Friday, June 29, 2018

The writing about Monarch-program

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Franciscus the Assassin is the predicted name of the monk, who slipped in the Hassan Ibn-Al-Sabbah camp and murdered him. The question is that: how this monk could slip into the camp of the assassins? When we are looking that thing closer, we must think that this monk might be captured assassin, whose "Monarch" trigger would be removed by some therapy. If this trigger would be removed, the knights would have the ultimate assassin in their hands. In psychology, the "Monarch trigger" is the term, that means that the person has been taught to react in some action by committing suicide.  The mind control or trigger building is one kind of therapy, where can be used suggestion, hypnosis, and drugs. Those methods are strictly prohibited in psychotherapy, but some suicide cults have used them in their slaving process, what purpose is to make victims to give their all property to the leaders of the cult.

 This trigger was built in the minds of assassins because Hassan Ibn Al-Sabbah wanted that those persons could not uncover the location of his camp. In some rumors that monk was sent on that mission in one purpose. If the crusaders or some other knights would get those assassins in their hand, those organizations would have the ultimate weapon in their hands. The mission of that monk, who sent to the mission from Monte Cassino monastery was to find out, how the trigger would be built, and murder the leader of those assassins or "Hashish". This methodology about the trigger, what was built in the head of soldiers became in the mind at Second World War.

There to the mind of some SS-officials were built the trigger, what caused the suicide if their mission were to fail. At the end of the war the information, that Germany was surrender caused the effect, where some SS-officers committed the suicide. The program, where that training was given, was called MONARCH OMEGA. The project was led by Gestapo, and there was the "road" where the operator bypassed. And in the last stage, what was called the "omega" the person faced the trigger, what launched "self-destructive behavior", that meant that the person, who was targeted to "Monarch Omega" committed suicide.

The idea was, that operators were not able to tell their information to the enemy, and that's why they carried the cyanide capsule in their mouth. This kind of capsule was set inside those operators teeth, and they caused the death of Heinrich Himmler and Odilo Globocnic, the head of mass murders of the jews. Those persons wanted to be told about other war criminals, who worked in that humiliation and genocide project, called Operation Reinhard. The idea of Monarch was to create the person, who would have no moral or ethical problems to follow the orders, what the superiority officers give those persons.

And if those operators failed, they committed the suicide. This is the similar thing, what samurais made if their superiorities ordered. The idea was to make a human-shaped robot, who would always make only the things, what superiorities order. And when that warrior would not neede anymore, that person would die away. There have been rumors, that some intelligence or military organizations are continuing this operation with other names. And one of those operations might be MKULTRA. Also, the suicide terrorists are claimed to have similar training, as the time of crusaders in the 13th century. That would hide the identities of the leaders and recruiters of those organization and the locations of the training camps.

Picture I

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