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The innovative emergency pill, what would call help for the people.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The NYPD has the first pill tracking system, what bases that the pills would be equipped with GPS-system. But there would be many more ways to create more sophisticated systems, what bases that technology. There could be the very bad thing for the pill like nitro pills, what are used for emergency, and that is that the person must call the emergency center or push some button for getting help.

Modern technology would give an opportunity for automatization of those processes. The answer would be the pill, what could be equipped with the transmitter, what can be connected to the smart telephone or some other system like GPS, and when the person would need help, could he just take the pill. The thing inside the pill or capsule would be the transmitter, what the person can eat, and then the stomach acid would activate the battery, what would give electricity for that device

When we are thinking about the use of this RFID-pill, in the point of view of the persons, who are working in dangerous situations and environment like forest guards,  those persons can have many types of those pills. And if the person would be attacked by some animal, could this person take the yellow pill, and that transmitter would send the code to the smartphone and satellites, that the attacker was an animal, and if the pill could be red, would the transmitted code tell, that the attacker would be human. The green code would tell that the injury would be caused by the normal reasons. This idea of the intelligent transmitter, what can be eaten, I got the song in 2525, and maybe the person, who created the NYPD surveillance system got the ideas for that invention from the same sources, and there is only one threat with that system. That is, that if somebody would break the system by hacking, would that lead the burglaries to the addresses, where they can find those medicals.

This part, where the people takes the information from pill would seem like pure fantasy, but in the real life those pills could involve the transmitters, what would send the codes to the mobile telephones, and those codes could call the quadrocopter to the place, and that system can transmit the information straight to person brains by using high power radio waves. In the scenario, where the person takes "information pills", one code could mean, that the person would need full preparation of the things, what have happened from the history of humankind, from the stone age to nowadays.

And this might be the very fascinating idea for the training of tomorrow. There is only one danger, that system could be weaponized very easily. There would be devastating results if those systems would be used to control people. If those drones would make two crossing radio signals, what are connecting in the human head, the electric arc would be devastating, when it burns the brain tissue. If this would happen in the amygdala, the person would be lost the own will immediately.

This is one way of seeing this kind of devices misuse. In some book, the personnel was closed in the mental hospital, and when they ate their pills, would everything be alright. They had one implanted microchip in their body, and another would be eaten by those patients. If this fictional system would see two codes, it would be let those persons continue their working, but if it sees only one code, it would use that radio wave for exterminating that targeted person.


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