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Double checking the key, might make stealing the property more dangerous than ever before.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Here I must say, that I know, what I write, and the major problem with people is that they want to know only the good things. But in the reality, where we live is many persons, who are misusing their skills or power, and this is the worst thing, what people might think. Even if some person in the workplace says, that the opening or breaking of the lock with wooden tools is impossible and simultaneous repeats that, would there always found people, who make those burglaries by using metal tools.

This is why we must say, that there would be not found absolute safety in the world. There is always some tools, what can break even the toughest lock in the world, and of course, some person would use the sledgehammer and arbor to break the lock, and in some cases, the arbor has a small metal stick in the nose of it.

This stick would help to stay the arbor in the lock, and then the burglars would smash it with the sledgehammer, what would break the lock immediately. And that would leave signs in the doors. Sometimes there would be no signs of this kind of violence in the doors, and that tells something to the investigators. The investigators must suspect in this case, that the burglar must have access to the master keys. In some cases, there is a small thing in the locks, what makes them safe.

When the master key would be used,  the information of that usage would send to the security company. There are two ways to make this thing. One is that the master keys are equipped with RFID (Radio-Frequency Id)-chip and the second one is that the series of the master key would activate the information. This bases that the tumbler plates are equipped with pressure sensors. That means when the tumbler plates would be pressed down, in the positions, where the master key would press them, would the signal of that send to control room.

But in some cases, there would be double check for those keys. And if the system sees, that RFID is missing, would the room start to fill with the sound, what makes impossible to stay in the space. In some cases, the RFID-sensors would be surgically implanted in the hand of some person. And if that sensor is missing, would that cause the alarm. And those double checks can be installed to the fingerprint reader. In this case, the system would not be actually the fingerprint readers.

They would read the RFID-component inside the person's hand. And that would cause the very bad situation if somebody puts the hand in this kind of system. By using double check systems can be made very sophisticated traps for the thief. And if somebody wants to steal the car with stolen keys, would that cause the situation, that when the police will come after this car, will the stop signal cause, that car is stopping immediately because the smart component inside it would cut the fuel injection to the motor. This kind of limited remote-control would allow only to shut down car engine, and the driving would be left to the driver.

But there would be a possibility, that the remote controlled cars would be used as the "thief traps", and when somebody wants to steal this car, would this person sit in driver's place, and then the doors will be locked, and the car can be driven in the front of the police station. Of course,  those persons can be armed and dangerous, but in that case, the nitrous oxide can be injected into the vehicle. And this system could be working when the explosive detector would notice the explosives inside the vehicle.

That thing can be used as the remote-controlled system because the knives would not be seen in the explosive detectors. In some cases, one member of the gang might want to treat others, and in that case, must the stun-system work. Those things where some gang member would start the violence against the mates would cause that this person has made serious crimes like violent attacks or even murders, what other the others would not even be known. This kind of persons would be very desperate because they would send to jail for many years if they would catch.

Or in some cases, the stolen car can be remotely controlled by the security company, and in this case, the missing double-check component will be allowed, that the company has access to shut down engine. And in the future, the high over speed would also give allowance to stop the car engine by the remote control, if the GPS-system reports the dangerous over the speed in the city area. This might tell the traffic control, that somebody has problems with cars and speed limits.

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