formed just after the Big Bang straight from the wave movement.  We can say that subatomic particles that form the protons and neutrons are much older than atoms in our body. Electrons formed also after the Big Bang. And the electromagnetic forces along with microgravity they positioned to orbit protons and neutrons.  This question is interesting. Every single atom in our body is formed in the nuclear reactions in the stars. Or the hydrogen atoms are formed in the quantum plasma just after the big bang. But are we children of the black holes and neutron stars? The heavier elements are formed in the extreme heat in the largest stars.  And some of the most extraordinary elements are formed during

The speed of light is a relative constant.

The speed of light is constant. But it is also relatively constant because the speed of photons is different in different mediums. The curving photon comes to goal after the photon that travels by using straight trajectories.  And the thing that causes the curving of trajectories of photons is the quantum fields. Outside the universe is no quantum fields. And that means light or photon is traveling there using a straight trajectory. That means two photons can travel in the same direction. But if the other photon travels with a more curving trajectory than the other. That means the other photon that travels less curving trajectory can reach the goal sooner than another photon.  One interesting thing about the photon or the speed of light is that the gravitation affects the photons. That means that the photon that travels to the center of gravitation travels faster than the photon. That travels away from that point.  The speed of light in a vacuum is 299792458 meters per second (approxim

About AUKUS cooperation: the defense union between Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Above: the B-1-bomber over pacific The question is: why was the AUKUS contract made in secrecy? What kind of things may be a secretive contract involves? But the fact is that this contract will strengthen the independent defense of Australia. That kind of contract always involves communication outposts and the global surveillance network stations.  The contract involved sharing technology with Australia. And that technology allows  Australia to build its new nuclear-powered submarines. But what else that contract involved? Military nuclear technology is one of the most secure and secretive things in the world. And that means Australia has offered something for counter gifts. Are those things involving the new radar technology?  The AUKUS (Australia, The UK, and the USA) cooperation between the USA, Australia, and the UK is the thing that has caused discussions. Australia rejected the French-built diesel-electric submarines and started to create its nuclear submarines with the USA and U
The new North Korean train-mounted missile system contains ballistic missiles wich range is about 800 kilometers. This is the thing that is told about those missiles. And there is a couple of things that we should know about those probably nuclear-capable systems.  If we are thinking that those missiles cannot be sharp we are wrong. Even the primitive weapon systems can be accurate. During WWII were plans to use hidden radio transmitters to aim the primitive cruise missiles. The idea was that agents were put the transmitters to target. And then the primitive missiles like V-1 or V-2, or radio-controlled  B-17 bombers that carried internal warheads would fly to the target. There is the possibility that the North Korean nuclear weapons are using the guidance system which bases the radio transmitters that are left near the target area. The idea is that this system can activate just before the attack. And then the missile can hit the target with very high accuracy. The ECM system can jam t
Is there similar wave-particle duality in dark energy-dark matter combination with particles and energy in visible material has?  Is dark energy so stable radiation that we cannot see any changes in that power field? Or is dark energy probably the universe-size power or plasma field. In that case, we cannot see that plasma field because we are inside it. The situation is similar to the case where we are inside the balloon. We cannot see the balloon outside. And we can see only the pressure inside the balloon. We might think there is space outside the balloon. But we cannot be sure about that thing.  The reason why I believe that dark energy is the universe-size plasma-or electromagnetic field. Is that our sun (and all other stars) are surrounded by halos. Those halos are the plasma balls. That is positioning the particles or objects that are at the impact point of the interstellar plasma. And the plasma that comes out from the star.  ()

The theory of the universe as self-learning AI is an interesting theorem.

So if the universe is intelligent and self-learning that thing doesn't mean that the universe is the thing that can communicate with us. If we are trying to communicate with the universe that thing requires extremely powerful energy and we cannot create that energy load on Earth.  Let's try to think this another way: We want to compare the size of Earth with the universe. And think that something that lives on Earth tries to communicate with the universe. And then we want to transfer that model to something that is on our planet the situation is similar to the case where somebody who lives on quark is trying to communicate with us.  That creature cannot create so powerful data transmission that we can separate it. In the same way. If we are sending the radio impulse to the sky. And wait for that the universe to answer we will face disappointment.  That message will disappear into the cosmic white noise. The white noise-like cosmic background radiation covers that message under

China is planning to create over a kilometer-long spacecraft.

Above this text is an image of the Chinese modular space station. The planned modular structural "Tiangong"-space station is an impressive plan. That is possible to make by using existing technology. The modular structures are also used in the ISS-space station. Similar modular structures can be used in spacecraft. The difference between space stations and spacecraft is that the spacecraft can use various trajectories or return to the Earth.  The space station uses fixed trajectories. It cannot return home in one piece. Artificial intelligence-based automation makes it possible to make the structures that are combining those structures by using the small modules that can dock themselves together. And that thing is forming the large entirety. The computers of those modules can also act as supporting life-support systems and they can run artificial intelligence that mission is to find the leaks and damages from the systems and structures.  The system can use RFID chips for obse