Monday, June 11, 2018

Thoughts about the movie "Species", social problems and hybrid people.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about monsters or hobby the things like UFO:s, we have heard the stories of the biological experiments, where the cells of the person have been stolen. Those things have made the rumors, that some scientists have tried to connect human with other species. In the Auschwitz-concentration camp were rumors, that Dr. Mengele and other medical staff, what worked with human experiments tried to make the combination of the dogs and humans, for creating the perfect nazi-soldiers, but those things are only rumors.

Genome investigations are an extremely difficult thing because that investigation is targeting the human history, and it uncovers many things, like what is the connection with criminal behavior and growing methods, what parents are used. Here I must say that there are millions of people, who are abused and violated in the home, but many of them would not become criminals. Actually many children of alcoholists would choose absolutism in their lifestyle. But when we are thinking about alcoholists and home violence, there is one very good thing, where we can recognize that person. It is the so-called shortsighted way of life.

That way of life means, that those people would want everything right now, and that's why alcoholists and other misusers of the narcotics would not go to school and finish their studies. They would not want to wait for the graduation, and that's why those persons are making cleaner's jobs because they don't want to wait for graduation. And of course, everybody, who is not drinking or party all the time is stupid.

Drug addicts have problems to handle the situation, that somebody has different opinions than they have. And the hypothetical and abstract way of thinking is the strange thing for them. They always are "real persons", and they want just to live here and now.  Have you ever seen a movie named "Species"? It brings to my mind situation, where human being or some intelligence officers think that they have contact with aliens. That story could be more interesting and exciting with another type of timeline.

This story would be a good example of "hoax", what could be very dangerous. The original movie bases the "wow" signal, what radio astronomers got in 1977. I sometimes thought that the "wow" signal what was captured by "big ear" telescope might be "hoax" what have done on purpose, and what kind of purpose would that?   And sometimes I have thought that so-called "Alien contacts" might be something else than contacts with another civilization. In this scenario, there would be the group of scientists, what makes the awesome combination with the human and other species like reptilians.

Those scientists would send the database with USB-stick or C-cassette of their work to space for hiding their identities and then send their work to the team, what would start to operate with that thing. In this scenario, the scientist team would be separated from other operators. C-cassette would work if that thing would be absolutely dry, that there would not be the ability to icing that thing.

And then those people would make the brutal experiment. There always have been rumors, that in some military bases would try to make genetic experiments, what purpose would create superhumans for military purposes. Those experiments would be strictly against humanity and the laws. And that's why those scientists, who are working with those projects must hide their identities because that kind of things would bring troubles for those people if they are taught about this kind of experiments.

This text might be fiction, and I hope it would be. And it would not have any connection with the real life, but we have all heard the stories about "Montauk-monsters", and some scientists and investigators are suspected that there would be made some secret genome-investigations in some closed areas. You might google those things by using worlds "monsters", "mysterious sea creatures" and "Montauk monsters"  but maybe they are the things, what just ate some chemical waste, but somebody believes other things.

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