Wednesday, June 27, 2018

North-Korea did it again

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The North-Korean government did the same thing, what it made before, and continues improvements of the nuclear reactor. This is the thing, what many people expected because the nuclear program is a very good shield for that government. The nuclear weapon development of that state is the very interesting thing because these weapons are made for eliminating both, internal and external threats for that government. People of the world hoped, that the leaders of this country would keep their promises, but the truth is, that those people talk about other things and do other things. The reason, why Kim Jon Un met Donald Trump was clear, he wanted to win the time because the missiles of that country have changed problematic for other things, like food supply from China.

And now the North-Korean leader has continued the nuclear program of that country. Or somebody else has continued that program. In that country, nothing is like in normal state. Actually, the western nations would not even know, who is the real leader of that country, and there are rumors that somebody in the coulisses keeps the dictator in the hand. Actually, the official leader of that country Kim Jong Un is a member of the "Room 39", what is very secretive and powerful organization in the leading party of that country.

There are many other people in the party, who would not give their position easily. Many of those people are age over 50 and they have done more than Kim Jong Un, and their crimes are very big. The reality of the "Room 39" is that they would not always follow the orders of the leader, because if that state would be democratized those elder members of the party will get punishments for their crimes. The problem with the Worker's party of the North-Korea is that is the militaristic organization, what has the name "party". This party has been the tool for the power of Kim's family, but there are also other persons in the power.

And those other people would not always tell to Kim, what they are doing. They want to use their power behind the back of the leaders of the North-Korea. Of course, Kim's family is very powerful, but as I told they are not North-Korea alone. The foreign enemy would keep the nation homogeneous and gives mission for the military. And fast-changing policy guarantees that the North-Korea would have threats, what it can use for argue the power of the Worker's party, and the position of Kim's family in that organization, what have kept power in the North-Korea from 1950's.

Picture I

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