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Once upon the time was the duke named Wallenstein

Albrecht von Wallenstein
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the 30-years war was the leader of the Catholic troops the man named Albrecht von Wallenstein (1583-1684) General Wallenstein had the big problem with the relationship about his men. Those men were mercenaries, whose mission was to fight for the holy league in the 30-years war. And the problem was, that general Wallenstein had to be with his men every time because if he were separated from his staff, somebody could promise the reward of his head.

Those mercenaries were loyal to the person, who paid the biggest salary, and that's why they were under the influence of the Swedish propaganda. If some Swedish or Lutheran agent would slip in the mercenaries camp and offer big enough reward, that would be the end of the life and career of general Wallenstein, who was actually murdered after the battle of Lüzern. This battle also ended the life of the King of Sweden Gustav II Adolph, and somebody claims that the King of Sweden was shot in purpose by the assassins, but that death might be an accident.

The death happens in 6. of October 1632. Death of General Wallenstein about two years after the death of Gustav II Adolph in 25. February 1634 was murder. The rank of the Wallenstein was actually duke, but I call him here as the general. This man was well known about his very serious relationship with astrology, and today I think that those horoscopes and predictions were coded orders for that military leader, and maybe those orders were sent to him the agent, who was working at the headquarters of Gustav II Adolph. And if there were an agent, who send the messages to Wallenstein, what were the plans of Swedish side, that general would not have problems to create the counter-tactics for that kind of thing.

When we think about the battle of Breitenfeld, and the situation, where von Pappenheim attacked seven times against Swedish cannons, we might think that this man made the attacks in purpose for confessing, that other side would not handle tactics, and maybe the purpose of those killings was clean the lines of Catholic side. Maybe Swedish forces would be suspected that action, what were made by Tilly in that field were made on purpose.

And when we are thinking about the possibility, that there was traitor near the King of Sweden, the death of the King in Lüzern caused the begin of the dystrophy of the monarchy of Sweden. The successor of the Gustav II Adolph was Queen Christina, who abdicated the crown. And that caused the rising of weak monarchs in the power of Sweden. When the king was not in his castle the things in the empire were not advanced, and that caused that the Swedish empire was left behind from other nations. The end of the empire was 1815 when Finland separated from Sweden and connected to Russian Empire.

Picture I


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