Friday, June 1, 2018

The hypothesis about the planet, what could be covered with metal plates.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Sometimes I have thought the opportunity to cover the entire moon with solar panels, we would face the problem because the opposite side of the moon is very tall mountains. But if we think some smooth draft planets like Ceres or Juno, we might get interesting thoughts, that we would cover entire asteroid with steel plates, what is placed on pylons. Under those plates, we could make the world, what is like on Earth. Of course, we could make that artificial core by using large plates of diamond glass, what makes this space like some greenhouse. That kind of fictional superstructures is probably true in the stations, what is planned in the asteroid belt and other moons and planets in the universe in some plans, what are made by some private corporations with ESA  and NASA.

This is the fiction in nowadays, but maybe in the future, we would make those things in our solar system and even more far away, if we someday make the journey to some other solar system for colonizing other planets.  When we are reading science fiction book, what has the name "The foundation", we would face the planet named "Trantor". It is a part of the fictional universe, what has created Isaac Asimov. This fictional planet has been covered by metal plates and cities, and that has given an idea, what could someday save the human race. In this theoretical solution, we would use technology, that already exists in everyday life, but in huge scale.

If we would have resources for this, we would not need for life circles and can colonize any planet in the universe. We must only cover the entire planet with metal plates, and then under that artificial core would be giant hangar-type room or space, where the colonialists would live like on the planet Earth, by filling that space with oxygen and other gases, what is suitable for making the artificial atmosphere in that space. In this case, would be used normal building technology, but in huge scale. And the space under those plates can be warmed by using nuclear power.

This would allow us to colonize planets, what are normally hostile for the lifeform, what we are. And that would be more reasonable than move to the planet, what is suitable for us without morphing the conditions at the surface because there could be dangerous organisms. And that's why there would be reasonable to find the planet, what is hostile for lifeform like we are, and then modify the conditions suitable for us. The water, what can be found on asteroids, can be used to creating oxygen by electrolysis, and nitrogen can be found on other planets atmosphere. This is very interesting thought, what came to my mind in one day.


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