Saturday, June 30, 2018

Denver international airport: forgotten conspiracy theory

Denver International Airport
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Denver international airport seems very impressive, and there are many conspiracy theories about this strange looking building. Source for many of those theories was the man named Will Schneider, who died in 1996. Somebody says that this man was murdered, but officially he committed suicide. In the film below the text is seen the structures, what are used in the European torus fusion reactor (0:48), and some of the paintings seem very rare.

Jet Reactor
Picture II
0:48 at the film 
Picture III

The thing is that building looks very interesting, from outside, and there are similar constructions as the Saudi-Arabian stadium at Riyadh (Picture IV). During the building that stadium the electric arcs, what meant forming between the masts, caused injuries for workers.  When we are looking about the conspiracy theories, one of the most interesting theories is missing from the films. In some theories, those paintings were ordered from persons, who were in the psychiatric hospitals, and the reason for that might cause the hallucinations or panic in some persons. And those panic fits purpose transpired to uncover the Soviet spies. There is one very interesting thing in that airport: Denver International Airport's abbreviation  DIAis the same as the Defence Intelligence Agency DIA has. This is a strange coincidence.

Picture IV

The structure on the building is probably meant for working as the antenna, where would be targeted the powerful radio signals. Those radio signals would cause "hum" in the metal parts of the structure, and then some kind of reaction would happen in the mind of humans. That theory claims, that the airport was created for MKULTRA-project for testing psychological weapons to masses. Or maybe there would be the secret military command center under this airport. The story secret humanoid center would be told people for the cover-up that military base, that the people, who tell stories about that seem nut. This is one of the least well-known theories about mind-control and secrecy.

Picture I

Picture II

Picture III

Picture IV

The writing about cyberweapons

Illustration picture

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Cyberwarfare is complicating thing because it would not replace traditional weapons, but it's in the vital role for supporting the most advanced weapons. If the computer virus would infect the missile fire control or flight control computers, that would make those weapons useless. And the most terrible scene would be that the assembly line of the missiles or smart bombs would be infected with the virus, what would make every weapon unable to accomplish their mission.

If the computer virus would deliver to the computers, what is controlling NORAD, and that destroys the operating system in critical time, would that cause the situation, that USA is at least partially open for airstrikes what are made by using the nuclear weapon. And if many missiles would get bugs in their computers, those missiles cannot be used in their mission.

Advanced computer viruses, what are disturbing communication outposts and satellites are made for increasing the power of the traditional weapons. The cyberweapons can also be used by criminals, who would terminate the databases after, they have made money transfers to their own bank accounts. That's why those criminals must use the logical bomb, and destroy the target accounts from the banks, where the money have been sent. That makes tracking of that money difficult.

Cyberweapons can also shut down the surveillance systems, and that opens the road into the house for some burglars. Those people can steal assault rifles from army warehouse. The computer virus is the cheap weapon, what can be done by using a couple of hundred Euro computers, and because they are immaterial weapons, the criminals can copy masses of them. And the organization, what has lost those weapons would not even notice, that the code has been stolen.

The computer virus weapons can be very devastating if they change the circling speed of the centrifuges, what is enriching the Plutonium. That would cause the nuclear explosion in the laboratory, what is used in the nuclear bomb-making. The NSA has simulated computer virus in "Operation Merlin", where the NSA send the computer virus to Iranian nuclear facilities. Those viruses mission was decalibrated the nuclear facility's computers, that those laboratories were produced too rich Plutonium, what would cause the nuclear fission.

Friday, June 29, 2018

What could be the mysterious "Toilet snake"?

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

We have all heard stories of the snakes, what are found in toilet seats, and we must realize that some of those snakes are extremely poisonous. And the only safe attitude for snakes is, that they are poisonous.  When somebody sees that the snake is coming out from the toilet seat,  this person must be very surprising. And that happens sometimes for ordinary people. There is not enough oxygen for fishes in the sewer system, but sea snakes breath with lugs, and that's the reason, why sometimes in the toilet seat might be gound snake.

And sea snakes are the most poisonous reptilians on the Earth. Of course, there might be some other snakes like dangerous Coral snakes or boas. But if there is a snake in the toilet seat, that might get in there also from another side that from the sewer. Sometimes snakes smell the water, and because the toilet seats are flushed with frésh water, the snakes would smell the drinking place, and then they will get in from windows.

If the lid of the seat is open, snakes could go to the water inside the seat. When we are thinking about nasty creatures, what we can find from the toilet, we must realize that also sea slugs could be mistakenly identified as snakes. Those animals like flatworms are not usually quite big, but some species of those primitive animals can change the form and length of their body.

There are many animals in the seas, what we are not probably ever seen. But that would not mean, that those animals like flatworms cannot rise from the sea to the toilet seat. Some flatworms would not need free oxygen for the living, because they can separate it from sulfur oxides. That means those anaerobic animals can travel in the sewer system and live in there all of it live.

Picture I

The thoughts about dimensions

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The fourth dimension is the little bit difficult to explain to people because we cannot see it. We cannot imagine the fourth dimension, because nobody ever has visited there. When we are thinking about modeling that thing, we cannot make it in here. The reason for that is same as the modeling three dimension pictures in two dimension layer, and that's why every time when we want to make 3D pictures, we need hologram system, or we must make midget model for that object.

We know that the fourth dimension exists, and we can see the shadow of that space. When we are thinking about the shape of the fourth dimension, we might think that there would be intelligent species, what might be similar as we are. But this is only speculation. In some theories, the God is the thing, what lives in the fourth dimension. But this is only speculation. When we are thinking about the species, what lives in the fourth dimension, and think that species is similar as we are, we might face the situation, that the shape of that species is different than we have.

In the worst situation, we might destroy entire our universe, if we would try to open the wormhole to the fourth dimension. If that alien is made of antimatter, the explosion would destroy the even entire galaxy. There are rumors that those aliens have been visited in our universe, but that is only speculation. If those aliens, what are living in the fourth dimension would exist, the communication with them would be extremely difficult. The shape of the fourth dimension is like the room, what is separated from other space. We would see the wall of that room, but we can not get in there.

And some physics believe that the speed of light is the wall. Getting in the fourth dimension we must travel the speed, what would be breaking the speed of light. And the easiest way is to drive spaceship straight into the black hole. Or the spaceship itself would be turned to the black hole by pumping there the massive number of electrons. The mass of that spaceship would be rise high enough, that it slips in the fourth dimension, hat would take centuries by using nowadays technology, and that's why this trip would not be realistic in the near future.

Another way to break this cosmic speed limit is to build the huge spaceship, what travels the 99% speed of light. And then the massive gauss gun, or particle accelerator, what is connected to that spaceship would shoot the module by 50% of the speed of light. That would allow breaking the cosmic speed limit. But this is only speculation, and that kind of trip would be possible in the distant future.

 The last thing, what could be possible even with our own technology is to make small size transmitter by using nanotechnology and then accelerate that thing to the speed of light in the Hadron-type accelerator. Then we could send the message to the fourth dimension. In this case, that miniaturized transmitter, what travels inside the accelerator would act as the relay for those transmissions, what would first send to that probe, and then it would send the message to the fourth dimension.

But this would be extremely dangerous because if something goes wrong and the pea size device would impact the wall of the accelerator in the speed of light, would it cause the huge explosion, and destruction in large areas. And in the worst case entire Earth would be destroyed, if the electricity of control magnets would be cut. But this is only speculation, and in real life, we don't know are those aliens real and are those aliens kind or even interested of us. But this is a good way to spend time.

The writing about Monarch-program

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Franciscus the Assassin is the predicted name of the monk, who slipped in the Hassan Ibn-Al-Sabbah camp and murdered him. The question is that: how this monk could slip into the camp of the assassins? When we are looking that thing closer, we must think that this monk might be captured assassin, whose "Monarch" trigger would be removed by some therapy. If this trigger would be removed, the knights would have the ultimate assassin in their hands. In psychology, the "Monarch trigger" is the term, that means that the person has been taught to react in some action by committing suicide.  The mind control or trigger building is one kind of therapy, where can be used suggestion, hypnosis, and drugs. Those methods are strictly prohibited in psychotherapy, but some suicide cults have used them in their slaving process, what purpose is to make victims to give their all property to the leaders of the cult.

 This trigger was built in the minds of assassins because Hassan Ibn Al-Sabbah wanted that those persons could not uncover the location of his camp. In some rumors that monk was sent on that mission in one purpose. If the crusaders or some other knights would get those assassins in their hand, those organizations would have the ultimate weapon in their hands. The mission of that monk, who sent to the mission from Monte Cassino monastery was to find out, how the trigger would be built, and murder the leader of those assassins or "Hashish". This methodology about the trigger, what was built in the head of soldiers became in the mind at Second World War.

There to the mind of some SS-officials were built the trigger, what caused the suicide if their mission were to fail. At the end of the war the information, that Germany was surrender caused the effect, where some SS-officers committed the suicide. The program, where that training was given, was called MONARCH OMEGA. The project was led by Gestapo, and there was the "road" where the operator bypassed. And in the last stage, what was called the "omega" the person faced the trigger, what launched "self-destructive behavior", that meant that the person, who was targeted to "Monarch Omega" committed suicide.

The idea was, that operators were not able to tell their information to the enemy, and that's why they carried the cyanide capsule in their mouth. This kind of capsule was set inside those operators teeth, and they caused the death of Heinrich Himmler and Odilo Globocnic, the head of mass murders of the jews. Those persons wanted to be told about other war criminals, who worked in that humiliation and genocide project, called Operation Reinhard. The idea of Monarch was to create the person, who would have no moral or ethical problems to follow the orders, what the superiority officers give those persons.

And if those operators failed, they committed the suicide. This is the similar thing, what samurais made if their superiorities ordered. The idea was to make a human-shaped robot, who would always make only the things, what superiorities order. And when that warrior would not neede anymore, that person would die away. There have been rumors, that some intelligence or military organizations are continuing this operation with other names. And one of those operations might be MKULTRA. Also, the suicide terrorists are claimed to have similar training, as the time of crusaders in the 13th century. That would hide the identities of the leaders and recruiters of those organization and the locations of the training camps.

Picture I

The genetic manipulation and space traveling

Kimmo Huosionmaa

If we could someday live in the world, where genetic manipulation is and virus therapy would be real, we might use that technology for space travel, and change our genomes that way, that we could live in the other planets. And maybe we could manipulate our genomes like we could transform to live in the extremely cold planet. In extremely cold spaces could be live the organisms, what metabolism bases Helium 3. That kind of organisms would be extremely slow, but also extremely intelligent. This lifeforms could live at the temperature near absolute zero points, and the nervous system of that organism would be superconducting, what makes those species very intelligent.

But for the making the necessary changes to the genomes, we must get the DNA from that kind of planet. And that would be the problem with that thing. If we would make the modification to our genomes, that would allow us to make some people the extreme-versions of the supercomputers. And if we could do that, we would not have to travel to some clod planet like Pluto for making that kind of computer. We must make extremely cold freezer, where we would put those organisms. The chemical reactions in that temperature are extremely slow and those organisms would die in higher temperatures. That makes them easier to control.

When we are thinking about genome therapy and the combination of the species, we might face the reality, that is introduced in the film Blade Runner. In this movie, synthetic human creatures would land on the Earth and start to make crimes. Those "synthetics" could be hybrids, what are made by connecting genomes of animals like Bear to human genomes. And that would make those hybrids extremely strong. And one thing was forgotten, those hybrids were not the immune defense against bacteria, what lives on Earth, and those bacteria would be terminate those creatures immediately if they arrive.

Also, those synthetic people might have genomes, what causes progeria, what increases the death. This kind of thing would make this kind of technology suitable in the hands of the criminals because if their operators would die in the mission, nobody ever finds out the dirty secrets behind those creatures. In the Blade Runner is the theme, that somebody can make unauthorized synthetic humans for assassination purposes. And even those clones are strong, they would be defenseless against bacteria and the genome-weakness. Those biorobots can be equipped with the faked memories, what makes them feel more human. But their missions would be illegal.

This is one problem with the genetic manipulation. This technology can be used to silence the mercenaries, what genomes would be connected with the progeria-genomes. And when those operators have made their job, they just get old, and who believes that some 90 years old man can be fought in somewhere in Africa let's say two years ago. And synthetic people would not have parents or anyone who misses them. So they could be suitable for high-risk military operations. And because they would not have parents, they might not have social security numbers, and if they live in some kind of camps, nobody ever let know about them. This means those persons would not have existed, and they would be losses, what is not seen in records. That would fascinate the chief of black operations in some countries.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The strange aircraft TR3B and its connection with "Black triangle UFOs" and time machines

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

One of the worlds weirdest stories of aviation is connected with mysterious TR3B "Astra" aircraft, what is mentioned be covered with the screens, what makes the aircraft act like Chameleon. Because opposite side of screens of this aircraft are cameras, what is taking the picture, what makes the aircraft merge with the background, that makes it very hard to separate from the background. The "Astra" could be the better version of TR-3 "Black Manta" aircraft, what could be the so-called conventional version of this aircraft. When we are talking about this aircraft could be noiseless, that could be done by using LRAD-system, what would tight the sound of motors very thin beam. There could be three small turbine motors in the angles of the triangle shaped body, and those motors would make it incredible VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Land) aircraft.

 But when we are thinking the possibility that TR3B would have some kind of particle accelerator in the middle of the aircraft, and that triangle shaped aircraft would also use nuclear power for this system, we must ask one question: how fast would that accelerator accelerate the particles inside it? When we are thinking very wild thoughts, we must find the most interesting question about TR3B. It is: is TR3B actually a time machine. When we are looking at the particle accelerator, what is installed to that body, we might think about the situation, that the accelerator would accelerate the particles in the speed of 50% of the speed of light.

Picture II

That means that the time would be travel 50% slower in this vehicle than it goes outside. It allows to travel very high speed, and the crew would have twice as much time to point the target than if the time goes with normal speed. If we would make the time machine, what would travel to the past, we could make bomber, what cannot be caught from airstrikes. If the bomber would make it bomb run and then return to base, and use the time machine, that would cause that this aircraft would ever be left from the base. And that makes possible to make bomb runs that nobody would even notice that.

In this text is two pictures. The upper one is from and the second one is taken from Espoo, Finland. Here I must ask one very interesting question, could the form of the second picture forming by natural reasons. There is one very good explanation for that form, and that is that this shape aircraft uses some kind of radio- or microwave system, what is installed at the edge of that thing. This system could make the compression line in the clouds. And this steam line could be much bigger than real aircraft. Or this cloud form can be made by using electric arc in the air. That thing allows to write or draw to the skies.

Picture I

What are mysterious islands, what are marked on maps, but what is not exist?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about islands, what has been on maps, but when the scientists or military went to the place, they would not find anything. The most famous of those exciting creatures are "Sandy island" and "Crocker island" what is marked to maps, but what does not exist.  The first one was marked in New Caledonia, and if that island would have existed, it belongs to French areas, what are beyond the sea.

The "Crocker" island is a place, what polar explorer Peary marked on the map, but this island is not actually existed. So why they are in the maps? The most common explanation for that mystery is that "Island" was the area, where naval vessels met their support ships for getting ammunition, powder and other merchandise. That rendezvous-area marked the island because the ships must find together in that area.

A quite small island would be good marking for the area, where the ships must wait for their opponents. The supply must be loaded in secrecy because if there were some kind of rebellion, those warships would not able to sail to harbors freely. And if the support ship would be uncovered, those cargo ships would be good targets for real warships. But when we are thinking about the lost islands in somewhere in the southern Pacific or Atlantic, we must understand that those islands, what are far away from civilization.

And if there would be tested some secret submarines or naval aircraft, those areas might be whipped off from Google maps. This thing helps keep those bases secret, and the conditions in the small islands are similar than in Aircraft carriers, but because there is no carrier crew, that would help to keep those planes secret. And in those islands can be set the cruise missiles, what can be quite big threat for ships in their range. Also, space rockets can be launched from those isolated islands. So that's why they might be erased from the maps. This could be some other explanation for missing islands.

Sandy Island

Crocker Island

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Why the New City Village at New Jersey, was abandoned? (Demon alley case)

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The New City Village was built for Newark waterworks workers in 1980's and then something strange happened, people left from that area, and left those quite new building empty. The leaving was so quick, that there were left the furniture and television in those houses. And of course, people are interesting, why this city left alone so quickly. There are rumors about some kind of massacre, but there are no police files about the violations. And in officially the city was abandoned in 1984 without any reason. But this case is very creepy and interesting because it has happened in 1980's when people were not believed in demons.

This case did not happen in the Medieval period, and those people were not especially superstitious, and this makes that case so interesting and creepy. Why would somebody be left the home full of furniture and drive away? There are many rumors and speculations about that case, and one is that Mafia was delivered the rumors about the bodies, what were buried in that area, and what can deliver deadly epidemics.

For the motive would be mentioned, that Mafia wanted to buy that area with cheap price, and that's why they wanted that people would flee from that area. In some other versions, the rumors were about chemical storage or secret nuclear waste dump, what was dug in the ground. And that would cause the panic. Other explanations are, that there were afraid that the carbon in some mining site, under the city was starting to burn, and those carbon mine burning can maintain several years. And the gases of the burning carbon could be poisonous.

One of the most interesting theory has been, that there would be some noise, what caused panic. That noise could be born naturally when the stones are moving under the city. Or it could be made on purpose. That voice could be mixed ultra- and infrasound, what makes the feeling very bad. This methodology has been used for extortion in the South African police, and that will be effective also when somebody wants to evict another person from the home.

If Mafia wanted the person to flee from the city they might tell the story of chemical or epidemics and then target those sounds to people, and the bad feeling would confess the target, that something is not all right. And then they would flee away. There would be interesting to interview the persons, who lived in that town and ask them the reason for their choices to leave suddenly the area. This case is very interesting, and I don't know are those people, who lived in that town just moved to another place, or have they disappeared forever.

Picture I

North-Korea did it again

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The North-Korean government did the same thing, what it made before, and continues improvements of the nuclear reactor. This is the thing, what many people expected because the nuclear program is a very good shield for that government. The nuclear weapon development of that state is the very interesting thing because these weapons are made for eliminating both, internal and external threats for that government. People of the world hoped, that the leaders of this country would keep their promises, but the truth is, that those people talk about other things and do other things. The reason, why Kim Jon Un met Donald Trump was clear, he wanted to win the time because the missiles of that country have changed problematic for other things, like food supply from China.

And now the North-Korean leader has continued the nuclear program of that country. Or somebody else has continued that program. In that country, nothing is like in normal state. Actually, the western nations would not even know, who is the real leader of that country, and there are rumors that somebody in the coulisses keeps the dictator in the hand. Actually, the official leader of that country Kim Jong Un is a member of the "Room 39", what is very secretive and powerful organization in the leading party of that country.

There are many other people in the party, who would not give their position easily. Many of those people are age over 50 and they have done more than Kim Jong Un, and their crimes are very big. The reality of the "Room 39" is that they would not always follow the orders of the leader, because if that state would be democratized those elder members of the party will get punishments for their crimes. The problem with the Worker's party of the North-Korea is that is the militaristic organization, what has the name "party". This party has been the tool for the power of Kim's family, but there are also other persons in the power.

And those other people would not always tell to Kim, what they are doing. They want to use their power behind the back of the leaders of the North-Korea. Of course, Kim's family is very powerful, but as I told they are not North-Korea alone. The foreign enemy would keep the nation homogeneous and gives mission for the military. And fast-changing policy guarantees that the North-Korea would have threats, what it can use for argue the power of the Worker's party, and the position of Kim's family in that organization, what have kept power in the North-Korea from 1950's.

Picture I

Clementine lunar probe and the strange backgrounds of that spacecraft

Clementine spacecraft
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In 1994 United States launched the new space probe to the Lunar Orbiter, and that probe got the name "Clementine". It was the first lunar mission of NASA after Apollo, and there were used many new kinds of sensors like CCD-cameras and another kind of systems, like radar, what mission was to look for the water on the moon. The clementine had the strange background because it was made by NASA and  BMDO (Ballistic Missile Defense Organization). 

The BMDO existence in this project has caused many rumors, that the real purpose of the "Clementine" mission was to look for Russian missiles or some other installations from the surface of the Moon. And the top of those rumors was of course, that the mission was made for locating the alien base from the Moon, and then the base could be intercepted by missiles, but this was of course only one hypothesis. 

There were many things, what was kept secret in the "Clementine" mission, and one of them was the reason, why BMDO took part in this project? Was there somebody, who believed, that there were sent secret nuclear weapons to the Moon by the Soviet Union? The nuclear systems could have the similar shape with Luna 16 probes, but I certainly hope, that those special nuclear missiles are only fiction. The Moon would be the perfect place for remote-controlled nuclear missiles, that can launch to the Earth and their targets by using remote control. The guidance of those weapons would be done with television and joystick. Or the warhead can use the image-identification system, what is brand new guidance method because it needs a quite much computer power. 

The reason, why BMDO was involved in this project is the mystery because that organization mission is to plane the ballistic missile defense tools like ABM-missiles and directed energy systems against ICBM. Above the text is a picture of "Clementine", and that spacecraft claimed to be different, and the real "Clementine" is mentioned be the football-shaped spacecraft, what would be covered the solar panels and light cells. The mission of those light cells would be that they can make 360 degrees image for the probe, what can use as the kinetic energy ammunition. 

Why I expect that is the vegetable "Clementine" is the ball-shaped thing and the spacecraft should have some connection with their names. And maybe the real "Clementine" was the ball, what mission was to demonstrate the way to make similar visibility as the bugs have. Another thing, what might be demonstrated could be, that could the CCD-chips replace the normal silicon panels, what makes the spacecraft more compact than using traditional structure. If the solar panels could also work as the cameras, they could warn the space probe incoming micro-meteorites.

Picture I

Gyrojet pistols and rifles -the attempt to make rocket projectile for handguns

13 mm. Gyrojet pistol
Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Gyrojet pistols and rifles were created in 1960's for using the rocket ammunition. The orderer of that unique weapon was United States military and the use of rocket ammunition would eliminate the shell of the cartridge, and that could cover the shooting point, what would give the dogs smell of those soldiers. The Gyrojet-weapons were meant for special forces, what would have troubles with the shells. The ammunition would accelerate after leaving the barrel, and that would make those weapons very effective.

One of the reasons for creating this weapon was the idea, that by using rocket ammunition would the pistol and rifle have the same firepower, and also the solution, where the same weapon fits all purposes would be attractive. In some solutions, the gyrojet would equip with the extended barrel and the removable stock, what would give the same accuracy to that gun, as the rifle has. This would remove the need for two guns and ammunition, what makes loading the gun easier. And because the same weapon fits different missions it would be suitable for special forces operators, who spent weeks behind the enemy lines.

And if the weapon should carry as the sidearm and sort range purposes, those extended barrels and stocks could be removed. This Gyrojet solution was the fiasco, as you might know, and the manufacturing of this weapon stopped in 1960's. But after that have been rumors, that military forces have tested Gyrojet-type rocket bullets, what are loaded with the standard ammunition. In this solution, the rocket ammunition would be used with standard assault rifles.

The diameter of that rocket would be same as the bullet, and when the assault rifle would be launched, the shell would be thrown away as the standard ammunition. The rocket ammunition would give more sensitive acceleration for ammunition, and that would make it suitable for smart bullets. Those bullets are actually miniature missiles, what would home to target with the miniature computer. And the aiming for those bullets happens with lasers. The structure of those smart bullets are the same as guided "Copperhead" ammunition, but they are smaller. That ammunition is planned to use in the positions like hostage rescue and anti-sniper operations. In those cases, the nano-robot would mark the target with the laser ray, and then the ammunition will take the target off.

Film I

Film II

Picture I

Silkhenge spiders and boosting the intelligence of animals

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above this text, you might see the mysterious creature, what is made for one spider. That structure is very abnormal, and it brought my mind the tests, where the animals are used for tests of Alzheimer-medicals or something like that. When I'm looking at this structure, I'd like to know what makes the spider make it? Have this spiders predisposes the stuff like Alzheimer medicals, what makes them behave strange way?

There are horror movies, where the sharks have eaten that kind of chemicals and became more intelligent as the normal sharks. I know that this might feel very utopistic, but there are rumors that in some tests to the ant's worms were injected extra neurons, what might make those ants more intelligent than normal ants. The reason, why those scientists chose ants for that process, is that they are not dangerous if there are only two or three individuals. If some spider would become extremely intelligent in compilation for the other individuals, that would cause the real-life "Arachnophobia" situation. But this is the only hypothesis. We would not know how the increase of the intelligence would influent those spiders behavior.

And those scientists tested the reactions of those ants, and their skills to survive against other ants. But in some cases, those tests might make by using spiders. This test might have consisted of the neuron transfer and Alzheimer medical predispose, what might make those spiders more intelligent than the spiders are. Is the spider or ant more intelligent than normal after the neuron transparent consists, if the transferred neuron can live in the new body and can it connect the nervous system?

If it could do that,  the animal would have more neurons than the normal individual. So, in this case, we are talking about very small animals like bugs and spiders, what have normally only about ten neurons. And increasing the number of those cells by two causes 20 percent increase the number of neurons. And if those neurons would work perfectly, they would become the part of that organism nervous system. That would make those things more intelligent than other individuals.

When we are thinking about this kind of tests and experiments, where the level of intelligence would be raised by giving the animal the Alzheimer medication or transferring the neurons, we must think that this kind of investigations is somehow dangerous. If the intelligence level of the sharks would increase, their behavior might be changed, and they can be more dangerous for swimmers than normal sharks. The increasing of intelligence means that behavior of the individual would change.

And when this kind of tests, where the bugs would be prone to that kind of medicals are made, should the maker of those tests be sure that those bugs would not get in nature. Bugs are very nice objects for that kind in investigations, where the team investigates the influence of medical on the nervous system because they are living only short time. Also, they are small sized, and if they are not poisonous, they are no threat to the human. The chemicals would not influence to genomes, and that's why the mutation would not transfer to next generation.

Picture I

Lastenvahdeista sekä työväestä ylipäätään

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Why is CIA so active in Central America?

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we looked the news ar 80's we saw every time, that CIA or some other United States intelligence organization was working intensively in Central America. Sometimes somebody asked, what is the problem if some Nicaragua or Costa-Rica moved to the socialist country? There is one thing, what makes this choice very bad for the United States. If some of those nations would turn to socialistic, they might call the Soviet- or Russian airbase to their territory.

By using this airfield the Soviet air force could operate near the United States borders and if the country has got harbors, the highly mobile missile systems might be transferred to that area. In the Cuban missile crises in 1962, the Soviet Union wanted to move their IRBM-missiles to Cuba. Those missiles were very primitive, and they must be tanked before the attack. And if the USAF would notice that the missile's tanks were filled, they could destroy those missiles by using napalm and cluster bombs. Those weapons could destroy fuel dumps and rockets of the missiles, and the radioactive pollution would be delivered all the area if the warheads of the missile will be damaged.

After the missile crises, the CIA have suspected that the Soviet Union or Russia had plans to bring SS-20 "Saber" or SS-25 "Sickle" (Topol-M) highly mobile missile systems to Cuba. Those highly mobile missiles could be driven to the places, where they are out of the sight, and because the fuel is stored in the missiles, they are very independent and highly mobile. Those missiles could be driven out straight from Il-76 cargo planes, and then they would be transported out of the sight. There were no signs of that kind of operation, but as we know that those highly mobile systems could transport to Cuba in very short warning period.

They must just drive in the cargo planes and then fly to the target. Those ballistic missiles would be most suitable for the mission because their fuel is inside the rocket, and structure of solid rocket fuel makes those missiles easier to handle than cruise missiles, what uses petroleum in their jet motors. In the high temperature, the petroleum can evaporate, and that's why in the tropic the tubes of those missiles must equip with the cooling system. That keeps the temperature of the missiles low and eliminates the vaporizing the fuel.

If liquid rocket fuel like highly poisonous Hydrazine starts to vaporize, would those missile crews wear the NBC-gas protecting suits, and start to pump that fuel to other tanks for decreasing the temperature of the chemicals. If there would be the leak, the highly toxic chemical can kill people and also pollute the ground. With Hydrazine would be used nitric acid, what can cause terrible burnings, and destroy the protective gear. If that chemical, what is used as the oxygenizing agent in the reaction would deliver to the ground, that would cause pollution.

The problem with that kind of operation is that those weapon systems are then far away from the mainland, what means that their crews are out of the political control. And that thing causes problems with this plans. There were rumors that those missiles would transport to Cuba without launching codes and necessary circuits if the crises would get deeper. And then some MiG or Sukhoi fighter would bring those stuff if that is necessary, but then those plans were abandoned because the KGB would not be sure could those fighters survive to Cuba in the real crises.

Picture I

About the codenames of the operations of national security

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about information, what CIA or NSA delivers, we must understand that there would be many operations and projects, what have the same name. And the accomplisher of the mission would determine the purpose of the project. So when we are thinking about Project or Operation "MAGNET", we might first analyze, what kind of thing is the "Magnet". It is the thing, what pulls other objects to it, and that's why I think that the real version of this project is to build "honeypot servers", what mission would be to catch hackers from the Internet.

"Honeypot" servers  are filled with the most addictive information, like drawings of the "top secret" military planes, but the information, what this kind of server involves is one problem, even those aircraft could be secret, the vital information has been changed, and the computer programs, what are in those servers contains very dangerous code. Those servers mission is to track the hostile operators from the Internet, and they are also used to deliver the "hoax-information".  When somebody would hack into the system,  the server would offer very much interesting information. The information, what hacker is searching helps to profile the employers of that person.

Criminals are interested in the names of the undercover agents, and the military intelligence is interested in the top-secret tanks and aircraft. The information what that hacker wants uncovers the reason and motive for that operation. By using those servers the intelligence might deliver information, what causes chaos in the targeted organization. And one of the best way to cause disorder in the drug cartels is delivered hoax information, that their best gunmen are working for DEA. This would cause the violence between those gangsters. The secret aircraft might be made with wrong materials, that means, they could be dangerous for their pilots.

Code, what is downloaded would link the homepages to other targets, what contains specially modified data. In the worst scenario, the MAGNET would set the "Trojan horse" type virus to the targeted system. That computer virus would be delivered in the files, what are downloaded. The code has been set in the place of "dead code", and then the virus would be connected by using robot program, what would connect those code lines. But also this server can replace the parts of the operating system with its own code, and that means, that operating system turns to computer virus, and the trick is quite easy in theory.

The place, where Windows or any other operating system downloads packages would be changed to another server, and then the server can replace all operating system with virus code. Those codes can also make possible to shut down the system in the critical moment.  And that could be devastating if it happens in the war. This is why that kind of servers must be dodged because they would take entire computer system in the control.

Picture I

Operation ROSEWOOD (When CIA catch the secret files of Stasi)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The main role of this operation called ROSEWOOD had the archives of Stasi, the ex DDR's secret police, what were delivered to CIA. The reason for that operation was, that western intelligence afraid that some Stasi operatives would try to destroy those files if they were got hands of BND, the German foreign intelligence service. The capturing of those files was called operation ROSEWOOD. CIA delivered some of the lists of the names, who were Stasi co-operatives to the fellow agencies like BND, BfV, and SUPO (Suojelupoliisi), what is the name of the intelligence office of Finland.

In Finland, those names were covered and kept secret by the chief of SUPO. In this text, I call the East German foreign intelligence HVA also as the name Stasi and even the ROSEWOOD operation officially ended, I must say, that CIA has taken copies of those files. Those copies would help CIA in its operations. Those files are basically public, but to see those files in Germany, needs the investigator permission. Those files consisted of three cards F-16 personal identification cards of Stasi, F-22 "happening cards" and statistics cards. The F-22 cards might be the operational reports, but this is only the speculation because I haven't seen those cards myself. F-22 might also be the map, where to find the information like records and shadowing reports, what is collected those persons by Stasi.

And somebody thought that the list those names were meant for the internal political weapon. And also the files, what CIA delivered maybe involved information, that those persons were worked active role as spies, who delivered information to DDR secret police. Many people believe that those names in that list were the top men in the business life, but there could also names, what belonged the officers of Finnish defense forces.

The hiding of that information was not very clever, because those persons forgot, that CIA had the same information, what it delivered to SUPO. And CIA would use that kind of weapons immediately if they are in threat. ROSEWOOD is the world, where can be written the world MAGNET as the crossword puzzle, what suppose mean, that this operation is meant for the honeypot. Those honeypots are information, what seems very addictive, but in the real world, all papers or files of that server are faked.

When CIA delivers the papers to fellow organizations, and then they compile, what kind of papers would be kept in secret by those fellow organizations? Also, there is the possibility for a puzzle world ARTICHOKE, what might mean that CIA would deliver faked information for hostile intelligence agencies. Some of those faked information might consist the claims that some enemy field agent plays double face game. That would cause the death of that person, if the damages, what this double agent has caused are big enough.

About this thing in Finnish

Monday, June 25, 2018

Thoughts about the movie "Sphere"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

"Sphere" is one of the most interesting SciFi-movies, what I have ever seen, and it is the tale of the thing, what comes from tomorrow, and makes all wishes to become true. This is the very good tale to make the nice little movie, but there is one other explanation, what could make those fictional cases, what happened in that movie. In the movie, those scientists face their worst nightmares, and near the end, they rise from the bottom of the sea to empty ship, where they wish that the mysterious "sphere" would leave the Earth.

This movie could also tell about government test, where those scientists would be connected with together by using EEG-machines, and the computer would deliver their thoughts to every member of the team by using brain core stimulation. This kind of fictional test would be made for creating the system, what is connecting human brains straight to computers. And one thing, what those computer specialists must make, is the filter, what cuts off the nightmares from that system.

So in this version, those scientists would be given anesthesia, and then their brains would be connected to the computers. If the system could not filter the fears, they would be delivered to every member of the team, and that would cause the ultimate Virtual Reality experience. If this kind of test would be done in the deep sea, it can be fully controlled. Every information, what is collected will travel thru the Navy, and nothing can be published without permission of the naval officers.

In this fictional test, those scientists can be put in the sleep in the midget submarine by using nitrous oxide, and they would ever be seen, that those people were in some kind of tests. So this kind of thoughts that movie brought in my mind. If we someday will put our brains straight connection with computers, we would make the ultimate computer, what can also create new things. The major problem with the computers is that they cannot make anything new, and they would not have any kind of imagination.

That's why computer's movements on the chessboard and other computer games are very well predictable, what is their biggest weakness. The human would win the computer in most computer games after a couple of training games because the gamer starts to remember the corners, where the opponent is coming. And this thing makes possible to win the computer, and play the game thru. In the same way, the gamer starts to remember the game areas in some action games, and this makes the person, who have tested those paintball tracks before very effective.

Technically we need only EEG-machine, decoder, and the electric shock equipment, what would make the brain core stimulation and allows two ways of communication between human and computer. And if we sometimes would make that machine, we can make the computer, what is so intelligent as we want. We can, in theory, connect even all mankind to supercomputers, but there would be many ethical and moral problems with that kind of advantage. Technology is the very interesting thing, and it would not always follow the moral or even the law.

Miten oikea esiintyjä vetoaa yleisöönsä?

This is what the orbital railgun would look like

Illustration picture
Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In this picture is an artist impression of the combat spacecraft, and it could be one version of "Project Thor", what was mentioned for the high power railgun, what is planned to send to the orbiter. In fact, the "Thor" was not pure railgun, what would use the pure magnetic accelerator. This system was mentioned to be like the extremely powerful airgun. Behind the accelerator was a chamber, what was filled with the hydrogen and oxygen gases, and then this gas combination would be ignited with the electric arc, and that would push the iron projectile to the accelerator.

Then the magnetic rail would give extra speed to that projectile. That magnetic accelerator could have the capacity, that it can be pulled inside the satellite, that nobody sees it from outside. The rail would be kilometers long, and it can be made extremely thin cables and magnets. In the empty space, the rail would need no tube, and that's why it could be very light. This system could accelerate the nail at the speed of 30 000 to 100 000 kilometers per hour, and in that speed, the impact power would be so high, that this weapon can cause similar damages, as the nuclear warhead.

The United States Air Force would be reported that the  6.1 meters long and 0,3 meters thick tungsten cylinder, what have the speed of Mach 10 could have same impact energy as the 11.5 tons of TNT. In this scenario, the railgun seemed like some revolver, where the tungsten arrows were in the revolver-type drum, what would be rotating, and turn the next arrow to the port of the rail. This system might have more deadly models, where would be used longer rails and more electric powers than this original "Odin" system. And this kind of system can someday turn the impacting asteroid away from Earth, but it can also be used for orbital bombardment.

Rail of this machine could be pulled inside when it would not be in use. This system can work with the nuclear reactor, but also solar panels are suitable for that device. When the weapon would be launched, the same mass of fuel must be burned in opposite side of the tube, that the aiming of that system would not be changed. There are rumors, that there would be planning of the even more powerful railgun than this device.

The rumors tell that "Project Odin" could be series of satellites, what would be docked together, and thru those satellites would go the accelerator trajectory. That modular system could give same speed as the "Hadron" accelerator. And the iron ammunition could travel near the speed of light to the target. The iron nail what travels the 90% of the speed of light would have so much impact power, that it would destroy the planets like Jupiter.

Picture I

This makes machines so terrible in the military purpose

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

After this text is one short film, what crystallizes the reason, why robots are so terrifying military machines. What makes robots so fascinating soldiers, is that they follow always the orders. Robots would not think the same way as we do, and their thinking bases the linear programming. The term "linear programming" means that the robot would follow the program if there would not be interrupts. In some scenarios, the superpowers would start together and then they would send the robot spacecraft to the far away beyond the Kuiper belt. Those robot spacecraft missions would make the attack against the enemy by using some "doomsday" weapon, in the case, where the own side would be destroyed.

This scenario is straight from the hypothesis, that there would be patrolling the robot submarines at the sea, what are ready to shoot their missiles if they get orders to use their nuclear missiles or the signal to command base would be cut. This scenario is very terrifying because nobody hasn't thought the scene, where the communication between the base and robot vehicle would be cut by reason of technical problems in the probe. In this scenario, the central computer of the probe would start the attack against the predicted enemy.

Even the conflict has been ended, those robot drones continue their mission, and that makes them so terrifying weapon. Those drones would send to Kuiper belt, and then they would be in there for waiting orders, and there would not be corrosion in that distance from the Sun. Then the "everything Ok" signal would be cut, and the probe will start to operate. When we are thinking about the techniques, what those fictional probes I hope,  would be used, could be very terrifying and advanced.

They might be equipped with Von Neumann-factories, what can build the repair parts for the probe, and the same factories would be used to make ammunition for the rail guns of that machine. But in the worst scenario those probes could make copies of themselves, and even we have sent one of those intelligent probes to Universum, we might face the situation, where there would be thousands of those military probes. I hope that this writing is only fiction, and this program is only in my head.

But who knows, what military leaders in the Moscow and Washington think? This kind of drones would be the replacer for nuclear missiles, but if they would equip with rail guns, what would accelerate the speed of ammunition near the speed of light, could those systems destroy even the planet. The kinetic energy in those high power railguns would be so devastating, that the Earth will face same fate with planet Mars. And that's why this kind of technology will be devastating in the wrong hands.

The film I mentioned 

Picture I

Deep blue dune found on Mars

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

NASA:s probe has been found deep blue dunes on Mars-planet and those dunes might be the Copper sulphate , what might involve the water in the crystals, what means that water might be used in the water supply for the Mars flight. Those dunes are looking exciting, even without the crystal water, and they are marks, that sometimes there is been oxygen in the atmosphere of that planet. But as we know this would not mean anything, and if we want to know about the life of this planet, we must search the fossils of the bacteria much more intensive and they should find in the larger area, that behind one rock.

If there would be found the fossils only in the one rock, that means that those bacteria have come from somewhere else. What means that the origin of these bacteria is not Mars. And in this case, we should investigate the DNA or genomes of those fossils. If those fossils are from Earth, what means that their genomes are similar with the cyanobacteria on Earth, there would be some reason, why those bacteria are found on Mars.

And one reason could be that somebody has made secret spaceflight to Mars or those drones, what are send to that planet were not sterilized soundly. Or some meteorite would be transferred those bacteria to the Red Planet. Here is one question, what I sometimes wonder, and that is, what has been happened to the parachutes of the probes, what are sent to that planet? Or have some Mars-rover took any pictures of landed probes like Viking or Soviet Mars probes.

Those pictures would be great to see, and when we are thinking about the high rate of failures of those probes, we might get answers, why those probes send data only less than a minute from the surface of that planet? Soviet scientists tried to send the Mars-rover to that planet, but that was the failure. And as you might see from the link below, there are very much failures in the Mars missions, and the reason for that would be nice to find out.

There have been rumors, that somebody would sabotage the missions to Mars on purpose, but another question is, why would somebody do those things.  But as you see the list of those missions, many of them have faced the fate in failures, and the data would not be been get from those flights. And why there are no pictures of other probes or parachutes in the net? Those questions are very interesting things.

List of Mars missions:

Picture I

Sunday, June 24, 2018

What if we would combine the HULC-exoskeleton and space suit

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

This writing is pure fiction. I took the idea for it from the movie "Predator", and this solution would be pure science fiction. The space suit is very suitable for deep-sea scuba diving, and also the use of this equipment in high-level radioactive areas feels a good idea, but there is one problem with that suit. The weight of the space suit is enormous, and the weight of this system causes, that it is useless in this kind of missions. But with one special equipment, this thing can revolutionize the handling of nuclear disaster and diving technologies. This equipment is HULC-style exoskeleton, what allows the capacity to use the space suit in the surface of Earth. The exoskeleton would give extremely big power to the person, who uses that machine. The space suit is suitable also in deep-sea missions because the suit is very hard. Actually, the space suit is a man-shaped spacecraft.

And in theory, the team, what uses this equipment can be dropped from the spacecraft to operational area, and the space suit is hard enough to resist the pressure of the deepest sea. Those persons can carry the heat shield, what looked like shields, what the knights used, and they can return to the atmosphere. Then the parachutes would be open, and those persons could start their operation in the deep sea or in the radioactive area. Those systems are very expensive, but they can be allowed to operate in the areas, what is too hostile for normal rescue or operative team.

The space suits can allow getting the things from the sunken ships, what are very deep.  The connecting that very heavy thing with HULC-system, could the operator also work in the places like the nuclear disaster. The space suit can allow that the man can handle the uranium fuel without risk of getting radiation illness, but this would make very bad visions in my sight. Space suits are equipped with the thing, what is called the "micrometeorite protection". That means that this suit could be used as the armor suit, what would resist all kind of threats. The suit can be equipped with RTG-generator and lasers. The laser would be in the back of the operator, and the laser rays can be transferred to the arms by using light cables. And the RTG would give enough power to that system. The exoskeleton would give enough force, that one person could carry this kind of equipment.

When we are thinking, that the space suit would be used as some kind of "predator" mission, that thing can also be equipped with the nuclear detonator. The nuclear detonator could be modified RTG-generator, where would be connected with another bite of plutonium. Power of that device would be extremely low, what means about 0,5-2 kilotons. The military might be interested in this kind of devices because they would cover the identity of the operator if this person would be injured. The space suit allows avoiding the DNA markings of the operator, and it will be very hard, and maybe in some laboratories are tested, how suitable this thing would be in some kind of missions. But the high price of that system would limit its use to the space missions. This thing could be very good equipment in some science fiction book, and in the real life, the space suit can be too expensive in the everyday use.

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Titanic: the thoughts about myth and legend of that ship.

RMS Titanic by Bill Cannon
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The next text is only my personal thoughts about the case, of the ship named "Titanic".  I don't know how well the scenes of movies are following the real life, and how well the real Titanic were modeler in the movie, what carried her name?  But here I begin the hypothesis, that Titanic was modeled exactly similar, what it was in 1912.  Below the text is a scene from the film "Titanic", and there are some things, what are not mentioned, and one of them is, why there were no loudspeakers in the command bridge of that ship? If there would be the emergency situation the guards of the ship, would not get information about the problem if they would not hear the telephones. In the evasion maneuver is another thing, what might go wrong. I don't know if this maneuver possible by using steam engines, but why the chiefs of that ship didn't order other steam engine run backward?

This would help the evasion maneuver, and the contact with iceberg could be escaped. When we are looking at the scene, could there be some problems with the rudder? There were many things, what went wrong in that night between 14 and 15. April 1912, and one was that the ship was faced the unexpected iceberg.  The reason, why this ship sunk is the hole in the bow, of the Titanic. The hole would not be devastating if the ship were not too fast. There were installed the small-pressure Parsons-turbine at the center propelś axel.

This gave the extra speed for Titanic, but her bulkheads were too thin for the pressure, what the hit to iceberg caused. There are other explanations, and one was that there was the small bomb at the bow. The bomb would not able to sink the ship in the normal circumstances, but the speed was too fast, and that caused too much pressure against Titanic bulkheads. Those persons, who believe the thermite-bomb have explained this theory. that there were members of IRA in the ship and many of them could be wanted by the British authorities.

Those people were tried to set up their death, because, if their identities were uncovered, those persons would be hang. The third explanation would be that there were some torpedo-tests at the sea, what were made by submarines or aircraft,  and because the captain of the Titanic was driven by the unexpected route, those test devices were made the horrible mistake, and shoot the torpedos to the wrong target. There was one ship, named California, what was the name of the battleship. This ship could send the wrong position to Titanic because her crew had got some secret mission.

But there is no proof about it. And this idea came straight to my head, and I will introduce it here without any evidence about criminal conspiracies or something like that. Maybe this thing would explain, that this ship was not rescued those people, who survived from Titanic. But they are only rumors or hoax stories, and the official reason is, that RMS Titanic sunk, because she hit to iceberg at the Atlantic. Or as the modern way would say, Titanic sunk because the hole of the bow and that caused a leak, what sunk the ship. There is one little detail in the sinking, and that is, why the back didn't explode, because the air would be packed in the closed space.

The second one is did the propellers of the ship rotating during sinking process? If they were rotating, there could be pressure in the ships steam engines, and where the pressure has been if the boilers were torn off their positions. There is one very interesting explanation for the phenomenon, and that is if there would be induction motor at the place of the steam turbine. But why that thing would be hidden? So this is only thoughts about this phenomenon, what have not certain observations.  And the last question is, why the radio-operator of Titanic send the alarming message in the form CQD/SOS, what could make this signal better to understand? Titanic is the myth and legend. The overbooked ship, what was hit to the iceberg, and where the people show unbelievable courage when they were waiting for their death.

The film:

Picture I:

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...