Friday, June 1, 2018

The way of thinking is the way to success.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

I probably have written about this thing before, but here it comes again, and you don't pay anything about this text. So you are the users of this service, and you just have to stand about this kind of texts, what is coming from my deepest soul. Skyline painting or public writing is the way to make own personality and thoughts well known also for other people. The way of thinking is sometimes the problem with making new and successful things.

And that's why we all are faced persons who have the opinion, that every invention is made today. if we all would be this kind of persons, we would use horses for transporting even today, and nobody ever invented the wheel. So we would travel here with horseback riding but of course, that thing would happen without saddle and stirrups. When we are creating radical things like wireless telegrams, we must remember that kind of things are been only science fiction, until Marconi invented that thing, what revolutionized the communication.

But the way of thinking is the awesome thing and in one day one man, whose name I have forgot created an idea that the fish was the stable object in the river, and the river flows past it. Of course, this way to think is quite different than normal way to think. There is one expansion of that thinking game, and it is, that aircraft would stand stable in the atmosphere, and the gas would flow past the aircraft, what would transform gas, and stay in the place. In this thinking, the man is the object, what is stable. And the time is the river, what flows past this man. In our own lives, we are the heroes and stable objects. We cannot change our bodies and we must live all our life as the world gives it.

And this means, that our life is sometimes quite different than in the TV-series like "The Bold and the beautiful". If we want to be a different kind of persons than others, we must think the different way than others. If somebody wants to cheat us about our writings and opinions, we must write and publish our diaries. This is the different way to think, what you normally see. And here I must say, that there are many people, who have the same kind of opinions than writers, who makes everything public. And there are been opinions, that persons like me are somehow stupid because we share our opinions with other people. And when we are talking and writing about cheaters, who would always laugh at this kind of writings.

 When we are thinking their style of publishing information, we cannot say anything about their intelligence level. If the person would not publish anything, we cannot make our own conclusions about that kind of person. And I'm not sure, what I must say about their way to think, because I don't know about those persons. And at the same time, I must say, that there I didn't find any single text in the net, where I could see their extremely high intelligence level. This is the problem with hate-writings and another kind of stuff, what is found from the net. Those writers would not tell their names, because of they afraid the consequences.

But without telling their names, nobody can see, how many followers those people have, and the politicians need also persons, who vote in the election campaigns. When we are thinking the situation, that some "Angry Citizen" writes to the net, we cannot be sure, is that writing made by one single person, or is there many writers behind them. And we cannot even say, is that writer of those texts the citizen of that country, what he or she wants to protect. We cannot also know is the person or group behind some "patriotic texts"  actually some prisoners or is their allowing to vote some other way limited.

This means, that they would not influence the vote boxes, where are given the votes, what have influence for election. That is very interesting part of democracy. We can be very active at the social media, but we would not have influence in the voting situation. But being top politician must the person have own opinions. This is the way to make marketing to other persons, who might give the vote to that politician. Only persons, who have own ideas and positive attitude about the changes in that campaign are persons, who get votes.

Here I must say, that I have right to write and say anything, what I want. When somebody wants to cheat you, one of the most important rules is, that newer follow their orders. When we are thinking about copyrights and the law, the results of the stealing the text and selling them without permission is against copyright laws and the good way to work. And all money what the thief has well-earned must be paid to the person, who has made those texts.

And if somebody would steal the sisters or brothers diary, and sell it to friends should know, that all of that money must be paid to the person, who wrote that diary. This is, what the law says about copyrights. This is a very good way to share interesting things in the net. Here I must say, that every person in the world are not interested in same things that I am. But it's allowed. People have right to write anything, what they want if they are following the law. And if somebody wants to write about making salads or eating sausages, that is, of course, their way to write in the net.

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