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NASA would want to use airships for investigating planet Venus

 (High-Altitude Venus Operational Concept)
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The next generation airships can be used in many missions, and the most fascinating of them is to investigate the planet Venus and also gas planets like Jupiter and other gas planets can be surveyed from airships. The modern airships are made by using mylar material, and they are capable to fly extreme high altitude. Mylar is so tight and hard material, that even the sports stadion size gas bell can get to the pocket if that would be made of this plastic, what was used in the ECHO-communication satellites, what were actually balloons, which were blown for their shapes in the orbital trajectory, and they were 41 meters diameter balloon satellites.

Some persons thought that those satellites can be used as the balloons, by filling them with hydrogen or helium and send the balloon to the trip around the world like in some books of Jules Verne. That would need of course space capsule-type crew room because the altitude of the flying would be very high. But in the outer atmosphere, the winds are stable and they could make that trip possible. And the same technology can be used in other planet's atmospheres.

Use of this material at the balloon type ECHO-satellites means that those airships can fly at the outer layers of the atmosphere, and fly even to space if they are equipped with right propulsion systems like ion- or magneto-dynamic drives. The usage scale of those things is very large. Airships can support the communication, and at the same times, those systems can be used to patrol the large areas. The big size airships can also be used as the flying surgery rooms, and also they can be used in the forest working sites because they can be used for the cranes, but also airships can carry machines and other parts in the middle of the jungle.

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Airships can also patrol on the sea areas very long time, and locate the submarines with their infra-red and other sensor systems, and they can use solar panels for creating electric power. But in the polar areas, they might use capillary turbogenerators for increasing the flight time and give power to their batteries. The problem of those airships is that the hydrogen would be exploded if there is any oxygen in the hydrogen tank. The filling of the airships starts that the gas-bell would put in the tank, and all air would be removed there. Then the tank is filled with pure hydrogen, and because there is no oxygen, the system would not be exploded easily. Even if those airships fly in very high altitude, they might be also very small, and those rugby-ball size airships can collect data from high atmosphere.

They can also be used for normal and electronic surveillance missions, where the opponent's new airplanes would be surveillance during test flights. That means the miniature airship would be stationed near the opponent's main test flight base.  And then it can photograph the aircraft during tests. the opponent would have problems to locate those small size robot airships from the altitudes of 30 kilometers. Those airships might have also laser microphones, that they can eavesdrop on the opponent's talkings.

They can also carry small size helicopters, what can be dropped to that area, and if we would think that thing as the "Matushka" type vehicle, that small helicopter can carry the nano bug, what can collect the information inside the opponent's buildings. And those nano bugs can also be used for assassination missions if the situation would change. Those nano bugs can inject deadly chemicals in the bodies of targeted persons, and they can also deliver anti-oil and sulfur-eating microbes to oil tanks and ammunition warehouses. Those microbes are making diesel-oil the lister, and the sulfur at the gunpowder can be removed by the microbes, what is normally used in the oil and other chemical accidents.


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