Saturday, March 31, 2018

XB-70 Valkyrie and the strange things around this plane

North American XB-70 "Valkyrie"
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In 1960’s United States Air Force and NASA tested new supersonic bomber, what had the capacity to flight in speed Mach 3. The planes were built two individuals, and one accident has ended this program. This program was the very expensive and only one existing "Valkyrie" is located in Air Force Museum, but legend remains, that the mystery plane code-named "Dark Star" was actually "Valkyrie" what was put together by pieces what left behind from original "Valkyrie" project. "Dark Star" was CIA project for sending small satellites to low Earth orbiter after "Challenger" incident. There might be many projects, what has this name, and here I don't mean Lockheed-Martin "Dark Star" drone.

The purpose of "Dark Star" was to replace the shuttles with another kind of vehicles, because all shuttle launches were delayed because space shuttle "Challenger" was exploded in the air in 1986. And all conventional rockets were reserved for other purposes. So CIA wanted to make their own mothership for launching satellites in the low orbiter. "Valkyrie" was the very expensive project and the loss of two test pilots gave the reason for terminating this project because the know-how to build this kind of vehicle was not advanced enough in 1960's.

The accident what finally stopped "Valkyrie" project was that the XB-70 aircraft collided with F-104 “Starfighter” in the air, and causes the death of its pilots. The program was terminated because of this accident, what was the human mistake. The accident happened in 1966, but because the other aircraft were not replaced, that show that interesting about this project was die down and it was finally terminated in 1969. Technology what was made for XB-70 were used later in supersonic “Concorde” passenger plane. The part what was used was probably the geometrical solutions for wing and engine boxes.
(Picture 2)

The thing what makes “Valkyrie” so interesting, is that this plane was very large. And it has twin tail, what makes it quite suitable for high-speed mothership missions where is tested new kind of ramjet and rocket plane technology. The twin tail lets the high-temperature exhaust gas pass the tail without damaging the tail structure.  In those tests what are culminated in the X-43 test, where the mothership missions were used B-52 "Stratofortress", what launched that drone with “Pegasus” rocket.

Ultra-fast drones have one purpose, to create the flexible and small size space system, what can react very fast. In those systems, the aircraft would accelerate its speed in the atmosphere, and then it would make the hypersonic climb to space. Those shuttles are planned to operate in many missions like scientific when they would get air samples and meter the magnetic fields and lower Van Allen belt. But they are also developed for ASAT (Anti satellite) and ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile) missions. Also, they can use as the hypersonic cruise missiles and bombers with ultimate strike capacity.

The problem with miniature shuttles is that their payload is quite small. In this case, “Valkyrie” takes the miniature shuttle in the back and then the cargo-satellite would connect with it by using wire, and then the high-speed drone would accelerate it’s speed and begins the “ballistic jump”. During this jump, the drone would tow the satellite wire, what is used as a sling, when the drone turns back to Earth. “Valkyrie” offers bigger high-speed mothership capacity than other high-speed aircraft. Of course, normally air-launched rockets can be used in those missions, where extremely small satellites are launched by using airplanes. The bigger size of “Valkyrie” allows also use large test devices, what might be secret.


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Picture 2:

Strange clouds in the sky

Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Sometimes clouds seem like airplanes, and today I was walking around my home. There were strange clouds, and especially one of those clouds would let the imagination run. This particular cloud seems like X-47B drone, and it is very strange shape for the natural cloud. I sometimes have put the pictures of those clouds on my blog, so I will put also the photo of this cloud on this blog, and it might also be natural. At the beginning of this text, I would tell that also drones are equipped with systems, what would cause clouds to the skies, and those drones can use liquid gas for making those clouds. In this technology, the drones would equip with systems, what causes clouds, and after that those drones can draw those clouds to the skies.

(Picture III)
So in the two upper pictures (Picture 1, II) is the cloud and picture, what is below is a picture of X-47B (Picture III and IV) for compilation. When I will look those pictures, I must wonder, how this kind of cloud can create? Is the reason for that strange cloud formation some system in X-47B? This speculative system might be some kind of electromagnetic weapon or counter weapon, what will send the micro- or radio wave from the surface of X-47B.
(Picture III)

The purpose of that weapon could burn the electronics of incoming missiles. Or the system makes the radiological “bubble” around this aircraft. This bubble causes the phenomenon, where radio waves would travel around this aircraft. And the bubble leads the radio waves that they would not spring back to the radar.
(Picture IV)

The radio waves would continue to travel right ahead, and this would cause next generation STEALTH. The active STEALTH systems would make any object invincible for radars, and this might be the purpose of those top secret projects. There might be sensors in the plane that it would launch the EMP wave until the missiles are coming to the aircraft. This weapon or protective shield would cause the situation, that to the skies would formatting the cloud, what looks like X-47B. But maybe this cloud would be coincidence, who knows.

Picture III

Picture IV

Writing about haunted cars

GAZ Volga
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many stories about haunted cars, what are told to travel around the road alone. And those vehicles would cause accidents and even deaths. Here I must say that many of those stories are from the Eastern Europe, and there might be something true behind those stories. The thing what causes the stories of ”haunted cars” like ”Black Volga” or ”Ghost Tschaika” were born, because those vehicles were reserved for the official use of the secret police and the leaders of the state. When we are thinking about the situation, that some traffic police would stop the personal car of Joseph Stalin,  that would mean death for that police officer.

And the same reason there is a story of ”Ghost Cadillac” in Finland. Here I must say, that this particular story doesn't involve mysterious deaths or anything like that. It tells the story of Black Cadillac, what has caused the traumatic situation for some policemen. And here I remember that the President of Finland has Black Cadillac in official use for the duty. Those haunted cars are of course interesting stories for investigators. Many times there would be stories about empty cars, what is traveling on the highway without the driver. And the explanation for those vehicles might be more natural than supernatural.

Those cars might be radio-controlled units, what are used for security duties in those convoys. The radio-controlled robot cars might also use in undercover operations for locating the chemical or radioactive fallout. Those robot cars might use also for Pathfinders in convoys. The mission for those cars is searching the mines from the road. Radio controlled cars can also use in kidnapping operations, and those cars might have nitrous oxide bottles inside, that the person, who sits in the car would be calm.

And of course, the killing version of those cars might be that the exhaust gas would lead to the cabin. This might cause the feeling, that somebody is smothering in that car's cabin. But also the bad condition of the car might happen similar situation. The result for getting too much exhaust gas would be similar, are they conducted to the cabin by accidentally or on purpose. That's why old cars mus repaired carefully because they might be in very bad condition.


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Friday, March 30, 2018

The thoughts about M.Night Shyamalan film “Sixth sense” (1999)

Poster of the movie
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are not many so good movies about PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and flashbacks than the "Sixth Sense". When we are thinking about the classic so-called “softcore-horror” or supernatural movies, we cannot miss one particular masterpiece. And that is the fictional film, where Bruce Willis makes the very good role in one psychiatrist, who will be murdered. In the film is very strong feeling, that something would not be right, and the mean of that film is rise thoughts on the person’s head. Those thoughts are “how those very dramatic things could be found?”.

One of the thoughts what I must ask during all the film is, “How the shooter knew that this particular man was a psychiatrist, who kept the receipts in his home?”. This movie is so-called “different horror movie”, where is not so dramatic effects than usually. But the movie is very good work and it will act after years.

And I sometimes think that did Shyamalan meant that the wife of that psychiatrist was killed her husband for revenge? Did she married man, who made the error in his job and caused the death of the woman’s first husband? Or at sometimes I have thought that is this psychiatrist meant as the example of the serial killer?

Does the fictional character, what was played by Bruce Willis actually so many errors, that this character cannot only make them on purpose. In the scene, where this man takes the boy to the hospital, he should use the psychiatric unit in that therapy. And here we must understand, that if the psychiatrist would write the receipts in the home, could many things go wrong. And in that movie, the psychiatrist works too close to his patient.

When we are thinking about the “sixth sense”, we must say that the cause of the phenomenon would be very easy to explain. The person who sees or knows something like before somebody has spoken about it might be in the similar situation before. And that’s why the memories would come to the mind so powerful, that they would feel the real thing. In the case of an accident, the very young child would store the situation in the mind.

And after the years would those memories raise in the mind. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can cause amnesia and then the powerful feedback in the mind. And this disease is very common in military men, but also other strong situations like accidents can cause this syndrome. The cause of PTSD is the normally strong stressful situation, what store in the memory of the people.

And the flashbacks are causing, that person would go in the similar situation what caused the PTSD. And then the physical images like the smell and visible objects causes that memories would come to the knowledge. The only needed thing is that the person sees the similar picture, what caused the PTSD. And that will cause the flashback and helps the person return the memory in the knowledge.


Picture 1:

About Eastern day and one punishment over 2000 years ago

(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Today is a Good Friday and we all remember the judgment, what was given to one man in Palestine or Judea, how Romans called that place. Nowadays we know, that the judgment for crucifixion was wrong, an innocent man was dead by the most horrific way, what Romans ever knew. And today we ask one question: why Romans choose that way to execute the man, who was very kind to other people? Why they made service for the people, who wanted to kill that man, who would become known as Jesus Christ?

What was the action that Rabbi made, get that punishment? In the Roman way to act against the persons, who were harmful to them, was not so open, that every people in the world should see those political executions. The Roman way was that those persons who were harmful to it or emperor, just poisoned that they would not tell anything to other people. The killing orders for ordinary people were given the way, that they would not track to the emperor himself. Emperor was above all people, and he was sitting outside everything. If the killing orders were given to some person, the way that can be tracked to emperor's palace, the emperor of the Roman empire would get in danger.

The normal method of crucifixion was used the poisoned whips, and if the used poison was cobra's poison, the whipped person would die immediately. And if the person would send to crucifixion place, the poisoned nails would keep this poor person silent. When we are talking about Apostles and other investigators, they would try to follow the line of the order.

They wanted to know the reason, why the innocent man went to Golgata in that way? Was something, what Jesus made seemed like political radicalism? The crucifixion was meant for royal punishments, and somebody has given little controversial theory, that Jesus took the other person place on the cross in that very long day. We all know that this is the only theory, what is against the official theology of the Church.

So this is only the written thoughts about one of the most well-known mysteries on Earth. What was the thing, what caused that reaction? Has Jesus protected some other person in the very first Eastern in history? When we are talking about the personality of Jesus, we must notice that this man was Rabbi. He was the member of the Theological elite of Judea, and if somebody dares to touch that man, were the punishment death. That was the way in that country. So why people dare to yell at him? Jesus was the holy man, good speaker, and well known Rabbi, and that means the curse for the people, who harmed him.

In some days I have thought that maybe Jesus felt guilty about the things what happened in Jerusalem during his birth. Here I write about the happenings, that all children of that city were slaughtered by Roman legions. Why was Jesus only child who left alive in that town? And why Romans were not looking for him?

When that brutal and horrifying action was done the Romans thought that they were eliminated all family of King David. And in this way to see, the survival of that child might cause the thinkings of quilty in his mind. Here I must say that I know one way to escape from that city. This way makes me feel sad, but maybe Jesus had the twin brother, who was given to Romans. And if this thought were true, the feeling of that man's head and heart might be something else than good. Maybe that caused hate in his mind.

And when we are thinking about the theory of Antichrist, the brother of Jesus, we might think that maybe Romans were saved some of those children. Maybe they found evidence that some of the children had twin brother or sister. And then they would transfer that brother to Rome. And maybe they told to that boy, what his parents have done. This would cause hate in his mind. But as I have written before, this is only thoughts of the Eastern day and the things, what were culminated the point, where innocent man crucified in Palestine.

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What if “Roswell UFO” was a “Nazi-Bell” (Die Glocke)?

Why this Newspaper claims that RAAF (Royal
Australian Air Force) captured UFO near Roswell?
Why they didn't use world USAF what means
United States Air Force?
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above this text is an interesting article, where is claimed that the “Roswell UFO”, was “Nazi Bell”, the magnetic propulsion system, what was developed by Nazi-Scientists at the end of the World War II. There is also claims that “The Bell” was actually American program, what was used as an excuse, for hiring German scientists to develop new kind of weapons for the United States. When we are looking at the film of that machine, we must say, that “The Bell” is actually a motor, what can be installed in the normal rocket.

If this kind of motor is used in the rocket, the needed electricity can get from turbopump, what is used to transfer oxidizer and propellant to the combustion chamber. “The Bell” is actually series of magnet rings, what are rotating opposite direction. When the high voltage would conduct to those magnets, they will start to blow the gas below the rocket. The high voltage can create by turbopumps, what is connected to the generator.

But when we are thinking about the case of Roswell, and the theory, that dropped aircraft if it existed was “The Bell”, we must as another question: was this “UFO” created and built by Germans or Americans? When we are thinking about the experiments, what Germans made in concentration camps, we must say, that US military needed that information. The genetic and psychological selection of German troops were the thing, we must say, that this kind of information was fascinated also, American Generals.

And maybe those persons got the idea, that they claimed that “The Bell” was made by Nazis, that they could recruit nerve gas specialists from Germany, partially because they didn’t want that that information gets to the Soviet Union. The aircraft projects were sexier than some nerve gas tests in Auschwitz. And aircraft designers were more accepted targets for recruiters than some Genome specialist. But the truth about “Roswell” might stay covered forever. We don’t know who tells the truth about those cases, and maybe there was the prototype of F-86 “Sabre” or some other military airplane, what crashed near this famous city.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

What is the difference between Fixed mindset and Growth mindset?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

30 years ago Dr. Carol Dweck and her students thought about the attitude of failure. And during this workshop, they created two kinds of mindsets, what will tell what is the attitude of failure. They created two ways or routes to handle situations, that some work or mission would be some kind failure. Those routes were fixed and growth mindset, what might first look like the same thing, but they are the totally different way to think.

The fixed mindset is the way to think that every affection of the people is stable. When somebody is intelligent, this would continue end of this person’s life. Those persons who have fixed mindset think that when they are graduated from some university or another educational school, they would be like some statues or lighthouses in the sea.

They think that they are only ones, who have those skills, and all the world stands on their shoulder. The problem of that attitude is that those persons think, that everybody is like they are. The skills what they are learned are stable. And this is the wrong way to think. If we are thinking about the skills like programming languages, people might forget them, if they do something else in their career. They would not need to learn anything new, and those people think, that they would not change or they cannot modify their skills or affections.

So for those persons, the attitude of failure is absolutely negative. And that would be stressful for some people. If the people who have fixed mindset has the attitude, that if the person fails, the new one would get to the place immediately. And the person who made the failure must not let to fix their errors. This is, of course, the extreme example of that attitude. At the beginning of next parts of the text, I must say that the grown mindset is not always positive, and if the person is thin, while being young, and stops physical education, would the results be something, what this person doesn’t want.

Grown mindset means that the persons think that failure is meant for growing person. In this way to think the most important thing is that people believe that every affection in the personality can modify by the personal self. If the leading way to think in the person’s head is that if the person fails something, can this person get the needed skills from somewhere, and for that kind of person failures make them stronger.

And here I mean stronger by any means. If the person would kick off the job because this person would not have skills in the job, would the person who has grown mindset ask for courses, where can get needed skills. The term grown mindset would mean also, that the person would be little bit fat, what makes the social problem, but the person would modify the personal body and then get social acceptance. In this case, the person would modify the affection, that he or she would not like.

In the grown mindset would the person realize that everything in the life is the big picture. The good skills are not stable. And the person must update the skills of anything. But if the healthiness of the person is bad, the work would change as hell by other reasons. Even the best programming skills would not make the person productive if that programmer has cardiac problems. Or if the person is unhappy, the work doesn’t advance. The happiness in home and workplace are the best combination, what the employer can imagine. But if the person afraid to go to work, would that cause, that all projects would fail. Also, the pressure at home causes problems in everywhere. Happiness increases productivity.

About this “most clear and shocking video footage of a UFO, you will ever see” and UFO-hoax

(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a video, what is claimed hoax. And now I’m going to write about “UFO-hoaxes”. The thing about those “hoax-videos” is that sometimes the persons, who are photographed or recorded the video, didn’t actually notice, that they are taking pictures of hoax-target. Sometimes those “hoaxes” are made of purpose, that the people’s eyes would turn off from some really interesting target like B-2 bomber. In those hoaxes are used many different kinds of things like 3D-holograms, what are made by CAD-program and then projected to the sky by using hologram projectors.

Sometimes there were used RPV:s, what is looking like saucers. Those RPV-helicopters are equipped with lights what mission is to point the people eye on them. And also make those targets visible to other air vehicles. They also have loudspeakers, what keeps screaming noise, and this planes mission is to work as an eyeball. Those imaginational RPV:s are made under “Project Garnet”, what mission was to create “hoax-information” to cover top-secret Air Force projects.

The behavior of those “UFO:s” tells that they are robots or radio controlled. When the manned vehicle would rise upwards, the result would be that the persons inside those vehicles would drop to hump. Some of them are too small, what even one man cannot be inside them.  There are also so-called “real UFO:s”. Those flying vehicles are very unusual looking aircraft and helicopters. In early 1980’s the F-117 “NightHawk” STEALTH-fighter were reported as UFO when those top-secret aircraft flew over Belgium. And those observations caused, that USAF introduced that aircraft to the whole world. Also, some special purpose helicopters like STEALTH-BlackHawk are caused the “UFO-alerts”.

But there is real “flying saucers” in airborne. Some of those flying saucers are new generation skyships, what are used in forest working areas. Also, those things are interested in special rescue units of the USAF and Russia, because those STEALTH airships are noiseless and they can fly fast. The mission of those vehicles would get the wrecks of dropped recon planes from hostile territory. And maybe sometimes those airships are flying in airspace during exercises, where those things are testing for simulated missions. But who knows how many spy planes have been wrecked during the top-secret missions to hostile airspace.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The risks of ultra-clean nuclear weapons

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a mushroom-shaped cloud, what has been formed by the warm gas bubble, what has been raised from the water. The formation process of this cloud is similar to nuclear explosions. But temperature is lower. Normally nuclear explosives would be noticed by increasing level of radiation. And that would uncover the atmospheric nuclear tests. The nuclear test is prohibited in the atmosphere, undersea an Earth orbiter.

The latest fusion weapons are problematic because they would not leave radioactive fallout behind them. Ignition process of those fusion devices would happen by heating lithium pieces by using high-power laser rays. The laser would raise the temperature high enough for starting fusion reaction in the piece of lithium. Those weapons are so clean, that they would not uncover by the radioactive fallout. The ignition of that system would happen by using carbon monoxide laser, what would power by acetylene light. Those systems are extremely powerful.

Ultra clean nuclear weapons can be launched by internal or external lasers. The laser can be installed on separate aircraft, what would also drop lithium canisters. Those canisters would be equipped with targeting device, and the highly powerful chemical laser can be targeted to those pieces. Same lasers can also use for anti-satellite missions.

Also, the powerful SDI-lasers could use for that purpose. The external lasers can be done easier, because the size of the bomb would not be limit. In some scenario, the lithium canisters would be dropped from satellites, and then they would be heated by using ground-based lasers, what would target to those canisters by using mirror satellites, and those weapons can be very deadly. The used lasers might be free-electron type particle accelerators what can be kilometers long.

The problem with lithium canisters is that they would not seem in radioactive sensors. So they can be installed in the boat, any kind of aircraft and missile. Those weapons are very frightened because they would be used in the terrorist attack. The only thing what the striker needs is the powerful laser, what would make enough heat for the beginning of fusion.

Interesting theory that maybe we are alone in our galaxy

(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about the theory that maybe we are alone in our galaxy, we must say that maybe we are lucky. Because if there would be other technical civilizations around us,  our faith would be destroyed by the attack of aliens. Here I must say, that if I’m honest, I would win everybody in argumentation when we are talking about SETI-program and alien civilizations. I must choose only the distance, what is so huge, that the radio-impulses from the Earth would not reach that point in our lifetime.

So I can say that maybe there is technical civilization in the distance of thousand light years. And that means the signal from Earth and that point would travel thousand years in one way. If the alien would answer immediately, the signal would travel 2000 years before we would get the answer. This means that none of us would live so long, that the signal would influence our life. That is the problem with searching the extraterrestrial intelligence. Our communication is connected with the speed of light, and that means that the message to Alpha Centauri would travel four years in one direction.

And if we would send the probe to that solar system, would the message alone travel eight years. Of course, the trip to that system would take very long time, and the spacecraft would need extreme independent artificial intelligence to accomplish the mission, what should take thousands of years. And this is Alpha Centauri mission, not any trip to some system like Gliese-581, what is 20 light years from Earth. In here I will write the hypothetical civilization what locates in this solar system.  And then the message would travel 20 years to that solar system, and then aliens must first realize, that there would be the message in their radio telescopes and other systems.

Then they must break the message, and what do you think, do they give the answer? If human race would get the message from outer space, I think that I would take tens of years before we could break the code of that message. And then it would take a long time before we would answer to that message, and first, we must collect the information about those hypothetical aliens. We must know if they are hostile or friendly, and it would take a long time. And we have not contacted with aliens, who live in Gliese system. Or maybe NSA hides that material. Who knows the truth. But we are living in the lonely solar system outside the main milky way formation.

That would save us from the interplanetary conflict. When we are talking about SETI-program, we might get contact to another civilization in tomorrow or maybe it would take 1000 years. And the problem is that we don’t even know, where we must look for that alien.

Maybe in someday, we can create an electromagnetic black hole for communicating with probes, what are send in the orbital of other stars. That wormhole would be smaller than the atom, but using this technology in communication, we must know where to send the signal. The probe is little bit different thing than other civilization because we would know where that thing is, and if we will talk about other civilizations, we would not know where they are.

And there are many stars even in our Galaxy. So if we would want to send the targeted message to all of them, would that take very long time, and in this case, we might say only “Hi we are Human race and living on Earth”. This message would not be very long, but there are 250 billion stars in our Galaxy. And sending the message to all of them would take time. There are 31 556 926 (Google straight answer) seconds in one year. So sending the message to 250 billion stars would take extremely long time. And we would not know any other intelligent civilizations than the human race.

Sources: ( But Google gives straight answer with how many seconds in a year)

Picture 1

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Paisley Abbey and it’s strange creatures

Paisley Abbey
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In Scotland is a church named Paisley Abbey (Picture I). This medieval church or cathedral is known for demonic creatures, what are very rare and some of them have given Ridley Scott the idea of the alien, what lurks in the ventilation system of starship “Nostromo”. There is a couple of pictures from the internet, where is very strange creatures, and at the second picture ( Picture II) is a creature, what seems like the lizard with scuba diving equipment. I mean that the creature might have the tube of breathing system on the column.

What we can think about this creature. Somebody claims that this is a picture of the alien, who came from outer space, but if we think carefully, we can also infer that this might be the picture of ancient scuba diving system. When we are talking about modern scuba diving equipment, where is a ventilation system, it is invented by Jacques Cousteau during WW2, but there were used pressure bottles before the string ventilation have been connected to that system. Elder systems have used the tube, where the diver closed the flow of the air by using tongue and then pulled the dioxide from the nose. And in elder times were used the skin of Catfish or Shark as the diving suit. And even in ancient Greece were used the animal vesicles to increase the time of diving.

(Picture II)
So this statue might be portraying some medieval scuba diver. Another statue (Picture III) portraying fearful human, who lurks in some kind of tube. I don’t know what to say about this creature, and I must use my imagination. In my darkest imaginations, I have thought that maybe something was put in that poor person, and this person waits that some creature comes out. But maybe it is only the creature of fearing person, who sleeps in the sleeping bag, outside this chapel. Sometimes when I took those pictures, I think about the horrifying genetic experiments and witchcraft, what might be done behind those walls. In that time the witchcraft was quite common with the priests and noblemen.

(Picture III)
And maybe that creature is made to warn the people, who took the part of those actions, that they would ever say anything about those actions or rituals. Maybe the priests of this cathedral were cooked poison or made other prohibited things. In medieval time the priests were above the law. Also, the Christianity was not similar than today. People were burned on the pyre because they kept Holy Bible below hippie. But at the same time noblemen were outside the control, and they pursued witchcraft like poison cooking and foretelling. The last one was prohibited, because if some nobleman said, that some person would die, would that be the killing order for his mercenaries.


Picture I

Picture II

Picture III

The space trains would transfer the man to the Mars in two days if they would work

(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above this text is the link for the article, what is written about space trains. The space trains are the fictional spacecraft, what may someday travel in our solar system, and they would not ever stop to the planets orbiter. The needed power of the trip, what would take mankind to Mars in two days those spaceships would get from gravity sling for accelerating their speed. In this scenario, the spaceship would send to the solar system by using conventional rockets. And when it would obtain planets like Mars, then the planet’s gravity would increase the speed of that spacecraft.

When the spacecraft would turn to the Sun, the gravity field of the Sun would be used to increase the speed, and then the trajectory would target to the Jupiter and Saturn. The good thing of that vehicle is that it would use only the gravity field of the planets to increase the speed, and first, the speed might be quite slow, but after a couple of years, this spacecraft would be used to transfer the people and equipment across the Solar system. In the scenario, the space train would accelerate without people couple of years in the interplanetary space. When the speed would be high enough the people would move in that capsule, what might offer the space, where are houses and artificial gravity. This would be done by using centrifugal force to make artificial gravity field.

The idea of this spacecraft would be that the cargo would pack to the modules, what would be delivered to the Solar system. And when something wanted to send back to Earth, the module would fly to the spacecraft, and then it would dock to that spacecraft. If this kind of space trains would sometimes be possible it can be used to conquer all solar system. This kind of things is very simple solutions because there is no need for nuclear rockets. And the need for propellant is quite small, the rockets are needed only for changing course of that spacecraft.The electricity for those life support systems is of course made by using nuclear reactors. Also series of RTG:s (Radio Thermal Generator) can be used in smaller scale vehicles.


Picture 1:

About the response of Russian government. (Why the mystery poisonings happen in the United Kingdom?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There will be back reaction for the deportation of Russian diplomats, and the reaction would be similar, what is made for Russians. They would deportation some diplomats, and this is the similar action, what happened in the time of Cold War. The talking with Russia must keep going because nobody wants new Cold War. When we are talking about the use of chemical weapons in Europe after the World War II, we must say that poisons are used a couple of times in covert operations inside Europe.

The most well-known incident of the use of poisons in covert operations, was the ricin poisoning of Georgi Markov in London at 1978, when the ricin was shot in the body of the victim by using the special gun, what was masked as the umbrella. The second time was the polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, and the third one was this nerve-agent poisoning, what is targeted to Russian ex-spy. The thing, what is remarkable in those three cases were, that they all happened in Great Britain.

There is also one mystery in those poisoning cases. They have used so unusual method or chemical, that the victim must be found in Russian intelligence. The poison birdshot, what was used in Markov case was made by Iridium, and another thing about this case was that making holes to that birdshot must be very difficult. Two other poison cases, what are mentioned in this text, are made very unusual chemicals. The use of those poisons like Polonium and Novichok is used because the persons, who made those murders maybe wants to show that they have relationships and official support.

But why those mystery poisoning cases happened in Great Britain. And why the chosen method was so unusual? Why the killer didn't choose something more common poison like cyanide or why the maker of those homicides didn’t choose some other method of sniping? The use of those chemicals like Novichok would target those crimes straight to Russians. And why those persons were targeted to those strikes? There are many more ex-KGB spies in the world, and why those two last men were targeted? In the World is only one platform, what produces Novichok, and that is found in Russia. Why was this chemical chosen? Or can this deadly agent produce somewhere else in the small dose, what is enough only for that operation? Here I mean the laboratory conditions, where chemists may make small ambition of Novichok for scientific purposes like testing the protective systems, and then that chemical would deliver to the target

And there were many writers, who told about GULAG and situation in the Eastern block than Markov. So why this Bulgarian writer was chosen to murder? Why were the persons like Alexander Solzhenitsyn or Andrei Sakharov not murdered by KGB? The question always is of course, why those murders happen only in Great Britain, and what is the reason, why those particular victims are chosen for those very unusual murders? And why those murders are made in Great  Britain? That’s the good question.


Monday, March 26, 2018

Writing about the deportation of the Russian diplomat and international politics.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The deportation of Russian diplomats from EU is meant for the signal that the nerve-gas attacks and cyber warfare against other nations are not the acceptable way to work in international politics. The reason for deportation is that its mission is to give pressure against Russian leaders, that they must do something, that this kind of actions doesn’t continue. That is the same thing if the orders for those actions have given by official leaders of Russia, and that is the same thing, are the strikes made by official Russian intelligence.

Russia is a state with powerful nuclear weapons, and that’s why the international community is very tolerated with it. Same way the United States is dealt in United Nations, and this is the reason, why many other nations have got their own nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons would grow the respect for the state and its citizens, and this would please many leaders in the world. Nuclear weapons would increase the tolerance for any nations, and that’s the reason for nuclear programs around the world.

The purpose of the deportation is that the leaders of Russian government would resign from those actions, and also start to find guilty persons from Russia.  Also, the purpose of those deportations is that Russian government would start to cooperate with western authorities, by using little bit different methodology, then asking permission to search the western intelligence offices databases. The cooperation means that the actions, what are made in those operations are benefiting both parts of those parts of cooperation.

When we are talking about the trolls, what are made in the name of Russian authorities, we must notice that they are targeted to the leaders of the nation like members of the parliament. The purpose of those propaganda-actions is to claim, that in Russia the leaders would not need to tolerate any worlds, what are targeted against them. And of course, the real leaders should not tolerate any uncovering of their tax evasions. Real leaders would silent those things by making censorship laws, what allows them to do anything, what they want.

And of course strong leaders use police and military forces to scatter the opposition and all protests should be terminated. There is only one aspect in this kind of actions. It would please the persons, who believe the power of weapons. For some of those persons, the threat of Russia is the reason for giving the demonstration of their militaristic power. Those movements want to hide behind back of Russian government. Some of them are only criminal organizations, what claims that they would get support from Kreml.

When we are talking about those gangs, who would demonstrate their power by portraying with weapons in the cover of magazines, we must say that those movements want the censorship-laws, because they would not want to show their faces in public. So the best way to create those laws claims, that those organizations would get support from Russia. And here we must say that the Russian government has the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world. And that’s why the Russian government is the very good tool for domestic politics in many nations. Asking censorship laws for keeping the relationship good between Russia sounds better than asking them for hiding the tax evasions.

And this is one of the reasons for demonizing of Russia. Every time, when something is happening, the Russian intelligence would kill somebody. This is the very good argument when normal people wanted to keep their mouth shut for some business, what would not be tolerated in normal life. If some businessman would catch from tax evasions, might this person claim, to working with Russian businessmen, who are of course agents of FSB. All of those things were of course done under the protection of FSB when this kind of businessman would catch by police. This would frighten the reporters and prosecutors, who would not raise charges or uncover those actions.


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The story of 50 megatons nuclear bomb

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

In 1961 The Soviet Union exploded the most powerful nuclear weapon ever. Its code name was “Tsar” (RDS 220) and the power of that weapon was 50-60 megaton. The explosion happened at Novaja-Zemlja and the power of that detonation was the size of all explosives what was used in the Second World war multiplied by ten. The unit was massive FFF-(Fission Fusion-Fission) bomb, what structure was like the onion, with layers of lithium and natural uranium. Nowadays the scientists think that the reason to build and detonate this monstrous weapon was that the Soviet Air Force didn’t expect that their bombers and missiles were getting close enough to their targets, and that’s why they build the most powerful nuclear detonator ever built. In that time nuclear weapons were more powerful than today because the guidance systems of missiles and bombers were not enough advanced.

That was the reason, why those weapons needed to be very powerful. Also, detonation systems were not allowed to synchronize the group explosions, where multiple warheads could detonate at the precisely same time. The 50 megaton nuclear explosive would seem like dramatic, but the problem of those very powerful weapons is, that they would destroy all Europe by the single shot. In this scenario, both side troops would also be destroyed, if that kind of monstrous weapon would be detonated. The problems with building the nuclear weapons are that their destructive area must be known very good, that they would have any tactical use.

Then we are talking about the weapons, what have the size of “Tsar-bomb” there is very small change, that there would create the black hole in the atmosphere. In this scenario in the bomb would leave the symmetrical dust bite, and then the explosives would press enough energy to the small bite, that it would turn to singularity or black hole. “Tsar-bomb” is the base of “Status-6” nuclear torpedo. This weapon would create the huge tsunami if it would be detonated at sea, and both beaches would cause very much damages. If the Tsar-bomb would detonate at Helsinki, the Saint Petersburg would destroy at the same time. But when we are talking about the development of nuclear weapons, there is one thing what the developer must know. It is the purpose of developing that weapon.

There are two types of nuclear warheads. Another is very powerful strategic weapons, what mission is to give threat to other nations. The other type of weapons is smaller tactical devices, what are meant to destroy enemy troops. In that mission, the user of the nuclear weapon must know the destruction radius exactly. If this radius is not well known, the nuclear weapon would cause the destruction of both sides of the troops. Radioactive fallout makes the area dangerous for people, and the massive cleaning operations must be done. The super powerful weapons are so-called mutual associated nukes. Their mission would be last change. if the war has begun.


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The “chemtrails” and the secrets about them

Kimmo Huosionmaa

“Chemtrails” are the mythical element of aviation. Somebody claims, that those strange cloud formations are made on purpose, by delivering the aerosols like CFC-molecules in the atmosphere for causing the warming of our planet. There are many myths around those objects, and some other persons claim, that the strange wire shaped clouds are formatting because some airplanes would deliver tiny RFID (Radio Frequency ID)-sensors to the atmosphere.

Those tiny sensors are like dust, and if some person would breed those sensors, would he be tracked by same sensors, what are used in shopping centers. This technology helps to track the people, who are in war area without permission. The newest RFID-sensors use nanotechnology, and they are made as small as possible. Those sensors would get the needed electricity by radar, and they can put anywhere. The newest technology allows using those RFID-sensors to mark some fuels of the aircraft.

If those fuels are delivered to the states, what is prohibited area, those would sensors tell that to radars and radar-satellites. RFID-sensors would start to send code-transmission and the code is similar what is used in the books of the library. This code does not need very much memory, and it would be compiled with databases, where is the list of chemical combinations, what are not allowed to transport in some areas. This might be the very interesting thing for some conspiracy theorists.

Also, those chemtrails might cause the barium, what is used to observe the airflows of the upper atmosphere. The barium would launch to the atmosphere by the rocket, and that would allow seeing the direction of airflow. There are the rumors that some chemtrails would cause by testing the radiological weapons. Those weapons are working like normal radars, but when the targeted aircraft would be in sight, there would be pointed another radio wave. This radio wave has same frequency than another radio, and it would cause the electric arc in the upper atmosphere. This kind of weapons is tested in the USA and Russia. And their mission would defend the state against hypersonic missiles.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

“Me too” kampanjasta sekä häirinnästä työpaikoilla

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Kun puhutaan seksuaalisesta ahdistelusta, niin on tietenkin hyvä että tällaiset asiat on otettu esille mediassa. Taiteilijalla on tietenkin oma vapautensa tehdä asioita, mutta jos se sitten aiheuttaa sellaisen tilanteen, että esimerkiksi elokuvan kuvauksiin tai muihin työpaikkoihin on vaikea mennä, niin silloin tietenkin asiaan pitää puuttua. Se mitä tässä ymmärretään taiteellisuuden rajoina on tietenkin jokaisesta ihmisestä itsestään kiinni.

Jos tilanne kuitenkin muuttuu sellaiseksi, että joku ryhtyy työpaikallaan itkemään, niin silloin asiaan pitää varmasti puuttua. Elokuvaohjaaja on tietenkin ihminen, joka on esimiehenä alaisilleen, ja jonka käskyjä pitää noudattaa ainakin tiettyyn rajaan saakka. Mutta esimerkiksi elokuva-alalla on sitten sellainen asia, että olisi hyvä tietää mikä se raja on, missä sitten esimerkiksi voidaan ohjaajasta tehdä ilmoitus.

Kun keskustellaan työpaikoista yleensä, niin on olemassa sellainen näkemys, että lähiesimiestä pitää kunnioittaa, mutta kuitenkin aina välillä tulee eteen tilanteita, missä esimies toimii vastoin hyviä tapoja. Ja kun keskustellaan esimiesaseman käytöstä, niin silloin tällöin voidaan kuitenkin kysäistä, että onko maassamme sellainen tilanne, että esimiehistä tai työtovereista ei saa tehdä mitään ilmoituksia? Jos ihminen tekee esimiehestään ilmoituksen, niin häntä pidetään ikään kuin lapsellisena. On sellainen koulukunta, jonka mielestä esimiestä pitää aina uskoa ja totella, vaikka tämä kuinka kohtelee alaisiaan huonosti.

Ja varsinkin sellaisissa tilanteissa, missä henkilö on epätyypillisissä työsuhteissa, on yleensä ollut tapana se, että työläinen jätetään vähän yksin työpaikalleen. Tietenkin nyt kun näitä yleensä kansan kunnioittamia esimiehiä on alettu katsella muidenkin kuin ruusunpunaisten lasien läpi, niin silloin varmasti on tullut mieleen kieltää sosiaalinen media, joka ei pysy kurissa, vaikka kuinka sitä yritetään vaientaa. Eli varsinkin Facebookissa leviää mitä uskomattomimpia tarinoita siitä, kuinka esimiehet sekä työtoverit ovat toimineet työpaikoilla.

Eikä tietenkään ole soveliasta, että esimerkiksi esimiehen käytöstä kommentoidaan jossain sellaisessa palvelussa, mistä ei filmejä saada pois. Ja sitten varmasti tällainen kommentointi pitää kitkeä ihmisten mielestä. Eihän siitä mitään tule, jos kaiken maailman “reppumiehet” siellä kertovat siitä, kuinka heitä on kohdeltu kaiken maailman siivousalan yhtiöissä. Eikä sitten tietenkään ole myöskään mukava katsoa tilannetta, missä esimies seisoo vieressä, kun muut alaiset simputtavat yhtä henkilöä työpaikalla.

Kun tätä Louhimiehen kohua peilataan tällaisia tapahtumia vasten, niin silloin varmaan mieleen muistuu sellainen asia, että ennen tämä tapaus olisi varmaan sivuutettu ilman sen suurempaa kohua. Ja asioista ilmoituksen tehnyt näyttelijä olisi sitten leimattu lapselliseksi, sekä vastahakoisesti käskyjä noudattavaksi työläiseksi. Eikä sitten tietenkään olisi mitenkään mahdollista, että ihminen jatkaisi näyttelijänä tällaisen tapauksen jälkeen. Ja aina välillä tällainen tapaus olisi käsitelty niin, että jos alainen olisi ollut hiljaa, niin hän olisi saanut pitää työpaikan. Mutta tässä vaiheessa pitää muistaa sellainen kysymys, että olisiko sitä paikkaa oikeasti tullut? Eli montako kertaa tuollainen simputettu työläinen on sen paikan oikeasti sitten saanut?

Mutta kun tätä tapausta pohditaan esimerkiksi muun median kannalta, niin silloin tietenkin voidaan sanoa, että Facebookissa pitää tämän takia noudattaa nyt erittäin tiukkaa linjaa, koska eihän kukaan halua lukea työpaikalla tapahtuvasta simputuksesta, jonka tekijänä itse sattuu olemaan. Tämän takia tällainen ongelmallinen media täytyy heti sulkea, jotta tällainen kiusallinen media ei täyty ilmoituksilla siitä, kuinka joku suuremmoinen esimies on toista kohdellut vähän huonosti.

The "Skytta" and the principle of boat design

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Above this text is the picture of one small boat, what has attractive color. The type of this boat is "Skytta". This boat is very capable of open sea sailing, but there is one problem with them. The problem is that "Skytta" would "swim" quite deep, and this is the thing, what makes it so nice thing for open sea sailing and yachting.

The roots of this kind of structure are from similar galeases, what Kristoffer Columbus used in his first trip to America. Or one thing has been forgetting, only the flagship "Santa Maria" and the "Pinta" were galeases. The third one "Nina" was faster than other ships of the Columbus fleet. "Nina" used the Arabian rig, where the yard was put below the sail.

Galeases are very deep sailing ships, that are also very short. In the time of Columbus, the half of those ships might be under the sea, and that was made those ships very stable. That's why they were very popular in the explorations. Today this kind of "Skytta" follows the tradition, what was known in the time of Columbus. The deep driving boat is very stable and qualified solution for the trip to outer sea. And this will be given great marketing this kind of boats, what is the very popular solution for yachting and other free time actions.

Why is the defense against hypersonic cruise missile so difficult?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Hypersonic missile or cruise missile (HCM) is the new type of weapon, what uses technology that allows the weapon glide to the ground with the extremely high speed with gentle incoming trajectory. This would give the very big challenge for the defense, what must react this threat only in a couple of seconds. The launching of those extremely fast weapons may be done by submarines, surface warships or by aircraft. This weapon is the new type of solution for first strike missions.

Hypersonic cruise missiles are developed in many nations. The limitations of this kind of weapon are very difficult because they don't need warheads. And the kinetic energy what is boosted with microwaves is the devastating combination for aircraft carriers. The microwave-transmitter can installed to the nose of those missiles, and it can be got the necessary electric power from windmill turbogenerators.

The extremely high speed would give very powerful microwaves. The microwaves would be devastating for the target, and if they are not enough, would the kinetic energy terminate the structure, when the missile hits the target with speed above Mach 8. And those hypersonic cruise missiles can accelerate up to speed Mach 12.  The kinetic energy would be very devastating at that speed. But the problem is, that those missiles can mask as the new superfast airplane-testbeds.

One of the greatest problems with hypersonic missiles is that they use so-called low observable technology. That means that the head of that missile is invincible for radars because the shape of the hypersonic body would be similar with B-2 Stealth-bomber. And the gentle shape what allows to avoid the radar-waves would also allow avoiding the friction of the atmosphere.

The final problem with those weapons is that some of them are equipped with similar ECM-systems, what makes the detecting and targeting the air defense missiles to this hypersonic target extremely difficult. Also, some of those missiles are equipped with microwave generators, what mission will be heat the target and make their armor softer, what gives the missile greater penetration. Another mission of those microwave systems is also terminate the electric systems of the target.

As I have written earlier, those hypersonic cruise missiles can destroy even the aircraft carriers by using kinetic energy. The nuclear warhead makes those weapons even more devastating. The gentle trajectory would allow striking against the doors of underground leading facilities. The weapon can strike against the door of those facilities. And it can detonate just outside the cave, what protects the command center. The only problem is that nuclear warhead must detonate in microseconds.


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The speed of the supercomputer is not alone made ultimate computing.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Problem with the quantum computer is not only in building the new kind of microchip. Another problem is to create the program or operating system, what can use all power of the supercomputer. And one solution would be used multi-layer kernel, where the top layer is normal Windows or Linux layer, and that layer communicates with processor thru the lower layer, what is specially designed for those ultimate processors.

The speed of microprocessors is not the only thing, what makes the ultimate computing and ability to make the sharp and powerful simulation. Another important thing is that the programs can communicate and control that electric equipment. In the production of microchips might use nanotechnology, what allows to make the three-atom size of transistors. In those transistors, the foot, collector, and emitter are made of the single atom.

And the super fast computers can also cool to the temperature where it turns to superconducting. It would give it ultimate clock frequency because that superconductor would eliminate the heating of the processor. But then the temperature must be near absolute zero-point or zero Kelvin temperature. Those ultra small and fast components need also new kind of kernels.

This means that if the computer programs and kernel, what makes the layer, where computer microchips are communicating with computer software have no ability to drive computer with full speed, or is not otherwise capable to exploit the full power of those computers, the superfast computers are useless. This is one of the greatest problems with the creating the quantum computer.

There are no programs, what can exploit the capacity of this new kind of supercomputer. One version to solve that problem is to make multilayer kernel, where the top layer is normal Windows or Linux kernel, what would control the lower layer of the kernel. This lower layer of the kernel would be made for communicating with that quantum processor. That would be one solution for that ultra-fast computer.

The ultra-fast computers are needed also in everyday computing because mobile solutions use so-called pre-processed computing, where all calculations happen in the server. This allows making the mobile systems, where are the long-term batteries. The mobile computers like tablets are usually quite weak processors. The calculations must do in somewhere, and those process would happen in the memory of central computers. But the servers must have powerful processors. And this would raise the need to develop the new kind of extreme fast computers, what can be used also for code-breaking.


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The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...